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Heart attack in women - silent heart attack

Is it possible Heart attack in women? A silent heart attack, Medical term for heart attack is Myocardial infarction, Heart disease and heart attacks often take care of the health of the man and then the woman. However, since 1984, the number of deaths due to heart disease has increased every year in women compared to men in the US and nine thousand women under the age of 45 every year in the US have suffered a heart attack. is. Unfortunately, heart attack symptoms are often not recognizable for some time in women suffering from terrible problems.
Heart attack in women.
Heart disease and heart attacks often take care of the health of the man and then the woman. However, since 1984, the number of deaths due to heart disease has increased every year in women compared to men in the US and nine thousand women under the age of 45 every year in the US have suffered a heart attack. is. Unfortunately, heart attack symptoms are often not recognizable for some time in women suffering from terrible problems. silent heart attack symptoms - Men and Women
Symptoms of a simple heart attack in men may be tightness, chest pain, or discomfort; The pain may extend to the back, arms, neck and jaw. However, women often lack head breath, dizziness, unexplained or mild veins anywhere on the neck, arms or abdomen. It is believed that due to the filling of various coronary arteries, women may get signs of a heart attack. In women, there may be obstruction of the main arteries in small coronary arteries, where there are frequent obstructions in men. Age Factor - the main cause of heart attack in women Women prevent the development of heart disease and are at risk of having a heart attack approximately ten years later than men. As women usually get older, when they increase heart disease, they can avoid the symptoms of heart diseases and heart attacks, as they reduce the signs of something else, perhaps for ageing Too. Do women like to avoid their signs? In addition, when symptoms of heart attack or heart disease appear, women may delay seeking medical care for themselves because they are always busy caring for their spouse, children, or elderly parents. However, treatment delays can be the difference between death and life when it hits the heart. Treatment of heart attack involves taking clotting medications. This medicine works well for a certain moment in an hour of symptoms. But as women prefer to avoid their signs longer than men, diagnosis is often delayed so that they do not make full use of this diagnosis. How can women prevent heart attack There is an American Heart Association, which has Dr Lavaton reported that it was designed to consult doctors with women and provide more information about their blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. At the time of a heart attack, there is not much to separate a woman from a man. If your numbers are very large, then you need to work to get them under control. This means that you quit smoking, exercise, if you smoke and have a low-fat diet, then a healthy diet is full of vegetables and fruits. It may also support reducing salt intake. Risk factors for heart attack There are some risk factors for heart attack that cannot be changed: family history and age. The risk of heart and heart disease is high if you have any early relatives who had a heart attack at an early age. For men, fewer than forty-five and heart attacks are considered young; It is less than 55Yr for women. I hope you like my article Heart attack in women - silent heart attack. Read This Article In Hindi What is Type 2 Diabetes (Hindi)Diabetes Diet (Hindi) Also, Read This Article In English How to get pregnant faster? 9 ways to get pregnant fasterDiabetic DietIs Diabetes CurableWhat Is Type 2 Diabetesis neck pain a sign of stroke?Password Manager Android Apps Read the full article
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Things you can't do while pregnant-Symptoms Of Miscarriages
Symptoms Of Miscarriages -Things you can't do while pregnant
