helpupush · 3 years
The last one is a HUGE kink for me
exhibitionism and birth <3
someone purposefully going out into a big crowded area (mall, beach, etc.) after their water breaks so they can give birth in public for everyone to see
a hospital birth with at least a dozen horny medical students crammed into the delivery room, the birther’s legs spread wide as their pussy is on full view as a living lesson on birth
a pregnant person has an extremely large, extremely close family that takes the arrival of new family members very seriously: grandmas and cousins alike crowd around and coo and cheer on the delivery of the child
a streamer live-streaming their birth for all their loyal fans, one camera on their face and one on their pussy as the baby starts to move its way down
“birth shows”: in-person events where those with a fascination or fetish with birth can pay to watch people birth onstage, in all kinds of different positions
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helpupush · 3 years
Reblog if you roleplay birth
Let me know who you are! :)
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helpupush · 3 years
your latest story really turned me on. Idk if you down for a birth fic prompt. I have a thing for having a partner there to guide you through the delivery, so this one is like that...
when a surprise homebirth comes to the overdue couple—due to a heavy snowstorm. They take it in stride thinking it’ll be much more calmer at home. But how long can that last when it seem that the baby’s head keeps dipping back in after each push. What will they do...
Thanks I love it!
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helpupush · 3 years
First Day at the Birth Academy - Part 3
He picked her up gently in his arms and carried her off to a room next to his classroom. He took a look back at the scene he was leaving behind but he didn’t have a spare second to think about it. He placed her down onto a small bed. This was a dormitory before the school had stopped boarding students. It was small and dimly lit but warm. As he laid her down she surprised him by catching his lips in a kiss. The sensation that moved through him was indescribable. He pulled away only to start removing his pants. She looked up at him, a little sheepish but full of desire. As she watched him unbuttoning she followed suit and when he looked back at her, he was surprised again to find her perfect breasts exposed. Her nipples hard from contact with the air. He pulled the rest of his clothes off and she marvelled at his hard body. He must have been at least thirty five, maybe forty. But in the absolute prime of his life. He knelt down in front of her as he had before and she spread her legs for him. This time he didn’t bother with a glove, he parted her thighs and licked her sweet pussy, slipping a finger inside her as well. She moaned and rocked her hips, pressing her clit harder against his tongue. His cock throbbed even more feeling how much she was enjoying him. It was torture to spare another second but he decided to be generous. He licked and sucked her little clit until he felt her muscles getting tight, he could hear her breath coming shorter and shorter and then she screamed, finally, from pleasure. She came for him and he licked her lips softly, raising his head. His heart was pounding unbearably.
“May I have your consent?”
“Yes,” she whispered and then gasped sharply as he entered her. He growled low, trying not to spill it all on the first stroke.
She moaned from pleasure and pain as he thrust into her. When he kissed her he could taste the sweet salt of herself on his lips.
He could feel himself getting close already, when she shrieked. He pulled out immediately not wanting to hurt her any more than necessary and out with him came a gush of fluid.
“Your water broke,” he said trying to reassure her, but she continued to wail. This contraction was much worse than the ones that had come before. “Ah, I think you’re getting close now, just breathe and when it’s over I’ll check to see if you’re ready to start pushing.”
“Ooooooooooooh that was so much worse!” She whimpered.
“I know,” he said “it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.”
He slipped his fingers back inside of her and felt that she was still only about seven centimetres dilated.
“Still three more to go.”
“I can’t do this!” Dahlia protested.
“I’m sorry,” Ted said.
“Keep helping me?” She asked.
He was inside of her again before she could finish her question, and now with the thought of her pushing coming ever closer he was struggling to hold off. She started to moan again with another contraction but this time he didn’t stop. She whimpered, “I think I have to push,” and he couldn’t hold back any longer he filled her little slit with cum and then pulled himself out and knelt between her legs.
“Can you try to breathe through this one?”
“No please! I need to push I can feel it coming down. It’s so much pressure!”
“You can do this, just try to breathe with me.”
Dahlia’s pleas were met by more shrieks from the adjacent classroom.
“Let’s try and get you back into the class.” Ted said.
“What! I can’t move.”
“I’ll help you, walking is good for labour, and I need to be back there for my other students.”
As her contraction ended he helped button her back into her uniform and half-carry her back to the classroom and he laid her down on her mat. A couple of girls had given birth already and begun tending to the other girls who were still pushing.
