hellmxses · 41 minutes
Vel watches her quietly, tilting her head. As she was given permission to lay more claim to Verosika's throat, she grinned and leaned in, taking that offer and sucking a couple more marks into the flesh, while her fingers travelled lower, pressing just at her entrance again. Swiping through the wetness before she finally, slowly, pressed a finger inside of the other.
The pace was slow from the start, lifting her head to watch Verosika's expression intently. After a few moments, she slipped another finger alongside her other, now gently thrusting two inside and observing her. Her thumb took its place back against her clit, rolling it and applying a firmer pressure now, more insistent.
But she didn't want her to come yet. "Tell me when you want more," she breathed softly, keen to watch for now.
She smiled as she was suddenly pushed back to lay down, with a soft thud she was now on the bed, her hands moving to Velvette's arms as she closed her eyes as Vel pressed her fingers more against her clit causing her to swear softly.
' Vel...ugh...yes..' She answered her head moving back just abit to give her more room to bite if she so desired, It had been awhile since she did it with another woman so she thought she might be abit rusty, but if Vel wanted to be the dom one then who was Verosika to complain?
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hellmxses · 1 hour
@rainbowofsinners asked: "I'm boooored, Vel!" Valentino flops across Velvette's lap, huffing and puffing like the giant brat he is. "Voxxy has been at meetings ALL DAY! I want to go out somewhere FUN!" (Valentino @ Velvette)
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Well, there goes any hope of having a quiet evening. Moving her phone away from her face, Velvette glances down at him just so he realises she is in fact listening to him. Honestly, Val never paid attention to her - okay, maybe she's being a little dramatic about that because he did speak to her now and then - and now that he wanted something, she had to drop everything? Luckily for him, she was in a good mood. And she had nothing to do.
After a moment of contemplation she finally sets her phone down on the side of the couch, reaching her hand down and pinching his cheek gently. She didn't do it to hurt him, it was more affectionate than anything else.
"Where do you want to go?" She coos at him, tilting her head. "Vox has been neglecting you today, mmh?" It's a little more teasing, as she grins. "How horrible."
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hellmxses · 2 hours
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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hellmxses · 2 hours
@velvetwarfare asked; “ My beloved… “ Digits make their way up Valentino’s back before enclasping claws together around his neck in a sort of headlock-embrace, now pressing her face into the crook of it with a reverberating purr. “ Have you missed me, my dearest darling ~ ? “
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Val is immediately on guard, surprised by the sudden approach. But he squeaks when he realises it's just Betty, suddenly seeming in a far better mood in comparison to the way he had been when she'd left. "It's been some time, baby." He says quietly, voice low but not threatening - more content but trying to keep himself contained.
"Of course I missed you, how could I not?" His hand comes to reach around her, palm resting against the base of her spine, pulling her body close. "Tell me how your trip went, I want to hear everything... you were very secretive about it, but now that it is dealt with, perhaps you have more freedom. Hm?"
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hellmxses · 5 hours
I get to see Heathers today >:3
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hellmxses · 15 hours
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The automatic urge to complain when he moves to get more comfortable nearly gets listened to, but it isn't because of irritation this time - it's because the slight jostling makes her feel even more woozy for the few seconds he took to settle back to stillness. She presses her lips together tightly, practically glaring at the glass of water as though it were the problem, holding her breath and only releasing it when he becomes still again.
She takes a few steadying breaths, goes to drink a little more of the water through the straw before she places it back down on the desk. Vel turns back around and presses her forehead to his arm once more, closing her eyes and sighing at his words. An hour?
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" — okay. Take your time." She mumbles against him. "You know... This might be the only time I apologise for this, but 'm sorry if I'm disrupting you." Even with that, she did sound a little irritated to be apologising. She didn't need to. But ... she felt it necessary this time.
A straw is momentarily called for, and placed into that glass of hers, letting his free hand continue to rub down her back while he positions himself to be a little more comfortable in this new position he was in.
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✥✧∘* "Mhh...there's still at least an hour left." ...It was /more/ than that, but just like when Valentino had his little moods, he'd have to put some of it off, just to appease his little brat. He's sure Velvette could wait, but he did like to keep the other members of his group happy, especially when they wanted him specifically.
✥✧∘* "If you end up falling asleep, I'll carry you to bed, and join you."
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hellmxses · 15 hours
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Once the words were out, and her entire personality and usual secrecy regarding her own guilty pleasures had been made public, Velvette actually felt far more embarrassed than she'd anticipated. Granted, maybe it was a good thing that it was Valentino who heard it, because that grin meant one thing and one thing only. She grit her teeth, ready to immediately rule out everything she'd just said, but he speaks.
On reflection, firmly shutting her mouth and gritting her teeth wasn't a sign that she was going to argue back, or take her words back. She'd silenced herself intentionally. That was new.
