henryknight · 4 days
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——- ❝ There will definitely be a moment, just need to kinda plan i suppose. sometimes it's easy to do as i spend time with my sister, but other days she's rather needy for the attention. ❞ he spoke with a fond smile as he always did actually enjoy when athena got needy. those were they days they'd just do things like watch movies or go to a park — for example. ❝ really, i think athena is all i need. the rest of my family can be a lot so, i'm glad to have her. ❞ henry full on laughed at her words, never expecting anyone, especially at the bar to want to know so much about it. it was pretty much foreign to him. ❝  it's nothing, i promise. i tease and small talk many, just not as many tease back, i suppose. it's why i kinda remember him. ❞ the brit always replayed how he first got to wilmington in his mind and there was so much he kept to himself about how it truly was but he did honestly share the general with falak. the other details weren't something he was entirely proud of, such as his break up with someone he almost married and how much that effected his leave as well. ❝  it's all been truly a lot, but — i'm doing quite well for myself. i had no idea i'd be inspiring or impressive but, thank you, darling. ❞ as he said this he went ahead and got her a glass of water, setting it down before her, taking a brief glance around to see if anyone else needed something before leaning against the bar again. ❝  oh, well that's interesting. have you always enjoying living here from before and now ? i hope college went well for you. i think it's clear i went for mixology — what about you though ? ❞
“Oh I can imagine that must be so hard, especially with work and then having a little one to take care of as well,” she nodded at his words before smiling as she continued taking a sip of her drink, intrigued by his story. She always found most of the bartenders she met to be quite interesting so this was no surprise that her connection with Henry was instantaneous. When he spoke about his family, she found herself sighing softly at his words about not being sure if his relationship wit his older sister would get rectified at all. “I am sorry to hear that but…at least you have Athena." She told him with a grin before nodding at his words and chuckling softly. "I feel like you need to tell me about this guy now—I'm invested officially,” she told him. When the conversation shifted to his move to Wilmington, she found herself listening in detail and wondering just how stressful that could’ve been to make the move to a brand new place like that. “Wow--I'm so inspired really Henry. Not only by you taking responsibility of your sister but the fresh start and having the courage for that. I'm super impressed really." She finished up her drink and asked for a water just to ensure she didn't get too tipsy just yet. “I’ve actually just come back a couple months ago—but otherwise this place used to be home until I left for college. It’s a bit surreal to be back, but it's nice to see how much has changed and how much has stayed the same.” 
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Everything he heard from her, he agreed. henry was pushing so hard to provide, and sometimes he didn't just focus on himself and being a bit more present for his little sister. ❝  no — you're right. it's just.. doing this whole single parent thing, is honestly a lot. i never imagined raising a child, let alone my little sister on my own as basically her sole care taker. ❞ he was still trying to get a handle of it all, despite it being almost four years of raising her. ❝  yeah — okay. i think i can do that. ❞ the day off did sound pretty good, and he could use more quality time with athena after all. seeing the light in mahi's eyes when he spoke of his music, henry couldn't help but smile warmly. ❝  definitely and i am proud of it, for sure. i actually never thought to preform here. i'll admit — it's crossed my mind sometimes, but definitely not been something i actually considered doing. think i should ? ❞
Her heart twisted, listening to Henry. Her expression softened as she took in the weight on his shoulders. It couldn’t be easy. "I get it, Henry. Really, I do," Mahi said quietly. "Taking care of family is no small feat. But you can't pour from an empty cup, you know? I admire your dedication to your sister. It's clear you're doing everything you can for her. But burning yourself out won't help either of you in the long run." Her brain kicked into overdrive, trying to figure out how to help without being pushy. Then she suggested, "Why don't you take tomorrow off? Get some rest, spend time with Athena. The club will manage without you for a day, I promise." Her face lit up when he mentioned his music. "That's fantastic about your music being in acting projects! You should be proud of that accomplishment. Have you thought about performing here at Soundwave sometime? It could be a great way to get more exposure."
