The Little BYN's
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The story of the little BYN's family
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 6 years ago
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 6 years ago
Kyowo 💞
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 6 years ago
Sleeping 2 hours at cafe? Why not?
This weekend we were going out to downtown, looking for an optic store which has english speaking staffs.
Long-short-story, we found an "Eye dear" optical house which seemed to have an english speaking staffs. But we were too tired and thirsty afer a loooonggg walk.... So, our priority was to find a good coffe shop/cafe to take a rest for a while. And...as I look to the right, I saw a letter "Cartoon and Book Cafe Nolsoop" written on a yellow painted wall, at the 2nd floor of a building across from the "Eye dear" optical house.
Arriving to the cafe, we were directly in love with the cafe! Ahh, so hommy!!!
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 6 years ago
Eid Al-fitr 1439H
I'm not going to lie that the atmosphere of Eid Al-fitr in South Korea is much better this time.
First. It was on Friday. And my husband got a full day off from his (new) professor. Thus, we have a long (enough) holiday to celebrate this holly day.
Second, I can do Eid Shalat this time. Whereas on previous year, I only come to the mosque without praying because my baby (5 months old before) was crying a lot. My baby is 15 months old now and he is already understand about shalat.
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 6 years ago
Only with 4K ₩ you can explore Daegu city in a day!
Have you heard about DAEGU?
Yep, its one of the big city in South Korea (except Seoul, Busan, Gwangju, Daejon). So for you who felt "done" with Seoul or seeking another place to visit besides seoul, you can try Daegu!
And for you who are the first-timer to visit daegu, I recomend you to try "Daegu City Tour Bus".
What is it?
It's basically worked same with "the Seoul City Tour Bus", and other city tour buses. It is red double decker bus which will carry you to hop on-and-off from one point to other points (totally 14 points) in he city.
Where to get it?
The starting point is in front of Dongdaegu Train Station (동대구 역). But, (as far as i know), you may start your tour from any points. I mean if you live near the Seomun market, for example, and want to take the bus, you may start from Seomun market bus stop, instead of going to dongdaegu station first. You only need to pay to the bus driver and get the ticket. And please keep the ticket all the way round because you need to show to the bus driver each time you want to take the bus. And another benefit is, you can get a special discount at a certain restaurants by showing the ticket!
How much is the fare?
• adult/university students: 5K ₩
• middle/high school students: 4K ₩
• elementary school students/seniors/disabled: 3K ₩.
• infants: free.
• 20% disc. For:
- passengers who have a train/express bus ticket for the same day
- passengers in a groups of > 10 persons.
- foreign tourists with hotel voucher. (Well, I get the disc. anyway event though doesnt have the hotel voucher. This is 4K ₩ that I mention on the title).
What time does the bus operate?
From 09:30 AM - 06:40 PM and no operation every Monday, Seollal and Chuseok holidays.
So, the bus will arrive every 40 minutes in 14 points (bus stops). Please see the operational schedule of each points below.
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You can get off at those points, enjoy the sites, and freely take another bus which will arrive every 40 minutes.
★Important Notes★
• Make sure to be at the bus stop 5 minutes before arrival so you won't miss the bus.
• Take the leaflet "Daegu City Tour Guide" along with you when you get on the bus. You can find the informations about the sites you may visit, as well as the restaurants where the special discounts are available.
• Some of the course buses may not operate due to some reasons. For example, the 3rd course (which departed from Dongdaegu Station at 10:50) doesn't operate. If you are at the "Modern culture alley" and miss the 2nd course bus (10:34), you have to wait the next bus which will arrive at 11:53 AM. If your schedule are tight, and this case occured, I suggest you to take other public trabsportations (i.e subway, general bus) to continue your tour to the next stop.
I am personally satisfied with this service. Travelling with 15 months baby is quite hard. But, with this bus, I managed to visit 5 attractive places in a day leisurely. Even, my baby was easily asleep in the bus and wake up cheerfully anytime we get off of the bus. I am sure this is nearly impossible if we ride the Subway. So, try it on! :)
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 6 years ago
28 y.o birthday!
Subhanallaah walhamdulillaah wa laa ilaaha illallah allahu akbar..
