heghoul · 4 months
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and   she   goes   straight   for   the   kill,   uh?   vaultie   is   smarter   than   she   gives   her   credit   for   at   times,   and   the   question,   direct   to   his   identity   makes   him   chuckle.   would   she   even   know?   what   would   the   name   cooper   howard   mean   down   in   the   vaults   after   he   turn   his   back   to   vault-tec?   regardless,   he   is   amused   by   the   straightness   of   the   question.   plain,   to   the   point.   suppose   he   allowed   her   only   five   questions,   she   had   to   think   them   smartly.  
"name   is   cooper   howard.   your   old'   daddy   used   to   be   a   big   fan   of   me   back   in   the   old   days."   little   henry   was   all   too   excited   when   he   met   him   for   that   damn   autograph   the   day   his   life   changed   and   he   discovered   harsh   truths   about   barb   and   what   kind   of   job   he   was   being   rope   into.   
to her it sounds like a worthwhile and interesting endeavor. she was something of a ( sham ) history teacher, after all, prior to discovering several important truths that had been inconveniently withheld for the benefit of her curriculum, and no thanks to her own flesh & blood. she tries not to think about it, so where else should she turn her attention to? to him, of course.
two-hundred plus years of a life lived above ground? it's not like they anything better to do, and there's only so much silence lucy can take before she starts picking at him anyway. five questions, she decides, is somewhere within the realm of a reasonable compromise given his prior reticence, and it'll have to do. it's more than she'd hoped for.
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"okay .. " she chews on the wad of tangled thoughts. so many routes, subjects, everything to touch upon. only five questions. a name. a name could shed some beneficial light. "who were you before the bombs?"
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heghoul · 4 months
chickens in this universe need a guild because they keep getting attacked.
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heghoul · 4 months
hit this radiactive heart to let me know if it's okay to do nsft tw stuff. it will be tagged obviously but you know, this is better and trust me i ain't shy about sending memes.
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heghoul · 4 months
promise to be here more. i wanted to be this weekend but my family stayed home and somehow i'm always way too alert when i'm around.
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heghoul · 4 months
heartbreak is imagining him finally finding janey, and if she lives, him not wanting to interfere and walk away but she can recognize him anywhere, ghoul or not.
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heghoul · 4 months
coop was a marine right? him going semper fi motherfucker and no one getting his grandpa references.
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heghoul · 4 months
the moment lil' old me saw angel vampire face in buffy changed everything for me.
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heghoul · 4 months
sometimes watching my commissions are funny bc i either have 8 people asking blog commissions or just one commission for icons.
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heghoul · 4 months
*grabbing a microphone* i would've raised chickens with you in a farm, cooper howard. i would've wore overall for you, cooper howard, i would've watch you ride a horse and then ride you, cooper howard. i would've loved living in a farm with you despite being the most city girl to ever city.
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heghoul · 4 months
𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴.
continuing from this list i made earlier! i made these prompts on @soulprompts , DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST NOR REPOST IT OR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN.
" i miss you. "
" i don't think i can do this anymore. "
" were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? "
" please don't make me say it. "
" i need you. "
" please don't go... "
" you know i'm never going to let anything happen to you. don't you? "
" are you... are you afraid of me? "
" you're a good person. "
" don't worry. i'll stay. i'm not going anywhere. "
" ...is what they're saying true? "
" i don't care about any of that. i only care about you! "
" i'm here. "
" you have no idea how glad i am to see you. "
" just... tell me how to fix this. "
" please. now is not the time for lies. please, just... tell me the truth. "
" you know you can tell me anything... right? "
" hey... there is nothing in this world that you can tell me, that'll ever make me hate, fear, or leave you. please, rest easy in that knowledge. "
" i never thought i'd see you again. "
" please... you have to understand why i did what i did... "
" why didn't you tell me? "
" everyone has secrets, don't they? i'm sure you'll tell me yours when you're ready. "
" you're not alone. "
" you can trust me. "
" i can't believe i ever trusted you... "
" it's okay... everything's going to be alright. "
" i...  i  don't know how to fix this. "
" there's no other way, is there? "
" no. absolutely not. no way. i'm not letting you do this. "
" you don't know what it was like. "
" for gods sake, don't do this! don't you dare make me lose anyone else! not today! "
" i can't lose you... "
" haven't we suffered enough? can't we have this one good thing? "
" you know, i think this might be the first time i've ever seen you frightened... "
" goodbye, my love/old friend. "
" you didn't honestly expect me to let you do this alone, did you? "
" you lied to me. "
" you abandoned me. "
" promise me. "
" you promised! "
" please don't do this... "
" we were one hell of a pair, weren't we? "
" perhaps i am a little frightened... "
" we're a team. remember? so let's face this one together. "
" sorry. you're stuck with me, i'm afraid. it's part of the whole friendship/relationship thing. wherever you go, i go. "
" you... you must know, before anything else happens tonight... you must know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. "
" i love you. "
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heghoul · 4 months
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Okay can we take a moment to break down this little bit right here because it's HILARIOUS. Like, this isn't the first time he's seen/noticed Lucy, but this is the first moment where he's properly LOOKING and paying attention to her. Just the way he stops in his tracks from instantly blowing her head off like he did the others because he's trying to compute what's in front of him is *chef's kiss*. Best first meeting 10/10.
