“Farewell my Captain” Unfinished diorama collage
On November the 9th Martín Copertari passed away. This is an image of one of the collages he was working on at the time. As usually happened, he let me know about the idea he wanted to develop as the process gradually unfolded. I want to thank all the followers and friends who support and value Martin’s work. This page will remain as a record of his work and I will attempt to update it whenever any relevant news appears.
Many thanks, Quique.
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Fotografias pintadas para COVERS, Daniela Gomes Paralelo W, 2017
© Daniela Gomes
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A MÃO HETERONÓMICA de Rui Tinoco, volta d’ mar, 2017
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De repente, pai, entre o silêncio de duas ondas a única pergunta: quantas vezes ainda nadaremos juntos?
- Manuel de Freitas, Boal, com capa de Luís Henriques e desenhos de Luis Manuel Gaspar, Lisboa, Alambique, 2019
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plate explanations here
By Hirase, Yoichiro, 1859-1925 Publication info Kyoto :Yamada Naozoburo,1914-1915. Contributor: Smithsonian Libraries BIODIV LIBRARY
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The ‘upside-down’ jellyfish (Cassiopea sp.) thrives in near-shore marine habitats. It is commonly found on seagrass beds or in mangrove forests, resting its exumbrella against the sediment - exposing its oral arms to the sunlight. Why this fellow is sunbathing all the time? Its oral arms carry symbiotic zooxanthellae, dinoflagellates (marine algae) of the genus Symbiodinium that assimilate carbon and nitrogen for this gelatinous friend.
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