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Health, Emotion & the Solar Plexus Chakra/ Manipura Chakra
Atma namaste
Welcome to Pranic healing and Arhatic course to manifest your greatness by learning, practicing, mastering and applying in day to day life.
* 👉 Health, Emotion & the Solar Plexus Chakra/ Manipura Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra The term Solar Plexus chakra or the Manipura chakra includes both the front and the back of the Solar Plexus chakra.
The above mentioned chakra is situated at the hollow area between the ribs. And the back Solar Plexus chakra is located at the back of the front solar plexus.The Solar Plexus chakra/ Manipura chakra consists of 10 petals and contains red, yellow, green and blue pranas. A small amount of orange and yellow pranas is also present.
* 👉 Spiritual Functions of the Manipura Chakra
Subtle energies from the lower and the higher chakras pass through the Solar Plexus chakra. The Solar Plexus chakra and the liver also contain the emotional permanent seed. The Solar Plexus chakra contains the will center of the masses. A person has the option of either succumbing to the urges of the lower nature or answering the call of his higher nature. When the lower will of the person is aligned to the will of the higher soul, he is on the spiritual path of righteousness. The inner strength of the person increases as he is under the influence of his higher soul.
* 👉 Psychological Functions of the Manipura Chakra
The solar plexus houses both the positive as well as the negative lower emotions. The chakra is also the centre of courage, daring, strong drive, perseverance and the desire to win. Positive lower emotions include ambition, daring, perseverance, strength, righteous indignation, justice and fairness. Negative lower emotions include anger, irritation, hate, envy, greed, destructiveness, violence, cruelty, resentment, worry, anxiety, fear, selfishness, aggressiveness, abrasiveness, addiction etc. The Solar Plexus is the ‘I’ center and this is where the desire to win and succeed stems from. To be successful, the person’s Solar Plexus needs to be strong. It is the centre of assertiveness.
* 👉 The lower will is located in the Solar Plexus chakra. Thus the Solar Plexus chakra is called ‘strength’ in Kabbalah. The will centre of more developed people is located in the ajna chakra, which is the active intelligence. When a person is stressed or harbors a deep resentment towards others, the Solar Plexus chakra is filled with dirty red energy. The Solar Plexus is thus usually treated for psychological ailments.
* 👉 Physiological Functions of the Manipura Chakra:
The Solar Plexus chakra and the navel chakra control and energize the gastrointestinal system. The above mentioned chakra also controls and energizes the diaphragm, pancreas, liver and stomach. The pancreas can be energized through the back Solar Plexus chakra. The Solar Plexus chakra also energizes the large and small intestines, appendix, lungs, heart and other parts of the body. The quality of blood, the cholesterol level and the condition of the heart is also affected.
* 👉 Conditions Caused by a Malfunctioning Solar Plexus
One of the main causes of malfunctioning solar plexus is the harboring of negative emotions. The problem is further compounded by a stressful environment. The chakra is located close to the vital organs. The malfunctioning of the Solar Plexus chakra can cause problems in the organs nearest to the chakra. Sometimes when the front Solar Plexus chakra is functioning well but the back Solar Plexus chakra is congested, the person has negative feelings but does not express them.
* 👉 What causes shallow breathing? Anger causes the Manipura chakra to throb erratically. This causes a disturbance to the diaphragm, leading to shallow breathing. Negative emotions like anger and anxiety cause the energy body to destabilize, making the physical body vulnerable to all sorts of diseases. Continuous harboring of negative emotions can manifest as headache, glaucoma, asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, gastric ulcer, hyper tension, arthritis, cancer, constipation and hyperthyroidism amongst many others.
* 👉 What happens when a person is violent?
The Solar Plexus chakra or Manipura chakra, the Basic chakra Mooladhara chakra and the Meng Mein chakra of the person become over-activated. But the Solar Plexus chakra is the main chakra that influences the other chakras. Negative emotions can manifest through different ailments among different people. The Basic chakra, Navel chakra and spleen chakra can also start malfunctioning from the prolonged harboring of negativity within. This could translate into severe arthritis.
* 👉 What causes Hypertension?
Hypertension is caused by the malfunctioning of kidneys or other factors. Essential hypertension from the medical view point, can be controlled but not cured. According to pranic healing, hypertension is caused by the over-activation of Solar Plexus chakra which causes the Meng Mein chakra to become activated. Essential hypertension is predominantly of emotional origin. Regular Pranic Healing can help in normalizing the patient’s blood pressure.