"... Perhaps we could look at vanilla, eventually." Vel said that part after a long moment, the hesitance still there briefly despite his reassurance that vanilla would be perfectly welcome, too. It could just be her natural embarrassment towards approaching something so gentle and patient rather than going straight for it, for the immediately intense feeling of pleasure rather than the slow build up.
But Velvette can't help the smirk which does form on her lips, tilting her head up at Val as he encases her in his arms, the contact seeming to prompt her attitude just a slight again. She laughs, arms wrapping around his waist.
"You would?" She hums softly, "Which one appeals the most to you?"
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After turning around, Val's grin only grows until he looks like a Cheshire cat. He often forgets that not everybody is as outright depraved as him but seeing Velvette get flustered like this is especially amusing. The juxtaposition between her usual bluntness and this hot and bothered demeanor almost makes him chuckle.
ཐིཋྀ "My dear...", he starts, trying hard not to piss her off by sounding like he's having the time of his afterlife,
"... please know that I, of all people, am least likely to kink shame you. Whether they are vanilla or kinky, I'm all ears for your desires. This is about having fun, we don't have to do or discuss anything you're not into."
Velvette isn't one of his whores. She's his partner, now in more ways than one. As much of an asshole as Val could be, he wouldn't pressure the other Vee into doing something she doesn't enjoy.
"That being said...", he purrs as he crawls toward her with a cheeky smirk, trapping her smaller figure between his upper arms.
"... I'm more than happy to indulge the fantasies you've shared with me so far..."
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hellmxses · 19 hours
Finally home and eepy, are we surprised.
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hellmxses · 1 day
Vel raises an eyebrow as he speaks up. She knew he was kinky, knew what went on in those recordings of his - but in comparison to everything else, a little bit of BDSM hardly seemed surprising. She isn't going to complain though, it seems he'd already thought this out and had identified just what he wanted from her. The thought of punishing him alone was what had her interest piqued, fingertips lightly trailing across his abdomen and then settling against his hips.
“—I’m sure that can be arranged,” she smiled softly, leaving one final peck against his nape before she pats his side to turn back around and face her. She sits back entirely, hands back to herself as she waits for him to look at her again.
While she's waiting, Vel considers what she wants from him. She's hardly as adventurous, but there's few things she hasn't imagined with him. After seeing a lot of his films (even if she refused to observe them with anyone, opting to just take small peeks here and there) there had been ideas, but now that he's asking? She thinks this might be the first time that she actually feels awkward admitting to what she wants.
Great reaction to have when Val had just told her that he wanted her in control.
"Looking on it, everything you said is similar. I'd want you to degrade me, which... I know, on reflection sounds like nothing, but..." She clears her throat, before continuing. "Fucking in public. Being loud, but for once I wouldn't mind you shutting me up during, too." She shuffles a little, licks her lips. "Throat fucking is good." Oh... this is embarrassing.
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Val hums in bliss, the skillful ministrations of Velvette's hands making his eyes roll back. Her lips make his skin tingle, his oversensitive body acutely aware of every small contact. She can leave as many marks as she wants when it feels this good. Her question gives him pause to deliberate, Vel knows what kind of stuff he favors in his movies, the practices mostly on the hardcore side of things.
But that isn't always what he's after in his own bedroom.
ཐ���ཋྀ "I'm a kinkster, babe.", is the short answer, the moth chuckling before he elaborates,
"When it comes to you, I'd like to be your slave. All trussed up and obedient, a toy for you to play with. I would like you to punish me when I misbehave, hot wax, spanking, denial... as much as I love being in control, I like to hand it off when I trust someone. And I trust you."
Velvette's assertiveness lends itself perfectly to this kind of BDSM. Not that they always had to take it there but the idea of being at her mercy excites Val quite a bit.
"How about you? What would you like to try with me?"
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hellmxses · 2 days
"Whatever I want to do to you?" She repeats slowly, fingers slowing in their ministrations for a moment. Vel briefly wondered what would get Verosika going, but she's already moaning so prettily and desperately that the Overlord thinks she doesn't need any more than that. The kiss against her throat has her giving a breathless moan, determined to keep her dominance but letting herself enjoy it for now.
Her free hand gently settled against Verosika's shoulder, pushing gently as a small hint for her to lay back once she was done. The thighs which closed around her hand remained so, but Vel didn't let it stop her, pressing more insistently and focusing explicitly on her clit, pressing herself closer and leaning in, her lips against Verosika's throat and biting softly, and then her ear to speak.
"Are you sensitive, baby?"
