owo whats this?
18 posts
Sup!! I will probably use this for drawings, but I'll mostly use it for ships! My current hyperfixation is DbD! ;;
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
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SO! i just had to draw this lovely fic!! by @imsunnydee!
This was supposed to be a little sketch but I just kept adding things and I literally couldn’t stop myself! The Jayers spirit I guess?? ;;
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
do you ever read fanfiction so good you wish it was a book that you could buy and put on some shelf in your bedroom and gaze at sometimes and remember how amazing that motherfucker was instead of having to squint at it on your too bright phone screen at 3 am
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Chapter 4 of Somewhere Only We Know
hello again,  I’m just posting off schedule again so I don’t drive myself mad at this point ksdjnfksjdfskjdf Take another early chapter post. read it: HERE
Summary: He’s seen many other killers kill his friends without the entity. But for some reason this one makes Jake feel a little strung out. Michael and Jake are still standing in place, looking at one another. Jake can feel a shiver run down his spine. He shudders at the feeling. Michael starts walking forward in Jake’s direction, his knife is still at his side, Jake’s not making much of an effort to move right now. He feels like he’s in quicksand.
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
I searched "Jake x Michael" because I couldn't remember the ship name for Jake Dillinger and Michael Mell but I instead found a bunch of Dead by Daylight content shipping Michael Myers and Jake Park and I am disturbed yet deeply intrigued.
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
anyway,,, jayers is good and i really love it. god bless the people that create content for it, they are true heroes.
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
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Michael meets Jake for the first time in a trial. ᵔᴥᵔ
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Land of Rivers and Anarchy
A land for a Maid of Mind.
The Land of Rivers and Anarchy, LORAM, is a swirling mess of tangled rivers and raging rapids. Consorts live in the mountain sides of the deep, wide, windswept canyons and the small islands that sit in the middle of the rivers.
The winding rivers split and divide the consort kingdoms. With their limited resources and lack of infrastructure the kingdoms aren’t able to organize and build. Everyone is isolated. There is no order, just anarchy.
Not only that, but it’s getting worse. The once impassable, raging rivers are now flooding and consuming the land. The anarchy that has left every consort on their own has resulted in weak governments only lasting for a short while, never strong enough to last.
The consorts need order.
They need guidance.
They need someone to beat them over the head with common sense and ethics so that they can get their shit under control.
It’s up to the Maid of Mind to build bridges and dams to control the rivers, establish clear and fair governments for the consort kingdoms, and set things straight.
Denizen suggestion: Seshat, Egyptian scribe goddess of writing and wisdom. She oversees the construction of buildings, making sure their dimensions, location, and measures are sound.
Features The Insanity Isles
A series of islands secluded from the rest of the world. Most rivers go down stream until they eventually meat in the sea containing the islands.
There is something mysterious about the islands that causes people to just… lose it
The Spider’s Web
8 rapids that intertwine around the planet. If you can manage to master one, you can go through any water way on the planet. The world opens up, just like that.
But that’s easier said than done. Not to mention all of the branching paths, the secrets hidden under the water, the caves, the underground lakes, etc.
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Fraymotif idea for mind and rage Powerful looking realistic illusions fueled by rage so the users can gtfo and/or intimidate the opponent-
Trigger fight or flight response!
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Land of Rivers and Anarchy
A land for a Maid of Mind.
The Land of Rivers and Anarchy, LORAM, is a swirling mess of tangled rivers and raging rapids. Consorts live in the mountain sides of the deep, wide, windswept canyons and the small islands that sit in the middle of the rivers.
The winding rivers split and divide the consort kingdoms. With their limited resources and lack of infrastructure the kingdoms aren’t able to organize and build. Everyone is isolated. There is no order, just anarchy.
Not only that, but it’s getting worse. The once impassable, raging rivers are now flooding and consuming the land. The anarchy that has left every consort on their own has resulted in weak governments only lasting for a short while, never strong enough to last.
The consorts need order.
They need guidance.
They need someone to beat them over the head with common sense and ethics so that they can get their shit under control.
It’s up to the Maid of Mind to build bridges and dams to control the rivers, establish clear and fair governments for the consort kingdoms, and set things straight.
Denizen suggestion: Seshat, Egyptian scribe goddess of writing and wisdom. She oversees the construction of buildings, making sure their dimensions, location, and measures are sound.
Features The Insanity Isles
A series of islands secluded from the rest of the world. Most rivers go down stream until they eventually meat in the sea containing the islands.
There is something mysterious about the islands that causes people to just… lose it
The Spider’s Web
8 rapids that intertwine around the planet. If you can manage to master one, you can go through any water way on the planet. The world opens up, just like that.
But that’s easier said than done. Not to mention all of the branching paths, the secrets hidden under the water, the caves, the underground lakes, etc.
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Land of Rivers and Anarchy
A land for a Maid of Mind.
The Land of Rivers and Anarchy, LORAM, is a swirling mess of tangled rivers and raging rapids. Consorts live in the mountain sides of the deep, wide, windswept canyons and the small islands that sit in the middle of the rivers.
The winding rivers split and divide the consort kingdoms. With their limited resources and lack of infrastructure the kingdoms aren’t able to organize and build. Everyone is isolated. There is no order, just anarchy.
Not only that, but it’s getting worse. The once impassable, raging rivers are now flooding and consuming the land. The anarchy that has left every consort on their own has resulted in weak governments only lasting for a short while, never strong enough to last.
The consorts need order.
They need guidance.
They need someone to beat them over the head with common sense and ethics so that they can get their shit under control.
It’s up to the Maid of Mind to build bridges and dams to control the rivers, establish clear and fair governments for the consort kingdoms, and set things straight.