* 👉 Forgiveness and Loving Kindness
Some maladies and health conditions are often emotional in origin. They are caused by deep-seated resentment and anger. Though Pranic Healing can help alleviate the conditions, it is necessary for the patient to let go of such negativity. Sometimes, even after the patient recovers, there is a possibility of relapse if the patient keeps brooding about the unfortunate incidents or people in the past. The patient has to forgive. Without forgiveness, the healing will be slow and there could be a relapse. The act of forgiveness is therapeutic and necessary for good health.
* 👉 Proper Emotions and Thoughts
Internal and external hygiene are important. Internal emotional and mental hygiene include positive emotions like happiness, kindness and joy. Positive emotions are beneficial for a person psychologically, etherically and physically. It is important to be sexually selective. Enjoy the company of happy, optimistic and positive people. Food should also be cooked and prepared by people with good energy and happy disposition as bad energy can be easily transferred through food. Spending time with an advanced spiritual leader is spiritually, emotionally and mentally uplifting for the students.
* 👉 Equivalent Acupuncture Points
The front Solar Plexus in Chinese medicine corresponds to the acupuncture point RN (CV) 12. The back Solar Plexus chakra in Chinese
medicine corresponds to the acupuncture point DU (GV) 7 and DU (GV) 6 respectively.
Taoist Indian Correspondence of the Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit, the Solar Plexus chakra is called the Manipura chakra.
In The Solar Plexus chakra is called Zhong Wan in Taoist Yoga, which means ‘center of stomach’. The back Solar Plexus chakra is called
Zhong Shu which means ‘center of body’ or Ji Zhong, which means ‘center of spine’.
In Tamil, the front Solar Plexus chakra is the Ner Varmam and the back Solar Plexus chakra is called Sangudhiri Kaala Varmam.
Source : The Chakras and their Functions by Master Choa Kok Sui
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Today COUNT-NOW-DIVINE-NOW-NOW-NOW-SOMEHOW-100% – For attracting money quickly
Atma Namaste to All !!!
Today COUNT-NOW-DIVINE-NOW-NOW-NOW-SOMEHOW-100% – For attracting money quickly (Source Naran)
Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic courses to learn, practice, mastering and apply into your day to day life to manifest your greatness. Thank you Divine
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, my spiritual teacher respected Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Helper, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
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Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Divine instrument of GMCKS wA: +919841925166 eM: [email protected] fB: gP+: tW: lN: iN: tR:
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Atma Namaste to All !!!
Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic courses to learn, practice, mastering and apply into your day to day life to manifest your greatness. Thank you Divine
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, my spiritual teacher respected Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Helper, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
qUERY to [email protected] | wA1 +919841925166 with your full name, place, work to save into my contact list
Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Student of GMCKS wA: +919841925166 eM: [email protected] fB: gP+: tW: lN: iN: tR:
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Atma Namaste to All !!!
Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic courses to learn, practice, mastering and apply into your day to day life to manifest your greatness. Thank you Divine
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, my spiritual teacher respected Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Helper, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
qUERY to [email protected] | wA1 +919841925166 with your full name, place, work to save into my contact list
Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Student of GMCKS wA: +919841925166 eM: [email protected] fB: gP+: tW: lN: iN: tR:
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Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic course to manifest your greatness.
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Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic course to manifest your greatness.
Kindly contact your nearest Pranic healing center or Google it your nearest Pranic healing center in your are
Spiritual Healers: Miracles are Possible!
Spiritual Healers
Principle of Transference: Life energy or prana can be transmitted from one person to another person or object, or from one object to another object or to a person. -Master Choa Kok Sui
Spiritual healers or divine healers, use divine energy for healing affected chakras and dirty, diseased energy body. What is the source of Divine Energy? God is the ultimate source of all divine energy or spiritual energy. The divine healing energy from the higher beings like great angelic beings, great prophets or avatars, holy masters, saints, spiritual teachers and others passes to the soul of the spiritual healer. Then this energy passes to the energy body of the healer, then from there the energy passes to the etheric body of the patient and finally to the physical body of the patient.
