330 posts
Old school Thomas fan, slightly computer illiterate. Agender. Love me some big engines 馃挌馃挋. Teobi on AO3.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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henryandgordon 30 minutes ago
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how can you run from what's inside you
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henryandgordon 30 minutes ago
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the lwr
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henryandgordon 31 minutes ago
Thomas - a rapid fire laugh that's incredibly infectious. Kind of your standard HAHAHAs or HEHEHAHAHs but it's still very genuine and liable to make others laugh as well
Edward - he wants you to believe that his polite little "hmm-hmm-hmm"s are his laughs. His actual laugh is a squawky, ugly, incredibly loud seagull laugh that only Thomas knows about.
Henry - a wheezy laugh, kinda sounds like "eeeh-heeeh-heeeh". Not a loud chortler but completely unable to articulate words.
Gordon - a deep, rumbling laugh. AHO-HO-HOs. Embarrased over his own laughs so he immediately composes himself and goes ENOUGH
James - a squeaky, chipmunky laugh like EHEHEHEHEEEH. He snorts a little, too. Tries to make it sound more impressive, like NYEHEHEHEH! but if it's funny enough he devolves into his true laugh sooner or later
Percy - a cutesy little heeheehee laugh but it oscillates between that and a racouous AUGHAHAHAHA laugh
Toby - dad chuckles- not exactly laughs, it's not too loud for them. Slaps his knees as he chuckles. Like ohohohohoho!
Duck - a snorting, honking, slurpy and damp mess. It definitely sounds like a duck quacks. Like its like eheheh-*SNRK*-heh-*SNRK*-heh-*SNRRK*-
Donald - deep, throaty HAGH-HAGH-HAGH-HAGHS while also elbow nudging the guy who made the joke appreciatively
Douglas - The same HAGH-HAGH-HAGH laugh as Donald, but completely different reaction; he immediately beats the nearest object up in the vicinity. Slamming tables, punching walls. If he's just an engine he just shakes helplessly as he laughs.
Oliver - His laugh used to be loud and genuine, a real YEHAHAHAHGAHAHAHAH with tears in his eyes kinda laugh but he learned to be quiet during the escape and never quite unlearned it when it comes to laughs. It's now kinda like, quiet chortling.
Emily - a regal, queenly laugh of O-HO-HO-HO! but when she breaks down it devolves into banshee like shrieks
Nia - it sounds like tsshAHAHAHA! tssshAHAHAHA! Like she tries to hide her real laugh at first but cant help it, and it sounds so clear and genuine
Rebecca - laughs a lot, so everyone's used to her giggling, but it's always a welcome sound! It's a cute little, high pitched and rapid fire hee-hee-hee! And she sounds so delighted every time. When she laughs louder its like HEEAHAHEEHAHA!!!!
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henryandgordon 37 minutes ago
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Found this bedspread on Pinterest and it gave me Henry vibes. Henry is supremely cottagecore.
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henryandgordon 38 minutes ago
feeling useful, might delete later :3
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henryandgordon 44 minutes ago
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younger henry cringe compilation
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henryandgordon 45 minutes ago
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man who enjoys every single second he's dedicated to hating to the point it pisses everyone except him off
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henryandgordon 46 minutes ago
Humanized TTTE
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Wanted to get back into drawing so I made these. I am happy how they came out.
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henryandgordon 47 minutes ago
the idea of philip innocently following around the big engines bc he just wants to impress them is really endearing. i don鈥檛 particularly care for the episodes/execution of it but the overall concept is SOO intriguing to me
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henryandgordon 48 minutes ago
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It's my birthday now woa. Im getting old. The little enginelings are all around me
And have this other small doodle of me with edward because I love edward, and I would go crazy if I ever met him, but at the same time, I'll be nonchalant
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henryandgordon 49 minutes ago
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It's my birthday :) celebratory henry x james
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Also gordon and duck <3 I just think they're neat
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henryandgordon 21 hours ago
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henryandgordon 23 hours ago
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They're having a nice call with each other! I wonder what they're talking about...
(This is based on a call we had)
- Mod Mar
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henryandgordon 23 hours ago
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A quartet of Double Fairlies; James Spooner, David Lloyd George, Earl of Merioneth and Merddin Emrys. It's a pity Livingston Thompson wasn't present to make it a bunch of fives.
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henryandgordon 23 hours ago
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Im obsolete
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henryandgordon 23 hours ago
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Quick gijinka design, drew this at school bcuz i'm bored
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henryandgordon 23 hours ago
I can't publish the last article about my opinion about Thomas's lore, Because I'm seriously ill right now. But here's a small piece of animation. Dancing Thomas the Train
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