hellhousehaunts · 8 days
*Sara looked into the camera laughing.*
I’m brad pitt
In your dreams o’keefe
*Paul and Alex bickered a bit and Sara huffed *
Stuck out in the woods four days with these two…what a wonderful weekend
*Sara said shaking her head*
Do you have the map?
Don’t need it…gps and before you ask it will work out here i know it will
*Sara looked at the camera again a bit wary as paul turned startling off into the woods*
Here we go.
[ so I am deciding to send a ask. Answer this whenever, but this is after the rest of them failed to convince Hailey not to do the project and all that, and once their in the actual woods. Since I have a good idea on how we could write this, but also what if Hailey went missing first and the others blame Paul as they start looking for a way out or smth ]
*she sighed, getting out of the truck and adjusting the coat she was wearing. Before grabbing her camera turning it on and sneaking up behind Paul, a small grin on her face.*
And here we have the paul-ster.. he dragged me out here. Didn't ya Paul?
*she was obviously trying to have some fun and laughs before they actually got walking for the day*
(Ooo yess)
*paul laughed as he grabbed his bag from the back. He was thankful Hailey and the others had come with him. He knew they all we’re reluctant but he still appreciated “
Get my right sides it’s my best side
You have a good side
Shut up
*paul said letting everyone else grab their bags before closing the trunk *
So how long do you plan staying put here?
Three maybe four days?
*Alex huffed hearing that *
Don’t start a a fight boys…Hailey isn’t trying to film fight club.
*Sara said jokingly *
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hellhousehaunts · 8 days
[ so I am deciding to send a ask. Answer this whenever, but this is after the rest of them failed to convince Hailey not to do the project and all that, and once their in the actual woods. Since I have a good idea on how we could write this, but also what if Hailey went missing first and the others blame Paul as they start looking for a way out or smth ]
*she sighed, getting out of the truck and adjusting the coat she was wearing. Before grabbing her camera turning it on and sneaking up behind Paul, a small grin on her face.*
And here we have the paul-ster.. he dragged me out here. Didn't ya Paul?
*she was obviously trying to have some fun and laughs before they actually got walking for the day*
(Ooo yess)
*paul laughed as he grabbed his bag from the back. He was thankful Hailey and the others had come with him. He knew they all we’re reluctant but he still appreciated “
Get my right sides it’s my best side
You have a good side
Shut up
*paul said letting everyone else grab their bags before closing the trunk *
So how long do you plan staying put here?
Three maybe four days?
*Alex huffed hearing that *
Don’t start a a fight boys…Hailey isn’t trying to film fight club.
*Sara said jokingly *
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hellhousehaunts · 8 days
Fall of usher house au
(Note: I’ve changed some things up but i still hope you guys enjoy!)
-i don’t know how it happened, i just did first with Sara and now me, let me tell you what happened detective from the beginning-
2023, April 5th.
Paul sat in the church watching the pastor speak for his two friends. He wasn’t sure how this happened. Well he was, but he didn’t want to admit, it’s been a week since Sara and Tony now Alex and Adam he knew he was next he wasn’t sure how or when but he knew. Paul felt as though someone was watching him, he turned looking up at the balcony in the church and tensed.
There he was again, Paul keeps seeing him…well everyone did.
“You ok uncle Paul?”
Mitchell, Sara and Alex Son asked. Paul blinked and looked at Mitchel nodding “uh yeah i’m fine” he said before turning back around towards the preacher.
- we didn’t know it at first but something was coming and we couldn’t stop it. We didn’t know how it even began but it did-
Two weeks before
“What the fuck do you mean you won’t call him? Do you know who the fuck i am?” Alex said rudely over the phone it was two weeks before the opening and Alex was freaking out.
“Yes put him on the phone now”
“What’s going on”
Adam asked as he walked into
“Ill tell you what going on this incompetence shit won’t help me”
Alex said before huffing and walking off, Adam rolled his eyes as he walked out of the room and back where the others were. He knew everyone was stressed he was to. It was the upcoming 20th anniversary of hell house and everyone was on edge.
The anniversary is important and they wanted it to be perfect but that also came with a price.
-a price in deed one we weren’t sure any of us could handle -
“What’s he stressing about this time?”
“Someone being incompetent“
“Of course everyone is always incompetent in Alex eyes “
Tony said huffing as he was looking down at his clip broad as he. Alex may have been the owner but Adam and Tony were the two to make sure things ran smoothly and they also made sure money was being handled properly, while still pocketing some for themselves. Plus if they were sleeping together behind the scenes no one needed to know that.
