Art Critique
I love the message--its much needed. I think your video is very solid. Your message/concept is clear (and relatable), you transitions are well put together, and you even got a time-lapse of a rose mixed in with other clips!
Only thing I can see that’d add to your video a little more would be an softer ending. It’s like going on this beautiful frolic and suddenly falling off a cliff with how the end just suddenly happens. :P A fade out of music could help with that.
Great piece and good job.
Self-Directed Video Project
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Art Critique:
Cute. Can I have one?
I did something similar with my project--a video of myself producing another form art. I think that yours in 3D though, as it allowed for you, and us as the viewer, to interact more with your object as your moved it around in space.
I personally would have liked to have seen more--like I felt like I didn’t get to see the finished Dino. I also didn’t get a strong sense of any story or what concept your were driving for.
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Art Critique:
YAY! I am so glad some did a stop motion picture. The message is powerful and simple--just like the video. The music gives it a playful, journey-like feel which was not what I was expecting given the title (I was thinking it was going to be a deep mystical vibe). That isn’t good or bad, it was just surprising. Obviously, your video falls short on the time length so improving that would be great--but life happens and stop motions take FOREVER to make.
Reminds me of the quote: “All the darkness in the universe cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
Soul incandescence
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VIDEO PROJECT: watch video, read for more info.
Death, Life, and Transformation through the story of Arachne.
Arachne is a Roman myth written by Ovid in his book, Metamorphosis, despite it often being represent Greek. Here is the myth for those who have not heard of it:
Arachne was a beautiful young woman who was a master with thread and loom. So great was her skill that she must have been taught by the gods themselves. Yet she denied them as her inspiration and went so far as to boldly challenge the goddess Athena (of Wisdom) herself-- claiming that she could weave finer than her. Athena, being the master of the arts of weaving, war strategy, and all kinds of crafts, took offense to this mortal girl’s claims. Three times she appeared to Arachne in disguise, the last as a crone, and urged the maiden with warnings to ‘repent’ by offering sacrifices and praying earnestly to gods for forgiveness. Arachne scorned the old crone, “You’ve come with a feeble mind; Old fool, your curse is that you have lived to long...” At this, Athena showed herself as goddess in glory and called for loom, spindle, and thread so the weave off might begin. Spin and spun they did until each had finished a tapestry to show. Athena’s work was grand and awesome, depicting the gods in all their might and majesty on their mountain generously pouring out their gifts. Arachne, unphased, then stretched hers forth for all to see. There, in beauty beyond compare, was the story of how Jove raped Europa as bull and all the other hideous acts of treachery, beastialitality, and rape the gods committed. No could deny Arachne’s skill, not even Athena, who flew into rage. She tore apart the looms, ripped apart the tapestries, and slashed the girl’s face not 3 times, but 4. So much was the beating and scar--she’d rather hang than bow her head-- that Arachne grabbed the threads of tapestries and hung herself. As she swung Athena, the a twinge of mercy, lifted her up to say, “So you shall live, Bad girl, to swing, to live now and forever...” And by the Dark Herbs of Hecate and with twisting form--Arachne became a spider.
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MUSIC VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!
This was harder than I thought....
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Video camera effects
Ok, so it’s more than a minute long, but I was having fun. I used this little project is an experiment for how uploading videos from my phone camera to my PC, YouTube, and other tools in preparation for a larger project. All of this video was done with only camera and real time effects, no editing.
CAUTION: It may contain themes that some people find disturbing--guns, pandemic, reference to blood, etc.
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@ number 1: That is a good question! Usually, we think of time as a measurement of activities, events, actions performed, etc. (For example, birth to death is a measurement of one's life). Our conception of time, especially in western culture, is often linear with a start and an end. This linear view of time combined with “time” is defined as a measurement makes valuable commodity because it will undoubtedly have an end--it is now spent, wasted, invested, given, etc. but never earned. Time is a way of measuring productivity, output, achievement and so on--basically, time is money.
Motion is basically movement--either moving or by being moved.
