helmettrickster · 10 years
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helmettrickster · 10 years
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      "A just question. One I believe you know the answer to."
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           “You have nothing better than do than to torment me like this?”
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helmettrickster · 10 years
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      "Oh, but I simply thrive in your despair, Odinson."
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            “Loki, enough. You have tried what little there is left of my patience.”
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helmettrickster · 11 years
"I can relate to that well enough." His own pantheon had proven to be stressful often enough. The gods were selfish, very much like himself, but somehow still always found a way to turn on him all together. It was as though he had become their one enemy. He was far from being loved among his own kin, aesir or jotun, but the trickster had never thought that thought to be truly opposing anyway.
"Mh, I will attempt to answer any question you might have sufficiently. Or would you like me to simply explain whatever comes to my mind?"
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helmettrickster · 11 years
"Beings cling on to their lives with sometimes impressively high amounts of stubbornness, I agree." The male gave a smirk at that, nodding slightly.
The offer was contemplated mometarily before the god bowed lightly, arms folded behind his back. "I have no deeds to be done other than to enjoy myself. I would gladly provide you company, my lady."
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"I suppose it would be; I do not know anyone who wants to die; mortal or not. The need for existing is quite an enigma for me," she remarked with a soft sigh before turning to him with a smile.
"Would you like to come to my house for tea or coffee?" she asked, finding his company quite enjoyable, and she found it easier to converse at home as she played hostess to a guest.
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helmettrickster · 11 years
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If you insist on holding such power, why don't you give my humble self a little demonstration? [moves his arms away from his upper body, giving her a challenging smirk] Amaze me with your fury, hammer, for I will not bow to a tool, no matter what form it has taken on. If you aim to silence my betwixed tongue, I will not stop you from doing so. Prove your worth to me.
+2 have come across the trickster
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I do hold power, more than you could understand, even when I appear like this. I will admit this form isn’t as strong as my previous, but it would still be a challenge for you, God of lies.  I was no mere object, and you know this. You’ve felt my wrath on more than one occasion, by your brother’s hand or not, and you seem to have forgotten this important fact. I do not fear you, nor your ‘fire’.  As I warned you before, know your place or you’ll regret it. I promise.
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helmettrickster · 11 years
Felines are more to my own liking, too. They think and corrupt. Dogs, as I said, not quite as smart. [He narrowed his eyes briefly, then smirked] The resemblence might be so uncanny that people would see nothing but Thor himself in that. 
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Hey there.
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helmettrickster · 11 years
{I may or may not be alive again}
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helmettrickster · 11 years
{.....welp. I'd like to apologise for disappearing for such a long time! Things happened and needed my attention C:}
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helmettrickster · 11 years
His head tilted lightly at her response. "I have yet to find a greater reason in them being there than to trouble us gods. Which, with the right lead, might be just as useful as anything else. As useful as the one leading intends it to be."
A small smirk grazed his face and he bowed his head lightly. "As you wish. As far as my knowledge goes, the greek pantheon is nearly always on the move. I've been told that you almost never suffer a dull moment, hm?"
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helmettrickster · 11 years
"I am everything but close to being an expert on the subject but I have been told quite a few stories, indeed. The vague basics have been explained to me, as I suppose..," he replied, giving a short nod.
"Mhh, I can't claim to ever have tried to end one's life, though I think it would prove to be quite the challenge, even with the required knowledge to be successful." The idea was somewhat tempting... but he deemed it to be a lot of work and since he was not in the position to wish to bring death upon any of her kin, he spent no further thought on it.
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“Quite like my house back in Venice,” she remarked with a soft chuckle. “And yes, we used to be mortal; some of us choose to be born into the dark, and some of us were chosen without a choice.”
She could not reveal the way of the Blood to him, it was sacred to her and some of her kind. “We are no longer mortal, but it would be quite hard to kill a vampire that is strong. Young ones are easy,”
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helmettrickster · 11 years
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I just did. And you have no power whatsoever. You now have a body and what good is it to you? None. I have had centuries to master the art of sorcery and, most importantly, I'm not only the god of deceivers and trickery, I'm also the god of fire. And those who play with fire will get burned, a lesson you mayhaps haven't come to experience yet. You have been an object, you never were anything close to a god. Your insults matter not to me.