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- The smile on henry's face just thinking about his sister right now and how she's always be so happy to see him when he was home. she was easily his entire world — and the only family he had in wilmington. the rest of his family was back in manchester and he really didn't want to see any of them. ❝  yeah, she's everything to me, really. ❞ he said simply as he was working so hard now to provide for them. a soft chuckle came from the brit before flashing a warm smile towards layla. ❝  thank you. i'm definitely pretty determined to make them all happen and i plan to keep trying until i do. ❞ the drive he had was what got him this far in life, so easily could make it all happen in time. ❝  oh, i definitely believe it and seriously, make respect for what you do. ❞ the blond said before thinking for a moment. ❝  thanks. um — i never really thought of that. i just write and usually record with my piano or guitar. so far i've done a couple films, a couple shows and got my musical hand in on those as well. ❞
Layla nodded, a smile spreading across her face as she listened to Henry speak about his sister and his aspirations. "It's wonderful to hear how much joy your sister brings you," she said. "Family is so important." Her mind briefly flashed to her own siblings, and how important they were to her life. She leaned forward slightly, and added. "I love your ambition. Actor, musician, and bar owner—that's quite the trifecta. With your drive, I wouldn't be surprised if you achieved all three." Layla chuckled at his comparison to a golden retriever. "Being open and friendly is definitely an asset. In my line of work, building relationships is crucial. It sounds like you have the perfect personality for the entertainment industry. What kind of music do you play? And have you been in any productions yet?"
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Gently reaching into his pocket to finish out a pack of cigarettes before taking a couple out and handing them to the other. ❝  sucks what happened to yours but i can definitely spare you a couple. i've been working on quitting but — bad habits die hard. ❞ henry explained simply before looking at the little girl beside him, gently running his fingers through her long brown hair. ❝  yeah, she's alright. ❞ as much as he'd usually correct, honestly — raising his little sister since birth had him feeling like she was his own and he never once regretted it. ❝  are you alright, by the way ? ❞
Ryat caught the backward glance, his own curiosity breaking him as he tiled her his head some to see what was behind him. He didn't make out a good image, but he was able to tell it was a child. He bought his attention back upon the man before him, taking a minute to process his question before nodding. "Yeah, sorry -- I dropped my pack and they're kind of trashed now. Just wanted to know if you had one to spare." He explained, before pointing his chin towards the man, "Your kid okay?"
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Joining without hesitation to be an ear for him — it was almost like henry's bartending job. he just was always willing to listen and provide the best he could for his customers. others in town was no exception. ❝  well it's a nice thing to care, first off. secondly we can be glad she's okay and hope it doesn't happen again right ? ❞ he offered as he surely didn't know ember the way irza did. henry was still getting out and around wilmington more these days. the first couple months with his little sister he hid away, just finding her to be his main and only focus. ❝  a bit — but it's nice you're friends now. ❞ he gave a soft grin as he rested his hands on the table together. ❝  that's definitely something to be curious about. and — can i ask why this one particular feels personal ? ❞ this just definitely showed the brit that irza truly cared for ember. of course their story wasn't for him to know unless provided, but he was always open to listening.
"Please join me. If anything, I could use the distraction." Irza said heading over to the table and dropping into a chair like his bones had suddenly turned to lead. When he glanced at Henry, it was clear he appreciated the guy's willingness to listen without judgment. "I can't stop thinking about what happened to Ember. The attempted kidnapping... it's shaken me more than I'd like to admit." He fumbled for words, clearly struggling. "Weird, right? I didn’t care about her for years. Now, we’re actually friends.” He slumped back in his chair, his gaze wandering around the coffee shop before it landed back at the other. "I keep wondering who would do this, and why," he went on, his forehead creasing. "I feel responsible for the safety of everyone in Wilmington, but his feels personal." 
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Giving benji a grin from the stage before taking a deep breath — his green eyes looking between everyone else around before closing his eyes for a moment. he kept them such as the song started before he'd open them again and slowly let himself feel the music as it went on. henry even managed to dance a bit as he sang giving the best show he'd imaging giving if he got his music out there. the moment it was all over he stepped off the stage, getting back to his seat next to his friend. ❝ would it be hard to believe if i said i've never done that before ? ❞ he inquired as he took his drink and taking a sip from it.
benji wasn't sure that he was going to talk his friend into doing it or not but the moment he watched him get up and head toward the stage, he grinned in amusement. "right. good luck!" he called out behind the other. benji leaned back in his seat, bringing his drink up to his lips and prepared himself to cheer his friend on.
