heirophantomtheif sk8 eternity
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notes, worldbuilding, art read my work as heirophantomtheif on Ao3 and sort by #my art for original works
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Sk8 but it’s the Canada vacation episode I know they’re hiding from me
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Water Langa 🌊
Langa as a water bender~ I have to put characters I like in the ATLA world, I can't help it ㅠㅠ♡ Wait for his counterparty 🔥
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25 ways to be a little more punk in 2025
Cut fast fashion - buy used, learn to mend and/or make your own clothes, buy fewer clothes less often so you can save up for ethically made quality
Cancel subscriptions - relearn how to pirate media, spend $10/month buying a digital album from a small artist instead of on Spotify, stream on free services since the paid ones make you watch ads anyway
Green your community - there's lots of ways to do this, like seedbombing or joining a community garden or organizing neighborhood trash pickups
Be kind - stop to give directions, check on stopped cars, smile at kids, let people cut you in line, offer to get stuff off the high shelf, hold the door, ask people if they're okay
Intervene - learn bystander intervention techniques and be prepared to use them, even if it feels awkward
Get closer to your food - grow it yourself, can and preserve it, buy from a farmstand, learn where it's from, go fishing, make it from scratch, learn a new ingredient
Use opensource software - try LibreOffice, try Reaper, learn Linux, use a free Photoshop clone. The next time an app tries to force you to pay, look to see if there's an opensource alternative
Make less trash - start a compost, be mindful of packaging, find another use for that plastic, make it a challenge for yourself!
Get involved in local politics - show up at meetings for city council, the zoning commission, the park district, school boards; fight the NIMBYs that always show up and force them to focus on the things impacting the most vulnerable folks in your community
DIY > fashion - shake off the obsession with pristine presentation that you've been taught! Cut your own hair, use homemade cosmetics, exchange mani/pedis with friends, make your own jewelry, duct tape those broken headphones!
Ditch Google - Chromium browsers (which is almost all of them) are now bloated spyware, and Google search sucks now, so why not finally make the jump to Firefox and another search like DuckDuckGo? Or put the Wikipedia app on your phone and look things up there?
Forage - learn about local edible plants and how to safely and sustainably harvest them or go find fruit trees and such accessible to the public.
Volunteer - every week tutoring at the library or once a month at the humane society or twice a year serving food at the soup kitchen, you can find something that matches your availability
Help your neighbors - which means you have to meet them first and find out how you can help (including your unhoused neighbors), like elderly or disabled folks that might need help with yardwork or who that escape artist dog belongs to or whether the police have been hassling people sleeping rough
Fix stuff - the next time something breaks (a small appliance, an electronic, a piece of furniture, etc.), see if you can figure out what's wrong with it, if there are tutorials on fixing it, or if you can order a replacement part from the manufacturer instead of trashing the whole thing
Mix up your transit - find out what's walkable, try biking instead of driving, try public transit and complain to the city if it sucks, take a train instead of a plane, start a carpool at work
Engage in the arts - go see a local play, check out an art gallery or a small museum, buy art from the farmer's market
Go to the library - to check out a book or a movie or a CD, to use the computers or the printer, to find out if they have other weird rentals like a seed library or luggage, to use meeting space, to file your taxes, to take a class, to ask question
Listen local - see what's happening at local music venues or other events where local musicians will be performing, stop for buskers, find a favorite artist, and support them
Buy local - it's less convenient than online shopping or going to a big box store that sells everything, but try buying what you can from small local shops in your area
Become unmarketable - there are a lot of ways you can disrupt your online marketing surveillance, including buying less, using decoy emails, deleting or removing permissions from apps that spy on you, checking your privacy settings, not clicking advertising links, and...
Use cash - go to the bank and take out cash instead of using your credit card or e-payment for everything! It's better on small businesses and it's untraceable
Give what you can - as capitalism churns on, normal shmucks have less and less, so think about what you can give (time, money, skills, space, stuff) and how it will make the most impact
Talk about wages - with your coworkers, with your friends, while unionizing! Stop thinking about wages as a measure of your worth and talk about whether or not the bosses are paying fairly for the labor they receive
Think about wealthflow - there are a thousand little mechanisms that corporations and billionaires use to capture wealth from the lower class: fees for transactions, interest, vendor platforms, subscriptions, and more. Start thinking about where your money goes, how and where it's getting captured and removed from our class, and where you have the ability to cut off the flow and pass cash directly to your fellow working class people
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I CAN FINALLY SHARE MY STORY FOR THE SOULMATES IN EVERY UNIVERSE SK8 AU ZINE (with everyone) I finished it 6 months ago but I made a little illustration for the cover tonight.