'....Whatever you want to do to me.' She answered abit out of breath from the kiss, her hand gently moving through her beautiful hair as she leaned forward kissing at her neck, biting it gently and sucking over it leaving a nice bruise behind. Her thighs closed against her hand in between her legs, moaning as she pressed her fingers to her sensitive clit, causing her to jolt and tighten up with desire.
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hellmxses · 2 days
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"Very cruel," he agreed quietly, but there's a small smile that indicates he wouldn't mind no matter what - he just wants to see Husk and to know what he can do outside of just offering him the drinks that got him through rough nights, and helped him forget about the usually rougher days. Both of them were equally bad, but he thought more of the days problems, had longer to dwell on them. Thus, in his eyes, they were more of the problem.
"Cruel, but I wanna see."
Angel watches in a new mesmerized silence as the other draws out some cards, his gaze falling to them and he's unable to look away. There's a few things that Husk could do in this moment which wouldn't surprise him, but he's barely within his own mind - slowly getting further and further from it, that he thinks anything would impress him at this stage. Another smaller part of him wonders if it's because it's Husk that he's impressed. In a good way, of course.
"Putting cuffs ain't as much a threat as they thought, you say?" He muses after a long moment of silence, glancing up towards Husk again and giving a half dazed smile. At least the pain seems to be easing as well, his body being the most relaxed it had been since this entire interaction had begun. "Besides that ... what kinda card trick are you about to show me?"
` it’s been quite some time since husk discussed magic. hell doesn’t have much patience for parlor tricks or being fooled. after all, real, actual magic runs rampant in this underworld. compared to the living world where the unexplained draws fascination, it’s unimpressive to the average cold-hearted sinner.
` but maybe he could be persuaded to show angel a few tricks up his sleeve. he chuckles and tilts his head to look down at the kid, giving his hair another gentle stroke. “ I would, if you wanna see. seems kinda cruel of me to try to trick you when you’re high, don’t you think? ”
` husk shifts just slightly from their position to reach into his back pocket and pull out a deck of deep red cards. a gambler is never without a game to bet, after all. the things can be deadly when he needs them to be. he brings his arm around angel’s waist to meet both hands in the middle, shuffling the deck with practiced ease.
` “ haven’t done it in a while, but I could do all sorts of stuff. cards, of course, close up stuff like that. a bit of stage, like illusions, levitation sort of things, when i could find a stage to do it. pickpocketing. trickier than you’d think. I got pretty good at escape, too. I did a lot of shady shit, but only got arrested a few times. putting a pair of cuffs on me ain’t as much of a threat as they thought. ”
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hellmxses · 2 days
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While not what she expected at all, Velvette didn't complain - allowing Verosika to overpower her without much fight. The kiss was returned with similar fervour, readjusting the angle of her hand before she pressed her fingers to her clit, rubbing in small languid circles. She'd take her time with this.
Leaning back just a slight from the kiss, Vel smirks. "Good girl. I do think I asked you a question, though. What do you want me to do?"
She groaned with desire, shit how did she always end up coming back to the Vees? perhaps It was the way Vel took care of her, something that Verosika desired for quite a long time. She turned Vel's head to her, capturing the other's lips in a deep kiss, her tongue wrestling with hers.
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hellmxses · 2 days
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Vel laughed softly as the woman moved to sit up, her fingers still lightly stroking through and in between Verosika's legs, spreading the wetness on her fingers to coat them. "Isn't that the goal, baby?" She asks, not quite pressing her fingers inside but teasing now at her entrance. When she speaks up again, it's almost a purr, tilting her head innocently. "What do you want me to do?"
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*      ―    ﴾ @hellmxses  ﴿   :  “ you’re so wet right now ” / velvette 👀
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'...fuck you are such a fucking tease.' She moaned as she sat up, Velvette's finger moving inbetween soaked folds as she moaned arching her head back, her hand squeezing Velvette's shoulder gently. ' fuck...I'm gonna cum if you keep this up.'
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hellmxses · 3 days
I'm sorry I've been so absent for a few days, I've been okay. Just very tired and haven't had a lot of energy for speaking outside of writing :^) I'll be better next week I think. I have a lot of plans and work is piling up so the only time I get to function is about five minutes before I feel tired. Hope you're all doing well and I'll be around tomorrow (or try to be at least)
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hellmxses · 3 days
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"Don't stay." Valentino finally answers only when Angel rests his head down against him. It feels wrong, wrong and he really doesn't know how to take it all in, and if he was still in that same irritable mood like he had been earlier when he'd been so confident that the spider was doing something suspicious, this entire scenario would be different and it would be fear that he saw in those eyes rather than ---
Consideration. Understanding. Accepting.
Val takes his hands away from Angel, sets them against the couch, and leaves Angel with enough room to move back, to leave his spot on his lap. "You don't want to stay. So don't."
"I can. I know" Angel nodded slowly. Val had already told him as such before. But he hadn't.
