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Iles Féroé-Danemark-Japon : les liens de sang
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Feeling and manifesting unity
"I am in you and you are in me and we are I am" *and as the Mayans say "I am another one of yourself". Thus, every life-form reflects every other life-form.
We don't meet outside but when we go beyond the mental activity, beyond thought, and we come in touch with the deepest part, opening ourselves to the light, there we meet.
Humanity will be united through this transcendence. Most people act as if they were independant beings but, from time to time, they get a glimpse of this unity, through a situation, a walk, a hug. Something in them remembers the oneness.
As healers and beings exploring our consciousness, we have the tools to spend more and more time feeling this oneness and we can act in what is called the physical reality with kindness, unconditional love, compassion and acceptance.
At the end of the day, we can ask ourselves how much time we spent experiencing that and do better the following day.
Anything can be healed.
*From the Eyes to Eyes Healing Meditation for two-Martin Brofman
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Si tu veux la paix...
L´être humain et la guerre, une histoire à répétition. On se souvient de ces phrases après la première guerre mondiale
« c´était la der des der » et du « plus jamais ça ». Depuis la guerre est passée de nouveau bien des fois et on assiste toujours aux mêmes scénarios avec de l´incertitude, de la colère, de l´agressivité qui montent de toutes parts et amène encore plus de violence et donc plus de possibilité de guerres.
À la racine de toutes ces guerres se trouve le dialogue intérieur incessant, l´être humain n´est pas silencieux. Et pourtant, c´est le moment où beaucoup de paix de l´esprit est nécessaire. Ce qui se passe est comme un cancer avec des métastases à l’intérieur de la conscience humaine. La possibilité de guérir existe si la cause première est supprimée. Cela nécessite pour chacun qu’il entreprenne un changement de direction de son attention, c’est-à-dire de focaliser sur ce qui se passe dans sa conscience, au lieu de se perdre émotionnellement dans les évènements extérieurs, sinon à partir du point de vue où tout commence dans la conscience, on crée de cette manière notre réalité en fonction de ce que rapportent les médias.
Les personnes qui ne sont pas directement impliquées dans la guerre continuent de l´alimenter par leurs perceptions, leurs pensées, leurs mots. Si on soutient un côté par rapport à l´autre, on entretient la séparation, si on se bat pour la paix, si on est contre la guerre, on fait de même, on recrée une autre guerre. Une protestation de pacifistes montre souvent des gens prêts à se battre pour la paix. La cause change, la guerre continue.
Chaque jugement sur les autres – pensée ou parole – est une forme de séparation et amène la division.
Depuis longtemps, des êtres nous montrent qu´un autre chemin est possible. Mais peu de personnes sont jusqu´à maintenant prêtes à s´investir individuellement sur leur paix intérieure. Pourtant seulement des êtres qui sont des oasis de silence peuvent annuler l´attraction compulsive vers la violence. Nous possédons chacun cette faculté à l’intérieur de nous, de trouver cet endroit où il est possible de créer une nouvelle vibration, de transformer sa conscience et à partir de cet endroit faire que la guerre disparaisse, que cette énergie que l’être humain utilise à détruire se transforme en une énergie constructive et qui se meut grâce à l´amour.
Certaines personnes décident que le mieux, c´est de se retirer du monde, un endroit reculé quel qu´il soit, pour obtenir une forme de paix, mais si la personne ne change pas à l´intérieur et que les circonstances se produisent, la colère se manifestera et la même situation se reproduira.
Le vrai test est d’être dans le monde, dans la vie et si tu es en paix, tu peux te trouver n’importe où dans la foule, être paisible là.
Trouve les moyens de vivre ta vie en paix, plus méditatif, au milieu de la vie elle-même et cette paix commence à l’intérieur, il n´y aura pas de paix sur cette planète tant que l’être humain sera dispersé à l´intérieur.
L´amour a besoin de grandir. Toute cette énergie qui va dans la violence, le combat, la guerre a besoin de se transformer en amour et la paix qui en résultera sera le moyen d´amener une vie plus florissante.
