heart-of-a-cyborg · 3 years
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I love books with magic science
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
WAIT what if Kai learned to do cinders hair.... like one day he just started subconsciously playing with it and then it just became like a thing. And he learned how to braid it and do these fancy things with it and at first she was just like tf? but she just went along with it. And now when they are like talking at night or they are alone together or if cinder woke up in the the middle of the night he’ll just play with her hair....
🤭that came out of nowhere but OKAYYYY
Its 5 am, I need to make this like a series of random thoughts I get at the most random times
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
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Some may see the positivity in this,
While some will know.
The true meaning.
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
I love fics where Scarlet and Wolf’s kids have red hair because even though red hair is recessive I like to think Scarlet’s genes are just incredibly fucking stubborn
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Reblog if you appreciate The Lunar Chronicles' lack of love triangles
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Ooh headcanons! Casual intimacy? With the whole family! The careful way Wolf touches Cress's shoulder to move past her or quietly get her attention. Cinder plopping her feet in Thorne's lap. Winter twisting a curl of Scarlet's hair. Kai and Jacin in a crowded elevator, and Jacin edging protectively closer. Just little touches--things that show how close they are!
Ahhhhhhhh!!! Your examples are so incredibly adorable all by themselves! I can’t even express how much I love the idea of Wolf being so very careful about how he touches Cress. Instinctive little touches like that are such a big part of what makes the Rampion crew more family than friends. Touches and actions like…
Iko absently playing with the hair of whoever she’s sitting next to. She weaves delicate braids into Cress’s short locks (or Jacin’s longer ones), then unravels them to leave pretty little waves.
Jacin automatically throwing out an arm to halt any unpleasant jolts for his passenger—often Kai or Cinder or Winter—when the hover brakes unexpectantly.
Thorne gently tucking his flight jacket around Cinder’s shoulders when she falls asleep in the Rampion’s copilot seat after several hours’ worth of work on the control panel’s wiring.
Scarlet holding out a spoonful of the stew she’s just made to Cress for tasting, her other hand poised under it to catch any drips.
Winter propping her chin on Kai’s shoulder while they’re waiting for Jacin to bring the hover around after yet another exhausting press conference about the bioelectricity inhibitor.
Cress wordlessly handing any stubborn pickle/jam/jelly jars over to Wolf to open for her.
In turn, Wolf wordlessly handing over tangled headphones or knotted shoestrings to Cress because her small fingers excel where his giant hands fall short. 
Thorne carrying Cinder’s discarded heels (and Cress’s, of course) for her as the Peace Ball winds down and everyone’s walking back to the palace’s living space together.
Wolf snagging Thorne’s collar to haul him back before he accidentally steps off a curb wrong or steps in something unpleasant in the barnyard.
Iko holding onto Cinder’s arm for balance as she adjusts the strap on her sandals.
Scarlet dishing up second and third helpings at dinner without being asked because after all the meals they’ve eaten together, she knows who’s going to want what.
Kai bumping his shoulder against Thorne’s in greeting (and as a wordless “scoot over”) when he drops onto the couch next to him on movie night.
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
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so I am a clown and broke down after 1 chapter of the reread to draw all of my spaceship babies, SUE ME I GUESS,
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Queen Channary was an awful and evil person but at least she shipped Cinder and Kai and in that sense she was one of us
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Wolf: Why am I not a tomato?
Cinder: Because your genetic code dictates that you’re a Lunar.
Jacin: However, it should please you to know that you share 50-60% of your DNA with a tomato.
Wolf: Thanks, it does.
Thorne: Are you telling me that some people are 10% more tomato than others?
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
tlc characters as bdg
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
The Lunar Chronicles World
      When I read Something Old Something New, I was surprised that Marissa Meyer would have Cinder and Kai get engaged at so young. Even Scarlet’s marriage at 20 seem awfully young to current standards. For a while I thought it was simply to tie up lose ends but considered it unnecessary, while fans will always interpret and headcanon things differently or change things all together the ending of Winter made it clear that that our couples where confirmed together. Also, Marissa Meyer could have made them any age in the story so why did she go with so young it seemed like an odd choice, more so if you take into consideration the process of dissolving a monarchy and changing a form of government of a nation it would’ve made more since for Cinder to be older when the transition happened so why did she go with such a young age?