Things you can't do while pregnant and many symptoms of miscarriages of Pregnancy. Here I will explain Symptoms Of Miscarriages -Things you can't do while pregnant List of Symptoms Of Miscarriages Spotting or BleedingCrampingLower back pain or Abdominal painClot tissue passingIf not feeling pregnant List of Things you can't do while pregnant Park RideRiding BicycleSportsGymnasticsRunningSnow BoardingDon’t play tennis Miscarriage is one of the bad experiences that women have no matter at what age it happens. ACOG statics says that around 15% of pregnancies have ended with a miscarriage. The factors that lead to miscarriages are the age and past medical condition. Even after having a miscarriage, women can have a better chance to get pregnant again, but if this gets repeating much time, then she must visit the doctor. Most often, the miscarriage starts with bleeding, and it continues, then you get a miscarriage. So there are lots of symptoms that lead to miscarriage. So it is better if you go to the doctor to get proper suggestions if you find any of the symptoms as described below. Spotting or Bleeding
Spotting or Bleeding Whenever you spot bleeding during pregnancy, you should visit the doctor first. In the time of pregnancy, around 20-25% of women have bleeding problems. Most of the women go through bleeding that indicates that she is going to give birth to a healthy baby as it should not be taken the risk because most of the miscarriages occurred when bleeding is spotted. Bleeding can occur in red, brown, or pink, but as compared to pink and red, brown is found very often. Another reason for getting bleeding or spotting might be an ectopic pregnancy, implantation, or placental problems. Cramping Getting cramp at the time of pregnancy is common. Cramping occurs because the uterus stretches. If you find that the pain is excess, then it can cause miscarriages. Also, remember when a cramp occurs, and you spot bleeding, then it is better top go to the doctor as soon as possible. Lower back Pain or Abdominal pain
This thing needs to be taken seriously because when women suffer from abdominal pain or lower back pain. then it can occur to miscarriage. If the pain is harsh, then it might be a chance of an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy needs quick medical attention. Hence it should be taken into notice to go to the doctor if you suffer from any abdominal pain or lower back pain. Clot tissue passing If you see that in the bleeding there is any clot tissue then it might tend to have miscarried. It is the major case seen in miscarriages. Hence it is better to contact the doctor as soon as possible if you spot any clot in your bleeding. If not feeling pregnant It is not uncommon for everyone to initially see signs of Pregnancy. If you think that you have pregnancy problems like nausea or breastfeeding and suddenly disappear, you should go to the doctor immediately. These are some of the symptoms of miscarriage, which can be identified before the miscarriage and, if you encounter any of the above symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor. If you ignore it, it will cause miscarriage. Therefore, it is best to take precautionary measures first. Hence it is true that prevention is better than cure.
Things you can't do while pregnant
Things you can't do while pregnant Activities That Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy When you are pregnant you should not do those activities that would put you in risk that increases the chance of shock to your stomach. Students from ACOG (American College Of Obstetricians and Gynecologist) noticed that when you so some activity that is over 6,000 feet altitude causes a risk, which consists of less content of oxygen for the bot you and your baby. There are some activities that you should avoid at the time of pregnancy. So let’s see which they are. Park Ride Rides like water sliding in the parks are risky as to avoid an instant pressure to your stomach that will affect you and your baby. Riding Bicycle If it’s your first time then avoid doing cycling. If you are a second time then you can continue with this. When you try to make balance, the center of gravity makes cycling dangerous for both of you. Sports If you are a sportsman then you should avoid doing that till the time you are not re-commitment by the doctors. Gymnastics There is a lot of chance for increasing Trauma to your lower stomach because of the highest pressure. Running Walking is good but running is not at all good. When you do it, it starts giving pressure to your stomach. When ever you do that you should take a proper causation while running as there is a lot of chance of falling increases at time. Don’t overdo r=the exercises. You should better