henrybiner-blog · 4 years
Three Tips to Build Friendships in University
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Friendship is defined as a relationship of mutual affection between people, this is an important part of our whole life. Some students think that spending too much time on friendship does not help your grade in university, but the reality is different. Getting positive social support is the first thing we do to support our mental health. When the university puts pressure on you, please contact friends and enjoy the benefits of the company, which can help you improve your grades as well. Besides, our teachers are also helping students to build new friendships, such as grouping us to do projects.  Even though we are locked down at home and we can not go back to the campus to build new friendships, we should not forget how to build friendships. Here I will show you 3 tips to build friendships in university. 
As the saying goes, it is the first step that costs troublesome, but how it could be a university life if there is no challenge. Even though it is difficult for some students sometimes and feel uncomfortable, you can initiate interactions with new classmates first. You could just say hello to them, leave impressions. I think you can find a chance to talk more soon because they are doing this as well.
Sharing your story and listening to other’s story 
In a university, there are a lot of students who come from different places in domestic, even some come from different countries, and they have completely different cultures. Many universities provide such activities or clubs, which help students to get involved in the university. So you can join this to share your story, they would like to know more about you and build friendships.
Find common interests
From my perspective, the easiest method of building relationships is to find mutual interests, it means that you can build long term relationships with them because you can be easier to start a conversation, you will stay closer than others. For example, you can join a sports club. And this is what I have done in the first term.
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henrybiner-blog · 4 years
Time to Start an Online Business
In 2020, we have experienced and undertaken so much, diverse disasters, environmental problems are getting worst, and we are suffering from coronavirus.  As time is going by fast, technology is continuously developing, especially the Internet. It has greatly penetrated into every corner of our life. During the pandemic period, we stay at home often, the Internet becomes more important, many people are seeking online businesses to afford the living cost. Generally, we think we do not have ability to do online business because of lacing of expertise on the Internet. Here I am sharing my experience with an online business, and it is a part of my life as well. After the government closed down the city, it is a great opportunity to start an online business, there are around 70 top company around the world are seeking remote worker during COVID-19, these companies also offer a decent salary if you have the corresponding job skills online. This kind of online business may be too difficult for some group of people, but do not worry about it because there are a lot of job opportunities you can start up with. If you are confident with your writing skills or you want to improve your writing skills like me, you can try to do some online writing, managing a social media or website. For example,  you can try to write a blog, business correspondence and website content. While I am doing this, I not only can learn some online business skills, but also improve my academic writing skills. This is just a small part of online business benefits, I also can earn extra money to support my living cost. In fact, I am operating a shopping account which is selling Thai products to Chinese customers. Except for earning money, I also can learn business negotiation skill. All in all, I strongly convince that you should start up an online business, it could help you when we return to society. 
Here is the Thai products I am selling in China.
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