monochromatic goals
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Nathalie Emmanuel for Byrdie
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Courtney Fashion Week 17′
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Photographer: Taylor Baldwin
Website: Mamaphotog.com
Philadelphia, Pa
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Photographer: Taylor Baldwin 
Website: Mamaphotog.com
Philadelphia, Pa
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photographer: Taylor Baldwin 
Philadelphia, Pa 
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New York Street Style, Ny (my epiphany) 
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Balls to Wall
The expression that came up today at school was "Balls to the Wall"
Expressing yourself with all caution in the wind, you create new + revolutionary things. Today I did a critique in my Toal experience course on a bedroom that I set up outside on the parkway in front of the Academy of Natural Science. It included the normal minimal bedroom display, a bed, a nightstand, a rug, and plenty of decor. I already did this display in a class room by a window that worked beautiful with the lighting in the room but it just wasn't the experience I needed. I wanted to create an experience that different people could walk into, it would be out of my hands who interacted with the piece. I realized I was creating a photo experience that started a lot of conversations! People were walking up wondering what it was and why it was there, I explained the space and some people started to take photos. 
Being in art school my fashion work doesn't get critiqued well due to the small minded nature of a fine art based education. I don't fit it so I think in many ways I am forever creating a way to exclude myself but in my moments of exclusion I feel welcomed. Constantly defending my work proved to me that I really love what I do. Its the ups and down of attending school, I love it and then I hate it. 
Maybe I will set up more of these displays and have you think what you want, you could think it was an ad for Ikea and I wouldn't care. As long as you feel welcomed enough to approach it + start a conversation. 
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Sacrifice + Depression
Over the past couple of weeks I have been overcome with depression from school to my personal life. The more serious I take my craft the more things change around me, another thing that proves God didn't give everyone my vision. I know that the life I live is a blessing and at the end of the day I am happy but the flaws bring me down a lot. 
Friends have always been a tricky thing in my life since the birth of my daughter. I was the first of my friends to have a child and that truly set the gears to my loner life. Everyone was busy still going out and living the young life, I had to grow up. I may have locked myself away, I can't speak for all young mothers but I was extremely hard on myself. All the side eyes and dirty looks I get from strangers only made me want to stay in my room with my little one more. Depression only hit me when I realized I was being judged without even opening my mouth. The older she got the more I began to stop caring about the outside world. It took me realizing that my age didn't determine my success as a mother. 
Being a full time entrepreneur, student and mom one always seems to get the short end of the stick at some point. Thats when my support system comes in play, but lately it has been a struggle to even depend on that. My motherhood is constantly judged because of how much time I am forced to spend out the house. With me graduating next year my work has picked up and I have truly be submersed in my school work. It took me truly praying and talking to God about this struggle and just leading me through the negativity. 
I recently have experienced a breakthrough and truly am happy but I know the occasional overwhelming moments are normal. I tend to drown in my life sometime because I am really a fulltime everything! Imagine that! I don't know how I get shit done but I do!
Stay tuned because writing is my therapy: I hope I touch some one 
Mama Photog
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Fresh Start
Let me re introduce myself! My name is Taylor + I am the creator of Mama Photog.
Mama Photog is lifestyle photography brand that provides content for bloggers, foodies, and product designers. The journey for me began when I received my first camera at the age of 17, not taking it too serious but experimenting with the medium. My aesthetic was far from known and I pretty much just started with photos around my neighborhood. I was studying business in school and living a pretty normal life until God had some different plans for me. He decided I was ready to bring into the world my beautiful baby girl at the age of 18, her name is Malia. Since the day she was born she has been my muse for everything in my life. When she turned a year old our art journey began. I applied to Moore College of Art & Design! Got Accepted + our journey for a better life began. 
Taking photography serious brought on new struggles because my goal was to work for myself. Being an entrepreneur takes a special type of person that is willing to sacrifice and give more than the hours of 9-5 to his/her craft. Lets fast forward to my sophomore year when I truly realized I had to specify my brand and make myself different. I discovered fashion bloggers and the obsession began during my first New York fashion week at Essence Street Style. The event showed all these different people of color with amazing style. Nobody looked the same and they all offered something magical. While in Brooklyn I took a photo of my friend on the corner of a busy intersection against an old car, I got amazing reviews on it. That moment put the gears in motion and I found my aesthetic in that moment. 
Color and the backdrop set the tone for my images and I truly create an experience with each session. I started to meet these stylish women and build relationships and now I have a network of gorgeous women. I am building a portfolio, traveling and beating the odds. Based on my circumstances I am supposed to be a dropout on welfare raising my daughter with the hopes of making it through the week. I wanted to inspire my daughter and teach her what it feels like to live a happy life full of content. Just because I had a child young doesn't mean I don't deserve to live. 
I hope all young mothers take from my story that you can truly accomplish your dreams no matter what. I have so many people throw negative comments at me everyday and I lose friends all the time. When God gives you a special vision it is meant for you and not everyone will understand. Pray and stay in faith because he will take you places that you can't even dream about. 
Mama Photog
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Bloggers creating magic together with me behind the lens! 
Bloggers: Dayna Dane and Rocky 
Instagrams: https://www.instagram.com/itsdaynadane/
Photographer: Taylor Baldwin 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mamaphotog_/
Make up Artist: Ta'Neisha Nichole
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mua_taneishanichole/
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Brand Based In Faith.......
September 21st I received an email from WeWork with the subject line reading “What would you do with this opportunity?” I’m normally really bad at opening emails that aren't from clients. The subject instantly caught my attention and the email began to explain the Mission Possible Program. The program will sponsor you to have an office space at a location and a range of other benefits if they like your brands mission.(I have told so many people I would love to have a space there! I was a little obsessed) I applied thinking nothing of it because my start up is fairly new and my mission is growing along with me. What’s my mission? To help lifestyle bloggers build a professional brand through photos. I’m not trying to end world hunger or anything, I'm here for the aesthetics! September 27th I received an email asking to schedule an interview, I was shocked! I never thought they would be interested in my little brand, but they loved what I had to say. The interview was scheduled for October 5th and it went amazing, I was given a tour of the space and instantly fell in love. 10 minutes into pitching my brand they offered me the space! Asking me when I would be able to move in!? Inside I was screaming and amazed that I really got this amazing opportunity, not sure how many of us were chosen but about 70 had scheduled interviews with limited space (like 20 girls named Taylor). October 6th at 2:36pm I’m writing a blog post from my very own little space. 
This is truly a blessing because these past few weeks have been nothing short of a struggle. I was starting to feel like I was losing control, questioning my path! God works things out in funny ways, this blessing was definitely a slap in the right direction. I now have a professional space to hold meetings and just create without distractions. 
Moral of the story, dream bigger and hustle harder! If it’s meant for you It won't mis you! 
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Blogger: Rocky Website: Itsarockyworld.com
Instagram: @itsarockyworld​
Photographer: Taylor Baldwin
Instagram: @mamaphotog_
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Blogger: Rocky
Website: Itsarockyworld.com
Instagram: @itsarockyworld
Photographer: Taylor Baldwin
Instagram: @mamaphotog_
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Blogger: Macarena Ferreira Website: thematerialgirl.co Instagram: @macarenaferr
Photographer: Taylor Baldwin  
Instagram: @mamaphotog_
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Blogger: Macarena Ferreira Website: thematerialgirl.co Instagram: @macarenaferr
Photographer: Taylor Baldwin  
Instagram: @mamaphotog_
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Blogger: Macarena Ferreira
Website: thematerialgirl.co
Instagram: @macarenaferr 
Photographer: Taylor Baldwin   
Instagram: @mamaphotog_
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