C´est une décision de porter notre attention sur l´amour, de le ressentir et cela vient de l’intérieur. Le scénario actuel est le résultat de siècles de perceptions reliées au chakra du plexus solaire, perceptions de jugements et d´attentes et de conditions à l´amour. C’est une décision consciente de porter notre attention sur l’amour.
Le moment est maintenant.
« Si tu veux la paix, tu as besoin d´être la paix. La paix est une pratique et non un espoir. » Thich Nhat Hanh
Lire ou relire l’article de Martin Brofman sur l’amour inconditionnel :
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If you want peace...
Human beings and war, a story that keeps repeating itself. After the First World War, we all remember the sentences " it was the war to end all wars " and " never again ". Since then, war has come and gone many times over, and we're still witnessing the same scenarios, with uncertainty, anger and aggression rising up on all sides, leading to even more violence and therefore more potential for war.
At the root of all these wars lies the incessant inner dialogue, the human being is not silent. And yet, this is the moment when much peace of mind is needed. What's happening is like a cancer metastasizing inside human consciousness. The possibility of healing exists if the root cause is removed, because anything can be healed. This requires everyone to undertake a change in the direction of their attention, i.e. to focus on what's happening in their consciousness, instead of losing themselves emotionally in external events, otherwise from the point of view where everything starts in the consciousness, we create our reality in this way according to what the media report.
People not directly involved in the war continue to fuel it with their perceptions, thoughts and words. If we support one side over the other, we perpetuate the separation, if we fight for peace, if we are against war, we do the same, we recreate another war. A pacifist protest often shows people ready to fight for peace. The cause changes, the war continues.
Every judgment about others - thought or word - is a form of separation and leads to division.
For a long time, beings we call "awakened" have been showing us that another path is possible. But so far, few people are willing to invest in their own inner peace. Yet only beings who are oases of silence can cancel out the compulsive attraction to violence. We each possess the ability within ourselves to find that place where it's possible to create a new vibration, to transform our consciousness, and from that place to make war disappear, to transform the energy that human beings use to destroy into constructive energy that moves through love.
Some people decide that the best thing to do is to withdraw from the world, to a remote place of some kind, to obtain a form of peace, but if the person doesn't change inside and the circumstances occur, anger will manifest itself and the same situation will repeat itself.
The real test is to be in the world, in life, and if you're at peace, you can be anywhere in the crowd, be peaceful there.
Find the means to live your life in peace, more meditative, in the midst of life itself, and this peace begins within, there will be no peace on this planet as long as the human being is dispersed within.
Love needs to grow. All this energy that goes into violence, fighting and war needs to be transformed into love, and the resulting peace will be the means to bring about a more flourishing life.
It's a decision to turn our attention to love, to feel it, and it comes from within. The current scenario is the result of centuries of perceptions linked to the solar plexus chakra, perceptions of judgments and expectations and conditions to love.
It's a conscious decision to turn our attention to love.
The moment is now.
"If you want peace, you need to be peace. Peace is a practice, not a hope." Thich Nhat Hanh
Read or re-read Martin Brofman's article on unconditional love:
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Réchauffement climatique - ou alerte mondiale ? (jeu de mots en anglais entre Global Warming – or Global Warning?)
Par Martin Brofman - écrit en 2010 et suivi par l'article de Philippe Hannetelle en 2023 "Conscience globale et changement climatique".
Les scientifiques ont attiré notre attention avec des images de l'espace montrant la fonte des glaciers, la diminution des calottes polaires, des prédictions terribles de ce qui pourrait / pourrait / va se produire avec de légères augmentations de la température de la terre.
Une conférence des Nations unies sur le changement climatique s'est tenue à Copenhague en décembre 2009, à laquelle ont participé des dirigeants du monde entier, afin de discuter de la situation et de prendre des décisions. Certains affirment que la conférence a été un succès, tandis que d'autres ne sont pas d'accord. Difficile de dire qui a raison.
