hellodevond-blog · 10 years
That’s it. I am never grocerie shopping without a list again. Every single time I do it, I feel like such a failure.
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Glad to know that you're still alive in well Mr. Harper. You know, if it's that big of a deal I could just write a list for you. 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
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See, the thing is, I don’t exactly care enough to feel bad about it. Annual salary is just north of three-million, so it’s necessary to just have some fun with the extra cash.
For fun, why didn't you just say so? And here you had me thinking you were one of those sadistic rich-kids. My name's Devon by the way, but you can call me Dev if you'd like. What do I call you? 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
So you're one of those guys then. Must be fun having everyone in the palm of your hand like that. It's one big trap though, keep messing around and it's going to come back to bite you. But then again, you don't seem like the type to really care. 
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When you have more money than you can care what to do with, it’s not a bad idea to toss it into a crowd and watch people scramble for it.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
I haven’t got all night.
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Yeah yeah, I've got your drink. No need to get pissy. So you gonna tell me why you're throwing your money away or am I just gonna watch you drink? 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Well, I was born in Greece, but raised mostly in Sweden.
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Oh out of the country. Sounds fun! I was going to pull the big city Boston card but you've got me beat. Is it nice there? 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Okay moneybags, I'll be back in a moment then. Don't disappear into the night though, I wouldn't want to look like an alcoholic.
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If you’d care to stay for a drink, I might consider telling you.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Sounds great. Hmm… definitely Mint Chocolate Chip!
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I can't wait! Enough about me though, what's up with you. Are you from L.A.....or? 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine. $500 though sound quite nice. I suppose I could get you that drink but when I come back you'll have to tell me how you can afford this.
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$500. I’d suggest hurrying along. I’ve got a couple lined up who are dying for that half-grand.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Good to know, the next time I'm free I'll let you know. We'll have a bit of a girls night. You like Mint Chocolate chip or Pistachio? 
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When it comes to ice cream, I’m always game.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Well, well mister, sounds like someone's had a long day. I don't think drinking is the way to go, but if you must I could see what I can do. How much we talking here?
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I’ll pay someone to bring me some more whiskey.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
I was thinking more, George & Mildred, Open All Hours and A Touch of Frost. Though I do love me some Doctor Who. British accents are the best.
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Well those sound very interesting, you might have to bring them over sometime and get me hooked. I'll even supply ice cream. You game? 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
I could drink to that. The only contact I need is with my bed. You can sleep, eat, and watch TV in it. What more could you possibly need? I also find comfort in knowing my bed will never talk back to me. It's basically the best boyfriend ever made. 
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I agree, sleep is the best award ever! There should be more hours to do so! 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Now that’s the way to do it. Where is it that you work?
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I'm an HR Manager downtown.I guess it's pretty cool. Who doesn't want to file papers all day? But then again there is this amazing little pad thai shop right next store so that's where I spend most of my lunch breaks.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
So weddings then? I might just have to hire you. I've been obsessed with Evans Peters lately and I know we're destined to have beautiful babies. It's going to happen, no it has to happen. 
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I work at the Chateau Marmont as an Event Coordinator. 
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God I hate snow.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
I’ve been in LA for a few years, but I’m new to this building. I’ve got my dream job, I’m just sleep deprived because of it.
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Dream job eh, if you don't mind me asking what do you do? Well I'm from Boston. It was nice there but I sure don't miss the snow. It was god awful. Imagine going to work but then having your car covered in white demons from hell. 
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
I'm glad to hear that. You haven't been here long have you? A couple of days maybe? It's nice around here, lots of kind people, cute boys. Los Angles was a good choice if you ask me. You here chasing a dream or are you as sleep deprived as the rest of us? 
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Very well actually. I’m loving it here.
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hellodevond-blog · 10 years
Good, good. I trust Los Angles is treating you well? No one I've got to kick the shit out of yet? 
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I’ll be waiting for that fruit basket then. Yeah, it’s French.
Pleasure to meet you, Dev.
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