Heartbreak Hotel
45 posts
Down at the end of Lonely Street and Heartbreak Hotel. Writing is therapy for the soul. Reading is the drug the therapist gives you. 
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Might be back.
Hey Tumblr world. Not going to sugar coat things, I purposely forgot you. Why? I had friends who I thought were my biggest supporters but turns out they were really just fake friends who wanted “clout”. So for the amount of time I was gone, I’ve been on and off with multiple toxic relationships (romantic and platonic). I was trying to figure myself out, create better content, and try to find that one friend who’s ride or die. But as you get older, ride or die becomes just a saying from Fast & Furious. They know who they are and they can try to talk shit or defend themselves but I know the truth. We know the truth. I turned 20 about 5 months ago and I’m still growing and learning. I’m still working on me. hopefully I can get back here but I have no promises. In all honesty I barely know how to work this site. I’ve always been an Instagram and Wattpad girl. But I want to start writing professionally soon so I need more outlets. Hope to see you all soon... - Webheadholland > Heartbreak Hotel
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Epilogue 3:
It's been nearly 10 years since Laura left the academy and Peter. She tried multiple times to get back to him but it just didn't work. She'd get caught by Xavier or another student sneaking out. After getting caught so many times, she just gave up.
On a mission one day with the X-Force she snuck off to go find someone who she considers an enemy that hits too close to home. This enemy is no ordinary bad person working for the wrong people, no this enemy knows all too much about her and is now working for Hydra.
Before Laura could understand the dangers of cloning, they managed to make 3 more Weapon X's, 24, 25, and 26. The 26th is her "daughter" the others have the same father just not the same mother.
This one's name, other than being Weapon X-24, was Bellona. If you saw the two side by side you'd be able to tell that they're sisters. Hell, they could oddly be twins. Ballona though was born with oculocutaneous albinism, easier way to put it is she's an albino person.
She has hair the color of snow and eyes that could freeze your soul from being that light blue. Bellona was terrifying to say the least. The only way to kill her is by someone who has equal strength. That person being Laura. The other two, 25 and 26 have yet to be found.
But by killing Bellona, Laura will be able to reveal those secrets. It was a cold night when Laura strayed away from the makeshift camp the other mutants made. She new this was her only chance to do so without someone following her.
Them going up against her "sister" spelled death all over it. Only she could go. Once she came into contact with her it was an all out war. Lots of there own blood was spilled. Laura's suit which was once black and yellow was now black and red.
Bellona's suit which was leather and metal pads to protect her were now matted with blood and her hair was no longer white. She was weaker than Laura. One last blow would surely be the end of her. Laura took that chance. In two swift movements Bellona was dead.
Laura stood weakly but victoriously as she spat blood on her "sister's" corpse. But her victory soon became a loss as Hydra ganged up on her and kidnapped her. About 4 years later as it reached 10 years of being away from the academy, she's now Hydra's strongest weapon.
She's the new Bucky Barns you could say. Laura has no recollection of the past and who she was. Everything was erased. Note even the name Peter would make her flinch. She was now a stone cold weapon. Laura doesn't exist anymore.
When the need her they let her out of the serum and when they're done she goes back in.
Hydra is now involved with the Avengers secret war. Of course they are going to use Laura. She's on the frontline with Donald approaching the remaining Avengers that haven't gone rogue.
Peter sees Laura and knows that she didn't just herself to them. He knows deep down this wasn't her choice like when they were younger. Her sacrificing herself for the academy still haunts him till this day. "Donald this isn't your fight" The now beaten and older Tony Stark said.
"Oh but it is Tony. It's about world domination and I'm allllll for it." Donald took a bow. He stood straight and whispered into Laura's ear. He first said the words that triggered her and then said "Go get the spiderling." With that her gave the ok to attack everyone.
She bolted after Peter. He tried stopping her but she was surely stronger. He took every punch and kick from her but dodged her claws when they were out. He saw the glow of green in her eyes and his heart immediately sunk. Laura is no longer Laura.
He had such high hopes of finding her the way they parted. But unfortunately that probably won't ever be the case. She's too far gone but that doesn't mean he still can't try.
"Laura! Laura! It's me! It's Peter! It's your boyfriend remember?! Come on you've got to remember!"
Peter started to say things that may help as he dodged everything coming his way. "Remember the academy? Us falling in love? Fighting bad guys in our free time?" Laura started to feel fuzzy but ignored it due to her orders.
Was she starting to crack because he was actually making her think? "You saved my life remember? I almost died and you saved me!" Peter started to almost screech at this point.
She starting to gain speed that he couldn't keep up with.
The claws were coming out more and Peter would get cut by them. "Laura," He paused as she now has him pinned to the ground. With all his strength he held her arms above him. "Laura, with great power comes great responsibility." Peter said calmly.
He could see something flicker in her eyes. Almost as if she was coming to the realization of something that she didn't want to do she started to fight it. There was only one other thing that he could say to get her back.
At this point he couldn't say it because of how fast she got up and choked him in the air with one hand and. Peter tried punching himself free and hopefully breaking her arm to get free. None of that worked
"Laura." He choked out. But anything else was too late to be said as he gasped in pain. Her free hand was now shanking the hero. When she pulled out of him, she dropped him. He now groaned as blood poured out of him. "Laura," He said weakly. "You're not a monster."
Before he passed out from the pain and loss of blood he could've sworn that he saw something in her that changed. Later as Hydra made their way back to the headquarters, Laura sat in her container as started to do what she hasn't done in a while, think.
Peter is still alive but in critical condition. His words bounced around in Laura's brain like a bouncy ball that wouldn't stop moving. "You're not a monster." Boomed in her head until it got to the point where she was screaming.
She crouched into fetal position and screamed. Laura was coming back to her senses. Eventually her screaming stopped and she stared at the floor. "Peter." She let few tears slip. Due to her induced animalistic state, she doesn't remember severely hurting Peter but his words made her remember the past.
Laura had to get out of there and fast. All she could do is beat down the door. "Here goes nothing." She slammed her body against it with as much strength as she could. It took a few tries until it busted open.
Laura didn't hesitate to jump out and start running before they realize she's not there. She was finally out of sight of them but they weren't out of sight of her when they realize that she was gone. Laura bolted as fast as she could know that if she didn't she'd be captured again.
The next day she found something to blend in. In this day and age, there's no doubt that Hydra has undercover agents waiting around. Now she's on their hit list so she has to stay really low. Laura made her way into a convenient store for something to eat.
She doesn't even remember eating let alone her age. In her mind she's still 22 years old, not 28. She doesn't know what year it is so she just assumes it's still 2024 and that she's made it passed the year her birthday without someone noticing that she's fully grown.
Everything is so much different from when she was captured though. Laura just shrugged it off though knowing that the future was going to be pretty fucked up . Laura made her way to the back of the store so she doesn't get caught for stealing.
She loaded her deep pockets with candy and stashed a drink in her armpit. The truck to doing this was walk out a different way you came in but you have to stay quiet. The quieter you are the less chances you're going to get caught.
"We're been looking for you Miss Kinney." Laura froze in fear and turned. Her nerves calmed when she saw a now fully gray haired Tony taking his aviators off. Next to him was someone she thought she'd never see again.
Thanks to mew technology people can be repaired and healed quickly. The younger man was now gorgeously aged but you could tell that he's been hurt multiple times. "Peter." She said helplessly. Laura was now reunited with the one who knows she's not a monster.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Epilogue 2:
It's been three years since the academy. Laura went back to the institution and eventually became the leader of the new X-Force. Everyone respected mutants now due to a war they fought for the safety of society.
A few mutants lost their lives using their abilities but in the end it saved the world from extinction. Wolverine became a household name after everyone watched her save a fear stricken girl who couldn't move. After that they admired her crime fighting skills.
There was only one downside to being a hero though. She hasn't seen Peter in 3 years and due to poor connection she has texted or done anything technology wise to communicate with him. She's tried moving on with another mutant named Hellion but she just couldn't stop thinking about Peter.
Little did she know that Peter was the same way. He eventually moved on from Laura and started dating a girl named Gwen Stacy. Unfortunately, one night he got into a fight with a college friend of his, Harry Osborn. He didn't know that Harry's father, Norman, was his former enemy the Green Goblin.
The two battled it out but like every battle, someone unfortunately dies. That person who lost their life was Gwen. Peter loved her just as much as he loved Laura. He even begged to god who he didn't even believe in to bring her back. But miracles don't work like that.
Everyday he wished that she had Laura's healing abilities. She wouldn't be dead if a that was the case. Eventually he "healed" from the loss. But he started thinking about Laura again. Everyday since she left he stared at the velvety little box on his dresser.
It was meant for her as a promise ring if she came back but then he started dating Gwen and that changed. Now it a ring with meaning but won't ever be placed of a finger. He's even thought about tossing it into the harbor but decided against it.
Something kept telling him that she will come back some day. Actually it was someone in his dreams. Though he's straight he'd fully admit the young man in his dreams was pretty attractive. He had quite the piercing blue eyes that made him stick out in the dreams.
His voice was the thing that cemented him in Peter's sub-conscience. It was deep, soothing and slightly raspy. He kept telling Peter that someday she will come back. But Peter would always ask when but never get a set answer. Always something like "Patience" and then he'd disappear.
Today in particular he felt a sense of relief or at least he was in a good mood. He hasn't felt like this in a while. Depression mostly took over and the only person who really understood was May. Peter crouched on the edge of a building, waiting for some action.
His senses go off but not as if there's danger. It's as if he's... aroused? "What the hell?" He murmured. Peter started looking around until he saw a dark "blob". "Another hero in this area" he shrugged. But the senses were signaling something.
He decided to use Karen to zoom in.Once he was fully zoomed he saw a black and yellow suit and identified "it" as a woman. She seemed familiar, very familiar. Then it clicked. Laura. It's Laura. The then the deep voice popped in startling him.
"Go to her. She's come for you." He swung himself over to the building that she was at. "Took you long enough." She said. Peter's heart skipped hearing her voice. He ripped his mask off and she pulled hers of. Shit has she aged well.
She was a beautiful young girl back then but goddamn was she a goddess now. Laura can say the same about Peter. The stubble he had was also was a major turn on. "Peter don't hesitate. Get your ass over here do what you feel is the right thing to do." She jokes causing both to chuckle.
She's definitely more light hearted but much wiser now. Peter wasted no time and made his way over to her. He pulled her by the waist with one hand and the other found a spot on her cheek. Laura's hands landed on his sides as he went in for the kill.
The kids itself brought back ever good memory they had together. But since it's been a while, they've both had more practice and wow were they kissing each other like they were gods. Peter pulled away after a bit so it wouldn't go further though he wouldn't mind taking her right there.
"I still love you." He huffs out. "And I still love you. Xavier kept me updated on you. I'm sorry for not coming back right away. Everyone was falling apart. The needed me." She closed her eyes trying not to cry. "Laura, it's fine. You were doing the right thing." He kissed her forehead.
