heesosweet · 9 months
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——𐙚 You Smile 𐙚 I Smile 𐙚 ——
🫧 hello my name is…
🫧 choose your adventure!
°˖➴ scenarios/headworms
°˖➴ drabbles/imaginies
°˖➴ full length fics
-`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´- -`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡´--`♡
₊˚ෆ coming soon ₊˚ෆ
╰► Sohee x Seunghan short story length (18+)
╰► Sungchan x Wonbin short story length (non-idol au)
Starman Purple
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heesosweet · 9 months
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this barbie likes other barbies
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heesosweet · 9 months
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔
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Title: You N Me Us
Pairing: Seunghan x Sohee
Word Count: 2.5k
You N Me Us
9:00 p.m.
Seunghan sees him for the first time when he walks through the front door of the house of some fraternity Seunghan hasn’t felt the need to catch the name of. They’ve crammed as many students as possible into the home for the opportunity to bring the New Year in with a slew of heavily intoxicated semi-strangers. The guy is dressed in a pink knit sweater that swallows his upper half whole. The cold has stained the tip of his nose a soft red that he tries to warm away with his sleeve. Despite the absence of lighting in the packed living room, he still seems to glow. A natural haze takes over his features due to a smile that pinches his cheeks and causes his eyes to resemble the crescent moon that hangs in the night sky. He lets himself be guided through the crowd by a guy with hair that grazes his shoulders. His face is all strong lines and large eyes that part a path for the two of them without much resistance. When he scoots past Seunghan, his hand clutched tightly in the hand of the friend he came with, he turns to him and smiles so softly that Seunghan almost misses it in the darkness of the room.
“Sorry.” He calls out over the music despite there being no reason for him to. Seunghan means to tell him, it’s fine. Use this moment to figure out what his name is, but instead his mouth opens and shuts around nothing. And to that the guy smiles at him again. This time it resembles the one Seunghan watched him pass out to others as he made his way through the crowd. It’s wide and bright and it makes the tips of Seunghan’s fingers tingle where they’re wrapped around his half empty solo cup. He lets his eyes linger on Seunghan’s own for a moment longer before he allows himself to be dragged the rest of the way to the kitchen by his friend. Seunghan watches them until he can no longer see the hints of his pink sweater in the gaps in the crowd. Sighing he lifts his cup to his lips and downing the rest of the contents of his cup. It’s watered down now and lukewarm now, but Seunghan tricks himself into believing that it calms his nerves.
“Your New Year’s resolution should be practicing better social skills.” Eunseok’s words tickle the shell of Seunghan’s ear. His words are slightly slurred due to the appearance of yet another can of beer in his hand. Seunghan says nothing. Just reaches back and removes Eunsok’s heavy arm from his shoulder.
“He didn’t even say anything really. Nothing that needed a major response.” Seunghan says and as the words come out of his mouth he knows that he’s trying to console himself more than anything. As long as he believes that the guy didn’t expect him to respond with anything then he doesn’t have to feel like he missed out on something.
“He apologized. You could have at least said it was okay. You couldn’t even do that!” Eunseok’s words seep into one another the faster he tries to release them from his lips. It makes understanding him a difficult job that is equal parts unsatisfying when he realizes he’s still just poking fun at him. Seunghan wouldn’t say that he’s a bad conversationalist. He would however admit that it does require a lot of patience from others to be able to figure that out.
“Look it’s a new year in,” Eunseok looks at his watch as he speaks, “in like 3 hours. Start trying new things. Start with getting that guy's name.” He points into the crowd as he finishes his sentence and Seunghan sees that same shade of pink near the sliding doors that face the backyard. He’s leant against the wall, talking to the same friend he arrived with and a girl that Seunghan remembers vaguely from his dance theory class last semester. In a second the guy is turning his head and then his eyes are locking with Seunghan’s. They squint for a moment as if trying to put together the features he’s seeing under lights that are a half step away from practically being completely off and when the pieces come together he lifts his own cup to his lips, taking a small sip before turning away from Seunghan and back to his friends. Seunghan runs a nervous hand through his hair. Grimacing slightly at the sweat that coats his hand afterwards.
