heartshaker143 · 18 days
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heartshaker143 · 22 days
I'm just genuinely curious lolll
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heartshaker143 · 22 days
I'm just genuinely curious lolll
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heartshaker143 · 23 days
are you aware that there is an ongoing stayblr fundraiser for palestine?
if no, here’s the link to the fundraiser. we have raised more than 2600 dollars so far, please help us reach our next goal of 3000 dollars!!! any amount counts, thank you 🫶🏻
(sorry for using the tags but i wanna reach as many people as possible)
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heartshaker143 · 23 days
Napping With Stray Kids
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Summary: Just my thoughts on napping with Skz!
Pairing: OT8 idol Stray Kids x reader
Word Count: 881
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Warnings: none (shocking for me lol)
Notes: This was fun to write and had to put something together real quick before life gets busy again! I'm happy this came up in our convos @jeonginsleftcheek! I hope you guys like it!
Likes, reblogs, and comments welcomed as always :)
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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Bangchan We all know Bangchan has insomnia and doesn’t sleep well or much at all but he’s more than happy to at least try to nap with you if you suggest it. He’ll hold off on his never ending to do list, because he’ll do anything for his baby girl. You snuggle into his arms, as he pulls the blankets up and around you to keep you warm. His fingers lightly drag up and down your spine, soothing you. He’ll even sing you a song to help you fall asleep if you want. Tucking your head into his chest, your breathing starts to slow as you fall asleep. Chan tries, he really does, to fall asleep and nap with you but he’s perfectly content watching you sleep in his arms.
Lee Know I’m convinced that if you try to nap with Minho, sleep won’t come right away. He’ll try and tickle you knowing how ticklish you are, giggling as you squirm and grab a pillow to throw it at him. He’ll tackle you and press kisses all over your face while you laugh and tell him to stop (even though you don’t want him to, not really). After retrieving the pillows off the floor, you’ll both settle in, Minho wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling his head into your neck. If you’re lucky the kids will come nap with you guys too, Soonie napping by both of your heads, Doongie at your feet, and Dori snuggling into your side.
Changbin Changbin would be one to be watching videos on his phone like tik tok or YouTube and would giggle every two seconds at something funny. Every time you close your eyes to nap, his giggle would fill the room causing you to open your eyes and laugh back with him. You can’t help it, he’s just so darn cute! Eventually you do fall asleep, your head resting on your chest. Binnie notices you’re asleep (which is a miracle honestly because the man can’t multitask to save his life) and tries his best not to make a sound, you just look so peaceful and he wants to make sure his baby gets plenty of rest.
Hyunjin I believe that napping with Hyunjin would be the most poetic? Like you’re all curled up in his bed, blanket wrapped around you, your hair fanned out on his pillow. He’s sitting at his desk painting, cause when is he not. But you don’t mind. You watch him for a while, the way his hands move around the paper, the little face he makes when the color doesn’t come out the way he wants. You eventually drift off to sleep. Hyunjin notices, and smiles, happy you’re here with him. Little do you know, you’re sleeping form is the subject of his painting, as he thinks you look like an angel.
Han Han is the certified nap man, this is no secret. He is always down for a nap, add you in the equation and he’s the happiest man on earth. He’ll pull you into his arms, pressing sweet kisses and nuzzling his head into your neck. It doesn’t take long for you both to fall asleep. You’re just so cute together. And bonus points for the members if you guys fall asleep at the studio. They’re ohhhing and awwing at you two love birds, fast asleep together.
Felix On his off days, he’s at his computer, playing Genshin. It’s really the only time he has to play. But the moment you come over, he logs off and he goes to snuggle with you. You love looking at Felix’s face, tracing his freckles while he looks deep into your eyes. You’re both just so in love with each other. Your eyes slowly close, perfectly content in his arms. Felix would lean down to press a kiss on your nose, before closing his own eyes. He finds he sleeps best when you’re by his side.
