Mother, its me Marc. Father, its me Morgan.
39 posts
Status: INDEFINATE HIATUS! Can be found on: Felicia Blog or Leo Blog Twin Morgans of the Future Past Universe RP Blog Non-selective. Penned by Nessa This is NOT a spoiler free blog! PLEASE read the rules before interacting!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
{Hey folks, I know I've been very inactive on this blog as of late but unfortunately this post isn't marking my return. I'm going to be putting this blog on an indefinite hiatus for now since my muse for Mark/Morgan has been rather nonexistent and some times I feel like I made this blog on a whim?
Should you need me I'll be over on Leo or Felicia! Thanks folks!}
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
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Will make a proper promo later, but for now…hey there! This is a new Sorcerer!Leo from FE14 rp blog, penned by Nessa! Feel free to like/reblog if you’d want to rp or even just talk to this stellar tomato!
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Marc felt his whole face heat up as she talked to him as if he were a small child. Was Emily just trying to embarrass him now? It seemed that way.
"M-mother please!" He covered his mouth as soon as the words slipped out. He did not just do that. He did not just call her mother.
"I-I'm so sorry, Emily." He whispered, turning away almost immediately to leave her side.
{ X ]
Mama Said (Closed RP)
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Morgan couldn't help but snort at Lucina's words "You're damaged? Luci, if anyone here isn't cut out for love, its me."
She placed a hand on the princess's shoulder and did her best to muster up a warm smile. It was hard to do when she was used to smirking more than actually smiling.
"Do you really want to miss your chance again? Wondering about 'what ifs' and living a sad, lonely life?" She further questioned. She didn't want Lucina to miss her chance again. Besides her own brother, the princess was the only other one that Morgan wanted to see just be...happy.
"Just go talk to him. I'll stay by your side if you need me to."
{ X ]
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Morgan felt rather elated to hear that simple word come from the archers mouth. Was she amazed at how the young wyvern rider had tamed such a fitful creature? Was fear striking her heart as the wyvern sniffed the air around the stranger? Did she fear that Morgan would tell her mount to eat her whole?
Apparently not. As the archer started to clap, she felt her elation float away. Her good mood wouldn't stay for long it seemed.
"Are you trying to be condescending?" She asked with a slight scowl. Was she not amazed by Morgan's utter skill? No one else her age had ever tamed a wyvern! At least not in her world. "Don't make me put an axe in your head."
Empty threat. But good delivery.
@heirs-of-grima ♡’d for a starter!
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Teal hues laid upon the small child in front of her. How curious. She was very young but…
The archer’s eyes traveled up to the large wyvern standing next to the child. 
She had heard stories of wyvern training, most of them not being very… child-friendly. These beasts were apparently very hard to handle and sometimes required years of training and bonding. And yet, this person seemed to have no problem taming one on her own.
Setsuna herself was too lazy to tame one herself, so all she could do was applaud the child before her.
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
“I do believe that you drank yourself silly and passed out."
Oh well that was rather embarrassing. Especially since his pseudo-mother was the one to find him in such a state. She looked to be more upset with his 'friends' though than with him. Which was a good thing! Marc would count himself lucky in that regard.
He tensed when Emily's thumb ran across his cheek. Her anger had dissipated into concern - concern for him. He couldn't help but let out a shaky chuckle "I-I think I'll have an easier time resisting them in the future."
A small smile appeared on his face at her joke to supervise him. As if he'd let her catch him. He leaned forward so that her hand was against his cheek once more "Thank you. For watching out for me."
She’s sit up smile, reaching for the boy’s face before stopping herself and recoiling her hand, as if it had been burned. “I found you last night…,” her smile becomes a scowl and she crosses her arms, “I do believe that you drank yourself silly and passed out. Of course, your drinking buddies were no where to be seen,” she sighs and lays down again, a face of worry now highlights her features. She reaches out again, subconsciously, and softly runs her hand down Marc’s cheek in typical motherly fashion, and swiped her thumb across his cheek, “I know it can be hard sometimes to resist a few drinks,” her hand moves to the top of his face and starts again, “But next time, have some self control,” she smiles wryly, “Or I’ll have to supervise you everywhere!” She winks and smiles before removing her hand. It flutters in the air just above Marc’s face, as if it wishes it could stay and comfort the ailing child.
@heirs-of-grima || 🍻 || No Reblog Format
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Not-doing-too-good sentence starters
“Whoa, are you okay?”
“You took that hit pretty hard…”
“Don’t stand up yet.”
“That definitely looks broken…”
“Walk it off.”
“How are you feeling?”
“When was the last time you slept?”
“You look like shit.”
“Have you been eating enough?”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Why are you limping?”
“You’re really pale…”
“Did you just go throw up?”
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“______? You’re bleeding…really bad.”
“That looks infected.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”
“I told you you’d get sick.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Wake up–you were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
“It was just a dream, you’re alright.”
“Look at me–you’re safe.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Are you bleeding?!”
“How’d you get a bruise like that?”
“What happened?”
“Let me help you!”
“Can you hear me?”
“You hit your head pretty hard.”
“Don’t move.”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Marc's brow furrowed after having been flicked in the nose. He rubbed the spot with a slight smirk. Well at least she was having fun messing with him. He supposed he was having fun too.
 "Can I just...walk with you?" He asked rather sheepishly, his voice going lower than normal. Always around Emily he'd get nervous, afraid she'd reject him or turn him away whether there be a reason or not.