Always be grateful for what Allah gives to me.
At this age, I felt that I've become so much different person (imo).
I am a wife, and a mom (as well) for a 15m.o. baby boy.
I felt so complete and better now compared to my previous ages, and i'd like to say that 27 is the hardest year so far.
Well, a little flashback at my 27: my (first) baby was born while I have to do thesis defense. I'm taking care of him alone (with my husband, who also preparing for his doctoral defense). We have no nanny. I breastfeed him directly because he refused to drink milk through bottle. I lack of sleep (Of course!). I brougth him to the lab (mostly everyday). My right hand is typing the keyborad (red: writing the thesis book & manuscripts) while my left hand is carrying him all along to keep him asleep (because he will instantly wake up when i put him on the bed). Don't ask How can I manage it? How can I stay focus? I lost my concentration a lot! I did so many mistakes. I troubled my lab mates so much (pardon me, mates...).
But yep, I'm not alone. Allah is always there. Keep guiding and bless me. Bismillaah, biidznillaah... Alhamdulillaah.. I've passed it. And look I'm still standing here now.
A quotes from Haruki Murakami, is so fit,
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So how about my 28's life will be?
Well I have to be prepared for anything. There are a lot of unpredictable and never ending surprised lie ahead. Its just like a roller coaster ride.
And..., for my 28th celebration? Hm... Actually 28 is not that old to me but also not young enough to celebrate my birthday. I felt that I'm too lazy for "a surprised party", or "a celebration with a cake, blow a candle, etc" now.
Spending whole day together, make a quality time (giggling, lying on bed, play on the ground), with my little family (husband and baby) is what I want the most today! I just think by doing so, I really can celebrate a feeling of "how complete I am"
But anyway thank you for all of my friends who remember that today is my birthday. Special thanks to my dearest husband for your surprises (BR cake and a "eoniq" customed handmade watch). I dont really think that you were thinking about those gifts! Hahaha (pardon me). Because I know how busy you are out there! But it really touches my heart so much. Love you. And hope we will keep being a betterr and better person, and we will always be together till jannah. (Aamiin)
Ps. I got double BR cake this time. From my hubby and my friends. While actually deep in my heart I prefer to have a cheese cake with strawberry toppings! Lol.
Barakallaahu fii umrik ♥
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
Pengurusan dokumen kelahiran anak d Korea Selatan
Bagi warga negara asing (WNA), khususnya Indonesia (WNI), yang berniat atau sebentar lagi akan melahirkan anaknya di Korea Selatan, ada beberapa dkumen yang harus diurus, antara lain:
1. Akta kelahiran bayi
2. Passport Bayi
3. Alien card Bayi
1. Persyaratan pembuatan Akta kelahiran si bayi:
a. Asli dan fotokopi Surat keterangan kelahiran (akta kelahiran) dari Rumah sakit dalam bhs. inggris (berstempel resmi dokter / RS nya)
b. Asli dan fotokopi Passport & Alien card kedua orang tua
c. Asli dan fotokopi Buku Nikah
d. Biaya 10 USD
*semua dokumen diserahkan dalam bentuk hardcopy ke petugas KBRI. Proses sampe jadi lumayan lama, bisa sampe 4 jam. Klo mau lgsg d ambil harap datang pagi-pagi.
2.Persyaratan pembuatan Passport si Bayi:
a. Softcopy pas photo bayi (background putih, jelas, mata terbuka, telinga keliatan)
b. Softcopy Passport & Alien card kedua orang tua
c. Softcopy Buku Nikah
d. Softcopy Surat keterangan kelahiran (akta kelahiran) dari Rumah sakit dalam bhs. inggris (berstempel resmi dokter / RS nya).
e. Biaya 25 USD (utk passport 48 hal, berlaku sampai 5 tahun)
*Semua file softcopy dalam format .jpg/.png dan di upload ke website KBRI seoul, sebelum datang ke KBRI
3. Persyaratan pembuatan Alien Card si Bayi:
a. Asli dan fotokopi passport & Alien card kedua orang tua
b.  Asli dan fotokopi passport si bayi yang sudah jadi
c.  Asli dan fotokopi Akte kelahiran bayi dari Rumah sakit (dalam bahasa inggris)
d. Pasphoto tercetak dengan spesifikasi sesuai pasphoto untuk passport
e. Biaya 30K KRW (utk pengambilan sendiri) atau 33K KRW (jika ingin dikirim ke rumah)
f. Biaya tambahan 80K KRW tapi gatau untuk apa.