drink more and more water at time. Snow Boarding There is a lot of chance that you can fall down which can cause to the hammering to you and your baby with a lot of pain that you don’t even imagine. Don’t play tennis It’s fine if you place at a moderate pace, which is almost not possible for anyone to paly when it comes to tennis. It’s not at all good for any time. No matter it is your 2nd or 3rd time it is risky anyway. It is better if you do some better and smart activities at the time of pregnancy. It doesn’t matter how active were you before pregnancy, you should not risk yourself and your baby to fall for any risk. So better be at the safer side instead of risking yourself. Read This Article In Hindi What is Type 2 Diabetes (Hindi)Diabetes Diet (Hindi) Also, Read This Article In English How to get pregnant faster? 9 ways to get pregnant fasterDiabetic DietIs Diabetes CurableWhat Is Type 2 DiabetesPassword Manager Android Apps Read the full article
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After 2,050 Shramik runs, just 30% of migrants have managed to leave | India News - Times of India

NEW DELHI: भले ही भारतीय रेल 30 लाख से अधिक फंसी हुई है प्रवासी कामगार, छात्रों और पर्यटकों द्वारा 2,050 श्रमिक विशेष ट्रेनों, विभिन्न राज्यों के डेटा से संकेत मिलता है कि बड़ी संख्या अभी भी ट्रेनों या बसों के घर लौटने का इंतजार कर रही है। महाराष्ट्र, दिल्ली, कर्नाटक, हरियाणा और पंजाब में 30% से अधिक घर नहीं लौटे हैं, TOI सुझाव से संकलित डेटा। सूत्रों ने कहा कि हालांकि रेलवे ने लगभग 30 लाख फंसे प्रवासियों का बॉलपार्क आंकड़ा काम किया है, जिन्हें अपने गृह राज्यों में वापस जाने के लिए ट्रेनों की आवश्यकता है, अब ऐसा लगता है कि संख्या अधिक है और राष्ट्रीय ट्रांसपोर्टर प्रतिदिन 300 से 350 श्रमिक स्पेशल ट्रेन चलाने के लिए तैयार हैं। मांग है रेल मंत्री पीयूष गोयल 50% से अधिक श्रमिक स्पेशल (1,054) उत्तर प्रदेश में पहुंच गए थे और 25% (562) से अधिक बिहार में समाप्त हो गए थे। गोयल ने कहा कि गुजरात ने 636 श्रमिक स्पेशल भेजे थे, जो यूपी और गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्रियों की सराहना करते हुए सभी भेजने वाले राज्यों में अधिकतम थे। उन्होंने आरोप लगाया कि पश्चिम बंगाल, राजस्थान और झारखंड सहित कुछ राज्य ट्रेनों के माध्यम से प्रवासियों को वापस लाने में सहयोग नहीं कर रहे हैं। महाराष्ट्र के विवरण से पता चलता है कि राज्य के अधिकारियों के साथ पंजीकृत 20 लाख फंसे प्रवासियों में से लगभग पांच लाख इन विशेष गाड़ियों को अपने मूल स्थान पर वापस जाने के लिए ले गए थे। मुंबई पुलिस के सूत्रों के मुताबिक, उनके साथ पंजीकृत 3.5 लाख प्रवासियों में से दो लाख से अधिक ने शहर में ऐसी गाड़ियों को छोड़ दिया था, जो राज्य के अन्य केंद्रों से बड़ी संख्या में संकेत दे रहे थे। दिल्ली ने लगभग चार लाख फंसे प्रवासियों को पंजीकृत किया है जो घर वापस जाना चाहते हैं, लेकिन बुधवार तक लगभग 65,000 लोग ही जा पाए थे। कर्नाटक के मामले में, लगभग 7.88 लाख फंसे प्रवासियों ने पंजीकरण किया है और बुधवार तक लगभग 1.6 लाख विशेष ट्रेनों द्वारा वापस चले गए हैं। हालांकि, ऐसे संकेत भी हैं कि पंजीकृत लोगों का एक हिस्सा वापस रह सकता है क्योंकि निर्माण कार्य फिर से शुरू हो गया है, सूत्रों ने कहा।

यहां तक कि रेल मंत्रालय के सूत्रों को लगता है कि एसएस ट्रेनों की मांग कम हो सकती है क्योंकि शहरी इलाकों में आर्थिक गतिविधियां जल्दी शुरू होती हैं। हरियाणा के विवरण से पता चलता है कि 10.93 लाख लोगों ने अपने गृह राज्य में जाने के लिए पंजीकरण किया था, लगभग 2.08 लाख ने बुधवार तक 53 ट्रेनों और 4,257 बसों से राज्य से प्रस्थान किया था। 1.76 लाख में से जो अपने गृह राज्यों से वापस आना चाहते थे, एक बार काम शुरू करने के बाद, केवल 11,000 हरियाणा लौट आए थे। पंजाब के मामले में, 17.19 लाख ने वापस जाने के लिए पंजीकरण किया था और बुधवार तक 2.7 लाख राज्य से 236 ट्रेनों में सवार हुए थे। बस सेवाओं का लाभ उठाने वाले यात्रियों का डेटा आसानी से उपलब्ध नहीं था। केरल से कितने लोग घर जाना चाहते हैं, इसका कोई समेकित डेटा नहीं है। गुलाटी इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ फाइनेंस एंड टैक्सेशन (GIFT) द्वारा किए गए एक अध्ययन में अनुमान लगाया गया था कि राज्य में 25 लाख प्रवासी श्रमिक हैं। अब तक 42 विशेष ट्रेनों ने लगभग 65,000 यात्रियों को परेशान किया है। राजस्थान के मामले में, लगभग 1 लाख प्रवासी श्रमिकों ने गुरुवार तक 78 ट्रेनों को छोड़ दिया था। आयुक्त परिवहन रवि जैन ने कहा, 'अब हमारे पास 45,000 फंसे हुए मजदूर हैं जिनके लिए हम कम से कम 36 और गाड़ियों की व्यवस्था कर रहे हैं।' राजस्थान ने अंतर्राज्यीय आंदोलन के लिए प्रवासी श्रमिकों के लिए श्रमिक विशेष बसें भी शुरू की हैं। (मुंबई में मंथन मेहता, बेंगलुरु में राकेश प्रकाश और जयपुर से आशीष मेहता के इनपुट्स के साथ) Read the full article
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