Other cultures have a different view of time (which is, unfortunately, dying with modernization and globalism). It’s also viewed more as ‘old world’ and often religious/spiritual and not practical. Basically, it is infinite and eternal, like a loop or a ring. In this understanding of time, there is a limited ability to measure it (other than by cycles, like day/night, or themes) and its not something that can be commoditized. A better definition of this idea of time is more like motion. It is something that everyone is constantly moving through or being moved by. Time is not a measurement, but a motion.
These ideas originated within cultures like Nepal, India, lots of Africa, lots of the middle east. Ideas like reincarnation from Hinduism or the traditional eastern early Christian view of eternity capture the essence of this understanding.
A western perspective would focus on the linear points, “The person was born and died. They got married at age X and did that at Y and they lead a good fulfilling life (implying time well used).” and if they are religious, maybe,” Now they are in heaven (or will restart a new life).” A strong fear of death is present in these cultures and people are either searching for some kind of immortality, an eternal afterlife, or simply hope in no-existence. Reincarnation is sentential or idealized.
An eastern one would focus on the eternal part, “The person has moved from one space of existence to another and will do so again--like a day/night cycle.” Death is a major life transition, like a marriage or having a child, that changes the way you relate to the world (or you altogether) but it is not an absolute end. Ironically, the aim of beliefs like Hinduism is to escape the eternal cycle or forceful movement of time and cease to exist as an individual. Reincarnation is hell in Hinduism (and note, in early Christianity, you basically never die, your body does and will be resurrected, but you don’t... In fact, everyone is already immortal, but the state your immortality is determined by whether you know God.)
Anyways, I am getting carried away. Basically, whether western or not in your definition of time I think it’s fair to say that time and motion are highly interconnected and that one cannot function without the other.
What are different between of the time and motion?
The time and motion was use to made a artist project
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@ number 2: I think they are quite familiar to the eye because they are popular and not the other way around. All the visual arts are familiar to the eye, they have to be, but before the invention of film time and motion were implied. That is, they were static within a visual image. Video art is a way of depicting time and motion as it is--fluid and moving--in a visual way.
I also think it's easier for people. We live in a very fast-paced society (although this virus is slowing things down) and get bored easily and, arguably, a lot of people lack imagination. Having a nice package of visual stimulus that explains itself from a time as short as one minute to as long as 3 hours is ideal. Think of the last time you stared at a single photo or painting--how long was it for? Chances are it wasn’t past 5 minutes. Yet in a single youtube video that is that long you covered some thousands of frames--and people (like myself) can easily get sucked into spending an hour or more on youtube.
Just food for thought
Chapter 6:Time and Motion
1) Is there a form of art that time and motion don’t fit into or wouldn’t it make sense to use it?
2) In a lot of the artworks used to explain time and motion there are scenes that most of us are used to seeing like scenes from movies and shows, so do you think that the reason time and motion is popular is because of how familiar it is to the eye?
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Self directed Video Project Proposal
I think it would be cool to do a stop motion or timelaps video of some sort. It is also practicle given my reasources and tools at the moment. I want to explore ideas of beauty and/or individuality... I am also thinking about it having it specifically relate to people.
My current plan is to have a drawing or painting stop motion or time-laps. I have in mind either doing a seed gowing into a tree (expressing life, death, birth, and/or beauty or a time-laps protrait drawing/painting expressing similiar ideas of beauty and individuality. To be honest thought, either one is looking quite daunting in the potential amount of work it might take (drawing thousands of pictures fram by fram...oof). The time-laps piece is looking to be my favorite right now. I have several creative ideas about how I could use paint or pencil with an auido/musical componet to capture what I am looking for. It is likely what I will do.
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Chapter 6-- time and motion questions
1) Would one image project as unchanging for an hour still count as a timepiece, even though there is no motion? A time-based still-life of sorts.
2) So are all patterns considered implied motion or just optical illusions that create a sense of motion?
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Do it Project
Project Title: The Face of God
Original Artist: Lance Pikaart
Genera/Media used: Performance Art
Set up
Location to be performed: An empty, square room with all white walls and plain concrete floors.
Number of participants: 13 people
1) The Cleric: The artist who is a dual Representation of church leaders and of Jesus
2) The Outsider: A volunteer who will interact with the Cleric and have feet washed.