*sebaiknya membawa uang cash.
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
Kejutan di bulan Juni
JUNI selalu menjadi bulan spesial sendiri bagi saya. Bukan hanya karena d bulan ini saya lahir, tetapi dia memang selalu menghadirkan kejutan-kejutan yang dapat mentransformasi hidup saya 180 derajat. 
Di Juni kali ini, seharusnya saya berangkat ke San Fransisco, California, (United States), untuk menghadiri undangan sebagai salah satu presenter dalam conference Cardiology. Tetapi, saya tidak jadi berangkat karena visa saya ditolak oleh US Embassy, dengan alasan kurang jam terbang ke negara lain selain Amerika. Lucunya, saya tidak sedih atau kecewa sama sekali dengan kegagalan ini, Saya yakin, pasti Allah punya keputusan-Nya sendiri yang lebih indah dari apa yang saya rencanakan.
Dan benar saja. kemarin, saya mendapat kabar bahwa saya positif hamil. Alhamdulillah... Sungguh besar karunia-Mu. Saya mencoba melakukan home pregnancy test (hpt) sendiri setelah membeli test pack seharga 5K won di apotek dekat apartment saya. Saya pilih test pack merk Sure Baby yang berbahan plastik. Saya membelinya secara diam-diam dari suami setelah perasaan kuat untuk melakukan test ini muncul karena saya sudah telambat haid hampir satu minggu. Sedangkan jika menurut catatan saya, siklus bulanan saya termasuk bagus, normal. Klise alasannya diam-diam dari suami, gak mau bikin kecewa dia seandainya hasilnya negatif, dan biar jadi surprise kalo hasilnya positif :)
Saya termasuk newbie perihal hpt ini, alias baru pertama kalinya tes. Jadi, wajar saya mengalami kecanggungan dan kekonyolan saat melakukan hpt ini.
Saya tampung urine pada paper cup
Saya celupkan test pack bagian pantat yang berwarna putih ke dalam gelas berisi urine.
Setelah menunggu lebih dari 12 menit, tak kunjung ada perubahan pada indikator. Tetap berwarna putih polos, tanpa garis apapun.Sedangkan menurut mbah google, jika muncul satu garis berarti negatif hamil, 2 garis berarti positif hamil. Hmm... pasti ada yang salah
Saya amati dan bolak-balik si test pack. Dan Ahaa... ketika saya tarik bagian yang berwarna pink, muncul semacam kertas ukur di dalamnya. 
Saya langsung celupkan bagian tersebut ke dalam paper cup berisi urine saya tadi.
Dan yak! Tidak sampai 3 menit, indikator berubah. 2 garis merah muncul, yang berarti positively pregnant.
Begini ternyata rasanya setelah kita mengetahui positif hamil. Senang bercampur bingung. Hahaaha XD Ko bingung? Iya, bingung. Bukan bingung siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab, hanya belum tahu harus ngapain, mana saja yang harus disiapkan lebih dulu, dan bagaimana menjalaninya ke depan. Yang pasti, hidup saya akan segera bertransformasi lebih hebat lagi dengan amanah yang luar biasa ini. Semoga saya dan suami sanggup menjalani amanah baru ini dengan baik, dan Allah senantiasa memberikan petunjuk, perlindungan, dan ridho-Nya terhadap saya dan suami, keluarga kecil saya.
Terima kasih yaa Allaah.. Once again, People plan, Allah corrects.
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
Kuliah di Korea : Research Scholarship
Kali ini saya mau menjelaskan tentang kuliah di korea dengan mekanisme yang kedua, yaitu beasiswa melalui research funding dari lab-lab di universitas Korea.
Umumnya, applicant menghubungi professor yang bersangkutan dengan mengirimkan curriculum vitae/portofolio dan dokumen-dokumen lain yang menjadi persyaratan, seperti English certificate (IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC), Academic Transcript, dan Certificate Graduation (Ijazah). Ada kalanya, professor akan meminta dokumen tambahan seperti Recommendation letter, Statement of purpose/Motivation letter, dan Research plan.
