henrysalternateaccount 10 hours
fuuuuck i need you
i was so dependant on you, i loved ypu so much. so so much. god i loved you yet you didnt.
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henrysalternateaccount 23 hours
i kept my word, welcome to my alt!
here you'll find my shitposts, my delirious rants, and my vents, along with their art.
be warned lol mwah
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I know this is so out of character of me but im fucking angry.
a rant about a certain someone of a certain situation in a certain fandom
warning! this rant includes mentions of grooming!! extreme hatred!! and so on and so forth about false accusations. be warrned!1!1!1 yk how wdy twt is in the first place.
fuck you. literally all of you. i hate every single one of you and you all deserve the worst. i defend my brother due to the harrasment he got over nothing, quite literally false accusations that stemmed from some petty little shits who didnt like him becaude he was an s.o fan, and an anthem fan due to a hyperfixation (which are mind you: most of the time hyperfixations are out of the persons control, you'd know that if you actually had a grasp on how a hyperfixation works dipshit) of anthems work which includes his music and general projects like s.o. he doesnt even support anthem anymore yet a funny little guy named austin decided to worsen the allegations made by jae after kyle (literally out of fear) put him and his associates on his dni (which he has every right to do!!) and out of some impulse filled rage i assume called kyle a fucking groomer.
dude. what? kyle did nothing, literally nothing. it was word against word and you decided to use his vulnerability of being a combo s.o and anthem fan to paint him as some sort of fucking monster. you actually have the audacity to call me a "story twister" (keep projecting you sack of shit) when you made my brother seem like a fucking weirdo when in reality you just didnt like him for being an s.o fan. OH AND HERES THE FUCKING KICKER!!! you all had no evidence due to this all "being on vc" when THATS ALL FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! THEY SAID THAT SHIT BECAUSE THERE WAS JO FUCKING PROOF IN THE FIRST FUCKKNG PLACE!!! he never groomed jae in the first place and you all KNOW that. you knew that in fact, and you still do yet you delude yourself into thinking they're a victim when reality in this situation they're not, and make actual victims of such look like a joke, victims like MYSELF and OTHERS a joke. jae shouldve spoke up about his uncomfortability about everything, instead of cry in silence because he didnt know how to stand up for himself.
tell me, how could kyle have known? thats the thing!! he didnt. he was clueless to the situation and, jaes age aswell. he would literally keep his age from kyle chat, and jae acting like everything was okay just made kyle assume everything was okay. he didnt know, he couldn't have when he when jae made it seem like he was fine with being in the s.o server, when he was fine being called cute (as a joke.) Kyle isn't a groomer, the definition of a groomer is a person preparing another person for literal abuse, and kyle wasn't doing that, at all. You throwing around words related to actual fucking crimes because you didn't like someone because of THEIR interest, and manipulating literally every single one of your associates into believing your falsified bullshit is fucking crazy. i don't know how they don't question your authority in the situation but i guess your just that good at getting away with it you fucking monster.
You're the manipulator here, the fucking story twister, the ableist one. You manipulated everyone in the fandom into actually believing your shit and I'm angry, wrathful, fucking pissed you're actually getting away with it due to the excuse that "you're moving on!!" If you genuinely were you wouldn't fucking attack me and harass me with your goons for calling you out for your bullshit. Someone actually moving on from their mistakes would apologize, and leave it. Do you want to know why I said you shouldn't have "crossed my path?" as in interacted with me, call me fucking names like some immature crybaby? Because I do shit like this when someone I hate does. I hate you. Kyle told me what happened between you, Jae, and himself and due to a similar experience I've had in real life I'm going to let you know I fucking despise you, Austin. You're the monster here, you're the manipulator here, and you. Are the ableist piece of shit here. (Me getting mad at someone's alter for being rude to me isn't ableist btw, dunno why you'd think such, I'll get mad at who I want for being rude to me. and yes i believe alters are ppl so shut it.) Austin, here's my point, and here has always been my point:
You were wrong, and you're not admitting it. You shouldn't support a liar. Just fucking apologize to Kyle, this got so bad he dropped school dude. Dropped. School. The fact you don't even see you tormented him into doing so is fucking sick. If you were actually moving on you wouldn't attack me, him, or anyone defending him. You should be ashamed of yourself and your actions.
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god why didnt you love me
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funfact nnn!!! i love photography!!!
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