heavensent-or-scum · 8 months
yandere serial killer x gender-neutral reader CONCEPT
content warning: not proofread, mentions of death in non-traditional and violent ways, nothing explicitly yandere so don't come in expecting a lot (yet)
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       Set in 1979, Daniel "Danny" Burnett is a 36 year old, living in a trailer hooked up to a dusty green Chevrolet truck. Just on the outskirts of a rundown, rinky-dink small town in the Northwest, deep into the thick bush, you'll find it. The trailer carpet is rotted in the corners, the curtains remain shut, tattered from insects chewing on them over the years. On rare occasions you'll see him drive down to buy groceries, maybe working the night shift as a janitor.         Standing at 5'10", his build is nothing to scoff at. He's usually seen in a white, long-sleeved, camp-collared shirt that's been undone by a button, an olive green V-neck sweater pulled over it, covering his bulky arms. To accompany it, his dark blue, saggy jeans, and black penny loafers give him quite a formal appearance, that is if you ignore the overgrown stubble on his face, as his copper hair looks like he slashed the sides diagonally, yet nearly completely gave up on the back. Choppy, uneven, bangs divide his face, not reaching past his nose before they're pushed back to reveal his green eyes. A thick chain with a cross dangling off the end of it completes his look.         During his youth, he majored in film at community college, believing he'd make it big. He never did, yet his trailer is still packed to the brim with VHS tapes, and his camcorder is always close by.          In the surrounding, more populated suburbs, more and more people are being found mutilated, all in different ways. The only common denominator is the generic power tools that are used in each one, and that all the jewelry the identified victims were last seen in has been taken. There have been eight in total in the past year, the latest being a young individual, who died by strangulation, bruises exhibiting handprints left on his neck. The individual's hands were still tied with red rope when they were discovered. Recently, they were identified as ████ ████ by a local samaritan.                  And you, well, you're lost. Stuck on the side of the road, the golden light is waning away into twilight. You're sitting on the ground, a cardboard sign gripped between your fingers, reading 'TO L.A. CALIFORNIA'. It's no time to be stuck out here. Winds keep biting at your arms, the blue jeans you're wearing are the only thing keeping you warm, and a sheer tank top was not your best choice during late Autumn. It would be great for auditions though, and that's the one thing on your mind. Your last ride dropped you off miles down, muttering something about wishing you luck. It must've been hours before you finally see the road illuminating, shadows of the trees crawling across it. The silhouette of the truck stops in front of you, lighting you up like the sun. You squint your eyes, only able to hear the sound of the door opening. And of course, you scramble into shotgun. He was supposed to have been more scared of you than you were of him.
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A/N: sorry... sorry.. cliche i know.. but... i dunno... been watching a lot of horror and i needed to write this concept blurb of the character and the beginning concept for the reader.
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heavensent-or-scum · 8 months
Do you still write?
yes.. but I've just been procrastinating finishing drafts from the summer due to the workload from my classes...
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heavensent-or-scum · 1 year
male yandere x gn! lifeguard reader
content warning : kinda descriptive language of pain towards the reader, nonconsensual touching on legs, arms, waist, and back (non-sexual, just a warning for those who get uncomfortable by it)
word count: roughly 5k
from quotev that was published last year, thought i'd post it here too <3 beware of editing errors and bad grammar, this is just copied and pasted from there. + apologies if this is sloppily formatted, first time posting something this long
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                You sigh.
                This was supposed to be a fun job where you just swim in the ocean with friends, take some free snacks from your employer's little shop, and maybe save a kid from drifting away in a pool floaty once. It was lifeguarding for god's sake! And during your entire time knowing people who've done it, they've almost never had to save someone from drowning. As well as you had a completely carefree summer all planned out. Staying in the sun so long that your eyes hurt adjusting back to the inside, getting slightly sunburnt from letting the hours fly by and forgetting to reapply sunscreen, and sitting around a campfire, burning all the unfinished schoolwork from the year while roasting marshmallows over it. But you couldn't do anything, you were just stuck sitting there, wasting your summer away. The hypnotic waves rolling in and out was enough for you to lose your mind, the beach filled with tourists and their loud-ass kids. You hated this fucking job. The most you could even do was scroll mindlessly on your phone as you watched its old battery drain twenty percent in ten minutes. 