“I don’t know him and we said literally one word to one another. It’s not that serious. Besides, where is this coming from? I didn’t even say anything about him.” Seunghan walks away from Eunseok as he speaks, but he follows closely behind. Seunghan seeks out their other friend, Seungchan, in the crowd. It doesn’t take long to locate him. His height placing him literal heads above everyone else. He’s next to the staircase where a chipped dart board rests against the smoke stained wall.
“I know you. When you get that little nervous twitch in your lip it only means one thing and not being serious is exactly why it shouldn’t be an issue to ask him for his name.” They reach Seungchan whenever Eunseok says this to him. Sungchan is in the middle of throwing a dart whenever they reach him.
“Whose name?” He asks just as he launches his dart. It misses the bullseye by an inch. He lets out a cry, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling.
“Eunseok wants me to chat up some random guy just because he said one word to me.” Seunghan says moving to stand next to Sungchan. They both look out at Eunseok as he shakes his head. Wagging a long finger out in front of him.
“I want him to chat up a guy that I think he might have a good time with. I’m being a good wingman- no. A good friend.” He shrugs as he finishes his sentence. Sungchan looks between the two of them before responding.
“What’s so wrong with that?” He asks. Seunghan sighs and gets ready to walk away from the both of them. The sounds of Eunseok’s voice grating on his nerves.
“Exactly. Nothing is wrong with talking to someone you think is attractive. Especially on New Year’s Eve. He’s just scared.” Eunseok says and it makes Sungchan reach out and swat a hand in his direction. Sungchan catches Seunghan by his wrist before he can walk away.
“It doesn’t have to be this big thing. It’s a party. Ask him his name. Talk for a bit. Get a kiss when the ball drops.” Sungchan can barely make it through the end of his sentence before Seunghan is tugging with all of his might to free his wrist from his hold. He laughs when Seunghan settles with turning enough so his back faces the both of them. He sees the guy again then. He’s in the living room now. Dancing to some upbeat pop song. The bass of the speakers are so loud that Seunghan can’t make out any of the words over the ugly grumble it sparks in them. The guy and his friends don’t mind. They twirl and fall against one another in exaggerated grinds that make them all red in the cheeks. He’s in mid spin when he spots Seunghan too. Seunghan wonders what he sees. Is it the effort he put into the small amount of makeup he put on before leaving his apartment. Or is it the alcohol that rests in his cheeks, working in tandem with the nerves that makes the room feel ten times hotter than it is. Could it be the way Seunghan’s eyes drag from the messy fringe of his hair down past the collar of his sweater and to the tops of his thighs where his sweater hangs loosely. When Seunghan’s eyes make it back to his face, he doesn’t smile this time. Just raises his right brow and cocks his head slightly to the left. He’s turning around to face his friends again the next second. Seunghan can feel that twitch Eunseok mentioned earlier making a comeback.
“If I did want to talk to him… how would I do it?” Seunghan asks.
10:00 p.m.
Sohee decides that he’ll let the guy that’s been stealing glances at him for the last hour approach him first. Not because he feels as if he should be the one that’s sought after. No, that’s not his reason at all. Truthfully Sohee is afraid that if he moves too fast he risks scaring the guy away.
“He’s never gonna say anything to you if you keep staring him down.” Wonbin says as he pours himself, Sohee, and Yuna another shot.
“That’s unfair. I don’t think I’m staring. It’s just that everytime I look up he’s already looking so we kind of lock eyes.” Sohee says, picking up his shot glass. The liquid splashes and spills over the rim of the glass when he taps it against Yuna and Wonbin’s own.
“Exactly,” Yuna taps her glass against the counter as she speaks, “if anything he’s the one doing the staring.” She raises the glass to her lips and knocks back the entirety of its contents. He and Wonbin follow suit.
“Right? Me looking at him should be encouraging.” Sohee says as they make their way out of the kitchen and back into the swarm of bodies that fill the too small living room. All of the furniture has been pushed to rest against the wall, which wasn’t really much to begin with. An old couch, a shredded recliner, and a small coffee table. The couch is free so Wonbin leads the three of them there. When they sit the bones of the couch whine and groan beneath their weight.
“Dear god I hate frat parties. Imagine all the various liquids and bodily fluids we’re probably sitting on.” Yuna says.