"But do I need to? Should I go?“ He asked still unsure on that. He still felt that pull to stay around the other. That part of him that loved the Moth and maybe still did making that feeling most likely but he wasn't fighting it, he didn't have the strength to. All he would do is to pull back a little more to meet Val's gaze before leaning closer.
"I can stay." He added resting a hand against the Val's chest and resting his own head against the other too
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hellmxses · 3 days
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Despite the fact that she'd anticipated his wings weren't as sensitive as most thought, Velvette still grimaces when he tugs them. Luckily she wasn't just going to overlook his statement, believing him as he explains the fact it would take a lot more than just a light scratch or tug for the wing to rip, it's more so the sight of it which makes her feel a little conflicted - but she moves on quickly.
No real need to linger on it, after all.
The silence is enjoyable, broken in brief intervals with the content noises trailing from Valentino - each chirp breaking through and exposing that usually otherwise concealed fondness for him. Each of the Vees knew that she wasn't always expressive of it, but she feels like in this moment since Val had seen a lot more than he was usually privy to meant she could give up some more walls.
His comments make her laugh softly, fingertips still kneading and massaging into his shoulders, now moving lower and lightly pressing between his shoulders, just below his nape. Still lingering close, she speaks again.
"Well, you might not sprain anything, darling," she kisses his jawline, having to press closer in order to reach comfortably, even with his help. "I might be the one ending up with some sort of sprain if we ever went down that route. It does happen. Has happened." She settles back against the crook of his neck again, lips gently pressing to his skin. Her teeth scrape the skin, giving a small nip before she sucks, aiming for a mark with a small contented hum coming from her.
Her arms wrap around his midsection comfortably to keep herself there. "Is it easier to ask you what you consider vanilla compared to what you think is a little more on the ... interesting side?" And then for a moment, silence, but she's quick to add on. ".. what have you imagined us doing? Tell me, babe."
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Velvette is the one acting cute with how carefully she touches him. It makes Val snicker, many people assumed his wings to be as delicate as those of an actual moth.
ཐིཋྀ "Don't worry about hurting me.", he comments, burying pointy fingers into the crimson of his coat and giving it a firm tug to show that it wouldn't rip easily.
"My wings are more like another, more lavish set of arms. You won't damage them by accident. The fascia is about as sensitive as my regular skin."
After that, he closes his eyes, focusing on the pleasant sensation of Vel's hands washing his back. Humming and chirping in delight, thinking about her words before chuckling and giving a response.
"Does flexible and vanilla even go together?", he muses, tilting his head to the side to invite more contact.
"Pretty sure I'm not gonna sprain something doing missionary."
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hellmxses · 4 days
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Vel scoffs and lightly slaps his arm lightly, but it's more of a light pat if anything. "Gross." Again, her tone is evidently in jest, because he would know by now if he'd said anything that she was displeased with. "Well, then, prepare more exploiting I guess. Because I do want to see just what exactly you want to see of me, and it isn't so bad giving you something to look forward to when you're being particularly well behaved."
Her gaze lingers for a moment longer on the way his wings folded over his own shoulders and exposed his back a little more - and she does give a little smile at his words. Of course he's flexible. Velvette watches in silence, observing his display. Honestly, she's just glad that Valentino does actually wash his own back after all, because she'd started to become concerned that he just... didn't.
Velvette grins and leans forward, reaching for one of the washcloths and practically dousing it with soap, just so she could then use it without having to apply any real pressure to near his wings. She was careful, only ensuring enough pressure to wash him properly but not hard enough to risk damaging something. "You're so cute, Val."
She continues washing his back quietly, discarding the washcloth off to the side after she's rinsed the soap off and only after all that, did she lightly settle her fingertips against his shoulders, kneading the muscle there. "Honestly, you're just making me want to experience how flexible you are, but everything I can think of suggesting to find that out and experience it is difficult because all of my thoughts would probably be too vanilla for you."
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Next time. Hearing Vel say that brings a smug grin to his face. Seems like she read his mind, his body tingling with the prospect of getting to experience this high over and over again.
ཐིཋྀ "You said I should exploit your flexibility...", he points out, chuckling when he remembers how her bravado had turned into orgasmic desperation.
"... and I thought I'd stretched you well enough beforehand."
He knows that's not what she means but couldn't resist making the quip. Carefully, the moth turns around, granting Velvette access to the area below his wings by folding them out of the way. Letting them rest over his shoulder like a cloak.
"Just so you know, I'm pretty flexible too."
Val demonstrates the claim by putting his four arms in a reverse prayer position, his fingertips reaching between his shoulder blades before he lets them fall back to his sides. Showing that he can easily wash his back by himself if he needs to.
"But I admit, it's a bit more straining than having someone else do it for me."
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