During the process of healing, a patient has to be receptive. Let’s consider a situation when spiritual healers are drawing energy from the divine energy source and projecting the same to the patient. But somehow the patient is not receptive during the session. What will happen in this scenario? No matter how much the healer might try, he or she will not be able to plant the divine energy in the etheric body of the patient. Therefore, the process of healing could not be completed. A healer has to make sure that the patient is receptive enough for the energy to on him. This could be done with a proper counseling and making the patient comfortable with the healer.
Our master advised that before healing, a healer should always silently pray and asks for divine blessing. After healing it is also important for the spiritual healer to thank the divine god for the healing energy. The healer may use the prayer as mentioned by our master or may also other prayers or improvise prayers for healing or thanksgiving. When divine healing energy is passed from the healer to the patient, it is seen as a flood of electric violet light or a brilliant white light. This healing energy quickly cleanses and energizes the entire body.
Mass Healing
Powerful spiritual healers is able to heal a mass of patients together. The entire process remains same as that of healing one person, but while healing a mass of people together the healer has to visualize all his patients in brilliant white or electric violet light. Distant Mass Healing All the patients should be aware of the date and time of the healing so that they can be receptive. The spiritual healer should have pictures of the patients. The rest of the process remains same as that of mass healing.
We know this for a fact and there are plenty of evidences that prove even the most difficult of diseases can be healing with Pranic healing. a powerful spiritual healer and a receptive patient will show the maximum progress in the process of healing of the most critical of diseases. As Master Choa Kok Sui has said: Pranic Healing is a science. It is based on cleansing and energizing. By cleansing or removing the diseased energy from the effected organs or chakras in human body, and energizing them with sufficient prana, healing takes place.
Source: Advanced Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui
Love Thanks Divine Light Change (Source Naran) GMCKS Student India
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
Please email your query to [email protected] / whatsapp +919841925166 with your full name, place, work pls
Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Student of GMCKS wA: +919841925166 eM: [email protected] fB: gP+: tW: lN: iN: tR:
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Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic yoga course to manifest your greatness.
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Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic yoga course to manifest your greatness.
* 👉 Diana (Rome)
Also known as Diana Of Ephesus.
* 👉 Sharing attributes similar to that of the Greek goddess Artemis, Diana is a moon goddess who helps with fertility and abundance. The daughter of the chief god, Jupiter, Diana is called the goddess of childbirth because her mother bore her painlessly. Immediately after Diana was born, she helped with the birth of her twin brother, Apollo. Diana is associated with bathing and purification. At the Temple of Diana in Ephesus, Turkey (one of the largest temples in the ancient world, and one that is noted in Acts 19 in the Bible), female followers would engage in ritual hair-washing at Diana's shrine.
* 👉 Diana spends time with elementals, and forest and wood nymphs. She is particularly fond of women, and also helps lesbians with relationship and societal issues. She's usually depicted with the bow and arrow that her father gave to her as a young girl, symbolizing female strength and power. One night as the moon was waxing, Diana said to me, "I help you [meaning everyone] rise above all Earthly concerns, in the same way that the moon hovers above the earth. Be like the moon, shining light gaily upon others, and then like the new moon, regularly withdrawing for personal respite.
* 👉 "The moon isn't afraid to shine, nor does it fear attention, ridicule, or rejection. These lower fears sink Earthlings into despair and depression because the soul knows that it's capable of so much more! The soul doesn't like to be harnessed or restrained—oh, no! Unleash yourself completely, so that I may shine upon you as a reflection of your outwardly manifested holiness."
* 👉 Helps with:
Animals—breeding, pregnancy, and birthing Childbirth, painless Elementals, connecting with Lesbian concerns Twins
Diana's connection is especially strong on moonlit nights. However, you can always contact her at any time.
"Diana, please help me shine brightly like you. Assist me in releasing anxieties about ridicule or rejection so that I may enjoy being my true self fully. Take me to a higher place, where I may best serve humanity as a shining example of one who listens to inner wisdom, love, and guidance. Help my life to be full, very full, of light. Thank you."
Please email your query to eM1: [email protected] | Chennai, India | wA1: +919841925166, wA1: +919841268886
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Today 520 MUSTARD TOGETHER FIND COUNT DIVINE HALF WAY NOW ON DONE. for daily your Blessing (Source Naran)
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, my spiritual teacher Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Help, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
Please email your query to [email protected] / whatsapp +919841925166 with your full name, place, work pls
Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Student of GMCKS wA: +919841925166 eM: [email protected] fB: gP+: tW: lN: iN: tR:
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Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic yoga course to manifest your greatness.
