hello077 · 1 year
My Princess Affirmations˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
i am naturally the prettiest girl alive
i have been blessed by Aphrodite
i am an angelic being
i get everything i want handed to me
everyone loves me because i love myself the most
i am the ultimate lucky girl
i am a hyper- feminine angel
i am in complete control of my reality
i am a spoiled pretty princess
money is always coming into my pockets
i get paid for being pretty
i get privilege just for being a pretty princess
the universe spoils me with a perfect life and everything i want
im perfect from head to toe
i radiate confidence and love
im living the lifestyle of my dreams
im pure of heart, soul, mind, and body
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hello077 · 1 year
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i wanted to look like a completely different person and i achieved that! like people did not recognize me at school AND i had to redo my face id at some point. this was one of the manifestations that I had an emotional attachment to and im seriously so proud of myself for pushing through the times i spiraled, had negative thoughts etc etc. it did not even take me long either! (in my opinion).
I manifested a 100lb weight loss and im still going! i did not work out or eat healthy, i just flipped my thoughts. i also manifested that when i lost weight my skin would be toned and i would not have any loose skin!!!  
i manifested my crush lol. i might make a separate post on it to show yall that circumstances do not matter!!!
i had 4a hair before but i manifested it to be 3b/3a!
i manifested a perfect self concept! :)  
note: i did not proof read this so sorry if there is any mistakes!
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hello077 · 1 year
Proof Manifesting Is Real
Sometimes I love looking at old pictures of how big my nose was because it proves the law is 100% real 💗 Here’s my nose before I knew about manifesting
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After I learned about manifesting I started to tell myself I have a tiny nose even when I saw a big one in the mirror and this is how my nose looked after only a week of changing my thoughts 😍😍💗💗💭
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Here’s a side by side of my nose before and after 🪄
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And here is video proof of how tiny my new nose is ♡
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I got a new nose without surgery just by telling myself I have a tiny nose even when I saw a big one, you can change ANYTHING you want with your thoughts your mind is THAT powerful 🥰🥰💜💜💜
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hello077 · 1 year
Simple Law of Assumption Guide 
First of all, I want you to throw all your knowledge away from the law of attraction community! {if you're from that community of course, if you're not, thank God I'm so glad you ever dealt with their shit!} Everything they have taught you is wrong! If law of attraction has worked for you, the whole reason is because you assumed it did, So on that note let's get started.
⎈ What is the law of assumption? 
The universal law that states whatever you assume to be true is true in your reality. This law got popular with the teacher Neville Goddard. No matter what that might be. To how people see you, to the circumstances you see. Everything you believe and assume is true, no matter how crazy or illogical that belief is. 
⎈ You are the power source, no outside source gives you what you want. 
You are the god of your reality. {or creator, I understand not feeling comfortable saying that you are god if you are religious, so say what resonates} You have the power to do whatever you want to do within your reality! You want to make your eyes change depending on your mood? You can do that! It's your reality! You can do anything! You've been manifesting since the day you were born, manifestation is the most natural thing you've ever experienced! 
⎈ You only need your mind to manifest
Your imagination creates reality, so you only need your mind to manifest anything! 
⎈ How do you manifest?
Decide what you want, assume you have it, and persist in the assumption that you do! Do not let the outside world affect you! The 3d will conform! It has to! You can use methods such as subliminals, affirming, scripting, SATS, the void, etc! Methods can help you maintain the wish fulfilled. However, YOU DO NOT NEED METHODS! 
⎈ What can I manifest? 
Anything!! I truly mean anything! You can manifest the most mystical of things! You could manifest superpowers, fictional characters, a pet dragon, a life like your favorite tv show! Literally anything!! You are limitless, there are zero limits! 
⎈ Your imagination is the only real reality 
Everything you've ever experienced once came from your imagination. Your friends, your family, your appearance, your circumstances, etc! Everything came from you! Everything that you've seen in your imagination has to appear in the 3d. Initially the 3d is your past assumptions and beliefs. That is why the 3d is extremely malleable! 
⎈ How does your imagination manifest your desires? 
You imagine what you desire, and your subconscious brings that desire into your 3d. This might sound illogical but trust me it's the most logical thing you've ever experienced. This is how you're experiencing what you are right now! 
“In the meanwhile, believe me and test your creative power. You can bring anything out of nothing by conceiving a scene implying the fulfillment of a dream, and believing in its reality. Persist in your belief and your invisible dream will become a visible fact. That is falsifying the records - which is allowed.”- Neville Goddard 
⎈  What about logic? 
You're really thinking about logic? Why? Logic is man made, all ancient scriptures, philosophers, and teachers have talked about the law of assumption. Logic is a construct. You need to throw logic out the window completely! It has no place in your life! 