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Holding out his hands as he shrugged — a smirk still plastered on his lips. ❝  you might be right. i guess i should take the night off before i mistaken you for another and give you their drink instead. ❞ henry proudly teased back, chuckling a bit. being as closed off as he was for a bit, he really didn't have many connections for a bit. it was just work and small talk. outside of work it was trying to make music/acting happen and raising his little sister. one thing for sure was henry was all for making a good drink, good small talk and always being a friendly kind-hearted person. ❝  a real beauty, i know. it's what i do. ❞ the brit said with a slight laugh, but truly he was proud to make drinks look as good as they tasted. hearing the respond back, almost made him blush with minor embarrassment. ❝  oh my god — no, not at all. it's just.. i don't really hang out with anyone after work usually. just go home and spend time with my sister. but — if you really want to, i think that'd be alright. ❞
"It's like you got amnesia or something lame like that, bud." Rio teased, being able to tell by the other man's teasingly smile and tone. They weren't exactly friends, but Rio had been a regular at Soundwave since he came to town, finding the atmosphere really fun and easy to meet people. A nice bartender that knew how to make freat drinks was a fun extra, for sure. "Yes! Look at that drink. Thanks, man." He grinned widely, sipping from it and sighing happily right after. "You don't wanna hang out? Do you think I'm boring?"
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Chuckling slightly before checking his pants pockets and placing anything from them inside his jacket before taking that off. ❝  well, i suppose i could — just so i know what it's like after all. ❞ henry said looking at eddie for a moment with a slight smirk before taking a couple steps and leaping into the pool fully clothed as well. at first he went completely under before his head came up and he looked back towards the other. ❝  this will probably be a lot less fun once we get out of here and our clothing is hanging damp against our bodies. ❞
he wasn't sure what he expected but he wasn't exactly excited to be in the pool with all of his clothes on. eddie just didn't want to seem lame to the other in front of him which was why he'd done it in the first place. "well, if i did it, doesn't that mean that you should too?" he asked, peering up at the other in front of him.
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- There was apart of henry that wanted to freak out — to panic himself, but for his little sister, athena, he was going to try and keep to himself. nothing good happened in the dark. though could be thoughts from reading too much from books to online stories and legends. one way to easily mess with one's mind and leave them a bit paranoid. ❝  hello ❞ the small almost four year old girl said, wave at the woman with a soft smile on her face, being as polite as possible. ❝  hey. and no — we're good. probably not an ideal place to run into new faces though, surely. ❞ right now he was just grateful he had his phone with him, fully charged from before he left, a battery pack just in case that he always brought and that athena was with him. if not - there was a chance he'd surely be worse off right now.
Panic had settled at the pit of her stomach, making her slightly nauseous. Since childhood, Jemma had this unreasonable fear of being in the dark for long. Intrusive thoughts found their way from the back of her mind all the way to the front, drowing every last drop of rationality yet she still managed to take a deep breath, breathe out and pick her phone from her back pocket to use as a guiding light. The bright screen blinded her for a moment until she was able to turn on the flashlight and lock it. Her features suddenly softening when the light fell upon a small girl. "Hey there," she greeted, forcing a small smile. Her eyes flicked to the man with the little girl. "Hello to you, too! I didn't hurt any of you, did I?"
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henryknight · 4 days
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——- Henry wasn't the most famous currently — he had a couple movies and a show under his belt, also dabbled in music for his own and for works he's in. it was definitely something he was still working on getting there more. ❝  oh — wow, that's a lot. well, i hope you have a nice time tonight. ❞ he gently played along with his bracelet with a slight chuckle. ❝  i um — i've been around for a few years now actually. just kept to myself a lot until more recently. ❞ he admitted.
Amos shrugged, not really keeping town. He'd been a local, then started becoming famous in his teens. "I want to say at least ten times. I don't come to all of them, really depends on if I like the current Mayor or if people that I like are attending." He admitted. Amos wasn't really the most political person, but he knew this year it mattered for multiple reasons. "I hear your accent. Are you just visiting us? Can't say I know a lot of Brits in town."