2 The Clergy: Everyone else. They are primarily spectators who represent the church.
What to wear/ Aesthetics: The Cleric will wear a loincloth/ briefs under a plain black shirt and black pants. Over that, the Cleric will wear traditional Roman Catholic Chasuble (any color is fine) and have a full face white masquerade mask on (made from plaster or plastic). Standard civilian clothing is fine for all other participants. Each member of the Clergy will wear a unique white half/partial masquerade mask (made from a heavy grade glossy paper).
Prompts and Room set up: The room will have an alter or table set up in the front with the spotlights on it. A table cloth that matches the Cleric’s robes will be placed on it along with an Illuminated Bible, a candle, a brown/dark towel, a half piece of a baguette (torn not cut), a bottle of red wine (Prophecy is the brand name Visible on the outside), and a wine glass. The Bible goes in the center, the bread, towel, and candle on the left half on the table, and the Wine and cup on the right half of the table. A black or clear basin (18 inches in circumference and 6 inches deep) filled with warm water will be stored under or behind the altar. There will be 12 seats arranged in 2 segments of 6 with a middle aisle to imitate a church set up. Play a Latin prayer/monk Chant in the background and make sure the room is dimly lit/dark--only getting light from the spotlights on the altar. Have the Bible bookmark set in John and mark the verses to be read loud then close it.
A sharpie and the 11 half masquerade masks will be laid out on a table just outside of the gallery/Performance room.
See the pictures posted for this project below to get a better feel of the materials.
The Performance
After the room is set and the participants have gathered the Cleric (in his normal clothes) will instruct everyone outside of the gallery room.
1) Ask for a Volunteer.
2)Tell everyone to pick a mask. Inform Outsider that they do not get one.
3)After everyone has a mask, have them take the Sharpie and write, using one word. something they don’t like or want to hide about themselves on the inside of their mask. Assure them no one but they will see it.
4)You will write, “Religion” in your own mask.
5)Tell them that you will give them signal during the piece by saying, “And this is why I have come, not to be served, but to serve,” and that after they hear that they are to take their masks off, crumple them up, and hurl them at you (the Cleric) as hard as they can.
6)After they have finished writing their words, tell them to put on their masks, enter the room, have a seat, and wait. Inform them that they cannot speak when they enter the room until they leave the room.
7)After they are all in the room close the door behind them. Get dressed in your costume.
8)Enter the room in prayer pose (straight back with hands pressed together in front of your lips) and slowly and methodically, step by step, walk through the center aisle up to the altar. Make sure to only look straight ahead.
9)Once you reach the front of the altar kneel on one knee and do the sign of the cross (the thing Catholics do when they touch their head, chest, and the across their chest when they pray) and stand up again.
10)Methodically walking again, go left to get on the other side of the altar and position yourself in the center.
11)Take the Bible with both hands and raise it up above your head as you look to the heavens and proclaim, “Oh God! We are your Church, your children, in the midst of a sinful world. Protect us from these unrighteous sinners through your word and punish evildoers in your wrath!”
12)Put the Bible down, then extend your hands forward to the clergy (like a big hug) and say, “Let us take of the bread and wine, the body and blood, of our God to show our oneness with him.
13)Take the bread and say, “On the night our dear Savior was betrayed when he was eating the Passover meal with his disciples he lifted the bread and broke it ” (Lift and tear bread in half) “and he said, “This is my body which will be broken for you--eat in remembrance of me.” Hold it in front of your face for 3 seconds and put it down. Obviously, you cannot eat it because of your mask.
14)Then take the wine, open the bottle, and pour yourself a quarter glass while saying, “And then he took the wine and lifted it up,” (Lift up your cup of wine) “and said, “And this is my Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, drink in remembrance of me.” Hold the wine in front of your face for 3 seconds and put it down.
15)Assume prayer pose and pray loudly, “Thank you Lord for these signs and sacraments.”
16)The extend arms into the hug pose towards the clergy and say, “We have an outsider among us”
17)Point directly at the Outsider and say in an accusatory fashion, “Come to the front! And bring your chair so that we may judge you and treat you in accordance with the Scriptures!”
18)Without breaking the religious persona and with demands instruct the Outsider to place there in front of the altar, slightly to the left, and facing horizontally. Make them sit in it.