"Maybe...maybe come to the war meeting you have with Chrom? I won't interrupt! I just want to listen to you!" He mentally scolded himself, Gods he made it sound so creepy the way he had said it.
{ X ]
Mama Said (Closed RP)
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
"Why not? Making a fool of yourself is half the fun of confessing." She said as her smirk grew bigger. A small huff did escape her as Lucina dug her heels into the ground. Morgan gave another shove, trying to continue to get the princess to move.
"What do you have to lose? Sure, he may reject you and you'll live a sad and lonely life. But hey, at least you tried right?" Maybe those hadn't been the right words to say, what with Lucina's face starting to pale.
"Just, give it some thought, alright? I don't want you to miss your chance again."
{ X ]
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Send “You’re back!” For my muses reaction to yours almost tackling them with a hug after they’ve been gone for a while.
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
The puppy dog face had failed. He should have known it wouldn't work. It hadn't ever even worked on his real mother. Emily was a hard nut to crack it seemed. He wouldn't lie though. Her explanation for why his plan would fail was flawless. He supposed he wasn't used to fighting actual organized armies or bandits as opposed to scared civilians. Scared civilians always fell for the pitfalls.
Marc looked taken back when the woman gave him a pat on the head. Did she really just...? Did she say she was proud of him? The boy swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked at her. Emily's face showed no sign of lying and she genuinely looked at him with pride, even though his battle plan had been rather inadequate.
"Thank...thank you." He returned her smile, trying not to look as if he was too elated by her words. He wished he'd heard that more often growing up. Heard that someone was proud of him for at least trying rather than just doing.
"I guess I better brush up on my tactics, huh?" Marc asked with a soft chuckle "Would you be...be willing to teach me? Maybe? Eventually?"
{ X }
Mama Said (Closed RP)
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Marc would admit to having had a lapse of judgment when some of the other children from the future invited him for a drink. He wanted to refuse at first, not having ever partaken in alcohol and not wanting to start any time soon. He was always told that it messed with the brain and he needed to be in top form to think up new tactics and use his magic. But at the same time, the gang of teens had been so welcoming too him that he couldn't help but join, letting his sister call him out for his stupidity before she left his side.
He'd intended to have just one beverage. But one turned into three which turned into five. Five very strong drinks that left the young sorcerer sprawled on the ground, only to later be carried back by the Shepards tactician. How very kind of his not-mother to take care of him in his time of need.
Once Emily returned the boy to his tent, she didn't get much sleep as he stirred out of his drunken slumber. Marc immediately clutched his head and let out a groan. Gods, it was throbbing like crazy. He could barely remember what he'd even done the previous night.
He turned on his cot and nearly fell off when he saw Emily right beside him "M-moth- I-I mean Emily!" She about gave him a heart attack to go along with his pulsating head. His movements only made him nauseated and he immediately curled into himself before eyeing the woman "W-why...why are you here? What...what happened?"
@rose-gold-memories || Continued from X
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
accidental affection
send me ✗ for my muse to fall on yours and land on top of them
send me □ for your muse to fall on mine and land on top of them
send me ♕ for your muse to get dared to kiss me
send me ♢ for my muse to get dared to kiss yours
send me ♫ for your muse to catch mine singing in the shower
send me ♩ for my muse to catch yours singing in the shower
send me �� for your muse to drunkenly confess feelings to mine
send me ☽ for my muse to drunkenly confess feelings to yours
send me △ for my muse to get trapped in a small closet with yours
send me ❅ for my muse to cuddle up next to yours while asleep on the couch
send me ❥ for your muse to cuddle up next to mine while asleep on the couch
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Mama Said (Closed RP)
"Wait, wait, wait! But just...hear me out!" Marc begged, trying to catch up to the woman. For someone who was almost exactly his height, Gods she could walk fast. "Pitfalls could work perfectly as a tactical advantage!"
He'd been trying to convince Emily all day that in their next battle that a few of them could run ahead and dig up holes for the enemy to fall into. It was perfect in theory, but obviously not to the woman who reminded him so much of his mother.
"Just, come on! Think it through? For me?" The young sorcerer mustered up his best 'puppy dog face'. Surely she'd agree if he looked cute enough, right?
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
Morgan raised a brow as Lucina started to stutter out some pitiful excuse. Did she really think she hadn't been obvious in her ogling of Gerome? Morgan may not have the sharpest attention span herself but Gods, the other woman wasn't all that subtle.
"So, are you going to continue to stare? Or actually go and talk to him?" She asked with a slight smirk. She didn't give the princess much time to respond before starting to push her toward the man "Come on! Time to mingle!"
@heirs-of-grima liked for a starter!
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“Morgan! I, um… No, I was not just staring at Gerome… What gave you that idea?” Smooth, Lucina. Real smooth. Staring at boys in front of your unofficial daughter. Way to set an example.
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
color-coded starter call!
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heirs-of-grima-blog · 9 years ago
"Nohr?" She questioned with a scowl. Wasn't Nohr something she had read about in an old fairytale? How could she be in a kingdom that didn't even exist? Or one that she believed didn't exist.
"Next you'll be telling me that Hoshido is nearby." Morgan rolled her eyes before looking at the wyvern the woman was sat upon "Thats a nice mount you have there. I bet mines faster though." She'd prove it too, once she figured out where in the heck her wyvern had gone off it.
{ X ]
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