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heghoul · 5 months
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"As   long   as   you   don't   make   me   pinky   swear   it,   darlin'   you   can   talk   to   him   all   you   want.   I   need   answers   to."   So   it's   gonna   be   a   long   drawn   talkin'   session   before   he   leaves   Hank   with   more   than   just   an   autograph   of   himself.   Even   better   for   a   man   like   him   who   enjoyed   his   scene   of   a   shooting   a   man   in   the   head,   he   will   gift   him   the   same.   Some   would   say   that's   damn   right   poetic   for   a   hollywood   actor.   "Makes   sense   for   your   vault   I   suppose.   No   purpose   of   divorce   when   you   gotta   repopulate   the   world."   But   it   was   the   harsh   reality   of   the   pre-war   times,   and   what   happened   before   the   bombs   fell.   He   doubts   it   was   his   ex   wife   who   dropped   the   bombs   but   she   had   mentioned   it   and   that   was   enough   for   him   to   doubt   it   and   want   questions.
  For   what   he   heard,   New   Vegas   could   have   some   answers   for   him   and   the   little   lady   and   so   they   will   follow   the   trail   of   her   wounded   father.   "A   widow   uh?   And   so   young.   Well   honey,   you   are   lucky   to   not   be   bringing   a   kid   on   this   wasteland."   That   would   make   the   journey   even   more   dangerous   but   if   she   wants   to   tell   him   that   tell,   he   will   listen   for   now,   he   brings   a   pause   at   her   favorite   film   of   his   own,   brushing   Dogmeat's   ears   as   he   smiles.   "Aye,   that's   my   favorite   one   too.   And   it'   was   my   own   dog   too.   Roosevelt."   And   to   think   it   all   started   with   that   film   really,   and   the   driving   force   to   get   the   truth   was   the   simple   truth   that   no   dogs   were   allowed   in   the   vaults.  
"Aye   I   did.   A   man   admits   when   they   see   pretty   little   things.   Vera   was   always   very   jealous   of   the   young   little   starlets."   He   didn't   think   she   survived   the   bombs   and   if   she   did,   likely   a   Ghoul   or   turn   to   dust,   but   the   truth   was   there.   "Never   say   never   in   this   world,   darlin'.   You   thought   you   would   never   travel   the   wasteland   with   me   and   here   we   are.   And   if   your   brother   is   as   smart   as   you   are,   that   boy   will   be   fine."
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        All the dolls and sweethearts could get to any woman’s head, especially when she wasn’t used to it. Cooper was a different beast when he wasn’t trying to hurt her. She’d dare say she even liked his company when he played nice. Perhaps their journey together wouldn’t be so daunting after all. “Cyrosleep? Why now, though? It’s been so long….There has to be a reason.” Cryosleep was something they had conveniently left out of the vault information - and she should know. There wasn't a technical manual she didn't read out of curiosity. However, she could gather what it was based on the title. “Just promise me – before we kill him, my father…I can talk to him.” She needed to ask some questions, at least, before she put him in the ground, even if she didn’t get an answer she liked.
        “Oh – I don’t think I’ve ever seen a marriage end in separation.” Lucy considered all the marriages she had witnessed in the vault, “Only in death….” When he explained what alimony was, she nodded. “I’m a widow, technically.” Though she wasn’t sure what happened between Monty and her, it could be considered a marriage. After all, the entire thing had been a farce set up by Moldaver. Even though they consummated the marriage, the honeymoon certainly did not last. “Me either. My favorite film of yours was always A Man and his Dog.”