⎈ Creation is finished. 
All things you could ever imagine are real. Thus your desire is already yours. It is done. You aren't creating anything or forcing anything. You are choosing or selecting what you want to be. 
“Since creation is finished, all that you could ever possibly desire exists. Since creation is finished, all that can be imagined and conceived of exists.”  - Neville Goddard
"I said: “As far as I am concerned, the whole vast world is finished. Creation is finished, and I am only becoming aware of it. Well, I need not confine myself to what my senses see and what reason allows and what wise men tell me I should accept. I can imagine a state. I can’t see it with my physical eye, but I can imagine a state, and that state imagined is. I can imagine a state that is in conflict with the facts of life. And the facts, you say, are, and they can’t be altered. I can imagine a state that would undo the fact. Well, that state exists. If I occupy that state it will undo the so-called fact you say is fixed forever.” - Neville Goddard 
⎈ There are no rules 
No matter what you decide how things work, everything is completely up to you! No matter what, what you decide to be true is what is true! Simple as that! Only take what resonates! 
⎈ You can't fail.
No matter what as long as you keep persisting your desire must show up! It's the law! You can not fail! You will always manifest exactly what you want, there are no exceptions whatsoever! The only reason you haven't seen what you want right now is because you were domanilty persisting on the fact that your desire isn't in the 3d.
So what are you waiting for? Go manifest!! 
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hello077 · 1 year
I challenge you
I challenge you to actual fulfill yourself within. Let your imagination think of the wildest most illogical things you could ever desire. Let yourself manifest, manifestation is the most natural thing for you ever. You should let yourself fulfill within. Let yourself manifest what you want! Let yourself believe in LOA! Let yourself believe anything is possible! Free yourself from the bondage of our limiting society and ascend from the limits! Let yourself be the limitless being you are! I challenge you to let yourself do what you want to do! Let yourself be who you desire to be!
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hello077 · 1 year
You are worthy and deserving of what you desire
You are worthy of getting whatever you want just because you exist! You do not need to feel like you are not capable of having whatever you desire! No matter how "big" or "illogical" it seems, you are 100% worthy of having it! You are supposed to have whatever you desire because you are the creator of your reality! Your imagination is there for a purpose! Use it, my love. You are worthy of anything. I don't care what your family says or what your friends say. YOU ARE WORTHY OF WHAT YOU WANT! No matter the circumstances, you are more than capable of getting what you want! You already have your desires, so why would you not be worthy of something you already have? You only need to believe in yourself and your worthiness.
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hello077 · 1 year
The Rosé Effect:
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❦ My beauty is stunning.
❦ My voice sounds smooth.
❦ My accent is sexy and cute.
❦ I smell so good that people turn to see me when I pass by them.
❦ Whatever i do , i look so elegant and rich.
❦ My Facial And body features are perfect!
❦ My Skin is So smooth and soft
❦ I always look good even without makeup.
❦ I'm 100% Hot And Cute.
❦ My Eyes can attract anyone.
❦ I'm loved ,cherished and adored.
❦ I'm confident,secure and complete within myself.
❦ I radiate love and positivity.
❦ "Look At me , I'm never coming down"
❦ I'm so organised and whatever i do is so aesthetic!
❦ I radiate confidence.
❦ I give my 100% in whatever i do
❦ " Typa girl that you wish for when you blow that candle out"
❦ My visuals screams perfection.
- Euphoria 𐦍
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hello077 · 1 year
i think its worth noting we all forget imposter syndrome exists
it hardly gets talked about enough
so for those going through imposter syndrom:
you arent faking
you are enough
you are disabled enough, you are ill enough
you are nd/disabled/autistic/mentally ill
you do have that disorder/disability
you arent just faking it for attention
the only people who do that, consciously do that, the fact that youre worrying about faking it in itself proves you arent.
you CAN have that aid youre thinking about it wont be taking resources from anyone if you do
if you think it'll make your life/tasks easier to any degree for any reason do it/get it.
its not "perfectionism" its imposter syndrome, your thoughts are just that and while your concerns are valid, you dont need to worry
youre not a horrible person youre just struggling and thats okay
youre not lazy youre going through a lot and its weighing on you making you tired and lack what energy and motive you need to get it done.
youre not a slob youre just having trouble getting yourself out of a bad time and cant bring yourself to handle other things right now
its okay to take time to yourself, youre not a bad friend
feel free to add more affirmations as you see fit.
