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fiber laser marking machine, co2 laser engraving machine ,metal laser engraving machines
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
HeatSign a reputed seller of a variety of metal engraving tools. To get the best deals in the market, visit the website, www.heatsign.com.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
A significant advantage of CO2 laser marking is that there can be changes made to the wavelength of the laser light from 10.6 micrometers to a length of 9.4 micrometers.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
HeatSign is a trusted provider of marking machine and equipment throughout the world.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
If you are interested in fine arts then this marking machine is an ideal ally for you in exploring your own creativity potentials.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
using Laser Marking Machines has revolutionized the production industry in unimaginable ways. http://www.heatsign.com/
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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The Importance of Medical Markings Using Metal Laser Engraving Machine
Medical marking in the industry of medicine is of great prominence. The permanent marks of laser, usually in high contrast, are needed for medical instruments and implants. The requirement of these marks has convinced many medical equipment manufacturers to bring into being more devices.
Medical laser marking may come up as an easy job, but it is actually not. There are some significant requirements for these markings. Hygiene trap must be eliminated before its creation and it is one of the most important requirements of these markings. Additionally, these marks must comply the presence of autoclaves. It implies that, when devices, equipment and medical implants fail in use, the marks should trace back to the manufacturer.
Nonetheless, the formation of hygiene snares is inevitable in metal laser engraving machine process. Moreover, the permanent marking of implants is a difficult job because it is needed to situate these marks in a curved surface. Additionally, for surgeons, the marking should be easy to understand and identify, therefore they need to be bold and prominent. Laser marking, however, has brought a solution to this difficulty.
In order to attain permanent marks, medium to high power lasers are brought into use. Lasers are used in the marking only because of its sensitivity and susceptibility. Using metal laser engraving machine, surface marks of low impact can be inscribed without worrying about the creation of hygiene snares. Through laser marking, curved surfaces can also be marked due to its non-contact property. Moreover, these marks result in prominent and bold impressions.  
In Europe, there is a great need of special laser markings that are bold, clear to understand, permanent, in high contrast, can combat passivation and are not involved in hygiene traps. CE marking directives regulate these markings on the medical devices. Especially in Europe, no medical device can be sold without these CE markings. The CE marking on any medical device illustrates that this device has passed all the environmental and health tests.
In today’s era, apart from a range of medical equipment and devices, there are a number of devices for medical marking, solely designed to impress medical marks. The markings by these devices not only include medical equipment and implants, but also a patient’s skin. The skin is marked in the probability of a possible surgery or operation and the code is usually machine-readable. All the other data that might come handy in the future is also marked through these devices.
There has been a tremendous contribution of these markings in the medical industry. Apart from the unlimited provision of markings for the purpose of easy identification of devices and implants, these have also been successful in providing a breakthrough in medical surgical procedures. There might be great uses of these markings in the coming generation with the advent of more complex and better technology.
For more details visit our website: http://www.heatsign.com
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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Unleash Your Creativity with Laser Marking Machines and CO2 laser Engraving Machine
Laser marking machines and CO2 laser engraving machine are the latest, advanced and complex machinery in the laser engraving and marking industry. They are particularly useful for the students pursuing fine arts material, aspiring and seasoned artists, and arts and crafts aficionados.
Understanding how these machines work can help you appreciate their intricacy and precision:
·         A laser marking and engraving machine comprises three distinct parts: the laser, the surface, the controller.
·         A sophisticated computer system controls the laser head.
·         The laser is just a like fine tipped pencil, so that you’re engraving is intricate as well as accurate.
·         It helps in accurately marking the metallic surface or any other material that is to be engraved.
·         This system thus eliminates the need to employ any supplementary tools.
·         There is precision and no chances of errors through this method.
How laser marking machines and CO2 laser engraving machine are better than conventional tools?
When engraving and marking is done through conventional tools, it has implications for both productivity as well as the pocket. For example, the laser heads need to be replaced frequently. Besides the unnecessary hassles, this method is fairly expensive as well as time consuming.