“It’s fine as long as you don’t think too much about it. Also thank god for in-unit laundry.” Wonbin says. He whispers the last part and keeps his back stiff so he doesn’t rest against the stained cushions. Sohee spotted him when they sat down. The guy he’s been playing peekaboo with is sitting on the bottom step of the staircase. There are two guys that stand on either side of him and they both appear to be talking at the same time and it seems as if Sohee’s guy is doing his best to take in what they’re both saying at the same time. It causes his brows to crease in the middle. A little wrinkle invading the sharpness of his features. It makes Sohee smile.
“You’re staring.” Wonbin leans over to speak the words directly into Sohee’s ear. Immediately he pulls his lips down into a frown, dropping his eyes to where his hands rest in his lap.
“Oh leave him alone. He isn’t hurting anyone,” Yuna says, reaching behind Sohee to swat at the back Wonbin’s head. He attempts to dodge it but he’s a second too late.
“What? I’m trying to help. He wants the guy to come and talk to him. The guy is already too afraid. Sohee’s staring is only going to make him more nervous. Then boom Sohee misses out on his New Year's kiss which means he’s destined to spend 2024 alone.” Wonbin says the words like he’s read them before. Like some sort of prophecy that the world is all in on. Everyone except Sohee. It makes him frown for real this time.
“Why is that the conclusion you came to?” His words come out small and meek and Yuna’s trample over them like an unimpressive colony of ants.
“Or his staring lets him know that Sohee is interested too-”
“So you do think I’m staring?” Sohee cuts in. Yuna raises her hand and rests it against his mouth.
“So then he can finally build up the courage to come and speak to him.” She finishes, dropping her hand from Sohee’s mouth. Wonbin nods, eyes drifting off into the crowd in front of them before coming back to rest on his friends.
“You’re right.” Is all he says.
“What happened to missing my New Year’s kiss? Being all alone all 2024?” Sohee asks.
“You can still not get the kiss and end up miserable and lonely, but he is on his way to come speak to you right now. So I’m guessing the staring did pay off.” Wonbin reaches across Sohee to take Yuna’s hand. He pulls her off of the couch before turning to give Sohee a wink. Yuna sends him a thumbs up and a smile that makes him giddy with anticipation. When they make their way from in front of him the guy is about two steps away from the couch. He stops in front of Sohee.
“Hey. Is it alright if I sit with you?”
11:15 p.m.
Seunghan finds out that his name is Sohee. He is also able to see that he has three moles that rest on his cheek that reminds him vaguely of The Big Dipper. He notices that his hair seems almost too thick for his head, but that it suits him nonetheless. He also realizes that Sohee smiles a lot. Smiles at Seunghan’s nerves. Smiles when Seunghan needs a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. Smiles when Seunghan smiles. Seunghan finds out that he likes talking to Sohee.
11:30 p.m.
Sohee thinks that Seunghan is nervous. Sohee thinks that Seunghan is nervous, awkward and shy and he likes him more for it. He appreciates the effort that Seunghan puts into maintaining eye contact despite the way it makes his knee shake, causing it to knock into Sohee’s every now and again. He likes that after every time he apologies for it he breaks out into this nervous grin that makes his face soften like dough. Sohee thinks that he would like to talk to Seunghan after tonight.
12:00 a.m.
Five minutes before the clock strikes twelve Sohee decides that he will kiss Seunghan. An equal effort sort of thing he reasons. He takes note of the way Seunghan's eyes drift to his lips more often as they speak about their majors and what their schedules look like for this upcoming semester. He notices the way it makes a new layer of sweat break out on his forehead and the way it causes him to pull at his fingers. Sohee notices also how these nerves spur Seunghan to fill up more of the space in their conversation. He begins to spew facts about himself like a fire hose in response to the way his nerves make his body shake. Sohee listens to it all. Takes it all in with soft eyes and a gentle smile. One that is almost as gentle as the hand he places on Seunghan’s cheek when the crowd begins to count down, cutting his sentence about internships short. His presses his lips against Seunghan’s own in a chase kiss. One that causes fireworks to go off in Seunghan’s ears. One that makes his own heart beat so loudly that he fears Seunghan can hear it over the cheers of everyone else in the room.
“Happy New Year, Seunghan.” He whispers against his lips.
“Happy New Year, Sohee.”
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