i and people im close to struggle with this a lot
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hello077 · 1 year
Limiting belief remover affirmations
I manifest with ease
I have zero limits
I am free from all limiting beliefs
I now believe everything is possible
I fully believe I am the creator of my reality
I fully believe in my power to manifest anything
Doubts never cross my mind
I create my own rules, whatever I say goes
I fully believe that my assumptions manifest my reality
I am the operant power
I trust my abilities to manifest whatever I desire
It's safe for me to manifest what I want
I now believe it's safe for me to manifest what I desire
I have complete control over my reality, no one can tell me otherwise
I bend reality to my will
I have complete control over my thoughts
Everything I say goes no matter what
The world is at my command
I am a master at manifesting
I manifest the most illogical of things within seconds
My 3d is extremely malleable, I can change it in seconds
Nothing outside of me dictates anything, I have full control over my fate
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hello077 · 1 year
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‎ ‎ ┈───┈ ┈───┈┈┈───┈ ┈───┈
‎ ‎ I believe in myself.
‎ ‎ I am okay.
‎ ‎ Everything turned out better than expected.
‎ ‎ I am safe.
‎ ‎ I am protected.
‎ ‎ I‘m in control, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
‎ ‎ I always get through anything, no matter how tough it is.
‎ ‎ I’m strong and can endure anything.
‎ ‎ I am grounded.
‎ ‎ I attract only what I truly want.
‎ ‎ I know intrusive thoughts hold no power over me.
‎ ‎ I am proud of myself.
‎ ‎ I am at peace with myself and everything around me.
‎ ‎ My desires are apart of me.
‎ ‎ I love myself.
‎ ‎ I am capable of everything I want to do.
‎ ‎ Nothing can hurt me or my loved ones.
‎ ‎ I feel at ease with everything.
‎ ‎ My fears, worries and doubts have no power over me.
‎ ‎ I know my desires are mine; it’s my birthright.
‎ ‎ ┈───┈ ┈───┈┈┈───┈ ┈───┈
‎ ‎ These hard times will pass.
‎ ‎ I know these feelings are temporary.
‎ ‎ It’ll all work out better than expected.
‎ ‎ No matter how dark life seems right now, I‘ll end up okay.
‎ ‎ Better things are coming my way.
‎ ‎ I know my desires will be mine; it is my birthright.
‎ ‎ I will get everything I want; it’s inevitable.
‎ ‎ I will be okay.
‎ ‎ My fears will not hurt me or come true.
‎ ‎ I am capable of overcoming this.
‎ ‎ It will all turn out okay.
‎ ‎ I can get through this.
‎ ‎ Life has great things in store for me.
‎ ‎ I got this; I can do anything even if it doesn‘t seem like it.
‎ ‎ ┈───┈ ┈───┈┈┈───┈ ┈───┈
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© 2022 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐓 | do not repost, copy, translate, or use any posts on this blog in any way without credit or permission
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hello077 · 1 year
Realize that you're the creator
Once you realize that you have created everything and still continue to create everything then you will realize that you can do truly anything! You created your background, family, hair color, eye color, home, friends, etc! Everything you have has stemmed from your wonderful imagination!! For you need to realize that all was once in your 4d before it was in your 3d! This is why it is easy to manifest anything! Nothing is impossible or fictional to your wonderful imagination. Thus everything is possible since imagination creates reality! Nothing is fiction now, all things exist within you. All you need to do is decide that it is a possibility for you! After all, you are the creator!!
"Fiction is defined as an imaginary construction which is unreal - as opposed to truth, or reality. But what is real and what is imaginary when, in a spiritual sense, all existing things are imaginary?" - Neville Goddard
"-for there are no limitations placed on the possibilities of prayer." - Neville Goddard
You must realize that all things are from you, you're the creator. When you realize this anything and everything is possible and nothing can stop you! You will be industracyable within your manifesting abilities! So what are you waiting for? Believe you're the creator of your entire reality and go manifest your widest dreams!!