Please enjoy a little tale of mer-Reki and human Langa with a touch of fairy-tale magic
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langa is jealous of a cookie now
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(he went to canada for a week)
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Today's Renga Vitamin is Sanrio Collab featuring Cinnamonroll and Pocchaco !
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For God so loved the world that he gave his only son
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Character Bios for my fantasy/isekai/omegaverse Sk8 AU series
Shindo Aiichiro (422-465) A♂︎deceased
The fourth child born to Hiroko and Sayo. He was named heir to the Shindo household when he came of age, bypassing his elder sisters. His wife Ada dies a few years into their marriage, after which he courts Prince Oliver on his presentation as an omega.
Shindo Ada (430-452, née Edberg) b♀︎ deceased
The daughter of a wealthy merchant family from the mainland, her marriage to Aiichiro Shindo was arranged to solidify a trade agreement with the notoriously isolated Island. She died due to complications with her second pregnancy. Her child Ainosuke was raised exclusively by the Shindo family. Any promise from the arrangement soured when Aiichiro immediately sought remarriage into the Royal family.
Shindo Ainosuke (b447, Age 26) A♂︎
Only child of Aiichiro and Ada and current heir to the Shindo household. He grew up between the Shindo household in the Capital with his father and the country estate with his aunt Shoko. He was appointed a junior councillor to the throne under King Oliver. His family’s influence granted him a betrothal to Oliver’s son Langa following the King’s death, but the engagement was dissolved when Langa presented as an Alpha in 471. He currently serves a a Royal Councillor and lives in the palace.
Chinen Saki (née Shindo) Ω♀︎ Age 64
The third child of Hiroko and Sayo and youngest sister of the remaining Shindo siblings. Her marriage was arranged with the Alpha head of the Chinen Family when they were young. Chinen is the least powerful of the major families, but with six grown offspring and many grandchildren, her sphere of influence is wide.
Chinen Miya (b457, Age 16)A♂︎
Grandchild of Chinen Saki, Miya recently presented as an alpha. The heir in his generation has not been selected, but he has older alpha cousins. He spends time between the Chinen household and the Shindo mansion in the Capitol.
Higa Rie (née Shindo) A♀︎Age 66
The second child of Hiroko and Sayo. Rie married an omega from the Higa family. They were close from childhood and proposed the match themselves which their parents accepted. Their spouse is not part of the main family lineage, but they oversee a large estate which provides produce for many in the Capitol, including the royals. They have two married daughters but no biological grandchildren. Their daughters prefer city life, so they are preparing Higa Hiromi as their heir.
Higa Hiromi (b449, Age 24)A♂︎
Young Alpha from the Higa family, Rie and her spouse ‘sponsor’ him as adoptive grandparents. They arranged a marriage for him and plan for him to inherit their estate.
Shindo Shoko A♀︎Age 67
The eldest child of Hiroko and Sayo and the eldest sister of the remaining Shindo siblings. Shoko functions as the head of the family following Aiichiro’s death. She was widowed young but never remarried. It is customary for female Alphas to commit to a life of widowhood if their male alpha spouse dies, and vow to sire no children. Shoko’s husband was the sworn brother of Sayo and their marriage was arranged. Shoko resents this as it prevented her from ever serving at the legitimate family head, only as an interim leader. She has been trying to get a Shindo into the royal family her whole life. Aiichiro was the same age as King Thomas, but an alpha, and she and her sisters were a bit too old and married by the time he was looking for a queen. She rejected Oliver’s attempts to marry Nanako and legitimize Langa and supported her brother’s proposal to marry him. Shoko spends her time between the Shindo estate and their mansion in the Capitol.
Sakurayashiki Kaoru A♂︎Age 26
Steward of the Shindo mansion and Royal Councilor. The Sakurayashiki family is sworn to the Shindos and their country estate was formerly the Sakurayashiki ancestral home.
Nanjo Kojiro A♂︎Age 26
Delegate of the Chinen family, he spends most of his time traveling the Island on their behalf. He comes from a minor family and his alpha elder sister is the heir.
Oka Shokichi A♂︎Age 26
Sworn to the Higa family, he brokers trade between House Higa and the Capitol.
Hasegawa Langa (b452, Age 20) A♂︎
The son of the late king, his parents’ mating was never officially recognized. His early years were spent with Oliver as he tried to legitimize their union. Ages 5-14 he lived with Nanako as a commoner and was brought back to the palace after Oliver’s death. Tadashi, Kiriko, and the council members supervised his education while waiting for him to present. In the meantime, we was promised to Ainosuke until he presented as an alpha. At that point it was decided that he would marry an approved spouse and serve as regent until his heir is old enough to officially be crowned. The council could not agree on an appropriate match, so they arranged for the Masquerade to select a suitable omega.
