helostswift-blog · 8 years
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The Music Video wearing Wade’s Dog Tag “Both of Us”
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
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Taylor Swift for Target
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
Taylor: I´ve been looking sad in all the nicest places...
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Meredith: Mom stop it, thats not lady like, not even cat like...
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Taylor: *releases inner cat*
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Meredith: Thats better, good mommy
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
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Me: i should probably stop watching the IDWLF music video and go studying. Me to me: one more time, then once again, just keep hitting that replaybutton. @taylorswift
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
A little message for Taylor
So @taylorswift what will happen to your olive tree...?
Will it go down in flames? 
I feel bad if it will...
You know plants have a life...
And as as a citizen of Sweden (thats 99% plants) it´s my right to tell you to consider your options for the fate of this poor olive tree... 
1. Chop it up like sushi.
2. Burn it in the fireplace (This wont let out greenhouse gases).
3. Give it to Meredith, she will kill it for you. 
Love Johanna
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
Hey Tay...
So I just wanted to take this time to tell you guys and hopefully Taylor what my life is like at the moment and how I've been so far in my Swiftie life. The reason why is because I really want to share how I feel and also encourage other people to never give up hopes and dreams. One of my biggest dreams in my life as a 16 year old is for Taylor to just notice me. Just notice im alive here in Sweden trying to support her by having her back in every situation.
So, background story time yay! Back in 2009 I was like most girls obsessed with boybands and barbies. If you liked to play with cars, I wont judge you at all. Well I was just 9 so I didn't focus a lot on the merchandise or anything like that. You just said: I love him, and that was it. You where a fangirl. That's pretty much how it is supposed to be but it's not anymore. Well anyways later that year I was in the car with my mum when she just randomly turned on the radio. I couldn't hear what the song or artist was called and my mum didn't either but I got so lost in the song and loved it! Because of the facts that I had no information about the singer or the song I didn't care so much about it. Later on, I found out that the song was called Love Story.
So a few months later, I sat at My bench in school. Probably bored by math or something as most 10 year olds. Suddenly my friend ran up to me and said: you have to see this music video its so good! At first I didn't recognize either the singer or the voice but a few seconds in to the video I realised that it was the same girl from the radio way back in 2009. But this was a different song. It was called You Belong With Me.
I instanly fell in love with her smile and her voice and searched her up everywhere. On youtube, spotify and so on. Even though my english  the very best at the time I still enjoyed watching her vloggs from the fearless tour and all the songs form her first two albums. After a while I started seeing people talking about a new album. It was going to be released the same year.  Because of my young age and because of the fact that Tay wasn't a very big country star in Sweden I didn't really know when the album was going to be released, so I just waited for it. For a few months.
The summer of 2011 I was on my way to a house to meet up with some relatives when we randomly stoped at a gasstation to tank our car. We went inside the store to buy some candy and I walked pass the top 10 albums of the year. There, on the number one spot, a girl with curly hair and a purple dress was standing. It was speak now. I usually didn't buy stuff so my parents let me buy the cd. We listened to it the rest of the way and my parents where supprised I already knew all the lyrics. Actually I was just reading from the booklet.
Well Tay didn't come to Sweden that year and it didn't bother me too much but ai kept on listening to her music anyways. The year was 2012 and I finally got an instagram acount. Now I could stalk her even more and find out about important stuff in time. Suddenly I knew about award shows, her friends, her family and thats when the fangirling started.
Autumn came and a new album was about to be released. I couldn't  watch the livestream but I watched it online the next day. I was so pumped to listen to the new songs and to watch new music videos. For christmas I ended up getting both the album Red and also her first ever perfume, wondersrtuck. Unfortonaly I didn't get to go to the Red tour either.
So new years came and it was time for 2013 to hit the spotlight. I was so pumped for what 2013 had to bring me. Merchandise. I didn't know about the UK store atm so we asked one of my dads friends in New York if we could order the merch to his adress and then he could ship it to us. He did it. Well I ended up playing a lot of Money to get it here (almost 160$) but I was so happy when it arrived. Around my 13th birthday that year, I started a fanacount on instagram called swiftsisters13 (now DibblesGrammy). I've grown a lot On there and learned a lot about life. Its been a great journey.
Well I could talk about this for ages but let me skip past the less important stuff and go to August 8th 2014. This night I stayed up to 1am swedish time to hear Taylor talk about a new album. I was so excited and I remember dancing around in my bedrooms with the computer in my hands trying to keep the headphones in my ears when Shake It Of was playing for the very first time. Little did I know that just this moment would turn into something so amazing and lifechanging.