Seungmin Now Seungmin could go both ways when it comes to napping with you. He could be a total menace by poking your face and tickling you. Making fun of your protests (lovingly of course) and not letting you sleep. Or he could be the exact opposite, a sweet puppy, pulling you close and softy singing you a song to help lull you to sleep. Either way he will end of falling asleep with you, mind blown at how he could have ended up with such a sweet person as you.
I.N. Now Jeongin is a middle child and hates skinship, this we all know. But I’m convinced if he’s going to snuggle and fall asleep with someone it’s you, the love of his life. It’s different when you touch him, he craves your touch more than he thought possible. He makes sure you’re all tucked in, nice and warm, but not so much so that he can’t feel you anymore. You’ll laugh at his actions, telling him you’re fine as long as he’s there. He doesn’t listen, he wants to make sure you have a nice rest and being warm and comfortable is part of that. To top it all off, he’ll drape your legs over his, and wrap his arms around you as you both drift off to sleep.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek
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heartshaker143 · 24 days
i was thinking about lee know like
the arguement was petty, and both you and minho are too stubborn for your own good - that's how you end up on the sofa for the night. you refused to sleep in the same bed as him, not when he was being this infuriating.
despite the sofa being the comfiest piece of furniture in your house during your afternoon naps, it's surprisingly uncomfortable right now, which has absolutely nothing to do with the obvious lack of your boyfriend's presence in the room. tucking the blanket around you like he normally would, you attempt to snuggle down between the soft sofa cushions.
eventually, after far too much tossing and turning and sulkily readjusting the pillow beneath your head which sadly isn't your boyfriend's chest, you begin to feel sleepy. your eyes have just begun to droop when the door to the living room eases open, and soft footsteps pad towards you. you guess you can't have been that sleepy, normally you don't wake up when minho sneaks into bed after a long day in the dance studio.
he walks over to the side of the sofa where your head is, peering down at you. minho can see your sleepy face peeking up at him, your eyes blinking owlishly, before a little frown digs into your forehead and you cover your face with the blanket. a soft chuckle leaves him, and he leans down and kisses your forehead.
'i'm sorry, love,' he whispers into your hair. 'i'm sorry too,' you reply, fidgeting with your hands. 'please can i come back to bed?' he laughs softly. 'like you weren't the one who banished yourself, jagi.' 'hmf,' you huff. 'pick me up me already, minho.'
gently, he gathers you up, still bundled in the blanket, and cradles you in his arms. dipping his head, he presses a kiss to your lips while you're still awake - drowsily, you worm an arm out of your blanket cocoon and cup his jaw, leaning into him before you bury your face into his chest, sighing happily against him.
by the time minho's got you under the covers, your arms linked around his neck, you're already snoring.
lmk if you want to be on my taglist :))
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heartshaker143 · 1 month
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heartshaker143 · 1 month
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
The unholy trinity
The father
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The son
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And the unholy spirit
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
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Stray Kids Moodboards
Changbin X Dolce & Gabanna
“Fashion changes, but style endures.”
┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄ ︰ ┄┄
Bangchan | Lee Know | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | I.N
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
Texts with Dad!SKZ after their kids cut their own hair
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: fluff and crack (mostly crack)
pov: 1st/2nd person (depends on how you read it)
description: the kids (literal) got ahold of some scissors and decided to give themselves makeovers.
pairing: dad!skz x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, mention of food/eating
screenshot count: 30
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
방 찬 (Bang Chan)
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이 민 호 (Lee Know)
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서 창 빈 (Changbin)
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황 현 진 (Hyunjin)
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한 지 성 (Han)
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이 용 복 (Felix)
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김 승 민 (Seungmin)
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양 정 인 (I.N)
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Buy me a coffee?