                Your friends almost never even visited you while you were at your job, the locals nearby knew that there has been disappearances during the day on other beaches, and they didn't want to risk it. And the one time they did, they got chased away by your boss, and you got scolded for slacking off at work. He was not the easy-going person like you'd seen during your interview and training to be a lifeguard. You couldn't tell whether it was because you both were the only lifeguards and he had to work weekends or if he was having a power trip because you're the same age and he thinks it gives him a right to be an ass. He made your job insufferable. You feel your brow furrow just thinking about him, but it didn't really matter, you would never have to see him again. Your two final weeks were finally over. You thought you could hold out for the money, but you really, really couldn't.
                At least the view was pretty. You thought to yourself, throwing on a shirt and some awful uncomfortable sandals after another repetitive day. You squint looking at the setting sun turning the sky a deep pink color and fading into a starry night. It was such a peaceful time, you couldn't resist but go and sit by the waves watching the sunset at least once before you were finally done with this job. Hugging your knees, it felt like you were in a dream, watching the sun slowly set as the waves splash against you until the sky is crowded with twinkling stars. You had the entire beach to yourself, the only town being a thirty-minute walk away, it was oddly comforting after dealing with an entire day of loud people. Feeling your eyelids grow heavy after a while, you sigh before getting up and wringing out your shirt of any water that might've gotten in while you were sitting in the waves. You had to get home, as safe as you felt, there was just this inkling in the back of your mind that you had to get out of there. But then you spotted it.
                A man thrashing around in the waves, waving whenever he could, trying to signal for your help. How could you have missed them?! It was just far enough for you to see, but it could take you both down if you tried to save him. You knew your phone was dead, it was a bad habit already, but it just became life and death. And the only town nearby was too far away, and you knew if you ran to get help it would be too late. But you couldn't let someone die. Quickly diving into the void-like water, you try to get to the person as fast as possible, you count each stroke of your arms, trying to ignore the aching growing as you swam faster and faster. At least your lifeguard training wouldn't be for nothing. The moon reflecting down on the water was the only way you knew where he was, but the more times you came up for air and saw the distance between you and him, the more disappointed you felt. The burning in your arms and upper thighs got more and more unbearable as you swam, you didn't know if you could make it at this point, but you still had to continue. 
                Finally, you see the man, outlined by the light of the moon, it was an unsettling appearance, especially at night. He already towered over you, even submerged in the water. You feel your heart sink into your stomach. You knew that it was going to be almost impossible getting the both of you back, or at least it would be hell. You felt so small compared to him, your arms still burning from the long distance. As selfish as it was, the hopelessness in you made you wish that you would have just gone home or pretended you never saw him. It was too late for that now anyway, you couldn't just leave someone to drown, who knows how long he'd been out there?
                You scold yourself for not getting a floating device as you hurriedly reach out a slightly shaky hand to grab his to help him back to land, but as soon as he takes it, you can feel his body collapse and pull you into the darkness below. Water slowly begins to fill your lung as you try to pull him back up by his arm, attempting to make your way through the water with your eyes close. You started blaming yourself, if only you had just gone and got a floating ring, if only you tried to get help, if only… Before you can finish that thought, you feel the cold air against your face as you take a gulp of air. Your chest rapidly rises up and down before pulling the man above water and carrying him while floating on your back. You take a minute to breathe, it felt easier to stay above water than in it, but the lights from the town were smaller now, and it seems like you were going even further from beach.
                As you swam through the water, his head bobbing up and down without the support of his consciousness. You have no idea how close you are to shore, and you pray that the water is starting to get shallow enough to not hold any monsters of the deep. Logically, you know that the likely hood of actually dying out here is low, that no sea creature would probably eat you, but it doesn’t really quell your fears. It’s not even like you can look down and check, you can barely keep yourself up with a man who literally feels like you're pulling an anchor. Not to mention the black abyss that awaits you even if you try. So you continue floating through the water, when something slimy and cold brushes up against your shoulder blade, you immediately react, freaking out and pulling away from the man and moving away from the spot. Once you calm yourself, you look and see the piece of seaweed tangled in the man's hair, glimmering in the moonlight. You scold yourself for being so idiotic, what monster just lightly brushes against you, anyway? As you roll your eyes, you reach to grab it and untangle it from his hair, it's pretty badly intertwined, it's almost like it was done deliberately. It doesn’t matter though, as you manage to get it out, but before you can even toss it aside, a little light pops out that was nestled in his hair. You think your eyes are playing tricks on you at first but as you get closer, it looks more and more real until it looks exactly like an angler fish light. Immediately, you recoiled, dropping him into the water out of instinct, you can hear yourself breathing heavily now. 