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hello077 · 1 year
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𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
❥ i lovingly and peacefully withdraw any limiting beliefs, emotions and tension
❥ i just remembered that everything always works out for me
❥ i never need to do anything to get what i want
❥ i know i get anything i want because it’s literally a law
❥ i just realised how powerful i truly am and i now take back all my power
❥ if i say that i don’t have it, i am literally lying to myself because i literally have what i want
❥ i always been able to manifest because i have been doing it all my life, and even in this second i’m manifesting from my 4d
❥ creation is finished. therefore my desire has already been created
❥ i now take all my power back. i am deeply apologising to myself for even thinking for a second i couldn’t have what i want when i know i have always gotten what i want
❥ silly me. i tricked myself into thinking it wasn’t gonna work out when me even thinking like that manifested my desired results anyways because everything is rigged in my favour
❥ wow all i did was be alive and be pretty and i got exactly what i wanted literally in less than a second
❥ i am self assured knowing that everything is rigged in my favour
❥ i am a manifesting god
❥ i am so powerful, even if i don’t feel like it
❥ no matter that i am feeling or seeing in front of me, i KNOW i have what i want because i said so
❥ no matter what i am thinking, i always manifested my desired outcome
❥ the universe helps overcome these limiting beliefs
❥ i know i deserve only good things in this universe
❥ i fully release anything unwanted thoughts that no longer serve me
❥ i permanently remove all self doubt and worries
❥ i am the creator of my reality
❥ i fully trust myself and i know i already have everything i want in this life
❥ i live life in peace knowing i have everything i want
❥ i feel so calm because i trust myself and i know my potential and power
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hello077 · 1 year
If you don't do anything else, affirm for your self concept. It applies to any situation and it does wonders! TRUST ME
✪ Everything I want is on its way to me
✪ Everyday I recognize my power
✪ Everything is always working in my favor
✪ I have everything I want and need
✪ Only good things happen to me
✪ I'm so lucky
✪ Everyday something new and exciting manifests
✪ Manifesting is way too easy for me
✪ I have faith in myself amd my manifestation abilities
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hello077 · 1 year
i'm original visual
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red velvet irene inspired affirmations 🤍
✧ i am the beauty standard
✧ everyone is mesmerized by my beauty
✧ i am the definition of a visual
✧ i define the beauty standards
✧ i can outshine everyone around me
✧ my visuals are the standard
✧ i am always treated like royalty
✧ i am a literal icon
✧ everything about me is perfect
✧ i am fully confident in myself
✧ i give off cold and elegant vibes
✧ i am known for my cold and alluring visuals
✧ my every move is graceful and elegant
✧ my visuals are perfection
✧ i look perfect in every outfit
✧ i look perfect at every angle
✧ i am respected by everyone
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hello077 · 1 year
Clear Skin Affirmations:
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Reminder: You Already Have Clear Glassy Smooth Skin.Its Just A Booster For Y'all.
➜ I Have The Clearest Skin Ever.
➜ It's Normal For Me To Have Clear Skin.
➜ My Skin Is Magically Beautiful And Clear.
➜ My Skin Is Flawless.
➜ My Skin Was Meant To Be Radiant Since Birth.
➜ Sunlight And Moonlight Makes My Skin Even More Better Than Ever.
➜ My Skin Is Naturally Beautiful.
➜ I mentally Accept The Fact That My Skin Is The Clearest Ever Exist.
➜ Glowing Is An Everyday Thing For Me.
➜ Everytime I breath My Skin Is Getting clear and glowy.
➜ Everytime I Drink Water,My Skin Gets Clear.
➜ My Skin Is Softer Than A Baby butt.
➜ My Skin Looks Beautiful And Smooth Even Without Makeup.
➜ I Love My Skin.
➜ My Skin Looks So Etheral.
➜ I Have Perfectly Even Toned Skin.
➜ My Skin Looks So Natural.
➜ My Skin Is Beautiful And Vibrant.
➜My Skin Is Healthy And Radiant.
➜My Skin Glows With Youthful Radiance.
- Euphoria 🌨️
One of my fav subliminal♡
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hello077 · 1 year
Neville Goddard quotes that should be thought upon
“In the meanwhile, believe me and test your creative power. You can bring anything out of nothing by conceiving a scene implying the fulfillment of a dream, and believing in its reality. Persist in your belief and your invisible dream will become a visible fact. That is falsifying the records - which is allowed.”
“You see, this is a fictitious world and you are its author. Nothing is impossible! It's all fiction anyway, so live nobly and dream beautiful dreams.”
“The whole vast world is no more than man’s imagining pushed out.”
“Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”
“All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled.”
“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”
“To attempt to change circumstances before I change my own imaginal activity is to struggle against the very nature of my own being, for my own imaginal activity is animating my world.”
“Everyone is free to create his world as he wants it if he knows that the whole thing is responding to him.”
“Enact a scene that implies you have what you desire, and to the degree that you are faithful to that state, it will unfold in your world and no power can stop it, for there is no other power.”
“When will and imagination are in conflict, imagination invariably wins.”
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hello077 · 1 year
★ Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations ★
everything always works out in my favor
I always get what I want and more
I am living in my picture perfect reality
things are always working out for me at any given point in time
everything i desire comes to me at ease
I am so grateful for all the luck that comes into my life
people always point out how lucky I am
success comes to me at ease
I am constantly guided to greater opportunities
the best things happen to me
I am so successful
I am always in the right place, at the right time
everything around me works for me
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