+2 have come across the trickster
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Do not talk down to me! I am more powerful than you, with or without your magic, and I do not need Thor, nor anyone else’s hand leading me. I can be ruthless when the time calls for me to be. Do you forget I was a weapon, one of the most powerful ever created. And you tell me to hold my tongue? You would be wise to take your own advice. Do not make the foolish mistake to upset me you sad and pathetic excuse for a god.
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helmettrickster · 11 years
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You are no more than a mere mortal to me. You have never beaten me, the hand leading you has. I am more powerful than you, stronger than you, more ruthless and less forgiving than you. Your choice of words is everything but wise. I am remembering my place, you are not. Now, hold your tongue, I'm certain I'm not the only one preferring you as a mere object.
+2 have come across the trickster
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How dare you speak to me as if I’m some mere mortal? When I come to you with the respect you clearly don’t deserve. Do not forget who I am, Loki. I have beaten you many times in my past form, and you are no challenge for me now. I can make my own choices, and thought I still haven’t quite figured everything about human emotions yet, they are no problem either. Remember your place, Loki, former prince of Asgard.
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helmettrickster · 11 years
"I have yet to see them achieve anything even close to what gods have created over time." He merely shrugged, arms folding before his chest. "As of now, they're nothing but a waste of space, as so many other things. We shared knowledge with them for nothing. It is quite fun to watch them.. play with fire, metaphorically and literally, though."
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helmettrickster · 11 years
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I don't want your apology. You've been a mere tool and have yet to prove any worth in my views. You haven't achieved anything and used to always have something leading you. How do you expect to just live as an actual breathing being? What gives you the feeling that you can even make any decisions yourself without Thor's leading hand? Oh, but I am curious. Amaze me. Show me how a hammer copes with life.
+2 have come across the trickster
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Aye, but grudges can hold one back and make your spirit heavy. If you wish to move forward with life, you must let those grudges go. Otherwise you’re trapped in the past, unable to truly live up to one’s potential. That’s plenty reason to not hold a grudge. I was once Thor’s warhammer, but in this form I am able to know and understand more. And I wished to apologize for any pain and trouble I may have caused. I hold no grudges against you.
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helmettrickster · 11 years
"A vampire, oh?" His lips curled up into a devious smirk, an eyebrow raising at the same time. "Yes, I've encountered one before, Quite... interesting beings."
It had been quite some time since he'd encountered that woman - what had her name been again? However.. he remembered their conversations vaguely and his curiousity about her way of living. That seemed to have vanished by now, though.
"You lot tend to be. If I'm informed correctly, you used to be mortal, too. And probably are, though I'm yet to know how to kill a vampire. Asgard is not open to everyone, only the Aesir and special invited guests are welcome within those halls."
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“A blood drinker,” Bianca replied with proud dignity. “A vampire, as they call it now amongst mortals.”
The fact that he came from another planet piqued her curiosity even more, and she canted her head, holding back the deluge of questions she wished to ask, but decided that it was better to ask one by one—or two.
“I must say that it is wonderful and fascinating to know that there is such a place that exists. All this time I was ignorant. Do you think it is possible for someone, or anyone to go to Asgard?”
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helmettrickster · 11 years
"Many strange creatures walk these realms, no doubt." A pity he was no friend of sharing. Whoever came in his way was nothing but unnecessary weight and trouble. "So, tell me, what might you be?" Since there was no point in playing about, he just decided to ask her up front.
"Ah, yes, I know. Not all are immortal, though. Many a being is just unaware of just how they can die. Murder is not always as easy as one might deem it." He gave a short nod. "Asgard is one of the realms of Yggdrasil, the world tree. It is, as Midgard, a planet, as you call it."
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“I believe you, for I have known a god and a cherub, but are lost to me now. I know not where they are and elude my grasp when I try to find them. I never believed in such until I was turned into it.” she said, partially revealing to her what she was, but not as much as she would like to.
“Immortals walk this earth, a mixture of gods, demons, angels and monsters. Some say my kind are one of these, some say all.” she said with a slight shrug. “Might I ask where Asgard is? I do not think it is found on any map that I have seen, or in the places of which I visited.”
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