What Surfaces can be engraved with Laser Marking Machines and CO2 Laser Engraving Machine?
Using a laser marking and engraving machine can boost your creative possibilities many fold. There are a vast number of mediums you can work on. Laser marking machines can engrave the following surfaces:
·         wood
·         plastics
·         glass
·         stone
Besides these typical mediums, the use of CO2 engraving laser machine takes you one step further by allowing you to dabble into newer and complex mediums like:
·         ceramics
·         marble
·         bamboo
·         rubber
·         Plexiglas
Unleash Your Potential as an Artist and Entrepreneur
Thus, you can create spectacular designs in jewelry, beautiful gifts, craft items, art pieces, pictures and memorabilia and what not from your laser marking and engraving machines. The stripes, serration and grooves created from laser marking machines and CO2 laser engraving machine are so intricate and delicate that they would evoke awe and admiration in your customers. You can run your own craft shop and store on the internet. The engraving and marking machines allow you the ability to personalize the gifts through engraving of the customers’ names and personal greetings on their ordered gifts. The possibilities are limitless.
There are many companies that deal in laser marking machines and CO2 laser engraving machine. One of the leading companies is the Heatsign. The company is able to provide customized solution to its customers. You can discuss your needs with them and ask to be provided with the best options.
Thus, these laser marking machines and CO2 laser engraving machine are a long-term investment into your craft that are bound to give handsome returns in terms of creativity, freedom and profitability to you as an artist and craft maker.
For more details visit our website: http://www.heatsign.com/
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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Difference between Laser Marking, Cutting & Engraving
When you hear the question about what is the difference between laser marking, engraving and cutting, you may think what a dumb thing to ask? But, when you think deeply people often tend to get confused between these 3 terms. If someone does not know the difference between these 3 they will not know what machine is the one they are looking for. So, it is crucial for the buyer as well as the seller to know how they differ from each other.
Laser Engraving
Laser engraving simply means that the substance used is removed and vaporized during the process for creating the mark. For example, CO2 laser engraving for plastic signage. What usually happens in laser engraving is that with the help of the laser the surface of the object or metal is broken. This is done in order allow oxidation or rusting to occur.
Laser Marking
In laser marking, the surface of the metal is not destroyed. It, in fact, remains intact. Laser marking is also called annealing. This type of marking is used in surgical instruments and many jewelry items. What actually happens here is that the heat ejected from the laser redistributes the carbon in the material that in turn creates a jet black mark on the surface with only a minor disruption on the material. If this procedure is followed carefully, no rusting or oxidation takes place. So, before you go out to look out for laser marking machine, make sure you know the difference.
Laser Cutting
Laser cutting is often confused with laser engraving. However, there is a huge difference between the two. In laser cutting a huge chunk of material is cut off directly. For this process the CO2 lasers are used mainly because they interact directly with the material instead of causing pigmentation within the material.
So, the next time you are out shopping for laser, make sure you know the difference between these three terminologies as it strengthen your relationship with the vendor as you will end up explaining your needs and requirements better.
For more details visit our website: http://www.heatsign.com/
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
Dot peen marking technology allows manufacturers to automate the direct part marking process, ensuring 100% reliable part traceability. Dot peen marking systems from Pannier give you the ability to place high quality marks on your products consistently and quickly, allowing you to be more productive.Visit www.heatsign.com
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
lasermarkingmachines With the market for all sorts of products expanding uncontrollably, the need to differentiate between the various brands and to make out between original and copied versions has led to businesses turning towards laser marking technologies for a more stronger impression.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
The ‪#‎fiberLaserMarking‬ process is becoming increasingly popular for numerous uses. Its high temperature resistance makes it perfect for marking medical equipment that requires sterilization.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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The fiber laser marking process is becoming increasingly popular for numerous uses. Its high temperature resistance makes it perfect for marking medical equipment that requires sterilization.
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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HeatSign is an experienced partner for all your marking and traceability needs For more info visit http://www.heatsign.com
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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#Advantages of Laser Marking
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heatsign-blog · 9 years ago
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Technology Quote visit http://www.heatsign.com
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