                Come- come on, get yourself together. There's no way something is glowing. Jesus, you’re overreacting. It’s probably just a reflection of the moon or something.  Your thoughts are quick to try and rationalize what just happened, but there's not really any time for that anyway. He was out of your arms now, and slowly sinking into the deep abyss. You take a ragged breath of air before plunging back into the deep, you force yourself to open your eyes despite the stinging of the salt water. It would be worth it in the end as long as you didn’t have to stumble around blindly, and you could just get you both back on land. But as you swim further and further down, your lungs begin to burn, and his silhouette is barely visible. The pain in your lungs only grows the longer and deeper your go, you can hardly tell which way is up. You’re completely consumed by the darkness around you. Finally, you feel his wrist and roughly pull him up only to see a light bobbing up and down, the same one as before, only this time it was illuminating the beginning of a long, navy blue fish tail with sharp fins protruding off of it. Once you finally peel your eyes away from whatever you just saw, you’re met with pale blue eyes staring back at you, his hair so dark it flows behind him and blends in with the endless void that surrounds you. 
                No, no this isn’t real, this can’t be happening-! Your head pounds with your thoughts as you pull your hand back, dropping him, and ascending back to the surface. You swim, begging for it to end, begging to take a breath of air again, begging to get out of here! You didn’t want to know what would happen if you stayed any longer, if you were to die out here and be eaten by that thing! At long last, your head breaks through the surface of the ocean, you taking a deep breath with it. You can hear yourself pant as you turn around, trying to make sure he didn’t follow you. You were still out of breath from the swim, but it's not like you had time to catch it anyway. You just needed to get out of here, get away and just pretend this never happened. So, holding your head above water, you try to swim away or at least lose him by constantly moving. Even so, you barely manage to make it five feet away before seeing a head pop up, its hair flowing through the water and the light once again illuminating its face. 
                What? Nonono- He’s blocking my way. You turn, trying to swim the other direction whatever you can to get away from its thing! But he just pops out again, it's almost like whack-a-mole with how fast he is at stopping you from leaving. Eventually, you stop, treading water as he circles around you like a shark stalking its prey. You finally connect the dots as you do. No wonder you didn’t see a person drowning before, no one was there. Him pulling you down into the deep, his enormous size, everything. It was all a trap. He was a merman, but not the type with beautiful fins and gorgeous long hair. An angler fish, everything was a lure to get you here and now you’re trapped. There's not a chance you’re getting out of here alive, and you can see him closing in and coming up towards the surface while circling you. 
                “Listen- I don’t know if I did anything, but please don’t hurt me!” You were begging now? You didn’t even know if he could understand you, let alone be bothered to care. 
                “What?” His full head has emerged now, his head cocked to one side, and his tone is clearly confused. 
                What the hell is he talking about?
                 “You’re.. Not gonna eat me?” Your voice sounds even more confused than his. He was literally just circling around you like you’re a piece of meat! Is he insane? How is he this oblivious to the situation he put you in?! 
                He laughs before covering his mouth, looking at you with a pitiful look. “If I wanted to eat you, I would have done it by now. Besides, that's gross.” He has a grin still on his face, once again illuminated by the light atop his head, the sharp teeth now visible and glistening, proving his point.
                “Well, I really need to get back to land.” You scoff softly, god, maybe he wasn’t the vicious creature you thought he was. Maybe he’s just dumb. Honestly, you can’t believe you almost drowned twice for someone who didn’t even need saving. 
                “Are you sure? You’ve been swimming a lot, I know humans aren’t that… Resilient with swimming.” His grin fades into a soft neutral expression, before swimming closer and grabbing you by the forearm to support you in the water, his long, sharp, nails digging into your skin more than they should. 