"I stopped seeing myself as a monster." He whispered, looking into his eyes. Those damn eyes that made everything in her go weak. Now they've aged a little and made want to drop right there. They kiss again but not for long.
Peter's danger senses went off this time. "Goddamn it!" He groaned. "It's fine Peter. I'll meet up with later. Go get'em, Tiger." She winked at him. Peter smiled and swung off. Finally, he was whole again.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Epilogue 1:
Here they are 10 years later. The joke about them being a couple again became reality. Peter was the most valuable photographer at the Daily Bugle and ironically became a history teach at Midtown Tech.
The two did get married and they're still happily so. But something new has come along for the 23 year old. About 9 months ago the two were at a party for some college friends and drank a little too much. Due to scheduling being so chaotic Laura completely forgot to use her spermicide in her body.
It wasn't until one night she was eating her favorite dish of Aunt May's that she realized that she forgot. May had bought pregnancy tests back when she first found out about Peter and Laura having sex. Sure enough she was pregnant.
When she told Peter, every expected emotion went across his face, especially since they were newly weds who are trying to move out. But they made it all work and Laura obviously had to take a break from being Wolverine.
Obviously the two have powers so they weren't sure if the baby will come out with claws or webbing or to what they fear, both. Laura currently sat at home since her maternity leave started yesterday.
The baby's due date isn't for another 2 weeks which taking the leave this close was a risky thing but they needed the pay. Peter had the day off so he could be at his pregnant wife's aid. Laura was flipping through random channels when she had a contraction. 
It was pretty painful. "Babe!" She yelled having him yell back as to if she was ok. Peter appeared in the room. "Mind calling the doctor please? I'm starting to have contractions and want to know when it'd be best for us to go in." Peter nodded and called the doctor.
"She said not until the contractions become extremely painful and no less than 5 minutes apart. That is if you're water doesn't break before then." Laura nodded her head. About 15 minutes later another contraction happens and it's more painful than the last. This continued on for another hour.
Laura finally got fed up and started walking around to see if that would ease the pain. She was completely wrong. Contractions were now 10 minutes apart and getting stronger. Laura currently clutched onto the counter, hunched over in pain. Peter saw and went over to her.
He gently rubbed her back as she moaned in pain. Part of him felt terrible for not being able to do anything. As for the other part, he was excited because his little superhero was on their way. "Fuck! Why does this shit have to hurt so much?" Laura laughed off the pain as she stood up again.
She hugged Peter the best she could. "I'm going to call May and tell her to head on over here. She may know what to do better than me considering she helped my mom." He chuckled and pecked Laura.
May shows up ready to go. Just as Laura is about to hug her she grabs May's shoulders and bends over again. May rubs her back as it happens. "Sorry about that." Laura stands straight again and hugs May.
"So how far apart are they?" May asks. "They're about 8 minutes apart now. I've only been having them for an hour and a half." Laura heads to the fridge for some food because her stomach started gurgling.
Just as she opens the door, her stomach gurgles again the same way as before but she realizes it's not out of hunger. Just then a major splash of water drops from her body to the ground. Peter and May were in the living room talking. "Peter! May! Guess I wasn't hungry!"
Just then the worst contraction happened. Peter came and watched her double bend over in shock. "Babe, my water just broke." She gritted out. Peter picked up the phone and called the doctor as May helped quickly clean Laura up.
"Ok doctor said she'll be there by time we show up." Peter came in frantically. This was really happening. "Babe- breathe" Laura gritted out, breathing herself as another contraction came. "Alright Laura, you're ready to push." The doctor gave the ok. 
The midwife and everyone else in the staff helped prepare. Tony showed up with flowers and then walked out not wanting to see what is about to go down. Peter had no choice but to stay in that room. "Alright Laura. Next contraction you need to push." The doctor order.
The nurse and midwife helped her legs as Peter held one hand and Aunt May held the other. Everyone except May and Peter thought she was crazy to not have an epidural. She'll just heal in a few days.
Another contraction came on and she started pushing. "Ok keep going, keep going, keep going. Good. That was a great first push. Keep the good work." The doctor said supportively. "Ok push, push, push, push, push, pushhhhh. The baby is crowning."
Laura really wanted to punch the doctor in the face and say "No shit! Not like my vagina is ripping or anything." But she kept her cool. About 5 more pushes the head was almost completely out. "Alright Laura, one last major push and I'll take it from here." The doctor said.
Laura pushed as hard as she could. The baby's head was now fully out and the doctor started lightly pulling the baby out. Once it was out, the baby screamed bloody murder. "Now for the placenta. You're almost done." Laura completely forgot about that part.
"Ugh god that hurts just as much as the baby." Laura yelled at as she pushed it out. The baby was now being cleaned as the last process happen. "Laura would you finally like to announce what you had?" The nurse asked.
Peter and Laura decided to keep the sex of the baby a secret. They looked at each other and smiled. "May, we welcome to the world Benjamin Anthony Parker." May started crying from just the name. Benjamin for Peter's uncle and Anthony after Tony.
After getting stitched up and for Benjamin, cleaned up, he's finally able to meet his mom and Dad. For the first time since getting married, Laura started crying happy tears as she took ahold of her mini Peter.
He looked exactly like Peter did when he was born. The couple share a long, loving kiss as a celebration. Peter then leaned down and kissed the precious boy's head. Tony came in and so did Ned.
"So I'm totally Uncle Ned now, right?" Everyone chuckled as Laura nodded her head, admiring the delicate child that she can officially call theirs. Guess the future was turning out just as planned.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 37:
Today is the day. Graduation day. The day that young adults step into the adult world. The day that the door to the future opens. The door Peter is gladly going to open and bring Laura with him.
Who knew life would end up like this? Peter stood in the bathroom staring at himself. He was giving himself a pep talk. No he was giving the valedictorian speech. He opted out of that. He was giving himself a pep talk for after graduation with his and Laura's date.
It wasn't just some random date. The velvety box that was hidden in his room was the thing making him nervous. Peter isn't quite proposing to Laura. It's a promise ring until the real engagement.
May approved of the idea when it was brought up and that night he went and bought it. He kept telling himself that today will be the best day of his life, which it will. Peter left the bathroom with confidence dripping off of him.
As for looks wise, Laura was dripping from her mouth. Something about him dressing up made her go wild. Peter can say the same. Man oh man, if May wasn't there right now he'd take her down like a tiger taking down his pray. Only this time his pray would be making sure the neighbors on the 7th floor would hear her from the 4th.
May takes pictures of the two before hoping into another fancy Audi. "Hello love birds how's it going?" Tony spoke like an excited dad. "It's going great. We're ready to open up the new door." Peter spoke with such confidence that Tony was shocked. Once a shy kid is now burst at the seems with confidence.
Tony loved it. Once they're at the school May and Tony go take a seat as the two lovers made their ways to the locker rooms. Just as they make it down the halls Peter takes a harsh inhale. "Babe? Everything ok?" Laura faced Peter.
All he did was lift his hand and the tiny hairs were sticking right up. Laura nodded her head for him to go. Someone's life is more important than graduation. Peter took off and Laura went into the locker room. Peter was now currently 7 blocks away fighting robbers.
"Come guys! Can we hurry this up? I'm going to be late for graduation." Peter webbed a guy up and somehow they kept coming. "Wait graduation?" A police officer said. "Yeah I'm graduating high school." Peter paused and in any other hero's opinion, answered stupidly with high school.
The cop shook it off like it was nothing. "Weird kid." He mumbled. About two more guys and it was done. He checked his phone, 10:15 a.m. and 5 missed calls from Laura. "Shit!" He swung off trying to get there before his name is called.
Laura now sat in her seat wait for Peter to show up. Peter was currently running inside the school getting his clothes back on. Her leg started to bounce as she looked around. Just then he came out the door and quickly fixed himself before making his way to the chair next to his love.
"Hey! I'm sorry I'm late." He kissed her cheek. She fixed his tassel and put it to the right. She then cocked an eyebrow. He leaned into her ear, "7 blocks away, robbers with alien guns." Laura nodded her head knowing that's not an easy task.
They now stood in line to receive their diplomas. "Peter. Benjamin. Parker." He scrunched his nose at his full name. Laura chuckled at his reaction because of how cute it was. "Laura. Marie. Kinney." She gladly took her diploma.
As she walked her eyes locked onto Tony and May. They gave her the thumbs up. Laura tipped her cap to them. "And now I ask the Class of 2020 to bring their tassels to the left side." All at once the did so. "Congratulations to the Class of 2020. We're proud of you."
The crowd goes wild and caps go flying. Best moment ever. Peter and Laura meet with Tony and May for pictures and hugs afterwards. After maybe the 15th one Peter grew tired so he decided to spice things up.
He took Laura and dipped her. She squealed in shock but was quickly cut off by his lips. Tony howled with laughter and clapped. He totally just pulled a Tony. Pictures were finally done and May took their stuff. "Good luck later." Tony said in a low tone, shaking Peter's hand. Peter nodded in response and headed into the car Tony had waiting for them.
About 20 minutes later they arrive at the restaurant they spent their first date at. Everything is perfect like the last time but this time they're even more in love with each other. Peter couldn't help but admire every bit of her as she laughed, smiled or perked up over something so simple.
Laura watched as her gorgeous man would occasionally rub his neck from being nervous or do the chuckle that makes her legs squeeze together in hopes to relieve some tension down there. They can't see a future without each other.
After dinner they went for a small walk in the park. The warm summer air made everything feel like it's from a book or a movie. It was perfect. The two sat on a bench facing the Hudson. Peter let out a noticeable nervous sigh.
They looked at each other and Laura gave a questionable look. "Laura, I'm really nervous as you can tell. I'm not breaking up with you obviously. I'm doing something that could potentially be huge. Im not going to space or anything bu-" "Peter just spit it out. It's going to be ok." She placed a hand on his cheek as he inhaled again, calming his nerves.
Without hesitating much he got off the bench and down on one knee. "Wait you're proposing?" She asked as curiosity takes over. "I-uh no I'm, I'm not. I've just never done this before. Uh, it's, it's a promise ring. I just didn't know if you go down on one knee or not." Peter's nervous stammer was bad.
Laura ushered for him to stand up. "Yes." She said taking the ring from him and put it on. "Yes?" His voice cracked. "Yes as in even if it was an engagement ring I'd still be saying yes." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Peter finally let out a breath of relief he didn't realize he was holding in. Laura leaned up and kissed him. It was probably one of their best kisses yet. Well until his senses went off. He groaned pulling away. "Babe it's ok. I'll see you at home. Go get'em, Tiger." She winked and he was off.
 And that my dears is the story of how a broken hero and a shy hero fell in love. Thank you everyone for all the support and love for this story. You have no idea how much I appreciate the love and support. I really did start crying as I wrote this last part. Thank you again. I love you all. Epilogues to follow.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 36:
It's only been a week and a half and Laura already wants to shoot herself. She's tried calling, texting, video chatting, anything to get in touch with Peter but the service is preventing that. She either has one bar or nothing at all. Laura has asked to go back for graduation but Professor X hasn't given her even the slightest hint to a yes. It's killing her. Every night she lies there in her bed staring out the window thinking of ways to run. Her roommate has even become concerned.