Permanent Taglist (closed)
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyysfics @berryblog @jaydebow @junebug032 @boiohboii
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@mrswolfiechan @soulboundauthor @weird-bookworm @thisisnotjacinta @seungmyynie
@halesandy @kpopsstuffs @honeydew93 @beebee18 @stay278
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@jihanlovic @felixglow  @nuronhe @soonyoungblr @phtogravi
@jiisungllvr @puppyminnnie
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
Stand for ALL black women
- College Educated black women
- Street Educated black women
- Poor black women
- rich black women
- Gay black women
- Trans black women
- Queer black women
- Imprisoned black women
- criminal-past black women
- mentally ill black women
- sex working black women
- disabled black women
- old black women
-young black women
- loud black women
- quiet black women
- dark-skinned black women
- Light-skinned black women
- fat, skinny, curvy, muscular, athletic black women
- agnostic, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Wiccan, Pagan, Bruja black women
- black women that are artists
- black women that cosplay
- black women that feel out of place
- black women out of work
- black women on welfare
- black women working two jobs
- black mothers
- black sisters
- black women choosing to exist in a world that doesn’t care if they exist.
All black women.
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
blow my mind | bang chan
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Pairing • Chan x GN!Reader Summary • You have a test today and you haven't studied at all, but you're not worried. Why? Because you have the ability to read minds, and you'll be sitting next to the smartest guy in class. Unfortunately, his thoughts have strayed from the test and into very dirty territory. Genre • college au, smut, fluff WC • 1.7k Content • no pronouns used but reader does have a vagina, mind reading, dirty thoughts about: hand holding 🥰, public sex, fingering, dry humping, unprotected piv penetration, orgasm denial. Indented paragraphs indicate what's happening in his mind and not real life.
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Ethically, reading minds is a very dubious subject. As far as you know, you're the only person in the world with supernatural abilities. No one would ever know you're reading their mind, but you have high enough standards for yourself to only use your mind reading capabilities in emergencies.
This was an emergency.
You have a test today, and didn't study. But, you do have a plan. You are going to sit beside one of your classmates and cheat.
You walk into the lecture hall, and scan the room. The class is arranged with tier seating and long tables, and as you work your eyes around the room, you spot him at the very top. You've had a few projects with Chan before, so you know how intelligent he is. You've talked a lot more over the course of the semester, so it wouldn't be weird to sit beside him.
"Ready for the test?" you ask, approaching the table he's sitting at.
He looks up at you and smiles.
"I hope so, I've been cramming all night for this. You?"
"Nope." You grin and give him a thumbs up, pulling out the chair next to him and taking a seat.
"Glad to see you're confident," he laughs.
The rest of the class trudges in, and the test begins.
First thing you write is your name. Easy enough.
You concentrate on Chan, and peer into his mind. He's reading the first question, and after a few minutes of words formulating in his brain, he writes down an answer. You always found it interesting to see how different people think, and Chan's thoughts are muddied as he tries to answer the questions. But when he figures out an answer, everything comes into total focus.
You rewrite his answers on your paper, making sure to use different words. As much as you dislike doing it, this isn't your first time cheating on a test like this, so you know how to not get caught.
A particularly tricky question is next, and you can see his thoughts wander from the test, to the class, to... you. You see yourself in his imagination.
He's daydreaming. This is not good, you need him to focus on the test.
You think about tuning into someone else's mind, but you're captured by what he imagines.
He reaches out his hand, gently placing it over yours. He squeezes it lightly.
You have to look at your hand to make sure it wasn't real. His imagination is extremely vivid. You see movement out of the corner of your eye, which turns out to be Chan shaking his head. Just like that, the image disappears and he's back to thinking about the question.
What was that?
You don't have time to ponder what that could mean when he starts writing down his answer, and you have to quickly catch up to him before he stops thinking about it.
The next question also seems to be giving him trouble, because he stops to think about it for a long time. Eventually, he drifts off into another daydream. He imagines the classroom again, and himself scooting his chair next to you. The version of you in his imagination rests your head on his shoulder. It's very cute, all things considered.
Then it dawns on you. He has a crush on you.
Well isn't that just adorable. It would be cuter if he would just get back to the test before you both fail.
He turns his head to look at you, resting peacefully on his shoulder. He smiles and leans in to kiss you.
Your fingers instinctively brush your lips. It's not rare for people to have vivid sensory imaginations, but you almost never get a tactile experience from your power. He must be imagining the feeling of touching you, enough that you feel it through him.
If only he had Aphantasia, and not the worlds strongest imagination. You don't think either of you will be passing this test.