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henryknight · 10 days
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henryknight · 14 days
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——- Since he was young, henry had a love for music. it helped him in so many ways not many things did — and it's how he knew it was what he wanted to be. it wasn't until he was a bit older he was told a lot he'd be great in acting with his sarcastic jokes and being fake dramatic — mostly these with friends. so it spawned the career he was after — but he did love bartending as well, and would always have it in case he didn't make it with pride. ❝  thank you ! i plan to release more soon just — figuring out when with raising a little one and work, you know. ❞ he was truly thank for his little sister, athena — she was easily his entire world and he couldn't see his life without her. raising her was a job he'd happily take over and over. however the mention of his older sister and the future — he winced some. ❝  not so sure there. not after what my older sister put me through. not sure i could ever forgive her or even trust her again. ❞ henry shared simply with a shake of his head, truly not wanting to ever be in contact with his older sister ever again. ❝  well, i truly appreciate it and might have to consider one of my two favourites. the other is this guy i enjoy teasing. ❞ the blond smirked, chuckling some. a good connection with any customers made this job a bit more worth it, as their was days it got shit with not the best customers. another chuckle came from the brit at the mention of his accent. ❝  yes, how aussie i am is truly shining, ❞ he joked. ❝  i loved it back home in england and apart of me will always miss it but — i had an incident with an ex and family that actually lead me to just feeling like i needed a fresh start. all i had with me was my little sister, just after she was born. my mum just wanted her to have the best life and we weren't the richest family so — i took her in my care ever since. ❞ he explained with a soft grin. ❝  how long as you lived around here ? ❞
Maybe because Falak too was associated to the creative side of things, she truly valued others who shared similar aspirations. And for her music was almost therapeutic in a lot of ways so her interest was absolutely piqued when Henry admitted to being in the entertainment industry. “One single is still impressive!” Falak told him with a smile before reaching for her phone to try and search for his single. When she caught sight of the smile on his face at the mention of his sister, she couldn’t help but smile back. This was truly a relationship she'd never be able to understand but that didn't stop her from being envious of all the people who had siblings in their lives. “I’m sorry to hear that about you and your older sister, but I’m glad you have one sister you're close to at least…and who knows, things can always get better in the future?" Falak took another sip of her drink before looking back at him and smiling. “Well then please know I'm honoured to be that customer for you," she told him with a smile before she dropped the tip in the jar and told him to make sure he kept it for himself. "Okay good," she nodded before glancing at the other who had given her attitude, even though it was thanks to that whole interaction that she'd ran into Henry in the first place. “So--tell me what brought you to this side of the world? Because that accent is definitely not from these parts.” 
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henryknight · 14 days
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——- Her words hit him and finally, henry let out a defeated sigh. he was truly exhausted but it wasn't anyone's fault but his own. there was days he'd take extra hours just to try and do something for athena and not think. plus trying to get his whole acting and music careers going — he was surely closed to catching illness or passing out if he did breathe some. taking a deep relaxed breath before speaking as honestly as possible. ❝  alright — i admit, this is on me. i overwork myself, but i have this kid — my little sister, athena. i wanna give her the best. i'm basically her only parent at this point. it's a lot to try making it as some actor musician, working here — which i love, and caring for her. ❞ he explained, the sound leaving him after just sounded like he was drained. ❝  i um — i'll try and accept more help and not overdo it. i'll work on it. ❞ finally he gave a real smile that night, definitely making a mental note to start changing things after tonight. maybe take tomorrow off to just rest as well. so much for part time. ❝  yeah — i um, i'm a musician, just still getting out there. got some of my music in acting projects - still working on making it more of a career for me still. ❞
She'd been around the block enough times to spot someone running themselves ragged. His words didn't match the exhaustion in his eyes, and she knew that look all too well. Was she working him too hard? She could only hope not. "I appreciate your dedication, Henry," Mahi said softly, her voice barely audible over the thumping music. "But remember, you're more than just an employee here. We're a team, and your health matters." She smiled reassuringly. "The club will still be here if you need to take a breather. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, okay? We've got your back.—Enough of my nagging. I’m sure you have other things to do with your time. I do believe you're a musician, are you not? Tell me about what you do outside this.” 
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henryknight · 14 days
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——- At this point, his little sister was like a daughter to him — especially being out here with him and living her best life, away from the family. ❝  my life is definitely better with her and i couldn't be happier. ❞ he said simply with a soft grin. ❝  that's an idea and trust me — i'll not give up on any of it. might be interested to be a musician, actor and a bar owner. ❞ he spoke as if he was officially planning this — but it'd take time, baby steps first. ❝  that and i'd say being open and friendly gets me pretty far. for the most part i want to be like — everyone's friends. ❞ the blond laughed a bit, but really he was about as friendly as a golden retriever.