She's never seen Laura like this and it's honestly frightening her. Tonight Laura has finally given up. Rehearsals for graduation are tomorrow and Professor X hasn't given her permission. Laura didn't beg knowing that's not what gets her what she wants.
She's also excepted the fact that maybe she'll never see Peter again. Laura curses at herself for believing everything would go according to plan and that she deserved love. Tonight she going to sleep in hopes that though this is a shitty situation, tomorrow will be a better day. She should've seen this coming.
Laura was now fast asleep having quite a vivid dream of Peter. They're just hanging out in the apartment. She can feel him, his warmth. She can see the twinkle in his eyes and his smile that makes her heart skip a beat.
She can hear his voice and his laugh that would make anyone go weak kneed. Laura places her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat a million miles a second just because she's there with him. His soft shirt against her cheek and him holding her makes her feel at home. But then something weird happens.
Everything freezes except for Peter's heartbeat but it wasn't his heartbeat. It was someone talking. "Go Laura." A deep voice boomed in his chest. "Go be with him." She pulled away. "Hello?" She asked hoping it wasn't just in his chest.
"Laura go be with Peter. You never belonged here. You belong in the world. We only kept you here until we knew you were mature enough to control yourself." The voice spoke. Laura was less concerned about what the voice was saying but more concerned on who it was.
"Who's tapping into my dream right now? Is it Emma?" She said referring to Emma Frost. "It's Professor X. Go Laura. Be with him. Wake up and pack. You're free to leave." Professor X exclaimed. Laura looked at the still body beneath her. She needs to go.
She closes her eyes and opens them to the moonlight she fell asleep to. Laura didn't hesitate but she did accidentally wake up Julibee. "Laura what the hell are you doing at 3 am?" Julibee rubbed her tired eyes. "He's letting me go Ju. He's letting me leave." Laura said frantically packing.
"Yeah He was kinda in the middle of telling me that when you woke me up. I'll help you." Julibee got up and helped Laura. The packing didn't take too long since half was still packed from the academy. "Now how are you getting there?" Julibee asked.
That question stumped Laura because she had no clue. "You're getting there by me." In popped their blue friend Kurt aka Nightcrawler. "Oh my god Kurt you're the best." Kurt has been there just as long as Laura. They were the outsiders for a while until Julibee showed up. "No problem. Now grab on you two. We're going for a ride."
The two grabbed stuff and held onto Kurt. Within seconds they showed up outside the apartment building. "You be safe now. If you're not I'm sending Kurt to come get your ass." Julibee hugged Laura.
"I will I promise. As for you Mr. Nightcrawler, this doesn't give you permission to pop in whenever. Have Professor pop in my head first. I could be doing things you don't want to see." Laura hugged Kurt as he gave the "noted and I'm now disgusted" look.
Julibee held onto Kurt and the popped away. Laura headed inside. Before Laura made it to his floor she called May to let her in so she didn't wake Peter. May let her in quietly with a hug and helped her get situated.
Laura said she'll sleep on the couch to surprise Peter in the morning when he woke up. After all of that she made herself comfortable. Laura smiled as she fell back to sleep. She's home. When the sun came up, Laura woke up to the smell of breakfast. "Good morning dear." May said lowly so Peter would wake up. "Morning May." Laura whispered and smiled.
It was a good 20 minutes before Peter woke up. The boy grabbed his phone. Still no texts from Laura. He misses her more than anything. He expected this though he still checks. Peter got up and stretched. His mood perked up when he smelled the food.
May always made the best breakfast. He slipped on his slippers and headed for the door. Laura heard the door knob and stood up knowing that sitting wasn't a good idea. The door opened to a still sleepy Peter with messed up hair. Laura's heart skipped a beat.
"Hey Aunt May what's for-" He stopped in his tracks after yawning. "Am I still dreaming?" He asks the two women in the room. May shook her head and Laura smiled even bigger than she already was. Peter ran to Laura and picked her up.
"Hey." She said lightly into his shoulder. "Hey." He let a couple tears fall. Laura pulled away and grabbed his face. She leaned up and kissed Peter while wiping a few tears away. "I'm here forever now." She whispered. Laura was given permission to not come back unless she needed help or wanted to visit. There was no way in hell that she was going back now.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 35:
The dreaded day has come for the students. They've made many friends and two became lovers. Who knew that 3 months could change everyone's lives so much? They learned to be proper heroes, not reckless ones. They became stronger as timed passed. They can now enter a fight with a clear and focused mind. There will always be devastation and they can't save everyone, but they're now able to save more people than they could before.
Everyone woke up this morning feeling two things, accomplished and sadness.Tony is holding a little ceremony this morning before they leave. The students got dressed in their nicest clothes and headed to entrance where their 3 month journey began.
Peter and Laura held each other's shaky hands as they made their ways to the entrance. Everyone was quiet. When they made it to the entrance all the instructors were standing there waiting for them with smiles on their faces.
This eased a little bit of the stressors in the students' bodies. But it was still the end of a great experience. Some would question Peter and Laura's love since it was all so sudden. Here's a little lesson on love, you cannot control it.
Some fall in love at first sight, some fall in love within months. Love can't be stopped. It happens. Love doesn't care about time. It's like a trying to hold a boulder at the top of a steep hill. Eventually what you're holding it with will break and when it does you can't stop it from rolling.
If you do you'll most likely get run over by it. The point is don't try to stop love when it will end up winning. The students stood in a straight line facing the remaining Avengers. All of their hearts are pounding. This is it.
"First I would like to start off with I'm proud of all of you." Tony began his speech. "There were bumps in the road but you all pulled through and became the best of who you are. You proved you are then best, new generation of heroes.
It won't ever be easy but I know you'll all pull through. Now to congratulate you, I'm giving you your uniforms that I created for this moment. I'll be going one by one. Here we go." Tony did just that.
As he did, he said their names and super hero names. Tony gave each student either a handshake or a hug, whichever they preferred. Eventually he got to Laura and Peter. "Laura Kinney, Wolverine." She smiled now believe that she's not a monster.
Tony's eyes glossed over as he watched Laura take her suit. She looked up for a second and then gave him a hug. Next was Peter. "Peter Parker, Spider-Man/Iron Spider." Tony held it together the best he could as he hugged the boy.
He held it together for the rest of the students. It was almost a proud father moment though they weren't his kids. "Go fourth into the world and make it a better place. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you the newest Avengers." Tony did a full spin as everyone started clapping, this was it.
The students exited the building no longer just random heroes but the newest Avengers team. Yes, the students from the X-Force are still apart of it but when called upon they're Avengers. This was one of they're greatest accomplishments.
The entire bus ride was silent. Everyone felt the sadness now. Laura held onto Peter as much as she could. Peter did the same. They didn't say anything. They new if they didn't nothing would come out. Laura kept coming up with plan A-Z for ways to get out of Xavier's.
Finally the bus stopped at the destination. Everyone slowly filed out still not saying a word. May was there to greet Peter and Laura. Eventually Laura started crying and both May and Peter took her in for a hug.
She cried into their shoulders. Eventually all 3 started crying. They didn't want to say good bye so they didn't. They said see you later. The Xavier's students ride finally showed up. Peter held Laura one last time.
"I love you Laura Marie Kinney. This isn't good bye ok?" Peter whispered as more tears dropped. "I love you too Peter Benjamin Parker. This isn't good bye. I will see as soon as I can." She got out the best she can.
Peter grabbed her face and gave her the most loving kiss he could which she returned. Eventually the separated and she got into the car but before she did she took one last look at the one person who made her whole. Laura got in the car and they drove off. She's got to find a way to come back.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 34:
Tonight was turning out exactly like Laura said it would, a night to never forget. The music wasn't to loud but loud enough that you could feel it. Students were smiling and dancing the night away, as cliché as that sounds.
It was perfect in the best cliché way possible. The food was probably the best and fanciest food Laura has ever had. The even put her mashed potatoes into the shape of a rose. How they did that? Who knows.
Peter couldn't help but chuckle at her reactions. The table sat the entire decathlon team. Surprisingly the table was big enough to fit nearly 17 people. A few of the teammates showed up together or alone.
Ned and Michelle showed up together because of their thoughts on "fuck it! I am who I am it doesn't matter who I show up with." Of course Ned says it in a perkier voice. Michelle just hates everybody.
Yes, Laura and Peter do make her gag from how cute they are. Flash managed to get some blonde girl that looked his type. Everything was going super well. For once they were all getting along. After eating and digesting, it was back to dancing.
Every song they played made everyone feel some type of way. The horny teens stayed towards the back where they wouldn't get in trouble for practically undressing each other. Peter watched Laura dance like it was her last night alive.
Everything was in slow motion for him. Her smile, her laughter, the way her dress twirled as she spun around. She is the one. Just in that moment he imagined getting down on one knee. Everything is perfect.
(MUST LISTEN TO CHAD KROGER FT. JOSEY SCOTT'S SONG HERO DURING THIS PART. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmSRMWw8Y_0 ) The music stopped and the DJ announced that they were playing a slow song.
Laura stopped what she was doing and found herself facing Peter. He didn't even have to say anything. His hands snaked their way around her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. They started swaying to the music and their smiles turn to a straight, loving gaze into each other's eyes then closing them. Their foreheads touching as they do so.
"I'm so lucky to have you." Laura thought. What she didn't realize is that she said it out loud. "I'm the luckiest boy, man, whatever in the world to have you." Peter said back. Laura blushed realizing what just happened.
"I love you Peter Parker" She said just over a whisper. "I love you too Laura Kinney. Till death do us part." Laura bit her lip as she smiled. "Yeah. Till death do us part." Laura said back and rested her hands on his cheeks.
She no longer had to get on her toes to kiss him thanks to the heels. The song was coming close to the middle just about. Maybe about a minute left and a half left. Laura didn't care though. No timing of a song will stop this moment. She started to lean in and Peter did the same.
"EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" Masked men entered the room with guns just as their lips were about to touch. "WHERE IS SHE?!" A familiar voice boomed through the room. "Shit Peter we have to go." Laura whispered.
Peter looked at her and she gave him the look of "It's Hydra." They scurry away hoping to go unnoticed. Peter grabbed Laura's hand and headed down a hall. "The elevator to our room is this way. Tony put our suits in there just in case hero duties interrupted."
Just as Peter said that they're stopped by masked men. "Boss, we got her." He said into a talkie. "Oh come on I really like this dress." Laura wined. Peter cocked an eyebrow. She just shrugged turning her attention back to the men.
She kicked her heels off making herself much shorter than Peter. Time to kick some ass. Peter won't lie, it's going to be so sexy watching his girl kick ass looking like that and oh will it help for later. He quickly chucked his blazer off and to the side. He always comes prepared with his webshooters.