 Now I’ve talked about this before in regard to Cress and Thornes age difference, but I would like to go into more detail with it here.
  There are several instance in the series where women are expected to get married young. The first is with Pearl in the first book. She’s only 17 but her mother hopes for her to meet men with the goal of her finding a husband. We also have the gossip of Kai looking for a wife at 18, this could just be played off for rumors but why, again in todays time any article going on about a celebrity getting engaged at 18 would be considered untrue and ridiculous, if no one believes the article it won’t get shared. We also have Winter who has been offered marriage proposals at only 17. Lastly, we have the age difference between Thonre and Cress, while four years isn’t something most people will think of as a big deal Cress being 16 is. Yet its not brought up at all in the series. Thorne could have easily stated Cress was to young for him and that’s why it was better for her to find someone else. We also have the fact that most people in the crew including a public figure were aware of Thorne’s attraction for her and did not once give ‘Dude she sixteen’ talk.
 So why? The plague.
  At the beginning of the series the plague had been afflicting earth for a little over ten years, maybe longer in other areas. Its mortality rate is 100%, all ages can be affected and we can conclude the average life span is short I would say between 45 to 55.
   While we read about how hard the plague had been on earth citizens, we see very little of its effect as a whole on society but something like this would completely change how society works. And one thing that will change almost immediately is birth rates. With a declining population and the risk that your children won’t make it to adult hood the need for more children will increases.
   During the first wave of plague the number of kids that would be affected would probably be the highest followed by the elderly. This will leave a hole in the economics of earth. With out the next generation to join into the work force it would create a crisis.
   On the emotional side parents will want to build a family again and try to have more kids. But then we get into the next problem, the parents of children will most likely die before the child is grown. Although I can’t find much of any text about the rate of orphaned children, with the plague being as bad as it is we can have an educated guess that it is higher then what had previously been the norm. Every country is different with how children of the state are taken care of but considering the social and economic crisis that earth is already under I can’t imagine that it’s the best. I could possible see that new laws are in place where the age of a child becomes an adult isn’t 18 but 16.
   That’s right in this word you’re considered an adult by 16 you can work and marry and are expected too. This isn’t really to hard to considered even in todays times. Other countries have different laws about what age is and isn’t an adult and in times of crisis it often changes.
  This leads me to my last point getting married so young. At 16 you’re an adult, the chances of you dying before 50 is high the need and want for a family probably much stronger then in generations before and the pressures of a society that needs people to keep its structure from collapsing, in this world it isn’t unusual.
  Scarlet married by 20 might even be consider as old. Kai finally getting engaged to the relief of his people and Cress dating a man four years older then her at 16 nothing to blink an eye at. In the world they live in this is the norm because that’s what the plague did, society had to change its social ideas and the people conformed to them.
  Sadly, while the change from the plague probably happened quickly the reverse will be slow people will probably still get married young and have a lot of kids. I suspect a large baby boom in the future of the TLC universe as well as an increase of divorcees another 10 to 15 years down the road.
   Something that I find very interesting in this is if that TLC had been a historical fantasy I don’t think many would have cared about the ages of these characters at all. When we think of history, we have this idea of they didn’t know better or it’s what was normal in their time. But the same can be said about the future. We don’t know what will happen or what would be considered the norm of society. We believe we have figured so much out in our world the idea of going backwards like this seem impossible but really it isn’t. Something like a plague coming back could completely rewrite history as we know it.
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
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Rampion Crew Headaches
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Marissa: we want to describe how blood thirsty Wolf was trained to be
Artist: Gotcha
Marissa: Now draw him being adorable and farming
Artist: What?
Marissa: Trust me
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
TLC as John Mulaney Quotes:
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Jacin @ Thorne:
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Scarlet @ Winter:
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Winter: Look! We got an invitation to Cinder’s coronation!
Jacin: Is it mandatory?
Winter: We’re invited to Scarlet and Wolf’s wedding!
Jacin: …is it mandatory?
Winter: From now on you can just assume everything is mandatory.
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
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“Maybe the princess could save herself.“ "That sounds like a pretty good story too.”
quick studies turned TLC
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heart-of-a-cyborg · 4 years
Hi, I am new to Tumblr and would like to follow some Lunar Chronicles blogs. If you post mostly that sort of stuff, please reblog this. Thank you : )
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