“How are the lights coming along?”
“Ask Paul?”
Tony said pointing his pen towards the basement and Adam nodded walking past Tony down to the basement where Paul and Sara were checking on lights and goofing around a bit.
Sara and Paul were an honest pair with a bit of a secret. Sara had been married to Alex since they were in college and had a son together and Paul was Alex best friend who has been around since high school.
But one thing no one knew is Paul was in love with Alex and Sara was cheating with well…a woman named Diane. These two got along well but people could always tell something was off.
“ how’s things going down here”
Adam asked startling the two, Sara laughed as Paul jumped .
“Fine, how’s everything up there”
Adam signed at the question.
“Alex is on rampage…incompetent people apparently “
-it was funny. Alex always complained about people not listening but he was the one who never listened…I think that’s what got him killed-
Sara sighed, her husband had always been so uptight about things. Specially when it came to the haunt.
“Of course he is, so how long will it take before he calms down”
“I give it two hours “
“Incompetence remember? I say 3 or 4”
It was a thing inside the friend group that they would bet how long it would take for Alex to clam down. Paul won most of the time.
-funny enough i won. It took him 4 hours to calm down and funny enough that bet would be the last one i would ever make with my friends-
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hellhousehaunts · 9 days
*She grinned softly under the hood. The feeling of the knife in her pocket felt good. Too good to be true*
You really thought you could just get rid of the house and everything would be over?
*she scoffed*
Tullys' been pulling strings. Just like the string of Paul's little friend Hailey...
*she gave a sick grin*
... Maybe she's the last piece I'm talking about...
*paul looks at her with a confused look as everyone else does *
What do you mean ?
*Sara asked wondering of this was another Tully trick*
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hellhousehaunts · 9 days
I'm writing this too all the members of Hell House..
You guys' forgot a piece of the house
Sincerely.... A member of Tullys' Cult...
*they look at the member as they’re all out of breath and dirt on there face*
I told you this wasn’t a good idea
Be quiet paul
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hellhousehaunts · 9 days
Braking news
We are here tonight with a top story.
The abandoned haunt hell house seemingly burned down in mysterious fire, no word yet on how the fire started, but it seems that the first was started from inside the house.
Back to you jeff.
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hellhousehaunts · 10 days
*Paul sighed before taking the old dusty diary out of his jacket before getting up and looking around before sliding the book into the cell hole *
We haven’t read through all of it but….i think Tully had a daughter…there might be something in there to help stop him.
(I apologize for the delayed starter butt)
*he stared up at the facility taking a deep breath before going in and looking around and going to the front desk to get a visitor badge *
Paul o’keefe
Who are you here to see?
Hailey bates
Down the hall to left roger will buzz you in and take you to the cell
*paul nodded thank the lady before walking away. After being buzzed in he looked down the hall as Roger walked him down to Hailey cell*
*she was quietly sitting in her cell, she had been lucky enough to get a TV in her room and have a collection of VHS's under her bed. She sat on her bed, kicking her feet back and forth slightly as she watched ' The Dark Half '*
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hellhousehaunts · 10 days
*he frowned a bit before sighing *
We miss you at hell house.,.Tully being less of an ass but we miss you.
*he paused for a moment, he felt sad almost seeing Hailey in the cell*
We uh found something…Tully doesn’t know but…it has todo with him.
(I apologize for the delayed starter butt)
*he stared up at the facility taking a deep breath before going in and looking around and going to the front desk to get a visitor badge *
Paul o’keefe
Who are you here to see?
Hailey bates
Down the hall to left roger will buzz you in and take you to the cell
*paul nodded thank the lady before walking away. After being buzzed in he looked down the hall as Roger walked him down to Hailey cell*
*she was quietly sitting in her cell, she had been lucky enough to get a TV in her room and have a collection of VHS's under her bed. She sat on her bed, kicking her feet back and forth slightly as she watched ' The Dark Half '*
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hellhousehaunts · 10 days
*paul sat in the chair across from her cell and leaned back*
Hi Hails! How are you? Are they treating you well?
*he asked a bit worried looking at his best friend *
(I apologize for the delayed starter butt)
*he stared up at the facility taking a deep breath before going in and looking around and going to the front desk to get a visitor badge *
Paul o’keefe
Who are you here to see?