The masked men come at them at full force. But of course their full force is nothing compared to Super human strength. To Peter and Laura it's like sparring or training. How weak can they be? Or how strong did the power couple get?
Peter would be lying if he said that he wasn't imagining himself and Laura as Mr. & Mrs. Smith right now minus the trying to kill each other and they don't have guns. It was as if Hydra brought the entire army. Masked men were coming left and right.
At one point the young lovers thought they may fail because of how many men were still coming. It's not as easy fighting in prom attire than you think. Laura does what is called a Tornado Roundhouse Kick to the side of one of the men's head.
He falls to the ground,  knocked out. But as he does there's a crunch beneath him. A green but clear liquid flows out from underneath him. "Shit! Peter!" Laura turns to him. He tries to give his attention to her while he knocks a guy out.
"Run!" Peter gives her a confused look. "Please." She let out in a breath. Laura looked terrified of something that may happen. Due to this he nodded and ran off before more men came but hoping she makes it out alive.
When Laura was explaining the green liquid Hydra had her submerged in, she also explained it can be turned into an unscented scent that only her psyche can pick up on. This turns her into the monster she hates being.
Laura knew that even if she tried to run away with Peter that it would've already been to late. Being that close when the vial broke meant that taking a step away was already to late. She relaxed her body letting the trigger scent take over.
Laura felt her eyes begin to glow green and her claws slowly slid out. She's not a monster but fuck did it feel good to unleash hell on them. They've made her life miserable. They need pay back.
They came at her, guns ablaze, bullets practically bouncing off her as her bulletproof body took the heat. One by one she took each man out. It was like the past but for once murder was revenge like the medieval times.
The part that was still sane hated killing them but the insanity was stronger and it felt so good. She had cooped her old self up for so long that maybe this wasn't too terrible on her soul. But oh did her sane side know that later she's going to be a depressed mess. Prom was ruined because of her and she wouldn't even be able to apologize without ruining her secret.
Laura could tell by the last guy that her sane side has come back. She stood there covered in blood of them multiple dead men. Part of her told her to run, the other to cry, and the other to go get her hand bag and call Peter.
They had to have cleared the hotel of all people. Laura went with the last one and then booked it to the nearest exit. When she got outside it was down pouring. It'll help with getting the blood off.
She went to an alleyway to get out of site. "Babe?" She called Peter hoping that the rain doesn't ruin her phone. "Oh my god Laura are you ok?" Peter sounded like a worried mother on the other end. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just, I just need to know where you are."
"Tony booked us another room in another hotel much further away from where we were. The room is a lot nicer than the other. I'll call-" "No!" Laura cut Peter off. "Babe, I'm covered in blood. Don't send anyone. Just come and get me as spidey please. I need to get out of here." Laura started to cry on the phone.
Peter gave in knowing that she seriously needed him to do it. He eventually got there and without any talking she went into his arms. Peter took it as to start swinging. The entire time going to the new hotel Laura didn't say a word a Peter didn't ask.
He knows that when she's ready she'll open up. When they made it he let Laura take the stairs from the roof down to their room and he crawled onto the balcony. When Laura made it into the room, somehow going unnoticed getting there, she saw Peter standing there with just a towel around his waist and the shower was running.
She gave a weak smile knowing that he did this because he knew she'd be hurting. The towel obviously indicated that he wanted to be in there with her, not for it to be sexy but for him to comfort her.
She dropped what she had and went in. Laura tried unzipping her dress but Peter got it for her along with the bobby-pins, mini hair ties, and under garments. She stood there for a second, feel a sense of relief.
Laura opened the frosted glass door to the shower and stepped in. Peter came in after her, wrapping his arms around her as the steaming hot water relaxed the both of them. "Peter, I'm a monster." Laura finally let out.
Peter pulled away from Laura. "You're not a monster. If you were then I'd be dead already. You told me to run because you didn't want to hurt me. You're a hero Laura, whether you believe it or not. A hero tells the innocent to get to safe and risk their lives to help others.
You made the decision to risk your life. Who knows how many men were there. If there were more when the scent wore off, you probably wouldn't be standing right here. Those men had it coming.
Stop saying you're a monster. You are a hero Wolverine." Peter placed his hands on both cheeks and brought her in for a kiss. When he pulled away he grabbed shampoo and started to clean her off. She let him do it all knowing that if she lifted a finger he'd push it away.
He didn't mind doing all this, not because he's a horny 18 year old but because wants to treat her and make her feel the way she needs to. Peter hates that she's been so brainwashed into thinking she's still a monster.
It wasn't her decision to make the serum or scent. She didn't choose this life. He sees the best in her because he knows that's who she truly is. They stood there for a few more minutes just enjoying each other's company.
Once the water went cold they got out and dried off. They put robes on knowing that clothes won't be needed soon. Peter turns on a music channel and pours the two a glass of champagne while Laura dries her hair.
When done she joins him on the luscious king bed. Considering the day's events, the jacuzzi is too much work. Being together was good enough. Laura put her hand under Peter's robe to rest on his peck. Just feeling that one part of his body sends shivers down her spine. She decided to venture lower.
Peter closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. The slight contact drives him insane. Eventually she gets to the belt and unties it. Peter's breath starts to quicken. Out came his dick with no issue. Laura didn't hesitate to grab him and started rubbing, making sure to go slow.
Peter squirmed at her touch and started lightly thrusting. "Eager are we?" Laura giggled. "Yeah." He gritted his teeth. "Please no foreplay tonight babe. I need to show you love now." He took a deep breath.
Laura stopped and got up. Peter sat up and chucked his robe. He turned and looked at his stunning girlfriend. Laura slowly took her robe. Peter's jaw dropped and he didn't realize he did that.
Laura chuckled at her boyfriend who's jaw fell off the bed and who's dick is practically sticking up from being so hard. She laid down on the bed and Peter didn't hesitate to get on top. Laura spread her legs ready for him. "Peter?" She placed her hand on his chest.
"I know I say this all the time but I really do love you. You've made me a better person and I can't thank you enough." Peter leaned down and kissed Laura.
"I love you more than anything else in this world. I've seen my future with and will fight through anything for you. Tonight I'm going to show you that." Peter leaned back down kissed her. As he did so he lined himself up.
Laura grabbed his waist and pushed him down causing him to slide in a little bit. Peter got the hint and went all the way in. Laura gasped and whispered his name. He started thrusting and Laura couldn't help but moan immediately. She loved every inch of him.
Peter picked up the pace and their skin started to smack. "Uh god Peter!" Laura dug her nails into his back. His grunting made the pleasure go up. Peter went fast and started to break a sweat.
Laura couldn't help but grab the bed sheets and shut her eyes tight. "Err! Fuck yeah!" She growled. "Fuck baby scream my name!" Peter panted. "Harder." She panted. Peter did as he was told and Laura lifted her hips. He looked down at where their bodies connected and then up at his girlfriend's chest as her breast bounced.
If he didn't know how to keep his shit together, he would cum at the sight. "Fuck baby." Peter moaned. Laura could only moan back as a response. She felt her high coming. Laura could tell that Peter was close too.
"Baby don't," She paused moaning. "Don't hold back" she got out. She could tell that Peter was going to need to release sooner than her. Peter started to get sloppy and soon released with a loud grunt. Just the grunt sent Laura over the edge. "Fuck Peter! Fuck baby!" She bit her lip as she let go.
Peter stayed there catching his breath for a moment before pulling out. He laid there next to Laura after getting under the covers. Just as they were about to doze off the room's phone went off. Peter picked it up.
"Hello? Uh huh, yeah sorry about that. Sure thing. Bye." Laura looked at him confused. "Yeah that was a noise complaint." Laura bursted out laughing.  She couldn't love him anymore than she already did in that moment. Ladies and gentlemen this could be the future Mr. & Mrs. Parker.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 33:
Tonight was the night that they've been desperately waiting for. Tony pulled through and got the hotel room that was basically a mini apartment. It was romantic and a surprise for Laura after prom. Peter wanted it to be special so he told her that the room was booked but not what it looked like. He could wait to see Laura in her dress. He also imagined what she'd look like in a wedding dress to but that was after he imagined prom night.
Tonight will be perfect. May made Peter leave with Tony to the hotel room to get ready while Laura got ready at the apartment. "May! I've never been to prom! I don't know what to do!" Laura freaked out.
May calmed her down and chuckled remembering that she too was like this on prom night. "Sweetie everything will be alright. I've got you covered. The only thing I can't help you with is your makeup." Laura let out a loud sigh of relief.
May chuckled and lead her to the bedroom. May turned around as Laura got on the right garments until she needed help clipping her bra. She put pajamas back on to do her makeup. This is the most makeup she's ever worn and she hopes to the high heavens the she doesn't butcher it.
As she put the finishing touches on May started on her hair. Her hair has never been curled except when she has them in braids. Seeing the spirals for the very first time was like a puppy seeing snow for the first time. She was unsure if she should touch it.
The end results were amazing. She didn't look like herself but she looked like the person she would've been if life didn't have its issues. They headed back to the room to get her dress on. May helped Laura into her dress and zipped it.
She put her heels on before turning around. Laura took a deep breath and then turned. Just May's reaction of seeing her "baby girl all grown up" put her nerves at ease a bit. May started tearing up. Laura's only instinct is to hug her or she too will start crying.
May wiping the tears away gestures to head to the door. Laura grabbed her hand held wallet thing and headed out. On the way to meet up with Tony and Peter she checked and the things she needed in her thing.
Oil pads, lipstick, mints, condoms... Laura chuckled at how protective May was about the whole thing. They made it to the location where they were going to take pictures. Peter and Tony were standing there looking around and talking. Laura's breath hitched and jaw dropped. Goddamn did Peter look amazing.
Her heart started beating faster and her palms started to sweat. The two got out of the car. Once both doors were closed Peter's attention was all on Laura. Just like Laura, his breath hitched, jaw dropped and heart pounded.
It was like everyone else in the world disappeared and it was just her. His girl. His future. Laura smiled knowing that not a minute ago she was doing that too. "Laura, you look..." Peter couldn't even finish. "You too... Spider-Man." She whispered the last part.
Laura leaned up for a kiss. "Woah! Won't ruin your makeup?" Peter asked. "Water proof am smudge proof. You're good." Without hesitating he kissed her. "Alright you two love birds. Let's get to pictures before you're to the prom." Tiny clapped his hands.
As pictures were being taken May started crying again which lead to both kids consoling her before continuing. They did a few poses and then said they're good byes. "Happy isn't your driver today but he will be in the morning. Peter don't ask too many questions." Tony joked.
Laura snickered knowing it's true. They get in the super high tech Audi Tony owned. The driver introduced himself and told them drinks were back there with them. "Drinks?" Laura questioned. Peter shrugged. Knowing how Tony works, he's full of surprises so who knows. Laura opened the cooler and pulled out two champagne glasses and a note that read:
Dear kiddos, have a great time at prom but not too much because May and I don't want to be looking after a kid. ~TS
Laura laughed and showed Peter the note and he just shook his head. Typical Tony, always finding ways to throw in a dirty joke. They opened the strawberry flavored champagne and poured it.