He moves his hand from on top of yours to caressing your thigh. Then, it moves closer to the waistband of your pants-
You cough loudly, breaking his focus. The image disappears in an instant. You see the muddied words coming back, and he's finally thinking about the test again.
You can feel heat rising to your cheeks. Was he imagining what you think he was imagining?
He has been stuck on this question for a while, so you probably wont find anyone else in class who's still working on it. And even if you could, you'd have to check the minds of the entire class. You're stuck peeping in Chan's mind if you want to possibly pass the test.
It's feels a bit strange to be the subject of Chan's romantic fantasies, but not in a bad way. He's handsome, kind, smart, funny in an awkward kind of way that you've always found charming...
You've never thought about him that way before. But knowing how he feels, you'll definitely be thinking about him now.
You realize you're starting to drift off the same way Chan was, and go back to concentrating on your cheating scheme.
Luckily, he's focused on the right subject now, and he flies through the answers. He's almost too fast, and you have to leave some answers half done in order to keep pace. Hopefully you'll still get half a mark for those ones.
You're on the last question now. He takes some time to read and reread the question, and when he starts to think of an answer, he goes back and reads the question one more time. You're worried, the tricky questions are when he starts to nod off.
He rests his head on his hand and his mind wanders back to his imagination. At this point, you think you should just try to answer the question yourself, but your mind freezes when he continues where he left off.
His hand moves up your thigh, and between your legs. He rubs you over the fabric of your pants, but the friction is enough to feel your core start to pulse. You start moaning involuntarily, and Chan smirks to himself. 'Quiet, we're still in class' he whispers. He pretends to keep writing with one hand, while the other slips into your pants. You're not wearing underwear, so he can easily move his fingers to circle your clit. You cover your mouth with your fist to stifle a moan. The pace is slow, but you're able to pretend to be working while he works his fingers. You find yourself mindlessly rocking into him. He increases his speed, and you feel your orgasm building while you try to suppress another moan. Your head leans back as you buck into his hand, and you feel yourself about to- Suddenly, his fingers stop. Your core is still throbbing, but he takes his hand out of your pants. You look at him pleadingly, and he pats his lap for you to sit on. You look around the classroom. Everyone is too focused on their tests to notice you getting up. You stand to straddle him, and before you can sit down, he unbuttons your pants and pulls them down. If anyone turned around to look, they would see him groping your ass. He guides you down to sit on his lap, and you feel his bulge prodding against your folds. "Finish yourself on me," he whispers. You try to turn your head to see if anyone's watching, but he stops you. "Just look at me. Don't worry about anyone else." Nervously, you rub yourself on his bulge, and even under the fabric you can feel how hard he is. When you feel your orgasm building up again, you forget about the possibility of anyone seeing and hump him harder. His clothed dick against your bare cunt clouds your mind, and you try to get as much friction against him as you can. You buck into him faster, and you feel him getting harder as he starts to rock against you. You feel yourself about to cum again, but he lifts you up onto the desk and lays you on your back. "Chan, please," you whine. You can't take this anymore, and you rub your legs together to feel any sort of release. He pulls your legs apart, opening your soaking wet pussy to the world. Before you can even complain, his pants are down, and his massive cock is throbbing against your entrance. He easily slides himself into you, and you feel him moving up your walls. He fills you up completely, staying there for a moment before pulling out and slamming himself right back in. He rams into you, hitting your sweet spot. His hand is back on your clit, rubbing circles while he continues his ruthless pace with his cock pounding in and out of your throbbing core. He slams into you faster and faster as he chases his own high, losing control as his body acts on instinct. You're almost at your limit, and you feel your orgasm about to peak-
"Time's up everyone! Turn in your tests," the professor announces to the class.
You feel your core pulsing as you snap back to reality. Your heart is beating loudly in your chest, and you realize none of that was real, despite it being incredibly vivid. Somehow, you lost yourself in his fantasy.
You look over to Chan, and notice his erection as he quickly writes something down for the last question. You look back to your own test, and see the empty space where you should've wrote your answer. You have no idea what to write. You don't even remember what the question was.