The teacher walked over to the girl who was wailing the loudest and found that she was hardly further along than Dahlia but in that moment he realized that there was a lottery... and this girl had lost. She was struggling to get a 15 pound baby past her cervix and through her birth canal. He knew she was going to need his support as well if she was to push a head of that size out of her pussy.
He hurried back over Dahlia and said “I need you to come with me.”
“What! More moving! I can’t!” She pleaded.
“I need you to, Dahlia, that girl over there is really struggling and I need you to be next to her so I can help you both.” As he said this he pulled Dahlia back to her feet and she was racked by another contraction. She hung her full weight on him and moaned into his chest. He swayed with her and pressed against her lower back until it passed and they waddled over next to the girl and her partner.
“Dahlia, this is Katherine,” he said as he placed a mat next to Katherine for Dahlia to lie on.
“Hi,” she said weakly, but Katherine was gripped with a contraction at that moment and screamed in agony. She sounded like she was being torn apart.
Ted turned to Katherine and said, “Katherine, listen to me. I know this really hurts but I need you to take a deep breath and push down hard. Can you do that for me?”
She nodded weakly, her head lolling to one size before she grunted and pushed hard, instinctively lifting her knees up and spreading her thighs wide apart.
“That’s good, sweetheart, keep going...”
“Aaah! Ted! I need to push!” Cried Dahlia “Oh god I can feel it coming! Uuuuuuuuhhhhh”-before he had a chance to stop her Dahlia lifted her knees to her chest and pushed.
Katherine continued to push and as her pussy began to bulge outward it was clear that the head just inside her lips was enormous.
Ted began to feel aroused again, watching them both struggle. Knowing that soon they would both be crowning.
Dahlia screamed, “oh my god I can feel the head! It’s moving down - uuuuuugh oh god it’s coming!” She tried to slam her knees together to stop the pressure that was building.
Ted held her knees apart and told her firmly to “push, push into the pain. That’s it, push down.” He could see that she too was bulging out and her opening was beginning to stretch into a teardrop shape.
“My clitoris is burning!” She wailed.
“You’re okay, Dahlia, you got this. You’re almost there.”
“I don’t got this! I don’t got -aaaaaaaaaAaAh” as she pushed the teardrop shape began to Stretch into a tight circle. And at that point it seemed she wouldn’t stretch any further without tearing but he head still hadn’t come to a crown.
“Okay, Dahlia I need you to pant for me. Hoo hoo hoo, good, I’m going to try and slip my fingers in to help you stretch. Just keep breathing, let it stretch. Good girl.”
Katherine shrieked again as she felt the ring of fire, the enormous head inside her was starting to crown and all she could do was scream inconsolably. Her partner begged her to pant it out but she couldn’t stop herself from pushing. He held his hands on her perineum to support her as she pushed and with a gush the head was born into his hands.
Ted could see that Dahlia was getting tired but her pussy just wasn’t stretching far enough for the baby to fully crown. He decided to lift her up onto her knees over his lap. From here she could rest her head on his shoulder and gravity might help her push the head out. He kept his hand between her legs and she bore down hard. She screamed into his ear, “Please help me! Please just get it out. I want it out!”
“You’re getting it out,” he replied, “only you can push it out.”
“No please! It’s burning too much, please get it oooooooouuuuu”
She bore down as she screamed and finally crowned fully.
“That’s it Dahlia, one more good push.” And with a gush of fluid the “baby” was delivered into his lap.
He held her there for a moment.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, “you did it, you did wonderfully.”
Dahlia found that once the object that was inside of her was gone all of the pain went with it. Her stomach was restored to flatness and her vagina seemed to be just as it had been before.
“It isn’t real?” She asked.
“What you felt and did was all real but no the fetuses aren’t real. You were never really pregnant and the pill you took to start all of this also allows you to bounce right back.”
Her new classmates went off to the showers to prepare for the rest of the day but Dahlia hung back. As soon as the last pupil left the room and closed the door, Ted took her up into his arms and kissed her deeply again and said, “that part was real.”
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helpupush · 3 years
First Day at the Birth Academy - Part 2
She felt his warm hands slide up her thighs and gently peel off her underwear and just as she was about to say thank you she heard a loud moan from across the room.