I kept on posting about Taylor on instagram while ordering merchandise from the UK store (wich i had just discovered) and had parties like it was 1989. I had so much fun that year.
The next year started good when the 1989 world tour started. I went online to checked the dates but nothing in Sweden as predicted. The good need where that we where heading to nyc by the start of summer. In NYC I want to go to Taylors apartment just to feel closer to her than I usually did. And that's when I met her. Just kidding she was in Europe at that time. We where in Canada when Taylor played in Ottawa but we didn't have the money or time to go there. And that was my last chance. I felt so bad that I couldn't go to that tour either and it feels like I will never be able to see her live.
Taylor, if you by any chance is reading this... I know Sweden isn't the best country in Europe but I beg you to come here! I really want to see you live. Cause that's been my dream since I was 10 years old. My life right now is not the best. I have gain some great Swiftie friends and non swifties too and it's misty thanks to your. To get to thank you in person would mean the world to me.
You are the reason I've dug deeper into the meaning of love. You are the reason I know that being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. You are the reason I am fearless enough to challenge my fears. You are the reason I like to write songsx You are the reason I've started to speak up for myself and my loved ones. You are the reason im not falling in love before knowing it is what I want. You are the reason im walking through storms knowing I won't get damaged.
You make me Clean...
Much Love️ Johanna
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
Currently practicing playing guitar. I NEED to learn how to play Enchanted because that song is GOLD!
And very much relatable atm if you know what i mean.. hehe 
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
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Like/Re-Blog and follow everyone who likes/re-blogs to join
Feel free to steal and start your own!
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
those are some damn serious questions...
Questions that keep me up at night
Does Taylor know my name? How are her cats? Will i ever meet her? Does she enjoy chicken nuggets?
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
Well I stumbled across this today.. I love you @taylorswift
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Dear Taylor.
~tell me things like i, cant take My eyes of you~
I know that you’re never going to see this. I know that i Will probably never get to hug you and tell you all These in person. Everyday i dream about meeting you and what i Would say if i ever got the chance to. But there Would never be enough time for me to tell you everything i want to. Because i want to give you the World, just like you gave me a small part of your World.
~I’m no one special, just another wide eyed girl whos desperatly in Love with you~
Thats true. I’m nothing but one in the crowd of swifties. Not much makes me special. I’ve never been the popular girl. Like ever. And i probably won’t be. But something i realized when I became a part of your community is that you make me feel special. When I watched the clean speech online it felt like you said that to me and me only. You have that effect on people Taylor. You make everyone feel special and loved. I love you for that.
~there aint nothing more I’d be~
I wouldn’t. The Swiftie community and you take up so much of my time. Some of my best friends and the people I care about the most are in this fandom. So many people my brother included tell me all the time that I’m wasting my life. I’m wasting money and opportunities. To me. I wouldn’t want to do anything else. I chose to be like this and I chose to love you. I chose to everyday try to find a way to thank you. Because you deserve to be thanked.
~wish i could see your face~
Everyday. All the time.
~you smile that beautiful smile~
You’re beautiful Taylor. Inside and out. You’re amazingly kindhearted to everyone you meet and you’re so genuine and true to not only yourself but your fans. You share pictures from your personal life and you connect with us in a way no other celebrity do. No other celebrity would invite fans to their houses and spend hours with them. No one would go out and buy stuff for their fans and spend hours wrap it all up and write personal notes. No one would do that. Except for you. That’s what makes you so special. And that’s one of the things swifties stand together with you. Not behind. With you.
~Goodmorning loneliness~
You make me feel less lonely You make me feel brave You make me smile when I cry You treat me like a friend You constantly save me You always share your love with me You never fail to show everyone how amazing you are You taught me to be fearless You shaped me into the human I am today
~I’m Invisible and everyone knows who you are~
I wish that one day, people will look at me and not see a failure. I wish that one day people would look at me and see a brave girl who is not afraid to share her love with the world. I wish that one day, I won’t be just one in the crowd to anyone.
Maybe one day. A Little angel Will fly over with this message to you. Maybe one day i’ll get a chance to tell you this in person. Maybe i’ll forget everything i want to say to you in that moment. But theres only one thing to say really.
Thank you. I Love you so much. Johanna
@taylorswift For you.
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
Analyzing Taylor Swift Songs
Nice to meet you were you've been I can show you incredible things
I think you already know what song we're talking about in today's post.