All you remember was Chan pounding into you at a brutal pace.
You look back to Chan as he stands, and when he makes eye contact, his cheeks turn red and he looks away. He hurriedly stuffs all his things into his bag and speed walks down the steps.
If you want to pass this class, you can never sit next to him again. You definitely should never read his mind again.
However... you do want to know what else he's thinking about when you're near him.
And you really want to know what he's like outside of his imagination.
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Two weeks later, your test scores are posted to the schools website. You click on the link to see how you did. As it loads in, you wait with baited breath.
You failed the test.
A/N: I hope someone went to look up what Aphantasia was, and suddenly everything made sense in their life when they realized they have it. And they have to live their life knowing that an incredibly important part of their worldview and way of thinking was discovered by reading a kpop x reader smut fic.
read part two here!
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heartshaker143 · 2 months
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PAIRING :: stray kids x fem!reader
GENRE :: fluff
WORD COUNT :: 1.3k
WARNINGS :: none !
SYNOPSIS :: the kids react to having their tummies' kissed by you !
NOTE :: the sister post to this will be "cheek kisses !" and the oldest sibling of this series will be "pouting kiss". if you haven't guessed it but i love kisses ! all. of. the. kisses. (can you tell I'm touch starved?)
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SEO CHANGBIN - what's the time ! kiss time ! (poppy playtime anyone?)
the biggest baby
it took him a bit to get used to not wearing a shirt around you
so you decided to help him by bribing him with tummy kisses
i feel like on one hand he thinks you're joking but on the other hand, he just feels so loved to think that you would kiss his tummy just to get him to be comfy
so when you actually hold true to your bribe, he's fucking elated
he tries to play it off but you can't not notice the amount of giggles he lets out as you place each kiss
ouuuuu tell him how much you love and look him in the eyes and he'll whine about almost passing out from love and how unfair you're being by being so sweet (cute ᡣ𐭩)
he's all blushy and red with messy hair and he looks like a lovesick puppy
however...you have created a monster
he never wears shirts anymore ! and will openly bug you about getting his daily amount of kisses !
one minute you're sitting down at your computer doing some work (hmmph, hey twin) and the next? there's a t-shirt hitting the back of your head with changbin yelling "kiss time !" like a crazy person 😭
HAN JISUNG - what are you doing !!!! and why do i enjoy it!!!
dnkjanfkjdnasfj my baby ᡣ𐭩 ᡣ𐭩 ᡣ𐭩 ᡣ𐭩
initially he squawked when you put your head under his shirt, lying that it was cold
he tried to fight you out, whining about you stretching out his shirt but gave up when you hugged him so tight that he really didn't have any other choice then to relax and accept fate
however that did not stop him from flinching so hard and yelling, "yah!" when he felt your lips touch his stomach
now, one kiss would have been enough except for the fact that jisung let out the cutest fucking giggle you've ever heard so now you're obligated to keep kissing him...everywhere
dw, through all the laughter, screams (of joy), and pleads to let him go and have mercy, you eventually release him so that he can actually breathe
you pop out from underneath the stretched out shirt to kiss him one last time on the lips
he just accepts it and gladly mumbles that he's glad he's not the only weirdo in the relationship ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩
...also questions why you felt so inclined to do that to him (keep it interesting and dont answer ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩)
BANG CHAN - tickle fight: kiss edition !
the man already refuses to wear shirts at home and has to deal with 7 kids that love physical touch at varying degrees so placing a couple of kisses on his stomach is child's play !!! >:)
he absolutely giggles up a storm when you catch him off guard on the couch, pinning him down and kissing all over his stomach
at first he thinks you tryna lay down on top of him to watch the movie he was watching with him but is pleasantly surprised as he feels your lips pressing down on his navel and the room just fills with laughter
he is trying desperately (as if) to get up and get away (fake struggle, your honor !) but every little kiss makes him ticklish
he is trying his damnedest not to throw you off the couch while trying to talk to you to get you to stop but he's giggling so damn much, poor thing can't get a word in ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩
HWANG HYUNJIN - he doesn't know why it's happening but does he ever?
he's so dramatic, like sooooo dramatic
you even putting your hands under his shirt is gonna make this man jump ten feet in the air, so kissing his stomach????
this man screamed bloody fucking murder when he felt you lift up his shirt and smush your face into his stomach
you would think this man was just fighting for his life with the amount of struggle he put in to keep you away
you eventually place at least 5 kisses in 15 minutes and pull back to see him sprawled out like he lost a fight or something
all he says at the end of it is that you are crazy and he doesn't know why he loves yourself crazy self
...and just for that?? give him more kisses !!!