"Here's to tonight." Laura said raising her glass. "And here's to the future" Peter added before they tapped glasses and took a sip. After drinking it and setting it down Laura snuggled the best she could into Peter's side. When they got there their driver side he'll bring the champagne up to their room.
Peter held out his elbow for her to take. "Ma lady." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Ma man." She gave a devilish smile back. Like the gentleman he is he opened the door for her. "Here's to a night I'll never forget." Laura whispered to herself.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 32:
Tony told the school that the students were on a trip so they could actually relax and not get penalized for it. This was definitely great for the two love birds considering what they've been through. The sun shines in on the two. Laura slowly woke up from the sun in her eyes. She remembered why she lay there on Peter's chest as he slept. A smile crept up on her face. Laura looked around and saw the clothes scattered on the floor and felt the cool air nipping at her bare shoulders.
They're naked bodies cuddling for warmth. Every time the two have sex it gets better and better. Last night was probably the best out of the 3 times they've had sex. Well, after last night 5 times.
The first round had just gotten done when May walked in with dinner. It worked up their appetite. The second round was more loving. It was something like out of a movie where the moonlight lit everything up and they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Laura looked up and admired the sleeping boy who looked so peaceful. To wake him up she moved up and kissed him. A few seconds later she felt him kiss back indicating he's awake. "Morning beautiful." He said all groggy.
It made Laura giggled and kiss him again. "Morning Spider-Man." They hugged until Peter pulled away registering something. An eyebrow lifted and then he chuckled. "That's right we fell asleep like this. I really hope May didn't see us like this." He chuckled.
"Even if she did she doesn't care as long as we're using protection. Shit! Give me a second. It may look like I'm in pain." As sexy as Laura looked to Peter with her boobs hanging and ass out, he was completely confused as to why she was bent over and looking like she is having a period cramp.
"There we go." She said standing straight and then moving to find clothes. "Um babe, what was that?" Peter asked completely skeeved out. "Killing what could've potentially been our baby." Peter had the weirdest look.
"My body produces spermicide like I've told you. Don't worry your little swimmers didn't get to my egg yet." Peter just chuckled. He's never going to get used to it. They both get dressed again and head to the kitchen.
May left food for them to heat up. They sat at the counter eating their delicious breakfast. "Peter, I want to tell you all about my past today." Laura finished a bite. "Love, you don't have to. I love you no matter what." He leaned over kissing her forehead.
"You deserve to know everything. I know everything about you and you know just a little bit of me. I want to tell you." It'll be hard for her but he deserves to know. After they ate, they migrated to the couch. Laura snuggled into Peter's arms.
Every time she does he thinks "this is where you belong." She buried her face in his chest and he felt her kiss him. "Peter?" She asked innocently. "Yeah?" He looked down.
"I wasn't made the traditional way with sex. I was made in a test tube and put into a surrogate mother, yeah it's like the way most women who can't have kids go but I'm different. My real name isn't Laura Kinney or Laura Howlett. My real name is X-23. I'm really a test subject that succeeded after 23 tries."
She paused to see Peter's reaction. He started to chuckle. "Babe you're Laura. Not X-23. I don't care if you fight me on this one." Laura chuckled and leaned up to kiss him. "And this is one of the reasons why I love you. Anyway into the deeper stuff. After I killed my mom-"
"Wait you killed your own mom?" Peter asked concerned. "Yeah I did. You know that stuff you saw me in, it was in my system at the time. I obviously wasn't myself and they used me to kill her. They were furious when she figured out who they were and took off with me." Laura sighed.
Peter kissed the top of her head and she continued. "After that I found Professor X who, at the time, was in his 70s. It was crazy." Laura went on to tell Peter about the future with Professor X and her dad. She also mentioned that she was captured it was still the future.
"Eventually there was a breach. Earth had something weird going on and there were breaches everywhere. I walked into on and landed in the backyard of the school. Right in Salem, New York. It was so weird seeing how young my dad is and Professor X." Laura paused again.
Peter couldn't help be love Laura more. She's a strong, independent but vulnerable girl. Her opening up just made her beauty glow 10 Times more.
"Now we're here. I'm in love with Spider-Man, which I do know your fate, well maybe not because in the future I never dated you because that would've been illegal. Now that you're with me maybe things have changed. Oh and you're the best" She paused switching to where she's straddling him.
"Partner I've ever had in bed." She nipped at his ear. "Laura are you sure you can handle another round? I thought I did you in good last night." Peter tried not to moan. Dear god did she have quite the libido.
"I'm self healing remember babe?" He huffed trying to keep his composure. "Yeah I forgot that too. Before we do anything I want to say something." Laura paused sitting up to hear what he has to say.
"I'm so glad you told me everything. I do think differently of you but not in a bad way. It just makes me realize even more how amazing you are. I love you no matter how fucked up you are or no matter how much I am." Peter leaned in to kiss her.
They shared their most loving kiss so far until Laura pushed things further. Peter has zero clue if it's him who's making her this horny (it's highly likely) or that bad serum but he doesn't care. He's loving it.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 6 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 31:
Once the truck that holds Laura is back to the academy, the roll her into the infirmary. This time she is hooked up to IVs and other tubes that contain serums that will hopefully get the other serum out of her before she wakes up.No one is allowed to be in there for safety reasons so Peter is forced to watch her from the window in the door. He watches as every drop is pumped into her body. Peter wants to know everything.
Why does he have to stay away? What was the green stuff? What does it do to her body? It's gotten to the point where he's bouncing his leg. He impatiently stands up and looks in the window for maybe the hundredth time.
Same position as before. Every minute that goes by feels like an hour. May eventually got there and helped Peter calm down. After about an hour of being there she heads to the cafeteria to get food. Once she was out of site Peter stood again.
He noticed she had woken up. Peter was about to go in when she came up to the door and started banging.But this wasn't the Laura he knows. The Laura he knows doesn't have glowing green eyes and looks like she wants to murder him.
The stuff that was put in her hadn't fully gone out of her system yet. Laura was almost finished with the stuff that would cure her when she woke up. She continued to bang and scream as her claws came out. Security and a couple of doctors rushed to the door to secure her back down.
He watched as they man handled her to get her down. Peter had to run to his room to get away from the scene. All he could think about is her. May tried to get Peter to eat but he wouldn't. He didn't even listen to her talk he was that entranced. Maybe his future is done for.
Maybe all he's ever wanted will never happen. It felt like more than 3 hours since he went to his room. It felt like the next day. Finally there's a call in his room. "Hello? Ah huh. Yep, yeah I'll tell him. Thanks Tony. Peter that was Tony. It's safe to see Laura now." May rubbed Peter's back.
"I'm afraid May. I'm not afraid of her hurting me. I'm afraid of her not being the same person." May hugged Peter and frowned from seeing her nephew like this. "Let's go see her. We won't know until we find out." They head back to the infirmary. Peter was terrified.
They get there and May let's Peter go in without her. His shaking hand reaches for the door knob and twists. The door opens and he takes a shaky breath. "Laura?" His voice cracks. Laura looks in his direction and smiles.
This gives Peter a little more hope that she won't murder him on the spot. "Peter it's ok to be near me now." She reassures him that she's not deadly. Peter takes a seat on the edge of her bed. He continues to look down in silence not knowing what to do.
"You're afraid aren't you?" She asks disappointed. Peter looks up at Laura and sees the same exhausted girl that he found when he was in her position. Or at least he hoped. "Come here" Laura whispered. He moved up moving closer to the top half of her.
She sat up to get closer herself. "Laura, are you-" He was cut off by her kissing him passionately. He gave it right back. "Whatever question you had, does that answer it?" She asked quietly as she pulled away.
All he could do is nod his head. "I love you, Peter." Yep still the same. "I love you too." He choked out, letting a couple tears slip. Laura wiped them away and placed her forehead on his before kissing him again.
"When we get back home, I promise to tell you everything. You need to know everything about me. I'm not going to hide anymore." Laura said just above a whisper. She'll start with why she's whispering right now and then go on.
"Laura you don't have to. I was the stupid one for acting the way I did." Laura shook her head to disagree. "No you weren't. I should've told you but I was afraid. For right now I just want to be with you. If we get out of here before midnight and back home, I want to be with you in a different way too. Hopefully May has plans tonight."
The last part made both chuckle before they kissed again. Sure enough they made it back just in time for a late dinner though they weren't hungry. May still offered to go get food. "Oh good she's gone now." Laura said as May closed the front door.
Peter found himself being pushed onto his bed and Laura closing the bedroom door as she slowly took her shirt off. "Man is it good to be home." Peter thought.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 7 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 30:
Peter woke up groggy from last night. All he could think about is how today is the day he gets his love back. It wasn't even 24 hours and he couldn't live without her.
How is he going to be when she goes back to Xavier's? He had to stop thinking about when she leaves and start focusing on getting her back. She was his mission. If he fails he'll never forgive himself. After breakfast everyone headed to their suit.
The pods made it so much easier for them to get change. If you were to be watching a movie with action, just imagine them walking out in the hero group walk. Totally badass. Their groups form and got into assigned vehicles, that is if they don't fly. If the fly they just have to follow.
The ride there wasn't horrible, at least 30 minutes. But it felt longer due to nerves. Once they got there everything was in slow motion. Just as the doors were about to open Peter said "We've got this" earning head nods.
He tapped a button on his Iron Spider suit and the mask goes up. There's security everywhere. "IS to Stark, executive step one?" Plan one is to fly in droney who will mess with the security cameras until they're fully shut down.
Plan two is have droney mess with the connection of the walkie talkies which will go faster than the security cameras. Plan three take out security guards and sneak in. Not getting caught is the tricky part but it's worth it.
"Roger that IS. Initiate step one." With that Peter shoots droney from his web shooter. Off the little brilliance of technology goes. They wait for about 5 minutes before droney comes back to Peter.
"Droney is back, initiate step two." All heroes come out from the wooded areas. "Freeze!" A security guard yells as he tries to radio in for backup but it's no use. It only took a minute to take the security guards out.
But like any secure building there's another set on the other side. Those guards were harder to fight off. Luckily the work droney did from the outside affected the security cameras inside. The young heroes go through slowly and quietly.
The less people they have to knock out the easier things will be. But that doesn't seem to be their luck. Like any evil facilities, they have security at every corner. "Miles to IS, we know where she is. We made it to the control room. Go left." Miles pages to Peter as he reaches the end of the hall. But he can't turn till he knocks out security.
Peter stays quiet. “Knock the one on the left out first then go right”. He hits the guard on a pressure point knocking him out. Takes a few seconds for the other guard to realize it but for him it's too late and Peter kicks him in the face knocking him out.
Left. He heads down the hall coming up on a room that's barely lit. "That's the quote on quote infirmary Peter. Keep walking you'll see a door it's locked but I can hack into the system to open it."
"Copy that." Peter looks in the windows. There's multiple people in tanks filled with green stuff.