Atma Namaste
Welcome to GMCKS pranic healing and Arhatic yoga course to manifest your greatness.
* 👉 Self Healing: The Power is Within You!
* 👉 Self Healing
* 👉 Long hours at office, meeting clients, presentations and other work -drains a lot of energy out of our body. So how can we enjoy our social life post our work hours? This is a question almost all of us ask time and again. A Pranic healer can most certainly heal us and make us feel better even after our most exhausting days. But what if we do not have any healer around us? Who heals us then? Well, if you are a Pranic healer yourself, there are some very easy processes to heal yourself. Not only you can energize your tired body, you can cure ailments by scanning, cleansing and energizing the affected part of the body or the affected chakras in human body. Self Healing is a safe and easy way to have a body, mind and soul.
* 👉 Various Methods of Self-healing
There are various methods with which we can heal our body. What we need most to heal ourselves is fresh Prana. There is Prana all around us. There is sun prana, air prana, tree prana, ground prana. Earlier days travelers used to rest under big, old trees and after a while they used to feel relaxed and energized because their body would absorb tree prana and air prana from around. This maybe regarded as one of the ancient method of using prana for self healing. In modern days we know the logic behind the upper phenomena and we can consciously heal our bodies by exposing ourselves to the prana around us. If we expose ourselves to the sun, we can absorb sun prana. Walking barefoot on the ground will help us with ground prana. Proper Pranic breathing techniques will help us in absorbing air prana.
* 👉 How to heal a specific part of our body? It is nothing different than healing someone else. It involves the process of scanning the affected part, cleansing the dirty energy and energizing the body part with fresh energy. What if we get a pain? How do we heal ourselves then? In this case we can do a distant healing of that part of the body just as we would do distant healing of a person who is out of our reach.
* 👉 Bathing in sea water is quite effective in removal of dirty, diseased energy. But this is not really possible for everyone. So what alternatives do we have? Bathing with water with salt will also help in removing diseased energy from our body as well. Water and salt therapy is a very simple practice but it is very effective. It strengthens the body and makes it stronger.
* 👉 Meditation on Twin Hearts with chakral healing is also an effective way of self healing. Here the energy centers of the body or the chakras are able to absorb and process fresh and new prana and hence the tiredness and exhaustion of the physical body can be relieved to a great extent.
* 👉 Self healing is very useful. We can heal a lot of conditions prevailing in our body specially when we are travelling alone and have no one to heal us.
* 👉 * 👉 * 👉 Source:The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui
eMail your query to [email protected] | Chennai, India | whatsApp1: +919841925166, whatsApp2: +919841268886
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God Blessing be to all
Atma Namaste to All !!!
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, my spiritual teacher Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Help, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
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* 👉 Buddha (Asia)
Atma namaste
* 👉 Buddha (Asia)
* 👉 Also known as Siddhartha Buddha, Buddha Goutama, Lord Goutama.
* 👉 The name Buddha means "the Enlightened or Awakened One."
Born on the full moon, May 8 (the exact year isn't agreed upon, but it's believed to be in the 500 B.C. era), Prince Goutama Siddhartha grew up wealthy behind palace walls, with every need taken care of. As he grew older and walked beyond the palace, he noticed poverty-stricken, diseased and elderly people, individuals that he had not previously been aware of.
* 👉 Determined to help alleviate the suffering that he witnessed, the prince renounced his royal title and wealth and left the palace. However, Siddhartha's ascetic life didn't bring him the full enlightenment he desired. So he sat beneath a bodhi tree and vowed not to rise until he'd become fully enlightened. He breathed in and out deeply during the evening of a full moon, dispelling bodily cravings and fearful thoughts. Once he overcame these lower energies, he began recalling his past lives. This helped him see the endlessness of life, and he was filled with understanding as to how to overcome unhappiness, pain, and death. When he arose from sitting, he was a Buddha.
* 👉 Buddha's teachings about detachment from suffering through inner peace became the basis for Buddhism. Because he had lived both extremes of living—as a rich prince and as an ascetic—Buddha proposed that the key to happy living was "the Middle Way," or moderation in all things.