Her head turned instinctively toward the source of the sound. One of the other girls was clutching her stomach which had swelled remarkably from only a few minutes ago. Her knees were propped up against her partner’s lap and he was talking to her gently. Coaching her to breathe slowly. It seemed clear that they had been practicing this for a while but no amount of practice could prepare her for the pain because less than a minute later the same girl screamed again and tried to wriggle her legs closed. Dahlia craned her neck trying to hear what her partner was saying to her as he fought to keep her knees open but the sound was drowned by two more girls moaning loudly.
Dahlia flicked her head back to her teacher who was still kneeling over her but who had also been watching the other couples. He read the terror in her face and he said a little sheepishly, “their contractions are starting. The whole room tends to get pretty loud.” He wasn’t kidding, girls began to really scream and whine. She could make out some of them pleading for help from their partners who couldn’t do much for them but remind them to breathe and check their progress.
“I promise, you’re going to be okay,” he said to her, drawing her attention back to him. “May I... check you?”
“Check me....?”
Again he smiled and said “yes, check your progress. To do that I’m going to need to insert my fingers into your vagina and feel for your cervix.” He saw her eyes widen again and she began to protest, “No one’s ever.... I haven’t!”
“You’re a virgin?” He asked, seeming to be earnestly surprised and then a little concerned. His concern spread to her and she asked “will I still be okay?”
“Lay back and try to relax all the way and I’ll be as gentle as I can.”
He snapped on a nitrile glove and slowly pressed his finger into her opening. Her face reddened, she hadn’t expected the sudden rush of warmth that she felt to her face and into her nipples. He frowned a little and withdrew his finger and then sliding two forefingers into her. She took in a sharp breath and tried not to outwardly moan. The pressure was more than she had expected and she was ashamed of how much she was melting for this much older man’s fingers.
He withdrew slowly. “You are... well... tight. This isn’t going to be easy for you. The other girls in the class are on a lottery system for the size of the fetus they get, they can range anywhere from eight pounds to fifteen pounds. No one knows what they will get when they take it so that they don’t work up any unnecessary worry but I chose yours specifically at eight pounds because I wanted your first time to be easy. But nothing would have been easy for you.”
Her stomach clenched with worry... or was it.. “aaaaaAaaaah... it’s... it’s happening.”
“Dahlia, listen to me, it’s okay.”
“What do I do?!”
“Just breathe with me. Hee hooo hooo, deep breaths. That’s it.”
“Oh my god. It’s over. Hoo oh god that hurts.”
“That’s why we practice. This way when our girls become mothers their bodies know exactly what to do.”
“But I don’t know what I’m!...”
Dahlia was cut off by a shriek from the middle of the room. The moans on all sides of her were getting sharper and closer together but this girl was really screaming.
“That’s it!” Her partner said, “you’re getting close!”
Dahlia craned her neck again to see the girls labia bulging out under her kilt. The baby’s head was right inside her opening and she was screaming in agony.
“Do you want to get a closer look?” Ted asked.
Dahlia turned to him gravely and nodded. She wanted to know what she was in for. He helped her to her feet, a new protrusion if her stomach had thrown off her balance and she leaned on him as she waddled over to the wailing girl.
“Please get it out of me!” The girl cried “my pussy is burning, please I need it out!”
“You have to push it out, sweetheart, there’s no other way.” Her partner said, attempting to calm her.
“Uuuuhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” the girl growled as she pushed. Her lips bulged out even further but only a tiny teardrop sliver of the head could be seen between them.
“Oh god it hurts. Please, my pussy hurts so much please help me!”
She pushed again and screamed as she began to crown, the head was large and her lips looked like they couldn’t stretch any further.
When she has to rest the head slipped back in just further then it was before. She moaned pitifully and was joined by Dahlia who clutched her own abdomen. “Oooooooohoooooo Ted, oooooh god.”
“Let’s get you back to our area,” he said lifting her gently. She leaned on him through the contraction. Standing in the middle of the room she could see nine other couples in the same state as the girl she was walking away from. She could look up each identical skirt and see another sliver of a crowning head. Another face, screwed up and red from pushing.
“I can’t do it!” Dahlia shouted, “I can’t do this! Please you have to make it stop.”
Ted turned her to him, looked into his eyes and said, “there’s no way to get through this now except to push.”