Eventually Peter spots Laura floating there, tubes sticking from her arms and face. Only one tube was for oxygen.
The rest looked like they were pumping the green liquid into her body. He opens the door after it says access granted. "Now Peter, this is where things are going to get complicated for everyone.
She won't be coming out of there until all of the stuff is in her body. They hooked her up a few hours ago so not a lot has gone in her though if she wakes up you better hope the hell that suit is blade proof. The only way to open it up is by explosion. It's bulletproof glass."
"Copy that." What does he mean by blade proof? Peter activates his other web grenade that is a tiny grenade. He shoots it and braces for impact. The tank explodes and the liquid rushes out. Laura's soaked, unconscious body starts to fall but Peter grabs her before she lands.
Then the alarms go off. "Peter grab her and go. Run fucking fast dude." Miles says panicked. Peter picks Laura up and gets out of there. As he does guards start chasing him but never get to him.
Turns out Miles' part wasn't that go to the security and control room but he noticed that they didn't have anyone checking them so he took it upon himself to do it. He orchestrated every detail and that's what guards in front of Peter and in back were being taken out.
Heroes were coming from every angle as they raced to the doors. Bullets were hitting Peter and Laura but Peter's suit is bulletproof and whatever the green stuff was made Laura bulletproof too.
As they were doing things from the inside, Tony notified the government about a Hydra base camp. As they exited the building every bit of law enforcement was there. Peter ran Laura to the nearest truck.
"Is she waking up?" Someone said as they loaded her into the truck. They were wearing a suit that looked grenade proof, bulletproof, probably everything proof. "Uh I don't know." Peter said. Why are they worrying so much about that?
They closed the doors leaving Peter there. He presses his mask off and stares as the truck leaves with Laura in it. "You guys were amazing, kid. Don't worry, she's going to be fine. It's almost like being in ambulance but unfortunately you couldn't go." Tony tries to cheer Peter up.
Like yesterday when she gave herself up, Peter stood there watching as it left. This time in fear that whatever they did to her, the Laura he knows is gone.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 7 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 29:
"Tony we need to talk." Peter followed him into his office. "Already 10 steps of you kid." Tony said back without turning to face Peter. "She went because of me. We nee to get her back. I..." He paused. "I need to get her back.
"His heart breaks from the thought that he hurt her because of his own selfish reasons. He knows that Laura said her past was rough. Peter should have chalked it up to the fact that she wasn't ready to say everything.
Now she's in the arms of the monster who made her feel like she's one. This is one thing he won't forgive himself for a while. "Peter, we'll get her back. I promise. Right now we need to come up with a plan and fast or she'll be back to the old Laura."
Tony gave hope to the boy knowing that this sort of thing has happened to him but instead Pepper was kidnapped not sacrificing herself. "Let's sit down and find plan A-Z. Hydra is strong. We need every plan possible." The two sat down coming up with tons of plans.
At one point Peter was feeling so weak and hopeless that he cried. He blamed himself and Tony comforted him. By dinner they came up with every plan possible. Every nook and cranny was covered by young heroes who would be the strongest for that area.
Now to present it to them and hope that it won't backfire. "Alright everyone. I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner but this is highly important. As we all watched, Laura gave herself to Hydra for everyone's safety.
We need to get her back and soon or they will turn her into the so called monster she used to be. We have every nook and cranny covered with our plans on attacking them to get Laura back."
He paused looking at the students who waited for him to continue. "This will be your first chance at showing that you truly are an Avenger. Who cares if she was never nice to you, it's about showing that you really are a team and you're willing to help whoever you can because that's what kind of hero you are. I'll need everyone. This won't be easy but it'll be worth it."
After Tony's speech students began to come forward to see what their roles are.
"Now that everyone knows what they'll be doing, we go tomorrow. We have the exact location and it's less than an hour from here."
Tony continued on how important it is to save Laura before dismissing everyone. Peter went back to his room taking off his clothes from the day. To physically and emotionally exhausted from the day he lay there on his bed in just a fresh pair of boxers he put on.
Staring at the ceiling he felt all the guilt rushing to him again. Even if those were lies about Laura, he should've stayed by her side. Who cares what her real name is? Who cares if she was a weapon in the past?
What should have mattered is who she is now. Peter was too selfish in a moment where the one he loves needed him the most. He let her down and broke her heart more than his was. Then the thought came across, does she think they broke up?
Peter now feared that when he finds Laura that she won't want to even go near him because he betrayed her. Every painful thought that could come to mind right now was coming. He sat up and let the tears flow.
All he could do is think about how badly he fucked up and now she might not even be the same person when he gets her back. Peter doesn't know how quickly they'll get to work on her. All he knows is that he needs her. He doesn't want to live without her.
To get himself to calm down he thinks of every positive thing he can. The first is prom night.
Seeing her in her beautiful dress, her on his arm when they show up. Laura dancing so carefree and him falling even more in love with her.
The perfect slow dancing at the end of the night that would end with a kiss. Leaving the ball room and making their way to the room. Not being to wait any longer and starting to make out in the elevator.
Getting undressed and skipping everything else that was asked for and getting straight to the sweet, sweet love making. Then after high school. The life he desperately wants to have with her. Finding the perfect ring, asking her to be his forever.
The day they get married. The day she announces to him after trying that she's pregnant and coming up with silly nicknames like Spider Wolf or Wolf Spider. He knows that the actual animal is not a wolf but the names are for fun.
Her going into labor while he's doing his Spider-Man duties. Him dropping everything to watch his first child be born. Peter didn't care that he's only 18 and already thinking these things. He needs to keep having hope.
Peter loves Laura that much to where if he could financially do it, he would swing his ass to the nearest jewelry store and pick out the perfect ring. He kept thinking about the ring, what would look like, how big it would be. Getting lost in his thoughts on her ring, Peter eventually fell asleep, hoping tomorrow will be his lucky day.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 7 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 28:
Every weekend gets tougher and tougher. More moves, more targets, more techniques, very little time given. Each set of target practices have shorter amounts of time given.
Sometimes if you don't get them all in one room you have to go back to the beginning or stay after everyone is done. It because daunting and obviously exhausting. Everyone is trying to keep up and succeed but there's always the little setbacks.
Today though seemed like an easy day. The rounds weren't as bad and the techniques were easier. The trainers like Nat and Scott seemed... distracted. Almost as if they were trying to keep a secret from the students.
Truth is, they were. But under Tony's command, they had to keep it to themselves. They looked like they had seen a ghost. The trainers were scared and instead of hiding it, they were wearing it on their sleeves.
Even the students became scared from seeing how whatever it is, is affecting the strongest heroes ever. "Laura something is up and it's definitely not good. I'm not just saying that because you can see it on their faces but I'm saying it because my senses just went off." Peter confided in Laura, scared as what might happen.
Laura thought about it for a minute, does she disrespect Tony again or wait until command. She decided both. "I have an idea. I think we should go to Tony and tell him what just happened to you. Maybe that'll get him to budge. This seems like it may involve us and I'm not having someone almost die again left on my conscience." Peter agreed with her.
The only time his Spidey Senses go off is when there's an emergency. This is clearly an emergency. "Mr. Parker, Miss Kinney, what brings you two here? Just to get the ball rolling is it anything relationship wise?" Tony asked as the two entered his office.
They were nervous for sure but it's mostly because of what might happen. "Mr. Stark I know we're not supposed to do this yet but but my senses went off-" "Peter did you just say what I think you just said?" Tony cut Peter off with the sound of fear coming to his voice.
This isn't good. "They're nearby, OK HERE WE GO! Whoever doesn't get my message have them meet me ASAP in the suit room." Tony frantically picks up the phone to put the warning out.
After he hangs up the two look at each other. I hate to say this but Hydra is here. Peter, Iron Spider it up and Laura Wolverine it up." Just the mention of Hydra makes Laura's knuckles go white as she holds her hands in a fist.
They are opened by Peter taking her hand and intertwining their fingers. He nods to reassure her. They run hand in hand catching up with the rest of them. Tony lines them up in front of their suits.
They go into the pods as machines put their suits on at lightning speed. "You know what to do." Tony says. They head out at every exit and entrance. As the come out they're faced with Hydra. Laura is trying her hardest to not lose her shit and rip their heads off.
She stayed strong though. This should get interesting. Laura is now face to face with some she wished to never see again. "Well, wellll, welllll, who do we have here? Is it our precious little specimen Laura." He gets closer to Laura. A little too close.
Peter gets closer to her and the notices. "What do you want Donald?" Laura says through gritted teeth. "I see or little Laura has a little boy to play with." Donald said sizing up Peter. "Bet she hasn't told you where she's from, what she's done, and who she really is." He mocked her.
"Not important right now." She said trying so hard to hold back. Trying hard to hide the past her that wants to come out. "Yes right now. I think all these people need to know who the real Laura Kinney is or should I said Laura Howlett."
Peter looks over at her a bit hurt the she doesn't have any trust in him to know her real name. Laura let's out a shaky breath knowing he's hurt. She also wasn't ready to tell him. Not yet anyway.
"Might as let all the skeletons out right?"Donald says. "Don't." Laura said firmly. "Why not little girl? You know what? Overruled." Oh no.
"This girl right here is a liar. Do you know how many people she has killed? My bet if I knew the number, probably nearly 500 people. She's killed an entire town before. Captain America had her locked up with SHIELD because he too knew how dangerous she was and guess what?
You're busy Stark knew all about it. Oh and she knows how all of you die and so do I. She wasn't born in 2002, she was born in 2022. She and I are from the future you see. She can't be trusted." He spat on her face.
Laura wanted to do what 9 year old her would've done, stab him and run. Peter was devastated. "There goes my relationship with Peter." She thought. This most definitely put a wrench in their relationship.
Laura hung her head, defeated already. She didn't want to fight. Laura isn't known for backing down from a fight. "What are you here for Donald?" She asked defeated. "We want you." He got up in her face.
Laura's look screamed heartbreak and defeat. She finally looks over at Peter who is refusing to look at her. If you could, you would hear her heart drop to the floor and shatter. "Just take me." Laura said looking back.
"Just take me and leave them be. I'm all yours." Donald smiled mischievously. "This isn't like you little girl. You usually put up a good fight." He said rubbing his hands together in satisfaction.
"People do change you know. So just take me and let them go back to being who they are." Laura put her hands out to get cuffed which Donald gladly did. All Laura wanted to do was become a ghost. She's hurt too many people.
Giving in was the best option right now. He pushed her towards the truck as her head hung low. "Alright run along." He ushered the young heroes. No one fought back even if they wanted to. They were terrified and shocked because of someone sacrificing themselves after their identity is released.
Peter turned around as the truck is starting. He's stupidly just realizing that girl he loves just sacrificed herself for everyone around her. Peter realizes he's the one who made a mistake for getting upset about something that could easily been talked about afterwards.
He wants to run to her but it's guaranteed his death. There's got to be another way to get her back. Laura looks back one more time making eye contact with Peter.