Blank Space!
It's a Taylor swift classic and I bet everyone with a radio knows at least one lyrics from the Starbucks loving stars hit song. What most people don't know is the secret message for the song. Do you know what it is?
There once was a girl known by everyone and no one.
Mysterious right? Let's get a little deeper into what the song is inspired by, the music video as well as the history behind it and performances.
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Background story
This is the second song of Taylor's 2014 album 1989. It is also the second single, released on November 10th 2014. This hit song is written and produces by Johan Shellback, Max Martin and of course Taylor Swift and is one of the biggest pop songs in the 2000. It hit number one on the billboard hot 100 the first day it was released which makes Taylor the first ever artist to top herself as shake it off was the previous number one. The song was written as a joke to tease the media about how they always says she's this crazy ex girlfriend. "I'm not as crazy as the song describes, that's what the media thinks" Taylor says about the lyrics. She's got some great lyrics out there but her new favorite line out of all her songs is "darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream".
Since the song is one of Taylor's most popular songs it's been performed a lot of times. Her most popular one is the first time she performed it which was at the 2014 AMA's. Other famous performances includes the Brit awards (2014), the Victoria's Secret fashion show (2014), the Grammy museum (2016) and of course her very own 1989 world tour (2015). Almost all her blank space performances are full on dance shows with a lot of dancers and effect which makes the song come alive in an incredible way. The only acoustic performance of the song is the Grammy museum performance.
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Next follow a list of the awards blank space won and awards it was nominated for:
MTV VMA- best pop video and best female video (both won)
Primetime Emmy Awards- original interactive program (won)
AMA- song of the year (won)
Grammy awards- record of the year, best pop solo performance and song of the year (all lost)
Music Video
I think we can all agree that the blank space music video is one of the all time best music videos in history. The way it tells the story of the song is incredible. Personally I think the best thing about it is all the costume changes. My favorite costume is the two piece one she is wearing when she droppes his phone into the well. The Joseph Kahn directed music video currently has 1.8 billion views. Oheka castle (Huntington NYC) is the place the video was shot and it took a total of 3 days. "It was a bit like therapy" Taylor says describing the experience of filming the music video. The "victim" in the video is played by the model Sean O'Pry.
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Secret message
There once was a girl known by everyone and no one. A deeper secret message is hard to find. I think that Taylor means that she is a huge star. She's basically everywhere and in the spotlight almost everyday. She is known by everyone. The media is not nice with her. Everywhere you see false rumors about her and her long list of ex lovers but to be honest, no one really knows her. So to briefly conclude this section, Taylor is a girl knows by everyone and no one.
Here are some funny facts you maybe don't know about the insane song:
You can hear the very first stages of the song on her 1989 deluxe edition because Taylor added three voice memos including I know places, I wish you would and of course blank space as bonus tracks.
When Taylor played blank space for her dad the first time even he thought she sang Starbucks lovers.
Taylor has trademarked the lyrics "Could show you incredible things" from the song.
The first song Ed Sheeran heard from 1989 was blank space.
John Green played the blank space music video for everyone on set for Paper Towns and he asked Taylor to star in his future project looking for Alaska but Taylor turned the offer down since she would either be busy touring or on a break.
Sorry for the long post!
If you did read all of it then I hope you had a great time and that you learned something you didn't know before <3 
Xoxo Johanna (original post on my Swifties Amino acc DibblesGrammy)
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
There once was a girl...
...known by everyone and no one.
The famous secret message for Taylors hit song Blank Space... I need to dig deeper into this message and find out the meaning behind it.
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
She so cute I can´t deal with it
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It’s a game isn’t ??
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
[TAG TAYLOR PLEASE ] - - - - -HI Taylor , it’s me Emma . Now there are chances that you may or may not see this post but if you do I would like to wish you a very happy and amazing birthday! You turn 27 today and I have no words with which I should Thankyou just for existing. Because of you I know all these wonderful people in my life , because of you I am here alive today because if you weren’t there anxiety would’ve taken control of me a long time back. Thankyou for always being there , Thankyou for being there during the most tough years , tomorrow marks the their death anniversary of my uncle and I don’t know if I would’ve been stable if it wasn’t for you and your songs. Thankyou for making everyone around you happy right from the moment you were born. Have an amazing day Taylor . Love , Emma 🌸 @taylorswift
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helostswift-blog · 8 years
this is literally the best thing I´ve seen all year... 
@taylorswift hire me next tour….sounds good ;)
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