Hailey bates
Down the hall to left roger will buzz you in and take you to the cell
*paul nodded thank the lady before walking away. After being buzzed in he looked down the hall as Roger walked him down to Hailey cell*
*she was quietly sitting in her cell, she had been lucky enough to get a TV in her room and have a collection of VHS's under her bed. She sat on her bed, kicking her feet back and forth slightly as she watched ' The Dark Half '*
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hellhousehaunts · 10 days
Diary entry 1 , day 1 February , 1960
I’m Ciara Tully,i started this to document the strange occurrences going around in the Hotel, my father been acting weird since the Hotel opened. Disappearing late at night and other weird occurrences, he doesn’t think me and my mother notice but we do. It worries her, i have a bad feeling about something, like something will happen i can’t explain it but just a bad feeling.
I’m probably just imagining things but, we will see.
- Ciara. L. Tully
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hellhousehaunts · 11 days
Just push the button when you’re done and we’ll let you out
*Roger said before paul continued walking further and finding Hailey cell and he smiled a bit*
Uh hi!
(I apologize for the delayed starter butt)
*he stared up at the facility taking a deep breath before going in and looking around and going to the front desk to get a visitor badge *
Paul o’keefe
Who are you here to see?
Hailey bates
Down the hall to left roger will buzz you in and take you to the cell
*paul nodded thank the lady before walking away. After being buzzed in he looked down the hall as Roger walked him down to Hailey cell*
*she was quietly sitting in her cell, she had been lucky enough to get a TV in her room and have a collection of VHS's under her bed. She sat on her bed, kicking her feet back and forth slightly as she watched ' The Dark Half '*
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hellhousehaunts · 16 days
she hesitated for a moment, straightening her gray Pet Semetary shirt out, her knees felt cold due to the holes in her pants. She looked like an actual young adult or teen. Not like the wife, and mother she actually was. She hesitated before knocking on the front door of the hotel*
*the house was quiet no noise had been heard in awhile, specially because everyone was kinda slower things felt weird in the house. Paul had walked downstairs opening the door and gave a small excited smile seeing Hailey*
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hellhousehaunts · 16 days
Hello Tully,
.. As we both know Halloween is quickly approaching, and you still haven't lured anyone in to kill..
Sacrafical lambs...
I know I shouldn't help, but I feel inclined too.. especially right now. I know a group of news reporters at work that I could easily lead to the hotel; atleast I won't feel bad.. most of these people are bad
.. we'll talk later, okay?
Hello dear.
That’s a nice offer. Working together would be great, as far as I’m concerned the crew seems to be a little weakened as October nears, we should talk soon I would love to hear about this crew.
Just don’t let your little friend Paul know
*Lambs are a good way to put it*
( @girl-stuck-in-the-delusion )
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hellhousehaunts · 16 days
Hey Paul!!
Sorry that I'm writing. I would visit, but with how Norman's been pretty sure he'd kill me or worse. Not like I can die, but still.
Until Halloween starts back up, I've decided to work at the local funeral home. It's been a.... nice experience I suppose, only thing that worried me was reading about that security gaurd who died on my shift.
I'm not well... we both know this, why can't someone just step in and pull me out of all this already!
I do hope to meet up soon though, maybe we can go see that new Beetlejuice film that's coming out this weekend?
If you'd like
Hi Hailey.
It’s fine, we all miss you around here. Things have neem tough though, has October nears things feel different, Tully growing stronger but he hasn’t done much yet, hopefully this year is different and i do hope you enjoy your new job and the get away is nice. On the bright side Alex is being less of an ass
*i wanna pull you out, i really do*
I would love to meet up soon, and seeing a the new beetle juice would be nice, just let me know when.
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hellhousehaunts · 16 days
See your perfect at it
So random question
What’s up?
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hellhousehaunts · 16 days
page loading……error error..
*glitches* loading complete!
Welcome! To the Abaddon hotel
Im AlEx TaYlOr and i’ll be your host while you stay at my wonderful establishment, we have wonderful things todo here…just take a look at these beautiful photos…….
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
We WaNt YoUr SoUl
Our staff is so lovely to
Just look at them
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
We hope you enjoy your stay!
If YoU sUrViVe ThAt LoNg
We’er sorry,this website seem to not exist anymore:(
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hellhousehaunts · 18 days
Nice…my personal favorite is my bloody valentine
Names Paul, paul o’keefe Camera man and haunted house owner
I heard you’re a horror movie fan - Paul
( @hellhousehaunts )
Huge fan
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