Professor akan menghubungi kandidat yang lolos kualifikasi secara dokumen untuk diwawancara. Setelah itu, tinggal menunggu pengumuman deh lolos atau gak nya. Beberapa kasus khusus mungkin professor akan memberikan tugas tambahan seperti review paper atau membuat program sederhana. Jika dinyatakan lolos, selama kuliah nanti, kita harus bekerja di lab untuk melakukan riset sesuai dengan bidang yang kita minati.
Bagi saya sendiri, beasiswa jenis yang satu ini menarik. Karena selain mendapatkan ilmu teori di perkuliahan, kita juga mendapatkan pengalaman praktik (i.e riset) dengan ikut andil mengerjakan proyak-proyek yang membiayai lab. Penglaman ini tentunya akan menambah nilai plus pada CV kita nantinya.
Selamat mencoba!
Untuk lab saya sendiri bisa dilihat disini.
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
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Constantly losing focus while you study be frustrating. We will go through some of the top study tips that can allow you to focus and study effectively.
Remind yourself why One of the key things that help us maintain focus no matter what, is by getting really interested in whatever we are doing. So find a way to make your topic interesting, relatable and practical in your life.
Remind yourself that you want to study to expand your worldly knowledge, to graduate, get into a field that you can flourish in, and provide some value to the world with your awesomeness. Also try thinking in metaphors and whatifs. It’s your mind, no one else has access to it, so think of wondrous things to make yourself want to devote the next few hours of your life to the task at hand.
Before studying
Plan out what you want to accomplish and give yourself a time limit. For example, I will read 10 pages from my psych textbook in 30 minutes, or I will spend 1 hour researching the key words for my report.
Get enough sleep. Ideally around 7-9 hours. If you sleep earlier, you may need less sleep, but please never do less than 6. Constant sleep deprivation is deteriorating for the brain and body.
Eat foods that help you focus. Which include blueberries, green tea, avocados, spinach, kale, salmon, nuts and seeds. I often have a spinach, banana & kale smoothie with matcha green tea powder, but you can combine some of the ingredients in a quick sandwich if you like.
Your brain mainly works on sugar, but you need to temper it with a protein or something with low GI, to reduce any blood-sugar problems which can lead to sudden tiredness. A quick way to find a a balance is to opt for a fruit or healthy smoothie.
Be aware that if you study right after having a heavy meal the blood circulating around your brain reduces and goes to help with digestion, so you may feel less alert. Smaller meals can help.
Take supplements that help you focus: fish oil, omega 3, Ginko Biloba, vitamin B12, Co-Enzyme Q10, and iron.
Identify whatever distracts you and find a way to minimise it. So perhaps you can go to a non-distracting environment, if that is an issue. I prefer libraries or coffeeshops.
Surround yourself with motivated people. If you can befriend the top few students in your class, or at least be on nicer terms with them, hopefully their studiousness will rub off on you.
Have all the stationary and materials you need at hand.
Set up a reward system, but avoid food as a reward as it can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. Instead try a relaxing activity, or hobby. Pretty much any incentive you can think of that will help you cross the finish line.
While studying
Prime - Spend 2 minutes skimming or figuring out what you will be going through.
Drinking game - Keep a bottle of water or two next to you. Drink a cup or a half cup worth every time you get distracted for more than 5 seconds.
Put distractions in their place - Write down any distracting thoughts in a small notebook. But remember it’s not supposed to act as your pretty bullet journal, but you can make another spread for if it you like. I made a small notebook the other day to write down quick thoughts that I would otherwise dwell on. It helps me direct my thoughts appropriately to what I’m studying, and still have those important ideas to refer to later.
Motivate yourself - Write out exactly why you want to be a [insert awesome career position] in detail with examples. Keep that page or post-it on hand and look at it when you feel yourself losing focus. It can give you a motivational boost and can inspire you to keep going. Sometimes I like to visualise specific scenarios of how I could help people once my finish my studies.