Ce que nous savons, c'est qu'immédiatement après cette conférence sur le réchauffement climatique, l'hémisphère nord a connu des tempêtes de neige et des vagues de froid record.
Comment comprendre cette situation ?
On a beaucoup parlé d'une nouvelle phase de notre évolution planétaire, une phase que certains appellent l'ère du Verseau, et l'une des caractéristiques de cette ère est que nous fonctionnerons de plus en plus comme une famille mondiale, en pensant au-delà des frontières individuelles, et en reconnaissant que c'est une nécessité, puisque nous devons travailler ensemble pour résoudre les problèmes qui nous affectent tous.
Certains décrivent ce changement de conscience planétaire comme un mouvement du chakra du plexus solaire vers le chakra du cœur. Le chakra du plexus solaire concerne le pouvoir, le contrôle et/ou la liberté, les intérêts individuels, tandis que le chakra du cœur concerne les relations avec les autres.
Lorsqu'un individu passe par ce processus, il prend la décision profonde d'évoluer, et cette évolution peut être facile ou difficile, selon la façon dont il a fonctionné au niveau du chakra du plexus solaire.
S'il a fonctionné du point de vue du contrôle, en décidant ce que les autres devraient faire pour satisfaire ses propres besoins individuels perçus, et qu'il veut passer à l'acceptation et à la relation, il doit passer par le lâcher-prise. Plus ils s'accrochent au contrôle, plus les choses deviennent incontrôlables, jusqu'à ce qu'un choc les oblige à accepter ce qui est et à reconnaître l'importance des concepts mutuels de liberté. Lorsqu'ils y parviennent et voient les choses sous un nouvel angle, ils peuvent se voir avec compassion et comprendre que toute la douleur et l'inconfort qu'ils se sont infligés sont dus au fait qu'ils se sont accrochés au contrôle.
Vivre l'aspect de la liberté dans le chakra du plexus solaire rend la transition beaucoup plus douce.
Nous sommes sortis de 2000 ans de chakra du plexus solaire, où notre force de motivation était nos propres intérêts primaires, et nous avons maintenant commencé à penser davantage comme une famille mondiale. Certaines parties du monde ont davantage progressé dans cette direction que d'autres, mais quoi qu'il en soit, nous sommes sur la bonne voie. L'évolution est, après tout, inévitable.
Certains disent que la Terre a une conscience et qu'elle est sensible à ce qui se passe en relation avec les êtres qu'elle soutient et entretient.
Peut-être qu'à la suite de cette conférence sur le changement climatique, les gens sont désormais plus conscients de la manière dont ils utilisent les ressources planétaires, et la Terre mère pourrait répondre à ce changement, considérant qu'elle n'a plus besoin de créer des avertissements terribles sur ce qui pourrait être autrement.
Nous devons attendre de voir si tout ce temps froid et cette neige record ont eu pour effet de reconstituer les glaciers et les calottes polaires. Si c'est le cas, nous pouvons peut-être considérer qu'il s'agit simplement d'un avertissement mondial, qui nous a permis de faire face à une menace commune perçue, afin de nous motiver à établir des relations différentes de celles que nous avions auparavant, davantage comme une famille mondiale qui comprend l'importance de communiquer et de travailler ensemble pour un bien commun, d'une manière qui fonctionne pour tout le monde.
Martin Brofman -2010 ©
Conscience mondiale et changement climatique
Ce que Martin a écrit il y a treize ans est devenu non seulement un réchauffement climatique, non seulement un avertissement, mais une menace pour la vie de tous les êtres vivants.
Du point de vue où tout commence dans notre conscience, nous avons attiré à nous une menace qui devrait et doit maintenant nous faire réagir. Et comme nos perceptions créent notre réalité, plus les gens perçoivent ce qui se passe comme une menace, plus cette menace se manifeste dans la réalité physique.