YANG JEONGIN - tummy kisses mission successful! new mission: avoid being hunted in your own home.
this boy ! my boy ! baby bread !
not gonna lie, this might be another easy one seeing as hyunjin has basically desensitized the boy to overwhelming amounts of physical affection
this might be a step up from what he's used to but giving him tummy kisses might give you as many problems as you initially intended
....that is until you account for the fact that he can and will do it back
the sly little fox is taking note where you are the most ticklish on your stomach and waiting for the perfect moment to get his "revenge"
don't get me wrong, getting tummy kisses after a long day of practicing and vocal lessons and recording sessions has become a favorite past time of his but he's always waiting for the moment you let you're guard down so he can get back at you
good luck and god speed ᡣ𐭩
LEE MINHO - congrats ! you pavloved your boyfriend!
one side of me is like "you're gonne d!3" and the other side is like "catboy! ofc he likes tummy kisses!"
you have to be discrete, you can't go all in like with chan ! you have to press a kiss (1) and get out unscathed
i feel like there is a process to this, you can't just dive in ! if you dive in first, he'll immediately dodge and run away or try to wrestle with you
so you need to start with just patting and rubbing his tummy (2 separate phases) and do it randomly and learn that he absolutely loves tummy rubs when falling asleep
once you have pavlov'ed him in acceptance then c a r e f u l l y lead into tummy kisses
...however, minho isn't dumb he has definitely noticed....after 3 months...
he kinda just sits there for a second to catch up on the fact that you kissed on the stomach and he didnt he even react...then he'll think about all the other times you touched his tummy and it'll just click !
he knows it's too late to complain so he kinda just sighs and lets you do whatever
he doesn't even flinch anymore but he's definitely amused by it, all smiles and light giggles when you kiss him there but always brings up how you tricked him into liking it
KIM SEUNGMIN - your contact name has been changed to "weird tummy kisser".
tbh you have to because if you don't and simply ask him, he'll bully you about it and then refuse for you even touch his stomach. bringing up that you're the "weird tummy kisser"
so just do it !
he yelps when he feels his shirting being pulled up to feel kisses there and struggles to get away while yelling "what!?" "why!?" "get out of there!?"
he eventually gives up and just chuckles as you make obnoxious kiss noises, irritated that you won't let him go and deeply amused by the "weirdo tummy kisser" he has for a significant other
the cuddle baby himself has arrived !
i am sorry (not) but you can not convince that felix wouldn't like tummy kisses !!!!
nothing super intentional but like lazy "i can't reach your face so im gonna kiss you here because i love you" type of kiss
im thinking early morning, you two are still in bed just rolling around trying to find the strength to start the day and somehow you end up laying on his stomach
either one of you start complaining about getting kisses from the other and then you'll for sure start the day (cap) and because you're both tired and lazy with sleep, you just start planting kisses on his tummy
felix notices immediately and starts giggling under his breath on how cute you are and how he's gonna feel those kisses all day
he's just so- the boy is just so endeared getting tummy kisses from you that he hopes you do them more often but won't say anything because he wants them to be as authentic as possible (not the yearning era)
he's definitely rubbing his tummy throughout the day and blushing remember every place you kissed
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all writing content created here belongs to @/svngcore, you are allowed to reblog my posts but please DO NOT repost any of my works on other platforms without permission.
reblogs and comments are cherished and highly favored !
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similar works here !
pouting kisses - ot8
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heartshaker143 · 3 months
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hanjitonin boost 💖☀️✨😆
+ bonus
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