Take strategic breaks - Remove yourself from your study space and think of something else for a few minutes. You can get a snack, walk around, do a quick workout, look outside, and notice nature. Practice being present in the moment. Listen to of the world around you and get out of your head.
If you feel you can not sustain your concentration on a task for too long, you may switch between two different yet equally important tasks. But try to do a big task for at least 20 minutes, you never know, by then you might like it. Some studies show, it takes 20 minutes to really get into concentrating on something.
Reduce as many distractions as you can, including turning off notifications and wifi, putting you phone on do not disturb or airplane mode, and try blocking apps.
Track how you use your time. I like the apps ‘Now and Then’ and ‘Moment’ for iOS. So you can see how much you have accomplished or slacked off.
Write draft first. Edit and prettify later.
If you’re in the final stage, focus on the fact that you have made it this far and that you’re almost done.
Try to make it fun somehow, perhaps with strategies you used when you were a kid.
Use as many senses as you can.
Record your voice and say whatever you are reading or writing in different accents.
Draw quick doodles next to whoever you are doing to help you remember it better.
As long it’s not your first draft, feel free to use colourful pens, highlights and tape to keep you engaged.
After studying
Revise whatever you have accomplished just before your break, by quickly skimming through your most recent notes or readings.
Consequent revision schedule. The best way to remember what you have worked on is to revise it in specific intervals, after you have studying it. So after five minutes, in that evening before bed, the next day, at the end of the week and then in three weeks.
Reward yourself, as long as you feel like you ended up accomplishing something you couldn’t before.
You can try out each step for two days each to see which strategies work best for you.
I hope these tips can help you, and feel free message me if you would like more details for one of the points :)
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
26 y.o birthday lesson
I may not be a person as I expected 10 years ago. I have learned that I always have a choice, and have to Choose in this life! Even though, to keep silent, not moving at all, is a choice itself. And I realized, that in every choice, contains the risk. The important thing is How to maintain the risk of every choice I choose. I learned not to give up easily in every risk I face after my choices. I learned more that Allah will always help me, encourage me, and guide me, more than anyone else in my life. Because Allah is the only one I will return to, and for all the things in this life to return to.
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
aesthetic on papier’s 1000 followers giveaway
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Hello!! This blog has reached 1,000 followers and I wanted to thank you for all your support! I am so blessed to be inspired and encouraged by the studyblr community! 
1 large college ruled brown notebook (perfect for notes!)
1 extra thin college ruled brown notebook
1 Muji mini notebook pack of 5
1 Muji monthly schedule
1 Muji weekly schedule
2 packs (set of 100) of study notecards 
2 Muji 0.5mm black gel-ink ballpoint pens
1 Muji 0.5mm light blue gel-ink ballpoint pen
1 Muji blue clear tip double ended highlighter
2 washi tape rolls
2 handlettered prints (with your username/anything of your choice)
1 Kurutoga auto lead rotation mechanical pencil (I will be picking this up from my trip to Japan)
other small things (:
must be following me- this is for the followers (:  (if you reblog on a side blog, please write your main blog in the tags or comment on the post when you reblog it)
giveaway entries end Saturday, July 23rd @ 11:59 PST
reblog as many times as you want but please don’t spam your followers (1 reblog=1 entry)
likes do not count
no giveaway blogs (I will be checking)
keep your ask box open!
willing to give me your address
worldwide shipping 
The winner will be selected on July 24th by a random number generator. Giving the best of luck and wishes to you all!
Note:  This is not sponsored by Tumblr or Muji!  If you would like to see pictures of some of the items, send an ask, and I can post a picture.
a million thanks 
♥ karina
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
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Gemerlap Winter di Garden of Morning Calm, Korea
Untuk kalian yang mempunyai kesempatan untuk jalan-jalan disekitaran nami island atau petite france, Korea selatan. Jangan lewatkan untuk mampir ke Garden of Morning Calm. Lokasinya masih di area Gapyeong  / Cheongpyeong. Kalo kalian datang kesini di musim winter, kalian akan berkesempatan untuk menyaksikan Lighting Festival yang cakep abisss disini. Lighting festival nya sendiri dimulai dari jam 19.00 malam. Winter ga akan lagi kerasa gloomy, empty, ato sepi guys!!