He lowered her down onto her mat and leaned over her for a moment looking down at her face. He hadn’t meant to terrify her. He wanted to calm her. But in a darker part of himself he wanted to touch her, kiss her. She was so sweet and so freshly beautiful.
“Perhaps I could help you in.... another way.” He said.
“Please, anything!”
“Well sometimes in labour it can help to.... stimulate you. Your nipples.... your clitoris. It can help with the pain.”
Realizing what he was saying her eyes widened and she thought of his fingers that had just been inside her. “Yes.....” she said “please help me.”
Those words made his cock twitch in a way that he knew was wrong but that was all he needed to hear. He slipped on a glove and applied lube to his fingertips. He leaned over her while he began rubbing gentle circles around her clit. She gasped again sharply. She had done this to herself but never had a pair of strong capable and decidedly other hands touched her this way. She tried to stifle a moan but he leaned down into her ear “It’s okay,” he growled, “you can be as loud as you need.”
But just in that moment another contraction racked her. “Aaah,” she whimpered, “hoooooo.”
“That’s it,” he said, not allowing his fingers to stop their circles. “Keep breathing. You can do this.”
What he couldn’t do was bear the pressure that was building behind the zipper of his pants. Even with a glove he could feel how slick and juicy her little pussy was getting under his fingers. He couldn’t wait to see her stretched wide but for now he couldn’t stop thinking about how tight her little pussy would feel around his far too hard cock.
When her contraction ended she moaned in relief and he looked down at her hoping she couldn’t feel how hard he had become and he couldn’t keep himself together.
“It might help if we... stretched you a little.”
“Yes... well.. since you’ve never had anything bigger than my fingers inside of you it will be difficult for the head to pass through but maybe we can alleviate some of that by stretching you ahead of time. If done right it might be pleasurable enough to help with the contractions.”
“How will you stretch me?” She asked.
“Well.... aah... it might help if you weren’t... a virgin anymore? I could...”
Realizing what this man was saying to her Dahlia knew she should feel uncomfortable... afraid... at least confused? But she felt.... warm, so warm. The circles he had drawn around her clit had left her wet and desperate but hadn’t satisfied her at all.
“Yes.” She said.
“What? You mean... you would...”
“Yes. Please.”
He took a furtive glance around the room and decided it probably shouldn’t be here.
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helpupush · 3 years
First Day at the Birth Academy - Part 1
Dahlia’s parents moved to an admittedly strange new town. It was a closed community and, both being anthropologists, they had both come to do research on the local population and their traditions. Most people never get to see the day to day functioning of a closed community like this one, nor do they get to participate in some of their relatively strange customs.
She had just turned eighteen and was about to go into twelfth grade after her parents’ travels had her held back a year and they decided to enroll her in the only high school in the community. The name of it seemed strange to them of course, The Birth Academy. But they took it to mean something to do with reinvention or preparing functioning adults to be birthed out into the world.
The school had a uniform which Dahlia donned for her first day. In her long mirror, she admired the way the short tartan kilt showed just enough of her thighs to make going to a co-Ed school exciting.
Her parents dropped her off at the gate and she was met by the vice principal on the step. “We don’t get new enrolment often.” He said, smiling in a way that made her a little uncomfortable. She could feel his eyes on her, appraising her like livestock. Whatever he was looking for he seemed satisfied to find.
He guided her to her home room class where a room full of identically dressed pupils was gathered in a circle on the floor.
“Must be one of those new-agey prep schools,” She thought. The vice principal nodded and smiled to a tall dark haired man leaning against a large desk near the front of the room. “He must be our home room teacher,” she thought.
As the teacher turned to her she saw his eyes widen for a moment and then a visible peak of excitement move through him.
“We have a new student today, class. Meet Dahlia.” She waved a little meekly to her new classmates who were eerily quiet.
“Now clearly Dahlia won’t know what we do here but she’s going to have to take a crash course. Everyone here has already been assigned a partner so Dahlia... you’ll have to be with me today.”
“Partners...?” She thought. As she glanced around the room the dark-uniformed students were all arranged in perfect pairs.
“Now let’s show her what it is we learn here,” the teacher said with a grin that he pointed straight at Dahlia as he began to approach her. From his pocket he withdrew a bottle that rattled with the familiar sound of pills.
Though something in his demeanour unsettled her it was impossible to deny that this teacher was uncommonly handsome. Tall and lean with thick chestnut hair and exceptionally moulded features and as he came nearer she found that his scent was intoxicating.