Layla's eyes softened. It was clear Henry loved his sister by the way he spoke about her. She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I can see how much she means to you. It's admirable how you've stepped up to care for her." Her interest piqued by his aspirations. "There's no reason you can't pursue multiple passions," she encouraged. "Plenty of celebrities have side businesses. A bar could be a great investment for you down the line." If anything, he was being smart. You should never put all your eggs in one basket and all that. Chuckling at his last comment, she raised an eyebrow. "Charming is pretty accurate assessment so far. And charm goes a long way in this world. It's definitely an asset in any industry." She took another sip of her latte, feeling surprisingly at ease in the conversation. It wasn't often she got to chat so casually with someone new. Most of her interactions revolved around work these days. This was nice.
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henryknight · 21 days
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——- Offering a friendly smile towards the other as he put his hands in his pockets and naturally — henry was a fidgter, nervous or not, he had to do something with his hands, so pockets were best in most cases. ❝  you're very welcome. ❞ he said warmly before hearing the words irza said. it hit henry's heart some. he was a kind, caring soul, he wanted to make sure everyone was good as possible or be the good for them. why add any stresses ? even in the worst moods, the brit wore a smile. ❝  yeah — i think i can understand that. ❞ he said in a low voice, but the worry still present and clear. ❝  oh, well — if you're offering, i don't mind joining you for a bit. ❞ he glanced around briefly before gesturing towards a free table, and making the walk over to it, gently taking a seat, while removing his phone from his pocket and setting it on the table beside himself.
Irza's eyebrows shot up at Henry's offer. He hadn't realized he was wearing his stress like a neon sign. A small smile tugged at his lips as guilt gnawed at him for interrupting the other man's alone time. "I appreciate that, Henry. Thank you," he said, gratitude evident in his voice. He hesitated, weighing whether to unload his troubles. "I'm... managing," he finally admitted, his tone strained. "It's been a challenging time, with everything that's happened recently." He glanced around the coffee shop. "Maybe we could grab a table? If you don't mind, that is. I understand if you'd rather enjoy your time alone." He shifted nervously, torn between wanting to confide and appearing vulnerable. His mind drifted to Ember, wondering if she felt as shaken as he did. The thought of her in danger made his stomach churn. Who would even do this?
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henryknight · 21 days
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——- Sipping at his drink before removing the bottle from his lips, looking from his friend, towards the stage and back again. shrugging his shoulder, a soft smirk coming to him. maybe he should — it was fair, and henry actually did enjoy singing, and believe he was rather good from his one song out in the world. ❝ i suppose i could. i mean, you can't have all then fun right ? ❞ he teased before standing up and getting a song figured out, ready and then taking the stage, placing his hands on the microphone and it's stand.
benji couldn't believe that he actually allowed the other to talk him into it but he hoped that he wouldn't have to do that again. he certainly needed a drink to calm his nerves though, that's for sure. he took the drink his friend ordered him and threw it back, chuckling after he put the glass down. "and what about you? are you going to get up there?"
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henryknight · 21 days
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——- Henry laughed a bit before giving a nod of his head. ❝  of course — i cook, bake and make drinks. i'm clearly someone perfect future housewife. plus — i'm amazing with kids. i have skills and patience, you're good. ❞ he offered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his cardigan, giving a teasing smirk right back to donnie. keeping his emerald eyes on the espresso martini he was teaching his friend to make, making sure it went well. ❝  had this show i did — and i guess they want me back for it. so might have that to look forward to. also some possible action movie role reached out if i want to do the extra work outs — so we'll see on that one. ❞ he shared, still not fully able to give his all to each role yet with athena to raise and his bartending job to keep up still for now.
"Wow, thank you. Listen, I'm not drink smart okay? I cook what I need to survive and I drink water, beer and cocktails made by you, mostly. So baby steps here." Donnie reminded him with a teasing smirk. It was easy to forget that Henry was also an actor and had been on TV before, Donnie was so used to the man that he met as a bartender and who always had a smile on his face. He tried to keep track of what he was doing to make the espresso martini and nodded. "Any exciting jobs coming up?"
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