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
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Jalan-jalan ke korea? Rugi kalo ga nyicipin street food ini. Bahan dasar odeng ini cukup sederhana: ikan  (생선), tepung (가루) dan sayuran (야채). 
Ada 3 jenis odeng yang terkenal di Korea:
Odeng rebus. Sebenernya ga direbus juga sih, cuma odeng ini penyajiannya di celupkan ke dalam kaldu gitu. Kaldunya sendiri umumnya terdiri dari  lobak (무), daun bawang (양파) dicampur dengan kepiting (게) dan rumput laut (김) untuk menambah rasa. Cara memekannya sendiri, tusukan odeng ini dicelupkan ke dalam saus kedelai (soybean) yang dicampur dengan irisan bawang bombay dan cabe. Kuah kaldu yang buat jadi celupan nya juga bisa diminum loh. Kayak minum wedang anget gitu looh. Tapi gurih, ga manis, jadi dijamin ga akan eneg. Yang ada malah ketagihan hahaha :D
Odeng saus merah. Varian odeng yang kedua ini disajikan dengan saus mustard dan saus tomat. Ada essence asem-asem nya gitu deh~
Odeng Tang, yang disajikan dalam mangkuk kaldu dengan cabai, bawang, dan kedelai
Saya sendiri, paling suka dengan varian yang pertama. Lebih seger aja sih klo menurut saya. Harga odeng ini termasuk muraaaahh banget, apalagi untuk ukuran kantong mahasiswa atau wisatawan ala ransel. Cukup sisihkan ~500 KRW untuk satu tusuk odeng rebus. Murah kannn kaaann kaannn... Tunggu apalagi cobain deh, biar ketagihan #eh Truly, this is my most favorite street snacks in Korea! Great companion for cold weather, like winter or fall. Believe me, taste it! you’ll be addicted!! XD
Anyeong~~ ^_^
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
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Soft and Chewy Chocochips Cookies!
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups (about 12 ounces) semisweet and/or milk chocolate chips
How to?
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and baking soda; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the butter with both sugars; beat on medium speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low; add the salt, vanilla, and eggs. Beat until well mixed, about 1 minute. Add flour mixture; mix until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips. 
Drop heaping tablespoon-size balls of dough about 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
Bake until cookies are golden around the edges, but still soft in the center, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and let cool on baking sheet 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature up to 1 week.
Tips! It’s best if you dip it into a plain milk :D
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
My time will be invested on me. On improving myself. I want to become a better person physically and mentally.
http://twitter.com/goodquoteco (via kushandwizdom)
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hellomoccappuccino-blog · 8 years ago
Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) merupakan beasiswa dari pemerintah Korea untuk warga negara asing (termasuk Indonesia, salah satunya)  yang ingin melanjutkan studi S1 (Undergraduate degree), S2 atau S3 (Graduate degree) di Korea. Mekanisme pendaftarannya sendiri ada 2 macam, yaitu : 1) melalui Embassy 2) melalui designated university
Apa Bedanya?
Jalur Embassy, Peserta mendaftarkan diri dengan cara mengirimkan dokumen persyaratan ke kantor kedutaan besar (kedubes) Korea di negaranya dan diperbolehkan untuk memilih 3 universitas tujuan belajar di Korea. Pihak Kedubes Korea akan mengirimkan dokumen peserta ke 3 universitas yang ditunjuk jika peserta lolos seleksi (biasanya interview) dengan pihak kedubes. 3 universitas yang ditunjuk peserta akan mengirimkan dokumen penawaran ke peserta. Keputusan terakhir universitas mana yang akan dituju berada di tangan peserta.
Jalur Designated University : Peserta hanya diperbolehkan memilih 1 universitas tujuan dan mengirimkan dokumennya ke international office universitas yang bersangkutan. Universitas yang bersangkutan akan merekomendasikan nama peserta ke kedutaan besar Korea jika peserta lolos tahap seleksi di dalam universitas yang bersangkutan. Selanjutnya, pihak kedutaan besar Korea akan menyeleksi dokomen peserta dan peserta dinyatakan lolos jika peserta memenuhi kualifikasi pihak kedubes.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkapnya, silahkan cek di situs resmi NIIED www.niied.go.kr
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