* 👉 You may find that Buddha is easier felt than heard. When you call upon him, you'll probably feel a swelling of warm love in your heart. That's his calling card, a sign that you've truly connected with his loving presence.
* 👉 Helps with: Balance and moderation in all things Joy Peace, inner and world Spiritual growth and understanding
* 👉 Sit quietly, and focus upon the sound of your breath. Notice it slowing down as you listen. Feel and hear your heart beating in conjunction with your breath. Imagine that there's a magical door deep inside your being. It's a beautiful opening, decorated with powerful symbols and crystals.
* 👉 From your heart, ask to connect with Buddha. Then imagine opening the door and seeing him there inside of you. Keep breathing deeply, feeling your connection through breath to beloved Buddha.
* 👉 Fill your heart with his sweet kindness, his gentle power, and his surety. Feel the safety and peace that comes from being in his presence. Ask him any question that you like, feel the answer in your heart and body, and hear the answer whispered into your mind. Notice that all of Buddha's words are couched in utmost respect for you and everyone involved. Thank him after your meeting is concluded.
AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY eM: [email protected] Please send query to eM: [email protected] | Chennai, India | wA: +919841925166, wA: +919841268886
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Welcome to all
Atma Namaste to All !!!
Today TOGETHER FIND COUNT DIVINE MAGIC BEGIN NOW for daily your Blessing (Source Naran)
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, my spiritual teacher Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Help, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
Please email your query to [email protected] / whatsapp +919841925166 with your full name, place, work pls
Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Student of GMCKS WA: +919841925166 EM: [email protected] FB: GP+: TW: LN: IN: TR:
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Atma Namaste
Atma Namaste to All !!!
Today TOGETHER FIND COUNT DIVINE for Your Blessing daily. (Source Naran site, Blogs)
With Help and Blessing of Universal God Supreme Being, Divine father & Divine mother, my spiritual teacher Grand Mater Choa Kok Sui Thank you, Your spiritual teacher Thank you, All the Spiritual Teachers thank you, All the Holy Gurus,Holy Masters, Saints, Your guardian Angels & All the ARCHANGEL, healing angels, healing ministers, Spiritual Help, Invisible Helper, to My Higher self blessing be to You, Your family, Relatives, Friends, Your Home, Your Education, Your Job, Your Carrrier & business, Near & Dear ones for Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Inner peace, Inner Strength, Strong will power to do Good with Divine Help & Divine Protection, Lots of Lots of Divine Abundance & Prosperity, Money rains falls on you like water falls, Success at levels. So be it.
Thank you Divine. Thank you Universe.
Please email your query to [email protected] / whatsapp +919841925166 with your full name, place, work pls
Divine Thanks in advance AVR RISHWANTH CONSULTANCY Project manager @ MNC in Chennai / India Student of GMCKS WA: +919841925166 EM: [email protected] FB: GP+: TW: LN: IN: TR:
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Babaji (Himalaya)
Atma Namaste !!!
* 👉 Babaji (Himalaya)
* 👉 Also known as Mahavatar Babaji, Shri Babaji.
* 👉 Made famous by Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi, Babaji is known as "the deathless avatar" because he overcame physical limitations regarding the human life span. It's said that he didn't die, but ascended with his physical body. Many accounts of him appearing physically to spiritual seekers have been written. However, he usually comes to those who invoke him on the spiritual plane, and they "hear" Babaji through thoughts, feelings, or visions.
* 👉 Babaji's mission is to bring humanity closer to God, and to follow God's will. He encourages people to follow their own spiritual path, and says that all religions lead to God. He encouraged Yogananda to bring Kriya Yoga (which involves 18 yoga postures—also known as asanas or mudras) to the West. Kriya is known as a tool of enlightenment and may have helped spark the current popularity in yoga.
* 👉 Helps with:
Addictions and cravings, overcoming or reducing
Clear communication with God
Materiality, detaching from
Protection from religious persecution
Simplifying your life
Spiritual growth
Yoga practice
Say the name Babaji repeatedly, feeling the energy of his name in your heart. In his autobiography, Yogananda said that if you say Babaji's name with reverence, he directly blesses you. He told me that we can best contact him while we're engaged in breathwork and yoga. Babaji said that he's one with all breath, and when we consciously breathe in and out deeply, we're consciously connecting with him.
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