The remaining girls in the class lined up in front of him and he passed them each a pill. And then he extended his hand to offer one to Dahlia. The girls all took their pills and made their way pack to their partners waiting for them on mats that made a circle around the room. The girls laid with their legs facing into the ring and waited, their partners seated in front of their legs.
The teacher brought Dahlia a glass of water with which to take the pill that she was still holding. Entirely unsure of what it was and reluctant to take any medication that was offered by anyone other than a trusted medical professional.
“I’m Doctor Theodore Knotworth,” he said, “but for our purposes you can call me Ted.”
“Our purposes....?”
“The medication your holding is an essential part of what we do here. I can’t teach you unless you take it. I promise you it’s totally harmless.”
“But what .... is it?”
Ted paused for a beat and said “well... it’s a birthing pill. I invented the technology. It’s how we teach the girls in our academy how to fulfil their role in our community and... give birth.”
He surveyed her face for a moment and found that she was expressionless from fear and confusion. In an attempt to comfort her he said “Without any of the additional complications of course, you won’t really be pregnant. There will only be a simulated fetus, and I think you will be... more than capable.”
Her eyes were wide and the only synapses in her brain that could still fire reminded her of the appraising looks she’d received from both men upon her arrival. They were satisfied that she looked ready to give birth?? How could any of this be real?? How could it happen in an institution of learning?
But his presence was commanding, and endearing and as he pushed the glass into her hand she found herself swallowing the pill that he promised would... make her??? Pregnant?
“That’s a good girl, don’t be afraid, I’ll be right here to help you,” he said, almost at a growl as he lowered himself to his knees, she dropped to the mat in front of him. “Lie back,” he said, “and spread your knees for me.”
Dahlia lifted up onto her elbows, up to this moment she hadn’t gathered that this man would be delivering her baby, that she’d be giving birth... immediately? She looked around the room and saw all of the other partners arranged in just the way he had asked.
She fell back down to the mat looking up at him, worry knitting her perfect brow. “I promise, you’ll be fine, and I’m only here to help you. Let me know when you start feeling any discomfort and I’ll check you.” He stayed knelt down between her thighs with her kilt spread such that only he could see what was underneath. He put two warm hands on her thighs, lightly massaging them when he looked between them and smiled. “You won’t be needing those,” he said.
“Needing what?” Dahlia asked.
“Those,” he said, nodding his head between her legs. “Your uh.... panties,” he said with a bit of a grin. Girls here know they’re not part of the uniform.
She went to slowly reach for the waist of her panties when Ted said, “I’ll help you.”
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helpupush · 3 years
Send me your favourite birth fic writing prompt 😈😈
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helpupush · 3 years
I want to see her 😻😻
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helpupush · 3 years
Birth fetish ask meme: 17, 18, 19 and 20 :)
17. I think my body will do what it wants to do but I think a big gush after the head comes out would be very satisfying.
18. Yes please 😂
19. I’d want to watch it back with a partner. You busy? 😉
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helpupush · 3 years
if ur a birth kink/fetish blog please reblog so i can find more blogs to follow!!
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helpupush · 4 years
What are your favourite toys to use for birth rp?
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helpupush · 4 years
Please reblog if you are a birth fetish or crowning blog. And none of that hand drawn or cartoon stuff like I’m talking about with real human beings and with the real women and men. BTW the more pain you can see and the more bear stomach showing the better.
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helpupush · 4 years
Yes please
Birth fetish questions
Let’s talk about birth. Give me some numbers & I’ll answer the questions.
1. How long would you want to push for?
2. What position? Laying on back, squatting, sitting, on your side, on all fours, standing.
3. Naked or clothed?
4. Meds? & How big of a baby?
5. Where would you want to give birth? Home, hospital, birth center, publicly, at work.
6. Would you prefer to be alone or assisted?
7. Would you want a breech birth?
8. Do you want your water to break naturally or have someone break it for you?
9. Would you want to give birth to multiple babies?
10. How many would you like to give birth to at once?
11. Would you like a silent birth or coached?
12. Early, overdue or induced?
13. Would you want labor to come on suddenly or try to get labor started?
14. Would you want to give birth to anything other than a baby? Eggs, alien, animal?
15. What type of delivery? Forceps, vacuum, stirrups, water birth, birthing chair/stool, squat bar.
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helpupush · 4 years
Here it is!! Baby’s first pushing audio (pun intended.) HUGE VOLUME WARNING, I cannot emphasize how much this turns into just screaming. I thought it was gonna be tamer but I got possessed by the power of birth or something. I do plan to create tamer/sexier ones in the future, so if me blowing my voice out isn’t your thing then don’t worry. 