                You nod, but man, it felt good to relax. Your limbs were practically screaming at you to just stop, to literally just relax for one moment. But you didn’t exactly feel safe with this thing, there was just something off about his mannerisms. It just didn’t feel right to let yourself walk into the arms of a monster,  as dumb as he seems, he hasn’t exactly proven himself to be trustworthy.  And it feels like you’re getting further from shore again, and if you weren’t going to drown before, the longer you stay like this, the monster's fault or not, you were definitely going to soon. So you softly push him away, repeating yourself on how you need to get back home, trying to loosen yourself from his tight grip. But he doesn’t budge. Before you can even try to protest, he mumbles something about this being the best for you before he dives into the depths. 
                It takes you a moment to realize what exactly is happening, you’re swimming down way faster than you’ve ever before, your hair being pulled back as you do. His claws digging into both of your arms now, keeping you from being left behind. As you can feel your air start to run out, your lungs aching and begging for it, you begin to struggle against him. Kicking his stomach, trying to hurt him, trying to get him off from you, digging your own nails into the skin of his hands, trying to pry them off you. The yearning for air was unbearable at this point, so you only became more violent, with a jerk of your head in an attempt trying to get his fucking claws off you, you manage to make him recoil, a hand trying to cover the blood gushing out of his nose. You’d done it, you’d actually done it. You weren’t going to stick around any longer, you use his stomach as a catapult into the water above you. God, you didn’t even really know how deep you were, but you still trying, the pain was unbearable at this point, just the thought, the hope, of breathing was keeping you going. 
                But that hope was short-lived as you feel something trying to grab your ankle, before pulling your leg back down, further away from air, and further away from the means of escape. You try to kick, push, anything, to get away, but you can only feel yourself be pulled down and your stomach dropping, your hair blocking your vision as you feel his arms wrapping around you and pulling you into a tight hug. But you can already feel him beginning to dive again, it’s already becoming too late. So you try one last time, clawing at his back, trying to pry him off you, anything. But you know he won’t let go, you know that by this point, don't you? No matter how hard you hit or scratch him, he won’t care, he’s not letting go. You can feel tears start to form, the pain is unbearable and unstoppable, it is hopeless, you see that now. You’re gonna die. You truly are. So you do the only thing you can do, cry. You feel his hands loosen around you before placing one on your head, fingers entangling themselves in your hair.
                Is he trying to be comforting? You think to yourself, but before you can even dwell on that thought, it’s answered. 
                “Just listen to me, ok? I’m not going to let you drown, or hurt you. Just close your eyes, I’ll take care of it.” He says softly, it’s honestly condescending at this point. You’re drowning in the arms of this monster, and he has the audacity to tell you that he’s not going to hurt you? What’s the really the point anymore, your eyelids had started to grow heavy as staying awake grows harder. So, you give in. I mean, at least it’ll be painless. 
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                You flutter your eyes open, fogginess still taking hold of your mind as you drift softly. Your eyelids still droopy, staring up at a grey abyss, raindrops falling on your face, only to be rudely interrupted by a wave splashing in your face, and you swallowing it in the process. Quickly coughing up the salt water and beginning to tread water, shifting around you only to find the ocean all around you. You remember blacking out in the hands of that bastard, so why were you here? You look down to see if it was some sort of trap but no, just the never-ending blue abyss beneath you. The rain clouds blocked the sun so you had no idea how long you’d been passed out and floating. Your throat so dry it feels like you haven't drank in a day, and you being surrounded by undrinkable water wasn’t really helping. Your limbs began to burn as you continue to tread water, becoming more and more exhausted. You finally give in, laying on your back and letting yourself once again begin to float in waves, God, you weren’t scared, you were terrified. You probably looked like dead meat to anything floating in the water, you were never really scared of the ocean, but being alone in open water for this long, it’s kinda hard not to let your imagination run wild. But then again, would it even be worth it to stay alive? You’ve seen the horror stories, would anyone save you? Would they even look? If you’re this far out, are you already a lost cause? 