Hasegawa Nanako A♀︎Age 39
The lover of the late king Oliver, she worked in the palace as a young woman. She has since become a successful tailor in the Capitol and remains in contact with her son after he returned to the Palace.
Oliver (432-467) Ω♂︎deceased
His son Langa is the result of a youthful indiscretion with a common alpha woman during his first heat. He ignored suggestions to mate the then newly widowed Shindo Aiichiro and petitioned for the right to marry his lover and legitimize Langa. The council rejected this even while his brother King Thomas approved. He became ‘The Omega King’ at age 22, and rejected Aiichiro’s proposal again. He ultimately was forced to send Langa to live with Nanako. As the only surviving royal, he was pressured with producing a legitimate heir from an endorsed mating but refused to give up attempting to legitimize his family until his untimely death.
Thomas(422-457) A♂︎deceased
Crowned King upon his marriage to Kamata Kiriko. He was initially popular, but criticized for not making a more auspicious match when he and Kiriko failed to produce any children. This became a contentious issue when Oliver (the backup) immediately got knocked up by a commoner when he presented, leading to the only two royals having zero legitimate heirs. Thomas dies (suspiciously) before resolving the ‘Hasegawa issue’.
Kamata Kiriko A♀︎Age 50
Widow of King Thomas and Royal councillor. She has few privileges as a former consort. She suspects the Shindo family may have murdered Thomas and Oliver, but operates from a minority position in the council as Shindo representatives influence a coalition in the major families. She supported Oliver and Nanako’s right to marry and Langa’s legitimacy. She comes from a minor vassal sworn to the Chinen house.
Tadashi Kikuchi b♂︎Age 28
Royal Steward who manages the household and advises Langa personally. Has ties to the Shindo family but no official place on the council.
Miki Ω♀︎Age 23
A young woman serving the Shindo family at their country estate. She recently moved to the palace to serve as Reki’s handmaid.
Kyan Reki Ω♂︎Age 19
A Stranger who appeared at the Shindo Estate, he is officially adopted by Shoko Shindo and taken to the capital for the Masquerade.
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langa doodle because i cant stop thinking about the new halloween art
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Say My Name (i wanna dance with you)
Sk8 The Infinity Fanfic on ao3!
Kyan Reki/Hasegawa Langa | Rated E | Proskater AU
Reki was a huge fan of Olympian snowboarder turned professional skater Langa Hasegawa. He kept every single interview he's ever given, watched every clip of him and even bought his merch. It was admiration, not a crush, as much as his friend Miya liked to tease him about it being the latter.
Langa was a huge fan of a cute redheaded skateboarder that had a very informative channel, with tutorials that inspired him to start skating. He watched every live stream and every video he'd ever posted. Langa especially liked his other, much more popular trendy account, once he found out about it. He definitely had a crush on Reki, too bad he was probably straight and had a girlfriend.
Dream come true for the both of them when they get invited on a world skateboarding tour to promote a new game called W0RLDSK8 where Langa and Joe are featured as playable characters. Reki may not measure up to Langa's impressive heights exactly but he had his own things going for him. Langa wanted Reki, but it seemed like everyone did.
featuring: so many cities, so much panic, the sk8 group as a family, some attempts at humor and some eventual spice.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Professional Skaters, it's a whole world tour full of ocs and the skate family, Bisexual Disaster Kyan Reki, Gay Disaster Hasegawa Langa, Infidelity(Reki has a girlfriend who cheats on him), Jealous Hasegawa Langa, Pining, Bisexual Awakening, Coming Out, Homophobic Language, Married MatchaBlossom, Found Family, Kyan Reki is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Hasegawa Langa, POV Alternating, Kyan Reki-centric, Group Chats, Social Media, Gay Panic (So Much Gay Panic), Underage Drinking, Stabbing, Angst & Fluff & Smut, Hurt Kyan Reki, Insecurity, Blood & Injury, Sharing a Bed, Dancing, Parental MatchaBlossom, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Sexual Tension, Switches, Kyan Reki Deserves Nice Things.
has a mini-sequel! and a side story!
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a piece of the concept art i did for my piece for the Soulmates in every universe zine!
Proceeds go towards The Trevor Project Order Here!: www.chaoscreators.com/sk8zine
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so excited for this zine!! also thank to @slimemanagement for the adorable portrait
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Renga outfit swap
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I just think it it would be really fun if they did stupid shit on their skateboards to try and get the other to laugh!
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