Denizen suggestion: Seshat, Egyptian scribe goddess of writing and wisdom. She oversees the construction of buildings, making sure their dimensions, location, and measures are sound.
Features The Insanity Isles
A series of islands secluded from the rest of the world. Most rivers go down stream until they eventually meat in the sea containing the islands.
There is something mysterious about the islands that causes people to just… lose it
The Spider’s Web
8 rapids that intertwine around the planet. If you can manage to master one, you can go through any water way on the planet. The world opens up, just like that.
But that’s easier said than done. Not to mention all of the branching paths, the secrets hidden under the water, the caves, the underground lakes, etc.
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
If you hadn't picked up
Your sburb land is reflective of you, tinted towards your class quest
Knight- symbolizes their flaw
Bard- something they trust, but shouldn’t rely on
Witch- total fish out of water, whole new experience and environment
Prince- deals with the inner war they have
So on and so on
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Prince of Void
The Prince of Void actively destroys (with) Void by using obscurity, ignorance, and secrets
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
If you hadn't picked up
Your sburb land is reflective of you, tinted towards your class quest
Knight- symbolizes their flaw
Bard- something they trust, but shouldn’t rely on
Witch- total fish out of water, whole new experience and environment
Prince- deals with the inner war they have
So on and so on
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
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feferi icons from the new pesterquest promo,like/reblog if you use
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
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hellyeatrash · 5 years ago
Could you please do a ramble post about a Maid of Mind? Thank you!
Maids are the active Healer class, and tend to fix all of the large-scale things that hold significance in their session. They define what it is, they maintain its relevance, they ensure that it functions at its best, most incredible potential as seen in their own eyes. They also tend to have a benefactor of sorts - usually a Lord - who initially teaches them about their Classpect, and who negatively affects them until they break free on their own. 
Mind is Logic, Decisions, Unbiased Thoughts, Options, the Outer Self. 
So a Maid of Mind is actually pretty interesting. They could ultimately define what is Logical, what consists of the Outer Self, what is the most Beneficial and Unbiased route to take. 
They are incredible at making disguises and personas for any given situation, and are capable of creating such things for other people as well, obscuring the Inner Self from sight. They will always do so for a reason; disguises obviously tend to become part of any plan that might involve stealth, but the personas they use, and that they encourage others to use, would likely benefit the team for a variety of reasons (either to more closely connect with people in order to gain trust/learn the truth, or to boost their confidence and make them more easily led towards a specific path). 
They would be master tacticians, and capable of fixing any pre-existing plans in order to come to the best outcome, even if they seem like they’d fail initially. A plan that could lead to nothing but disappointment would, with the Maid’s interference, actually end up being the Only Possible Option they could have chosen, and give them a significant success in their session. 
That, or it could become part of the Maid’s ever growing web of plans and routes and options, something they take into account and then run with as much as possible while leading everyone towards success. They could formulate other plans around the failed plan to ensure that everything happens in just the right order to make everything work out in the end, even if it all becomes a little convoluted. 
They would decide what is Logical and what is Emotional, and thus try to steer people away from the Bias of Emotions wherever possible - but whatever this means is entirely up to the Maid. Maybe Logic to them is hard fact, statistics, and an almost robotic-like nature - or maybe it’s much more human, accepting of rationality and morality to create a Logic that works hand-in-hand with human emotion. Two Maids of Mind could see Logic in a completely different light, and that’s always something to take into account (especially considering Mind is incredibly thought-based; this goes ENTIRELY with how your Maid of Mind thinks). 
Maids of Mind would be capable of creating decisions within seconds. And I don’t mean just coming up with an idea - I mean physically creating a decision, a route/path to take, just because that’s how they decided to fix things. 
So, imagine this:
A Seer of Mind is looking through the options before them. They know that a teammate of theirs is going to have to decide whether or not they want to eat one of two cereals. 
There are no other options. It’s either cereal A, or cereal B. Both options are bad; in both instances, the teammate in question suffers an adverse affect and is put out of commission but with different consequences further down the timeline, and thus the Seer has to choose which cereal to encourage the player to eat that will result in the least awful outcome.
Then, when it comes to that decision being made… a third option pops up. Out of nowhere, this impossible decision is made, and the player eats an apple instead. The Seer of Mind now sees an entirely new branch of the timeline spread out before them, with a much better outcome for their session.
That is what a Maid of Mind is capable of. 
As a whole, they can also fix logic. That could be something as simple as them correcting misinformation, ensuring that an emotionally charged situation is simmered down to allow reason its chance to shine, or just pointing out the flaws in someone’s logic so that they can provide better logic in its place. It’s pretty simple stuff, but imagine how easily a Maid of Mind could fix a confrontational situation by removing the emotion and enforcing logic on the people involved - or by suddenly yelling out facts to make both participants realise they were blindsided by emotion and mistrust. 
They’d also be good at pointing out when a better option is present, especially if their teammates just aren’t thinking logically enough to even consider it. 
As a whole, Maids of Mind can be pretty… varied in their personalities. It all depends on how the Maid defines Logic, Reason, and Thought. They could be completely Unbaised, Disconnected, maybe a little cold and calculating - or they could be as cheerful and chipper as a Heart player, capable of being both Logical and Emotional based on their own view of Bias (and whether their Emotions affect their ability to Think and Decide without Bias). 
Think how Time players tend to be a little more sombre and depressive whereas Aradia (as a Maid of Time) is as peppy as a Space player (due to her seeing the End as something that can be positive, rather than something inherently negative). It’s that sort of contrast that you can find within Maids. 
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