All she could do is look down and put her head in her knees as she silently sobs knowing that she's not only going to die but even worse, her and Peter are most likely no longer together. She's no longer human.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 7 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 27:
When you think about time, it tends to go by fast. For Peter and Laura it's going by faster than they like it to be. Prom is now 3 weeks away and they have nothing for it except what color they are going with.
They went with maroon since it's a shade of red like in Peter's suit. There's only one woman who can help Laura get the job done, May. Tony promised to pay for both of them and help Peter look like a man. May gladly agreed to help Laura.
Today was an early release day for spring break so Laura and May had time to go shopping before Laura had to hop on the bus. Peter tried to tag along but they went with tradition like weddings when the date doesn't see their date's outfit till prom night.
Yeah he pulled the pouty face but none of them fell for it. On the car ride there May decide to bring up a topic she knew Laura can't wiggle around. "Hey Laura, I know this may be much but I really have to ask for yours and Peter's health, are you two having you know, sex?"
Laura was stunned by the question but couldn't lie to the woman who she respects greatly. "Um. Yeah. Yeah we are." She said getting nervous thinking that May was going to hate her for taking her nephew, who's like a son to her, virginity.
"I'm not mad sweetie. I'm actually glad it was you. I wouldn't want any of those other girls out there sleeping with her. They're walking diseases." Laura laughed knowing that it's partially true. "Just promise me one thing?" May asked.
"Yeah what is it?" Laura replied. "You are using protection right? If you are please promise to keep using it." Laura nodded her head. "Yeah of course. We've been using protection." That was a lie but for the sake of May's sanity she doesn't need to know what Laura's body is capable of.
They finally made it to the dress shop. The hostess at the front gladly started helping when she was given the size and color. They sat there patiently as the hostess came back with arms full of dresses. Laura tried them on.
That one is too puffy, this one is too slutty, that one is from 1450. Laura was starting to become discouraged. "May I don't know what to do. That was the 10th dress." Laura confided in May feeling hopeless as the woman left to get more dresses.
"Sweetie it'll be alright. Just like a wedding dress, you'll know when you find the right dress." She hugged Laura. "I'm glad I chose you to help me. I'm sure Peter has told you some stuff about my past to you. You're like a mom to me now and this entire experience with you is making me feel like my mom never died." Laura's words made May tear up.
"I'm glad I get to do this with you, you're the daughter I never had." After their moment of realizing how lucky they are, the woman comes back with 5 more dresses. A couple, though they were nice, didn't fit at all.
Another one was a mix of too tight, too puffy, and too slutty. Somehow that's a mix. The other didn't scream Laura. It was the last one. The last one was it. This was the dress and when she walked out, May started to cry. Laura, with happy tears in her eyes said "this is it. This is the one."
All three of them were excited. Laura was for once extremely excited about dresses, makeup and just being girly. "Peter's jaw is going to drop when he sees you." May said placing her hands on Laura's shoulders and resting her chin on her hand.
She stared at the young girl in awe. Laura managed to bite her lip and make it look like it was out of admiration for the dress. What she was really thinking was "Yeah that'll happen but by the end of the next it'll be dropping on the floor".
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heartbreakhotel16 · 7 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 26:
As everyone knows, there's bullies everywhere. Some choose to ignore then and others let them get the best of them. Peter is somewhere in between. Laura feels bad for him.
Such a confident guy with everything though he's shy but when Flash is around he cowards. All she wants to do is scare the piss out of him so he can stop teasing her baby. Yes that sounds very cheesy and cliché but it's true.
Unfortunately being Wolverine can't work on the young bully for identity sake so she's stuck watching Peter get knocked down. But today Laura was seeing red. Flash was literally picking out everything he could that would make Peter feel small.
He would say that a hot girl like Laura would never date Peter so she is just using him to get to Stark, his hot date with Black Widow would put Peter and Laura to shame, Laura should just dump Peter because he's too much of a virgin to be dating a hot girl.
These things were crawling under Laura's skin and multiple times throughout the day Peter had to calm Laura down so she wouldn't beat the shit out of Flash. He loved the fact that Laura loves him so much as to go out of her way to beat up a bully but he was trying to refrain from future drama.
"But Babe, I'm literally getting to a boiling point. I love you but the next time he opens his mouth he's fucki-" Laura starts to ramble on but is cut off by Flash. "Hey Laura, sup Penis." Laura felt Peter started to belittle him just by being called Penis.
This pissed her right the fuck off. “So got big plans for not fucking? Hey Laura if he's to chicken just know I'm available." Flash said being snide. "That's it." Laura thought. Peter saw the look on her face and panicked. This is not going to go down well.
"Listen up Flash, you think you're so big and bad well little news for ya, I've dealt with guys who are just like you. You think that preying on the innocent is cool. You think belittling someone makes you more powerful.
Well guess what? You're just the biggest PUSSY, out of all of them. Oh and guys like you also have small dicks, so why would I want to fuck that when I've got a great guy with a dick bigger than yours." She spat at Flash with so much anger and trying to contain the claws.
Flash looked at her with anger and Peter stood there shocked. "Oh yeah? How do I know you're not trying to fool everyone into thinking you and Peter had sex. We all know he's a virgin." Flash said a little too confident.
Laura cocked an eyebrow, crossed her arms and stepped forward. "Oh I don't know, ask anyone in the Stark internship about it. Since we stay in the same building on the weekends they can confirm that I, Laura Kinney was screaming Peter Parker's name on Saturday night. Yeah that's right he was that great." She said one upping him.
Miles decided to speak up. "It's true. I heard it myself. I had no choice. I went back to my room before dinner and they were going at it. My room is right next to Peter's." Laura gave the 'see? I told you' look.
Now it's Peter's turn to speak up as gains a new found confidence thanks to his girlfriend and Spider Bro as he calls Miles. He's never been this confident around Flash ever. Laura could tell and it turned her on so much.
"You see Flash, my girlfriend," He pauses as he puts an arm around Laura. "And another intellectual that I can gladly call my friend, both confirmed that I'm for one not a virgin, by the way sorry you had to hear that Miles, and two, I'm so good in bed I can make a girl scream my name.
Out of all of it, I don't need to be an asshole to get a girlfriend or be cool. I can just be me." Peter has never done this but it felt amazing to do. Hopefully it'll help. Flash didn't know what to say he was so pissed.
Flash just walked away after that leaving the couple there. Laura turned to her man, proud that he finally stood up to his bully, of course with her help and hugged him. "Babe I'm so proud of you." She said into his chest.
"I couldn't have done it without you." Peter kissed her forehead. "Hey Miles, Sorry about the other night. We didn't know." Laura said feeling a bit bad that he heard all that. "It's fine, that stuff happens all the time. Next time just give me a warning and I'll make sure to get out before I hear 'uhhhh Peter! Harder!' again." He teased them causing all three to laugh.
"Sure thing man." Peter gave Miles a hand shake as he left the two to go to class. "You know what I'm thinking?" Peter asked. "What?" Laura said, curious as to what's going on in Peter's head.
"I never do this but you want to skip the last two periods to go have a little bit of fun at home? May will still be at work." He suggested biting his lip. Laura thought about it for a second. "Swing me away from this hell Bug Boy." She but her lip. Hopefully the neighbors weren't home either.
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heartbreakhotel16 · 7 years ago
Avengers Academy
Chapter 25:
Each time they go back to the academy it's just a reminder of how much time they have left. Though they're there for 3 months, it's already a month in. Time flies by when you're balancing normal life and hero duties.
Prom is in a month and every one is prepping while trying to balance their mind set at the academy. Some even mess up thinking about it. They start thinking about dresses while screwing up a right hook.
Today thanks to Tony, their moods about prom will be dampened. Tony plans on another dream sequence. This time he didn't say if it'll be good or bad. The students now worry what it'll be, especially Peter and Laura.
They really hope the doctor gives them the serum for good dreams. Yes it's up to the doctor, not Tony. It was now their turn and they couldn't be anymore nervous. They walk in hand in hand. Peter gave Laura's hand a reassuring squeeze since she's shaking so much.
They did the normal procedure and they quickly drifted to sleep. Peter woke up in rubble. The rubble was familiar but he couldn't pinpoint it. He looked down and was back in his 'Iron Spider' suit as he called it.
Maybe it was a new serum where he had to fight a bad guy and win. That'd be pretty awesome. He heard screaming from behind him. Peter whipped over there and saw an alien warrior attacking an innocent mother and child.
He managed to take it out with no problems thanks to the badass suit. It felt good to be back in it. Laura woke up back in the forest. She's being attacked by Hydra again along with others. Again her first instinct is to fight.
She watches as Hydra begins to strengthen and take some of the others with them. Laura fought, killed and screaming bloody hell as she ripped the bad guys into pieces. In a way it was relieving.
It was like lifting the stressful weight off her shoulders knowing these monsters won't ever hurt her kind again. It felt good. Peter continued to fight of aliens that prayed on the innocent. Eve took out some that were gaining on the Avengers and other students in the academy.
It was a full out war. There were weird circular spaceships floating all around. Goddamn was it scary for Peter. But he had to man up to save the world, to officially prove himself as a memorable hero who saved millions because he cared about their safety.
Also just as important, the safety of Laura. Wait where she anyway? Peter heard a loud noise behind him along with screaming. He turned around and his heart sank. Laura makes it to a familiar clearing in the forest.
They're surrounded by Hydra agents in hummers. Her heart was pounding. She has a mission to protect all of them. The crazy man attacks again but who? Laura turns to see a flash of red and blue. It's Peter. Her heart sinks.
Quickly Laura turned around to find something, anything that could stop him. She heard a loud screaming from Peter as she turned and blew the crazy man's brains. Her heart almost collapse.
Peter runs over the Laura's lifeless body. "Laura come on. Wake up for me baby. Come on." He says frantically and shaky. She's not responding. Tears start to form in the boy's eyes knowing that his love may be dead.
"Come on Love." Tears roll down as he starts CPR. After a few pumps she coughs awake. Peter leans down and hugs her, relieved she's alive. "Peter?" Laura says in a vet hoarse voice. "Yeah?" He's still crying. "I love you." She says weakly.
Her injuries are too severe to survive, even for a mutant with healing abilities.Laura runs over to Peter who's now punctured from back to front with the broken log. "Laura" Peter says raising a hand to her cheek as she cries. "Peter" She whispers. "I love you." He says weakly.
"No,no,no,no,no,no! Don't say that, ok? You're going to be fine Peter. We're going to go home." She sobbed knowing that it's a lie. "Laura, I'll always be with you." He's whispering now. "I love you Peter" She she's now heaving and for better visuals she looks like Katniss Everdeen in the first Mockingjay movie.
He keeps his hand on her cheek. "So this is what it feels like." He says as he finally slips away and his hand drops. "No Laura don't say that ok? We're going to be ok. We're going to get you out of here and you'll be fine."
Peter tries to stay positive though he knows deep down it won't be good. "Peter, I'm not going to make it. Even with my abilities." She gets out the best she can. Peter starts to sob now. The love of his life is slipping away in his arms and he can't save her even if he tried.