                A hand on your shoulder rips you out of your thoughts, almost pulling you down with its force. You don’t even need to guess who it is, his claws had already dug their way into your skin, you shift into treading water, pulling away and looking towards him. He’s holding out a clearly old beer bottle with water reaching about halfway in it, a cork keeping it shut and keeping the liquid from getting mixed with salt water. He has a wide grin on his face, showing off his sharp teeth. His smile is met with silence from you, and after a while, he mumbles something under his breath about another person, some kind of confirmation, his hand over his mouth as he does, bringing the bottle with it.
                “Do, I mean, you need water, right?” He spat out, pushing it towards you, the water splashing around in its container as he does. You nod, saying yes softly as you do. He was right, and it’s probably not poisoned, right? What would you even do with a poisonous dead body in the ocean? 
                So you take it. Quickly trying to pop out the cork, you take a gulp of the water, trying to drink it as quickly as possible, only to stop halfway because of the weird aftertaste, god, as dumb as it sounds, the water tasted fishy. A taste that only got worse the longer it stayed in your mouth, quickly becoming disgusting and vile. You quickly try to spit it out, or at least get the taste out of your mouth. 
                “What the fuck is this?!” 
                He cocks his head a little, his grin softly fading for a second. “What do you mean? It's water. You need to continue drinking it, I don’t want you passing out on me.” He chuckles a bit, moving closer to you and lightly grabbing your hand that’s holding the bottle. 
                “Don’t lie to me! What the fuck is this shit?!” You firmly push it back towards him, the longer the taste lingers in your mouth, the more rotten it grows.
                He sighs softly before putting his hand over yours, gripping your hand and the bottle, and the other digging his nails into the back of your head, it entangling itself with your hair as he does. He grips it, forcing the tip of the bottle to your lips, pulling down on your hair, and forcing you to look up as a result. He forces whatever the liquid is down your throat. As soon as he makes sure you drank it, you feel his arms wrap around your waist before throwing himself back into the water, pulling you down with him. You try to claw his arms off at first, you are not going to suffocate again. You need to get out. But he still doesn’t budge, his arms locked together, holding you under. Not even moments after, you feel a pain surging through your legs, like they’d be cut in half and thousands of hands were ripping and crushing the bone inside. Eventually, you don’t feel anything, like the pain was too unbearable for your body and it just shut down. So you just shakily stay there, salt water and tears burning your eyes. 
                There’s no telling what’s happened to your legs. Maybe it’s some kind of revenge from this monster for your behavior, but it won’t be good. There was no way to tell if there were even any legs left. But no matter how many times you push, bite, or claw trying to get him off you, his grip only gets tighter, and the ocean only gets darker and darker. Finally, craning your neck, you can just barely make out something behind you. A ghostly white, edges almost transparent, cloth-looking trailing you, the long ends almost flapping behind you. A fucking tail. You don’t know how, or why, you’d read stories, some stupid urban legend or myth on the town. Trading your natural mortality to live in the ocean. Some did it to get away from the law, some their homelife, and some were selfish enough to do it for no reason. Like vampires of the ocean, they stayed the same age as they were when they first became those things, and there was no telling how many were out there, or even still alive. 
                You couldn’t even finish your train of thought before you were roughly dropped on the seabed long before you can fight for freedom, the darkness all around you practically consuming you with it. The only light just above you connected to the thing that brought you here. As soon as you realize, you push yourself off the floor, being weighed down by the useless tail that has now replaced your legs, but before you can even get a foot, he grabs the end of your tail and drags you back into his arms. Holding you in place, he swims to some sort of structure, nearly impossible to make out but it’s clearly made of metal, ducking under the opening passing for the door, and once you can see inside, you immediately recognize it. It was a fishing boat that had sunk and had tipped on its side. From what you can see, it was barely rusted, looking like it was just recently sunk. He quickly swims down to the bottom side of the boat, where his light illuminates just barely enough to make out a mattress. He more softly drops you on it, before fully standing up, hunching over to fit properly.
                “Do you like it? It took forever to get a mattress, and to get the transformation working, you don’t know how many of you silly humans got turned into snailfish.“ He’s grinning ear to ear now, the excitement in his eyes can’t be contained
                “Humans?” You freeze. Is he being serious right now? 
