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helenisfair · 3 years ago
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
can i b honest i think if youre constantly complaining about insane discourse on your dash you might just have to accept that youve made some mistakes with who you follow
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
“Four Thieves claims to have successfully synthesized five different kinds of pharmaceuticals, all of which were made using MicroLab. The device attempts to mimic an expensive machine usually only found in chemistry laboratories for a fraction of the price using readily available off-the-shelf parts. In the case of the MicroLab, the reaction chambers consist of a small mason jar mounted inside a larger mason jar with a 3D-printed lid whose printing instructions are available online. A few small plastic hoses and a thermistor to measure temperature are then attached through the lid to circulate fluids through the contraption to induce the chemical reactions necessary to manufacture various medicines. The whole process is automated using a small computer that costs about $30.
To date, Four Thieves has used the device to produce homemade Naloxone, a drug used to prevent opiate overdoses better known as Narcan; Daraprim, a drug that treats infections in people with HIV; Cabotegravir, a preventative HIV medicine that may only need to be taken four times per year; and mifepristone and misoprostol, two chemicals needed for pharmaceutical abortions.“
Since Four Thieves isn’t actually selling or distributing the medicines made by its members, what they’re doing isn’t technically illegal in the eyes of the FDA, even though the agency has issued a public warning about the collective’s DIY methods. Shortly after Four Thieves unveiled its $30 DIY epipen, the FDA issued a statement to the media that said “using unapproved prescription drugs for personal use is a potentially dangerous practice,” but didn’t refer to Four Thieves by name. Ironically, only a few months later, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pfizer for failing to investigate “hundreds” of complaints about epipen failures, some of which resulted in the death of the user. In May, the FDA issued another warning that declared a chronic epipen shortage.
As for the DEA, none of the pharmaceuticals produced by the collective are controlled substance, so their possession is only subject to local laws about prescription medicines. If a person has a disease and prescription for the drug to treat that disease, they shouldn’t run into any legal issues if they were to manufacture their own medicine. Four Thieves is effectively just liberating information on how to manufacture certain medicines at home and developing the open source tools to make it happen. If someone decides to make drugs using the collective’s guides then that’s their own business, but Four Thieves doesn’t pretend that the information it releases is for “educational purposes only.”
“The rhetoric that is espoused by people who defend intellectual property law is that this is theft,” Laufer told me. “If you accept that axiomatically, then by the same logic when you withhold access to lifesaving medication that’s murder. From a moral standpoint it’s an imperative to enact theft to prevent murder.”
“So yeah, we are encouraging people to break the law,” Laufer added. “If you’re going to die and you’re being denied the medicine that can save you, would you rather break the law and live, or be a good upstanding citizen and a corpse?”
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
“cain instinct” this “cain instinct” that. what about the reuben instinct where you hate your youngest sibling's guts but will still go out of your way to minimize the harm that comes to them. what about the judah instinct where you instinctively ask to be punished in place of your youngest sibling. what about the jacob instinct where your sibling is very hungry so u pettily make them promise you unreasonable things so that you'll give them food. what about the miriam instinct where you secretly watch over your baby sibling to make sure no harm comes to them.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
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"... “I’m taking action because I feel desperate,” said U.S. climate scientist Peter Kalmus, who along with several others locked himself to the front door of a JPMorgan Chase building in Los Angeles. A recent report found that the financial giant is the biggest private funder of oil and gas initiatives in the world.
“It’s the 11th hour in terms of Earth breakdown, and I feel terrified for my kids, and terrified for humanity,” Kalmus continued. “World leaders are still expanding the fossil fuel industry as fast as they can, but this is insane. The science clearly indicates that everything we hold dear is at risk, including even civilization itself and the wonderful, beautiful, cosmically precious life on this planet. I actually don’t get how any scientist who understands this could possibly stay on the sidelines at this point.” ..."
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
Eating toast for dinner instead of cooking is better than not eating anything at all.
Using mouthwash instead of brushing your teeth is better than not taking care of your teeth at all.
Wiping yourself with a damp cloth or baby wipe instead of showering is better than not bathing at all.
Doing only one out of five assignments you need to turn in is better than not submitting anything at all.
Talking to a loved one on the phone is better than not talking to anyone at all.
Playing your favorite video game, listening to good music, or reading a book instead of "grinding" is better than not doing anything at all.
Don't beat yourself up for not being "productive enough". A little productivity is still productivity.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
In case anyone is wondering what real-world train drama is going on, there’s this.
The tl;dr is that Amtrak wants to run two passenger trains per day round-trip (4 runs total) between Mobile, Alabama and New Orleans, Louisiana, restoring a service that hasn’t been there since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. CSX and Norfolk Southern, two major freight train companies, have resisted this idea, saying it would mess up their traffic, especially since Amtrak’s passenger trains would get priority (by government decree, believe it or not).
So now Amtrak is on Twitch streaming the line to prove the line isn’t too busy for them to run passenger trains.
I’m wheezing.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
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imagine going to college for four years and spending thousands of dollars in tuition to do surface level thematic analysis of a children's book series and then saying you pioneered a field of study
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
I have been a sheep caretaker for like two days and already I'm like. Wow. I get it.
I get why these were some of the earliest mammals to ever be domesticated. They look up to humans with this sort of dumb but all at once innocent and pure and trusting expression. They're happy to see you. They follow you around. They like to be rubbed under their chins. Maybe its just some latent Scottish highland shepherd DNA I still have in me but I look at my sheep charges and suddenly I see why the love of God for humanity is so often described as a shepherd and his sheep. I'd fight a wolf for these guys. I'd go way the Hell out of my way for them. I'd carry their young for miles on my own back.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
Blind people must save a lot on electricity.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
If you wanna fix America you gotta get priests to support unions I'm dead serious.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
shout out to the literal fan fiction happening a few blocks from my apartment. there has been this halal meat market on the corner for like 19 years that the owner’s son just inherited and directly across the street this woman opened a kosher grocery store and since day one they’ve had this very friendly fake rivalry, playing it up for the customers, it’s always been super goofy and light hearted. so turns out last night she proposed in the middle of the afternoon rush in the meat market and he said YES and she’s moving her store to the adjacent empty storefront on the left so they can have a JOINT GROCERY STORE it is so fucking cute I wish them the happiest marriage ever
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
Something I like about Tumblr is that the science tumblrites are fucking to-the-wall feral and the writers are strange kitchen witches but the computer enthusiasts are polite helpful anarchists and the artists are mostly sensible people who teach you to do hand stretches and enjoy a short walk. It's like I'm in a best timeline AU where someone took my high school and inverted it.
This is how things should be. A gremlin biologist teaching a fantasy novelist about the Ancient Terrifying Cornfields while a graphic designer uses a friend's homebrewed tablet to draw a nice picture of a nearby horse.
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
everyone needs a creative outlet to stick a creative fork into
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helenisfair · 3 years ago
HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT whats your favorite place to find drawing references?
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