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         “Did The Cooper Howard just call me a pretty thing? Are you serious? Vera Keyes?” It was as if he were trying to make her blush since she admitted her crush. He succeeded; she was flushed from ear to ear. “Stop teasing me. It’s not funny.” A huff left her lips as her arms crossed. Yet when he said being a teacher suited her, she couldn’t help the smile that crept upon her lips. “Some of us like to help and nurture others. I just loved the kids so much. I’m sad, and I might never see them again. Sad I might never see my brother again….But what we’re doing needs to be done.”
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heghoul · 5 months
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"so   ya'   wanna   hear   me   talkin'   about   myself   for   the   rest   of   the   journey?   sweetheart,   that   is   a   long   ass   story   to   hear."   even   to   her   it   would   be   all   too   much   of   a   torture   to   let   her   into   all   of   his   life   story,   less   into   his   troubles.   oh   no,   he   is   not   going   to   let   little   miss   doe   eyes   get   him   into   her   de escalation   tactics.   "i   got   200   years   to   talk   and   none   of   it   would   make   me   feel   any   better."  
he   points   out   with   a   slight   look   toward   the   woman   as   he   continues   walking,   a   tip   of   his   hat   in   turn   when   the   sun   hits   on   his   face.   "but   if   you   wanna   talk   so   much,   kids   back   in   the   days   liked   to   play   20   questions.   i'll   let   you   have   five,   so   think   deep   and   hard,   doll   because   this   ain't   something   I   do   on   a   daily   basis."  
if   anything   the   ghoul   is   a   loner.   cooper   prefers   to   be   on   his   own   and   do   what   he   does   best   which   is,   gaining   money.   no   matter   the   profession   he   was   always   good   at   it.   even   in   the   wastelands.
she obviously isn't all too eager to readily subscribe to wastelander prejudices where ghouls are concerned, & why would she? although, if she were to base her opinions solely off of her lone experience with this one, she might say she's been made wary of any future interactions — but it's not so simple, is it? they're still people. their once smooth edges eroded into something more jagged by the ticking of time.
fresh out of the vault and not so easily deterred by the reality that some have been suffering for upwards of over two-hundred plus years from radioactively-induced atrophy. lucky/unluckily for her, she's always showcased an immense capacity for empathy, and she supposes that too is a gift from her late mother, but these days she realizes that this can easily tip toward disadvantage in the hands of the wrong person.
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"well, i can't say i wouldn't live similarly after some time .. i suppose if i were in your .." she eyes his shoes, or boots, rather. "in your boots. well. i don't know." and that's the truth. "i just know that sometimes, after talking, especially when people talk about themselves, they usually feel at a least a little better."
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heghoul · 5 months
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"I   ain't   killing   you,   I   am   teachin'   you   a   lesson.   you   decided   to   step   away   from   the   safety   of   those   pretty   vaults   of   yours   now   you   gotta   take   in   that   the   world   around'   ya   ain't   a   commercial."   and   certainly   not   like   he   ones   he   did,   every   single   one   of   them   a   lie.   the   more   she   learns   to   adapt   he   might   end   up   liking   her.   and   if   her   last   name   is   truly   maclean   then   perhaps   she   might   be   more   useful   to   him   than   he   thought.  
"cowboy's   honor,   doll,   i   ain't   killin   you   as   long   as   you   follow   what   i   say."   His   gloved   hand   taps   on   her   pip-boy   and   smiles,   once   a   charming   smile   now   rotting   in   yellow.   "I   know   how   this   little   one   works   and   I   know   you   got   a   way   to   track   that   head   we   both   need.   so,   I   help   you,   you   help   me."
❧ lucy scoffed at his words, the mere action causing her throat to ache from just how dry it was. she didn't buy his words one bit, she was certain she was about to drop dead any second now. ❝ so, making me so dehydrated i die isn't killing me? ❞ she rasped out, ignoring how her throat burned and how scratchy her voice was. she sounded like a broken record, maybe if it wasn't her in this state, she'd laugh.
she looked up to him with a glare, wheezing loudly. she was so tired and thirsty, even the horrifically irradiated and discoloured water was starting to look appealing. maybe cooper wouldn't even care if she just collapsed and leave her to die in the dust. god, even the idea of laying there in the dust was appealing now. ❝ yeah, i-i can tell that by now, ❞ she responded, her eyes starting to grow teary from all the sand and dust. she stumbled to the ground, kneeling there as a way to collect herself, her legs giving up on supporting her. ❝ doesn't change the fact that you're going to kill me. ❞
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heghoul · 5 months
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cooper howard » the radio
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heghoul · 5 months
oh but coop finding janey and suddenly becoming aware of what he is, and what he had done and the thought that he is no longer the father she knew.
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heghoul · 5 months
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