                “Well, obviously, I had to get it perfect, I couldn’t have you dying on me now, could I?” He chuckles to himself a little, before looking back at you. “Oh..! But don’t be jealous, they were all.. Um, whatchamacallit... disposable. Yeah, I think that’s right..”
                And so he goes on and on about how long it took, it takes a moment for you to start zoning out of either boredom or fear of how little remorse he felt for what he’s done. But he’s too engulfed in his thoughts to notice you taking it as an opportunity to escape, Quickly feeling around the darkness before finding the opening in the window, you try to cling onto the frame, pulling yourself up, and using your tail as a catapult to get out of there. Just before you are about to throw yourself through, you feel a hand roughly grab you by the hair, pulling you back inside. You fumble but quickly manage to grip the frame trying to pull yourself back out before he can pull you in, just trying to get away from this fucking monster, and kicking your new tail trying to get him off you. But in the end, he still manages to win, being able to pry you off it, holding you bridal-style while digging his nails into your skull and forcing you look at him, the more you try to struggle and get yourself out of there, the deeper they dig into it.
                “Stop trying to leave me! You don’t understand how lonely it’s been since I became like this!” His eyes pleading with you, it almost looking like he’s on the verge of tears. “But, but you’re just like me, you know that, right? You are just as lonely as I am, I’ve seen how isolated you were on the beach! We can keep each other company, just the two of us-!”
                “What the hell are you talking about?” You snap back before you can stop yourself, you continue. “I wasn’t lonely, it was a fucking job. You’re fucking insane.” 
                “W..what? But no one ever visited you, you were lonely, I could tell!” He’s looking down at you, the light illuminated the horrified and angry look in your eyes, practically frozen in his arms. He’s breathing more heavily now, his chest hurriedly rising up and down, his eyes frantically looking at you for any form of confirmation to his statement.
                “I’m not listening to this bullshit.” You once again struggle to get him off you like the creep he is. You only manage to get one arm out of his grip before he locks it back in.
                “Alright! Alright! Then please just listen to me-! You’ll get torn to shreds and eaten by whatever predator is out there if you go out there alone, and because of the fish you’re based on, if you go to the surface, you’ll melt!” He once again entangles his claws into your hair, forcing you to look at him, a desperate look in his eyes. 
                 “Even if you don’t want to be here, at least let me keep you safe.”
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A/N: Yes, I know that only the females get big and the females have the angler part thing light, as well as he is based off the biggest angler fish but in mermaid size (the yandere in the story is like 8'9" without those end fins), and that, from what i saw, didn't have any sharp teeth but shhh its my story. i do what i want
hopefully i didn't overdo the physical affection from him, he's supposed to be like out of touch with how humans act towards each other so he thinks its normal but like in an uncomfortable way towards the reader (he's delusional as hell and also kinda a himbo) 
also apologies if u hated it, im not a good writer + i had so much writers block while writing this its not even funny i just wanted it 2 b over
ps. i will never write this much again, this murdered me 
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og link: seasonal oneshots | | male yanderes x reader
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heavensent-or-scum · 2 years
Hihi !
I won't be adding tags to this but this is basically just an introduction/explanation post for people from quotev. This is basically to answer questions you have about ocs, requests for stories w/o the pressure of having to say it directly to my face, and drabbles for when i'm burnt out and can't write 5k+ words.
i'll mostly do gender neutral readers unless its super specific like magical girl where it had to be using feminine language, but because the x reader community is nearly completely x female readers, i wanna make it inclusive to all genders lol.
Lets get things out of the way that under no circumstances will I do:
nsfw im a minor + asexual and very close to being sex repulsed. btw this includes pregnant readers requests??? like i doubt ill get any but just in case
Fandom requests i'm not apart of like literally any fandoms, and even the ones i am apart of, i made a seperate secret blog for that. but theyre all pretty niche so i doubt ill get any on here, but if you do request something that catches my interest and you see it on another blog, feel free to request more lol.
basic stuff (incest, pedophilla, u catch my drift) theres probably more stuff that im not thinking off, so dont be surprised if this gets updated.
btw proship people DNI, i mean it. idc if its fiction. it should be in the basic dni criteria, but i just wanna be crystal clear.
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