hellobaiba · 7 years
I just realised that at this time next week everything will be done.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
What about our collab with Jonas, i just have to say stay tuned, there are great things planned.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
Long time no see
What LAB gave to me? 
This whole experience working in LAB was amazing. I have always loved to experiment, but in this class I was confronted with so much freedom that it seemed a bit confusing at times. Confusing in a way that I loved the idea of being completely free in what we are doing, but got a bit stuck when I had no real guidelines. This is one of the things I learned, that I should just follow my intuition (which I partly did already) but LAB really teaches you how to do it and how important it is to just try what comes into your mind.
My whole experience was a line of failures or I should say the outcome of experiments did not match my expectations. This was really good for me, and I am actually pretty happy nothing worked as I wished for. Before this trimester failures in experiments tend to get my mood a bit down, and then made me really think about the next thing I could do so it would work. LAB? Completely different, I faced all the failures with a smile and just did another experiment. Looking back now I see how I actually changed my mind set from the first to last failure. This thought me to move forward and try out other things without regretting my failures.
One of the hardest things for me is talking about my work even though I believe in it, it has always been hard for me to communicate and show off this side of me. Maybe it is my mentality but I have never felt completely comfortable with sharing. Creating tumblr and having the personal talks every week proved to me that it’s not in any way arrogant to just talk about yourself, even though I felt like that before. Maybe it is strange to say but my confidence grew. I already know that it is hard to get me, because I open up to people just when I know I can trust them, from one side I am positive and always try to see everything in bright colors and that’s who I am but there is the other side of me which is not revieled at first. LAB gave me confidence and proved me that sharing the soup which is in my own head is important to show to others.
Me and Jonas have worked together before and it made sense that we would do it again. I am a really dreamy, up in the air person. I like to float around and from time to time I cannot set my head on one specific thing because everything seems so interesting. What I learned and want apply in my way of working from Jonas is the steady head and focus. I made remarks like – ou you are so German – and with that I meant the structured, cool head in his approach. I would say I need to become more German myself, because my hyperactivity and constant – this is amazing attitude can work against me as well.  I am not saying he is not enthusiastic, but he deals with his enthusiasm way more settle and it does not stand in the way of his work.
‘’ Baiba–Design® If Baiba’s imagination would be a Universe, Scientists could proof that it is infinite. She doesn’t stick to the rules and always assumes, that everything is possible (which is great and I should try to be more like that). This seems to be her biggest source of inspiration. Her spontaneity and unleashed imagination makes it unpredictable and fascinating to see what she comes up with. However, this makes it also sometimes difficult for her to really focus and push things through. Baiba is a Dreamer in the most positive sense. Her attitude is visible in her aesthetic qualities which is one of her biggest strengths. Colour, form and composition are her handiest tools which she always masters seemingly without effort. I wish I had the same ability to melt a piece of chewed bubble gum and make into an art piece. I’m convinced she is a truly talented designer and is still far from reaching her limits.’’
It was nice to read his vision of me. And I agree with his words about my pitfalls, as I mentioned before, we work very well together and his down to earth attitude make me focus more on the important thing of the project.
I am proud I stuck to my first subject which was bubble gum, even though I had this – you can switch to another topic – idea laying in my head. Yes, it was confusing and maybe a bit like ou nothing works with this, but still getting closer to the end I realised how much more I can and want to explore. This is one more thing I learnt. I had problems with sticking to one subject for my department and it made me so overwhelmed that I could not move forward. In LAB I noticed that it is good to try explore your initial idea, because most of the time if your intuition says this is cool, you should believe it.
I am not proud of my time management and division of work load between LAB and department. Yes, we need to make priorities from time to time, but looking back now I know that I could have split it more equally, nevertheless it is a shame I realised this just few weeks before the end.
This class for me was attractive not only on the scale of individual work. It was nice to see what others were doing, because as in department we are also split in groups, we see other projects just at the endterm, but the weekly presentations in LAB showed how cool it is to follow your interest and yes, maybe get lost, but it’s a part of the deal. I appreciate the guest lectures and the diversity of small assignments. In this class colLABoration experience felt really free.
I think we all tend to approach projects way too serious in a way that we lose the fun aspect on the way. LAB should still be taken seriously but this kind of teaching platform always reminds you to enjoy process, follow your interest and get to know yourself. Who cares that experiments do not tur out as planned, you can learn from the experience itself, which I highly appreciate and now implement in my serous projects.
Thank you for this class, second year, when we all feel more pressure of being something and defining ourselves, can get tough, LAB gives the opportunity to analyse yourself and therefore see where your interest lays in.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
Performance update, i will demonstrate separate parts, first years have chairs to finish and they are ready to fight for a spot in wood workshop with blood. (but they have endterms next week)
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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Still dreaming of the dry ice, I guess for now it will just be a dream, because we cant aford it with Jonas
Well, drying is also nice, good for now
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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Collaboration still going strong. We decied to make edable paint, so now we are making different powders and mixing them with oil, tasty actually. we tried with vegetable crisps, which is the sample Jonas in the picture above is really excited about. and we waited around 8 hours to dry carrots (for orange) and beetroot (for pinky red) and it worked. 
our goal is purely vegan, paint and also the surface we want to put it on, so it would be a delight for anybody (this time something tasty rather than the bar experience few weeks ago)
Jolly Johanes? more like Tasty Johaness on the menu 
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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tried to soak gum in lemon acid and soda, wow, it was bubbling for like 5 minutes, i am no chemestry expert, but this was cool, no real outcome though.
and the other picture shows one of my samples (cleaned gum, which was not pink anymore) mixed with epoxy and even after two weeks of drying, turned out in a really soft mess. 
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hellobaiba · 7 years
Where is the robot, Baiba?
in progress, i would say now its more like a gum killing machine, i just need metal workshop and my old time lover - spotvelding machine. 
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hellobaiba · 7 years
YES, after tryouts with rubber-gum mixture i finally got something. this time i used the cleared gum (from color and different texture) and melted it together with liquid rubber, and the outcome, my ou my, stronger, color change and OMG sory for all the caps lock but this is cool.
no pictures though, because all my cameras just refuse to work haha irony
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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So as I am so in love with the pink color I got from bubble gum, I tried to mix it with different coatings, a bit disappointed because the color didn’t dry as bright as I hoped, well life
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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One more thing I tried. I love to blow bubbles, and I was just wondering if it is possible to keep them like this. I actually think it is (like all my samples, ha) possible. Tried this baby with spray varnish. Stupid me, I was so impatient that I touched it before it dried so it collapsed.  
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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I was waiting for this epoxy sample to dry for two weeks. Today, finally the top was hard so I opened the mold, surprise surprise, it actually was sticky as hell.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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Yesterday I accidentally discovered second hand shop which was filled with old Philips stuff. I was so amazed that I forgot to take pictures, but this collage gives the impression. Its owners were drinking wine and offered us coffee, such a cool place. Got some materials for my upcoming machine, yeyeye
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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So i thought, if the color is so pink, would it color paper, wood or fabric? Will see, all of that is now marinating for few days already.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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Another accidental discovery, when I put gum in the baking soda, some of the pieces were wraped in kassabon and surprise the letters from it stayed on gum. (didnt take picture though). So I though, cool lets try this, I tried, I failed. Will try again.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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I was looking through my old photos and thought I would share some with you. I like to work with materials and I think starting the second year I lost it a bit, not completely. So here are some of my previous, before Design Academy projects I made, fully hands on.
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hellobaiba · 7 years
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