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helpupush · 4 years
“That’s it. To the side a little. Yep there ya go, gorgeous!”
Leila continued to pose for the camera, pulling her hair up and out of her face, pursing her lips, sticking her chest out to show the new Victoria Secret bra they were branding.
“That’s perfect Leila. We’re done for the day.” People mill around the room, starting to clean up the lights and clothes racks. Leila wraps a robe around herself and heads to her dressing room.
They may be done with this photoshoot, but she’s not done for the day. She waits in the dressing room, touching up her makeup and her hair.
There’s a small bottle of pills on her desk and she pops a few, taking a deep breath before dropping a hand between her legs, beneath the waistband of the lacy underwear.
Keep reading
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helpupush · 4 years
100 NSFW Questions Ask Meme
Hey. This blog’s now a year old. And we hit 3,000 followers on the same day, so we figured we’d do something fun. Here’s 100 NSFW questions we’ve come up with. Send in some numbers and you get your answer.
First kiss?
First time masturbating?
First sex toy?
First kink tried?
First time doing oral?
First time having sex? Turn Ons
Biggest turn on?
Biggest turn off?
Quickest way to get horny?
Weirdest thing that ever turned you on?
Top 3 places to be touched?
Ultimate fantasy?
Do you like the idea of a three or moresome?
Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? Preferences
Sex or masturbation?
Spit or swallow?
Cut or uncut dicks?
Rough or sensual sex?
Oldest person you’d sleep with?
Loud or quiet partners?
How much foreplay do you like?
How much teasing do you like?
What is too big for you to take?
Do you do hookups or only sleep with a partner?
How much kissing do you like during sex?
What’s the most attractive part of the body? Location
Favourite place to have sex?
Would you have sex in public?
Last place you had sex?
Where would you most like to have sex?
Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood?
Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house? Kinks
What’s your biggest kink?
What’s your limit?
Are you okay with name calling in bed?
Would you do any BDSM?
Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up?
Favourite type of bondage?
Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm?
Do you like overstimulation?
Do you like having pain involved?
Do you like biting/being bitten?
Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it?
Do you have any strange or extreme kinks?
Have any roleplaying preferences?
Send a kink with this number. Do you have that kink? Masturbation
Do you own sex toys? How many?
Favourite Sex Toy?
What do you masturbate to?
How often do you masturbate?
How often do you use sex toys to masturbate?
Do you masturbate with penetration?
Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms? Oral
Do you enjoy giving oral?
Do you prefer giving or receiving oral?
What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral?
Do you have a preferred technique for giving oral?
Can you deepthroat? For people with dicks…
How long and how thick is it?
Do you do anal? Top or bottom?
Are you circumcised?
Do you like your balls being played with?
Do you enjoy prostate stimulation? Ever came from it?
Where do you like to finish? For people with vaginas…
Do you like playing with your clit?
How do you prefer to do it?
What’s your breast size?
How often do you go braless?
Do you finger yourself?
How familiar are you with your g-spot?
Do you squirt? Sex
Favourite position?
How often do you do unprotected sex?
How loud are you in bed?
Do you enjoy having nipples played with?
Do you like/dislike/love/hate cum?
How good are you at dirty talk?
Do you get sleepy after an orgasm? Other
Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie?
Do you masturbate or have sex with clothes on?
What’s your favourite style of underwear?
Are stockings/thigh highs a turn on?
Ever had somebody say no to a kink you suggested trying?
Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? How do you prefer partners?
How many orgasms can you have in a day?
How many other people know your dick/bra size?
What do you wear to bed?
Do you eat ass? Do you like having your ass eaten?
Try to describe how orgasm feels for you.
Have you ever been to a strip club? How was it? If not, would you? Fun questions!
Do you name your genitalia?
What would be your stripper name?
Any funny sex stories?
What food if any would you use during sex?
Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift?
What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen?
Do you often get horny in public?
Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom?
Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on?
Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?
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helpupush · 4 years
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Woman in labor credit: n/a
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