"Peter I love you." Laura says one more time. "I love you too." Peter chokes out. He watches as her eyes slowly close and her body goes limp. She's gone. Laura starts screaming. This can't happen. Her boyfriend just died the same way her dad did.
Her living hell continues. Her throat is now on fire and her face is bright pink from the screaming. It gets so bad that her ears ring and it feels like the world is shaking. Laura covers her ears still screaming and shaking.
"THIS ISN'T REAL! THIS IS NOT FUCKING REAL!" She screams in pain hoping it's all an illusion and her love will wake up and comfort her but he doesn't and she's stuck screaming.Peter is now hunched over a lifeless Laura.
He screams and sobs. Peter knows that he has to move them because he's an easy target now. He lifts her up and takes off with his extra legs in the suit. He makes it to the New York Bay far from where the action is.
He places his her down. As he kneels next to her he gets a weird feeling. "This is just a dream." After saying that he shoots up on the bed, coming back to reality. When he looks over Laura is shaking worse than a seizure and the doctor comes back in.
It's a side effect. Peter's heart drops for what felt like the tenth time that day. He watches as the doctor tries to calm Laura's body down. If her doesn't she'll have to be rushed to the infirmary. Peter is horrified to see his girlfriend in that state and he can't do anything about it.
The doctor tries everything he can that could prevent damaging but they don't work. Last resort is the injection that stops her. Because her body is still shaky he has to be careful.Peter watches slowly as he injects her, nearly missing the vein it's supposed to be in.
Her body slowly stops shaking and she starts to wake up. "Uh my head and body hurts." She says as she sits up. She looks around at the people in the room who looked horrified. She knew instantly she did something during the dream.
Vivid details run back to her and her eyes begin to form tears. Laura hops off and runs out of the room. Peter followed her. "Laura?" He called. She refused to turn around. She doesn't want to see him for she will only see his dead body in her head.
She doesn't want to see heartache. "Laura wait." Peter catches up and grabs her wrist. "Let go Peter!" They have no idea where in the academy they are. It's not familiar either. "Peter just let go. I can't-" She stops as she starts to sob again.
He pulls her in for a hug. Laura accepts as her tears stain his shirt. "I saw, I saw you. You died. You, you were killed the same way as my dad. You died. You were dead and I couldn't help you." She sobbed into his chest. Peter started to cry knowing how she feels. They watched each other die.
"I lost you in my dream too.You died the same way I did when Thanos invaded Earth. I watch as you took your last words and breath." Laura felt his tears running down. She looks up and sees the same pain that's in her.
"What were they?" Laura asked. "They were I love you." Peter painfully smiles. "Yours were also I love you." Laura puts her forehead on her taller boyfriend's forehead. He kisses her forehead. They both calm down in each other's embrace.
Peter looks up and notices a lounge area that he's never seen before. "Hey, let's go sit down." He says quietly as he lightly pushes his Laura in the direction of the room. They walk in and it's like something out of a movie with log cabin feels but also rich Tony Stark feels.
It was quite nice. Peter closes the door and when he turns back around Laura attaches her lips to his. He's surprised but then melts into it. Soon it became passionate making out. Peter guides Laura the best he can to the couch nearby.
She lays down and he climbs on top. They continue to make out, tongues trying to battle each other. Peter lowers himself more to where their bodies are almost touching. Laura's hands rest on his toned biceps making feel all sorts of things.
Peter's hands go up higher on her body almost to her breasts. He begins to kiss her neck and occasionally bite or suck knowing hickies won't be a problem. Laura bites her lip trying not to moan. Peter starts to move his hips needing a bit of friction.
Then a thought popped in Laura's head, prom night. "Peter, what about prom night?" Laura asked pausing the amazing moment. "Forget cliché. We can still do prom night but I can't wait any longer to physically show you how much I love you." Laura was stunned but didn't stop him.
He went back to her neck and left a few hickory that are sure to be gone by time they're done. Hopefully no one comes in on them. "Peter did you lock-" She pauses because he found her sweet spot. She moans lightly trying to speak.
"The door?" She finally gets out. Laura wanted to know how he is managing to be so good at just her neck but she ruled out that being a virgin he probably watched a lot of porn. Peter made his way back to her lips, kissing them with so much passion.
He paused and lifted for a second. "We should probably make our way to one of our rooms then because um," he looked over the edge of the couch. "There's windows to the hall." They both get up and walk out trying to act like they weren't just in there.
After getting lost a couple times and pushing each other up against walls to keep the passion going, they finally make it to Peter's room. They go in and Peter locks the door. Laura lays down on the bed and Peter crawls back up to her continuing.
"Sit up." She said. He did confused as to why. She lifted the boy's shirt off needing to see his gorgeous toned body. He took Laura's shirt off and stared at her bra covered chest for a second. Laura chuckled. "Like the view?" She smiled. Peter chuckled too and nodded.
"Yeah way better than on a phone screen." AHHA! She new it! They kissed again, shoes and socks coming off. Finally Peter had the courage to touch one of her boobs which in return got to a moan. He massaged and squeezed it causing Laura to try and lift her body up.
She needed to get the bra off. She needed skin on skin. Hell she needed him. "Up." Laura said to Peter. They both got up and Laura took her pants off as a hint for him to do the same. He took his pants off and Laura pressed his chest with her hand for him to lay down now.
Laura kissed his neck and like last week he was having trouble breathing. He closed his eyes as Laura made her way down his body leaving kisses everywhere. Goosebumps appeared all over Peter's body as she did so.
As she got lower she could feel him brushing against her torso. Laura could tell just by just the slightest touch that he was already as hard as a rock. She finally made it to his waistband and pulled it down slow to take them off.
There it was, his dick has finally been exposed to another woman but this time she wasn't giving him a bath and he was 6 years old. Laura felt like she was dripping all over the bed at the sight and if they were emojis she'd be the heart eyes.
She was expecting about average size which is usually about 5-6 inches erect. Nope he definitely wasn't that size at all. More like 7-8 inches erect. All Laura could think about is that he's going to be the real death of her.
Forget aliens and guns. This is it and it's worth it. Laura grabbed him gently which just that made him squirm. She slowly started moving her hand up and down and he squeezed his eyes shut biting his lip.
This is a good indicator that she needs to pick up the pace. The feeling of him in her hand feels amazing. Watching him grip the bed and his muscles tensing just made her want him more. He started to moan. She figured now would be a good time to go down.
Laura paused causing Peter to pick his head up in confusion. She positioned herself to where it'll be easier to suck him off. The moment Laura lick just the tip, Peter threw his head back. He slightly hated the fact that he was a virgin because he wouldn't be such a mess right now.
Peter watched as his dick disappeared into a warm, wet, pleasurable place. His breathing became heavy every time Laura went down. Each time she did, the part that didn't make it in she pumped with her hand and she cupped and played with his balls.
He tried so hard not to moan but sometimes it would escape because she would do something fancy with her tongue. He was getting close. "Laura" He breathed out. "Yo-you may want to stop to stop if you don't want me cuming right now." With that she stopped and sat up.
Laura crawled her way back up, purposely sitting on his dick. She sat up straight and put her hands behind her back. Peter's eyes widened as her chest was now fully exposed. "Go ahead" Laura gave him full permission to go to town.
He pulled her closer closing the space between them. He grabbed one boob in one hand and the other in his mouth. Laura moaned as he sucked, bit and licked at the sensitive skin. She grabbed the headboard with one hand and Peter's hair with another.
"I need to you lower." She said taking a breath. Peter made his way lower doing the same kissing down like she did. "Take them off love." Peter said in a deep tone. He was nervous as hell because he's never eaten a girl out before.
Laura lifted herself off Peter and took her panties off. She sat back on Peter and he disappeared under her. He lowered her a bit and went to town doing everything he's seen in videos. Whatever those videos taught him, it had Laura a moaning mess as she gripped the headboard for dear life.
It was like she was about to fuck a porn star not a virgin. His tongue did wonders and eventually just fingers got involved as he pumped one finger in and out. "Peter I need more." She begged. He did as asked and added another finger as his tongue continued to explore every centimeter of her vagina.
Laura started to feel the same sensation as Peter did. "Unless you want me all over your face you're going to have to stop." She said. He stopped and sat back up. Peter admired his beautiful girlfriend, every mark, line, flaw was all amazing to him.
She was truly a work of art. She was his work of art. No way is he going to let her go. "Peter?" She asked innocently. "You're so, stunning." He said in awe. "I love you Peter Parker." She kissed him.
"I love you Laura Kinney." He kissed back. "Totally random but what's your middle name?" She asked. "Benjamin. What about yours?" He answered and asked. "Marie. With that being said, get in me Peter Benjamin Parker." She kissed him again.
He flipped them and pulled the drawer out of the night stand. Tony knowing how teen hormones work, he supplied them, even the girls, with condoms. He begins to pull one out but Laura stops him.
"We don't need one." Peter looks at her confused considering that if he doesn't wear one she will get pregnant. "You know my healing abilities? Well from my past I've learned how to train my body to act like a spermicide after sex where I'm not ready to conceive. Trust me. We don't need one." Peter puts the drawer back.
"You ready?" He asks nervously. "Yeah just take your time if you need it." She reassured him. He lowered himself and kissed her. Slowly but surely she felt him fill her. There was a the tingling sensation that she loved knowing that pleasure is about to come.
Peter felt the same going in along with holy shit I'm not a virgin anymore. She felt good wrapped around him and he felt so good filling her. Laura couldn't help but moan. "Are you ok?" He asked worried.
"Yeah I'm fine. You may want to start soon for both of our sakes." She slightly begged. Laura hasn't had dick in so long that she forgot the feeling. "Laura?" Peter asked. "Yeah?" "I love you." "I love you too Peter." With that he finally started thrusting.
He laid his head in her neck as she threw her head back in pleasure. Moans start to escape her mouth as he gained speed. Peter starts heavy breathing and moans a few times. Why did he wait so long?
This was amazing for him and the fact that he didn't have to wear a condom was just as great. Laura couldn't believe the boy was a virgin. His moves made her feel like she was on cloud 9. He had her moaning with every other thrust.
"Peter!" She grabbed his shoulders. His chest touching hers added to the sensation she was feeling. It also made him thrust deeper into her causing her to moan louder. "Laura, fuck baby. You feel amazing." Peter moaned.
He lifted a little and brought her leg over his shoulder. For a moment as he changed things Laura looked down as watched as her disappeared in her causing pleasure. He went a little faster because he needed to.
Laura felt a wave of pleasure go through her body. She's close and with how inconsistent his thrusts were getting, so was he. "Laura, I love you." He moaned. "I love, AH GOD PETER! I’M THERE! I'M THERE. FUCK!" Laura came harder than she ever has before.
Not long after Peter did too with deep grunts. They caught their breath and Peter laid beside Laura, covering them in blankets. Eventually they fell asleep in each other's arms. This caused them to skip dinner and everyone knew exactly why.
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