19)After they are seated Flip opens the Bible to the marked area, picks it up, and begins reading the passages as you walk the right side of the altar to face the Outsider. Walk and read at a pace in such a way that, by the time you are facing the Outsider, you have finished reading.
READ: John 13:3-5, 12-25, 34-35: “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, 4 rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. 5 Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. [...] When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? 13 You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. [...] A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
20)Look up at the Outsider and make eye contact, stagger back a bit and while placing the Bible on the corner of the table.
21)Once the Bible is out of your hands, stagger back while streaming and clutching the sides of your mask.
22)Violently struggle around as if the mask was glued to your face and you are trying to rip it off. Position yourself close to the middle aisle.
23)Bend over forward as you rip your mask off. Stand up slowly and make eye contact with the Outsider.
24)Chuck your mask (inside up) down the aisle without breaking eye contact.
25)Begin to take off all your clothes starting with the Chasuble until you are in nothing but your underwear/loincloth. Then grab the towel of the altar and wrap it around your waist.
26)Fall to your knees in front of the Outsider and begin to take off their shoes and socks.
27)After you have done that pull out the water basin from under the altar and slide it under the outsider’s feat.
28)Kiss each foot individually and lower them close to the water. Use your hands to lift water and pour it over their feet. Do this for 30 seconds to a minute.
29)Then, taking one foot at a time, put it on your knee and use the towel around your waist to dry them.
30)Remove the basin by pushing it back under the table. Stand up and face for clergy and stick your around out wide (like Jesus on the cross) and say, “ “And this is why I have come, not to be served, but to serve”
31)After they all have thrown their masks at you drop your arms and say, “Jesus loves you. Thank you all for your participation. The piece is now finished and you may go.
32)Get dressed and clean up. Take care to collect the masks and throw them out without looking too closely at them. Once this is done the piece is now over for you.
Christianity has had a central role in the Western World. From Europe to the Americas, from Catholic to Protestant, the institutions, core foundations, and practices of the Christian religion has left its mark in our culture. Art, politics, governments, social ideas, education, other institutions, and even certain ideas of morality have been, for better or worse, deeply influenced by Christianity and the Bible. However, despite its deep roots in culture, many people in my generation are the first to begin to not have any, or a full understanding, Christianity and the Bible. Combine this generation with the former who predominantly grew up in the Christian institutions and who are extremely devoted to said Religious institution and we will find ourselves in a blind conflict with no understanding of either side’s perspective. The result is to demonize each other based on ever-growing stereotypes and faulty ideologies while damaging an essential part of the culture.
This project will challenge those with a non-Christian background by making them feel uncomfortable in a ‘cult’ like environment often stereotyped on Christian/religious groups. It will also challenge any bias against Jesus of the Bible developed from negative stereotypes--as the story from the Bible reading and the demonstrated conveys an extraordinary amount of vulnerability, humility, love, and authenticity. Their removal of a mask (a form of self-protection) also allows for the participants to step in the place of someone who is religious, or as someone who may be struggling with being themselves and loving themselves, and symbolically giving it up. God is relational, face-to-face, and loves real, messy, and human people. Hypocritical rule-followers or ‘good boys’ have lost touch with the fact that he is love and grace and then distance people from Him--Just read the Gospels and read “Pharisee” as Religion it’s apparent. The idea is to separate our preconceived ideas on religion from an example of Jesus (from the Bible)–who was never trying to found a religion.
It will also challenge the religious crowd. The project’s irony and un-orthodoxical cult-like nature may be extremely offsetting to a highly religious individual or those who understand the rituals being performed. An example would be the Bread and Wine (Communion or the Eucharist), which is a rite only those who have professed faith can partake in as a way of being part of Christ and the New Covenant promise. The Cleric, however, is unable to actually partake of the rite, only talk about it, because of his mask-- “Religion.” He is unable to be close to God, know God, and experience Jesus as he is because of their legalistic/religious traditions. This was the same idea that Jesus posed about God and himself to the Religious authorities of his day that helped get him crucified. In many ways, this is a direct statement about the in-authenticity of religious institutions and how different Christianity is from Christ. It is a challenge to be more like Jesus by seeing all people as valuable and by demonstrating love, grace, and servant-hood over traditional, political, and religious duty.
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