Lorsqu'il y a un symptôme dans le corps physique, le reste du corps se mobilise pour aider la partie disharmonieuse, et il est bon de soutenir les efforts du corps pour se guérir lui-même en le nourrissant de pensées positives et en envoyant de l'amour à la partie du corps qui en a besoin.
Lorsque notre planète a commencé à présenter des symptômes liés au comportement humain, quelques voix se sont d'abord élevées pour faire prendre conscience de notre attitude à l'égard des êtres vivants. D'un autre côté, nombreux étaient ceux qui voulaient que l'humanité continue dans la même direction sans rien changer, tandis que d'autres préféraient ne rien dire et pratiquer la politique de l'autruche.
Maintenant que les symptômes sont visibles partout sur la planète, la majorité des gens continuent dans la même direction, vers le mur, même si de plus en plus commencent à sentir qu'il faut changer quelque chose, mais surtout les autres avant eux.
Notre espèce humaine, par son comportement, continue aveuglément à démontrer son irrespect du vivant et son stupéfiant nombrilisme. Combien de secousses devrons-nous encore affronter avant que chacun d'entre nous, dans sa conscience, n'entreprenne un changement profond ?
Les changements climatiques, les températures élevées en de nombreux endroits, les incendies, les inondations et les cyclones plus forts que jamais, les guerres et la pauvreté nous montrent que nous devons nous mobiliser ensemble pour prendre une autre direction que celle vers laquelle nous nous dirigeons si nous continuons à voir, à entendre et à ne rien faire.
Tout cela reflète une énergie du plexus solaire très forte, où se mêlent la compétition, la volonté de prendre le pouvoir sur les autres, la négation des droits de nombreux êtres humains et animaux, le sentiment de séparation (moi ici et les autres à l'extérieur).
L'élément lié au chakra du plexus solaire est le feu, et ce chakra est le chakra du soleil. Lorsque l'on met trop d'emphase sur un chakra, il est en disharmonie, et il y a apparition de symptômes liés aux aspects de la conscience liés à ce chakra - en termes de pouvoir il peut s'agir de se sentir impuissant, de donner son pouvoir/liberté à l'extérieur, en termes de contrôle il peut s'agir de se contrôler soi-même, de vouloir contrôler les autres, de se sentir séparé.
La conscience de groupe, qui est la somme de toutes les consciences individuelles, est actuellement déséquilibrée et attire des expériences qui reflètent son état de conscience.
La prise de conscience d'un nombre croissant de personnes, voyant le lien entre le corps et l'esprit et la nécessité pour chacun de changer son comportement intérieur et extérieur, peut nous permettre de changer la direction de l'humanité. Tout peut être guéri, mais pour que la guérison fonctionne, chaque individu doit cesser de se regarder le nombril et réaliser que nous vivons une transformation extraordinaire, et faire en sorte que cette transition se fasse d'une manière plus douce qu'à l'heure actuelle.
Il s'agit de prendre la décision consciente de se déplacer vers le cœur.
Ce qui gouverne le monde en ce moment, c'est la peur. Et plus nous nous concentrons sur la résistance, plus nous l'augmentons et plus nous attirons des événements où la peur se manifeste.
Bien sûr, dans l'absolu, nous pourrions tout changer tout de suite, mais il faut du temps pour que chacun fasse un choix. Chacun est créateur et a le pouvoir de changer et d'aider son entourage à changer. Pourtant, jusqu'à présent, beaucoup de gens veulent revenir à l'ancien monde "où c'était mieux", justifiant leur façon d'être et leurs réflexes.
Alors oui, il faut du courage pour regarder à l'intérieur de soi, pour reconnaître ce qui ne fonctionne pas, pour le changer, pour être honnête avec soi-même et avec les autres, pour être généreux et pour avoir la volonté de se concentrer sur ce que l'on peut faire, chacun dans son domaine, pour aller vers un monde meilleur.
Cela demande un grand changement, de cesser de juger et de dénigrer les autres, quels qu'ils soient, et de prendre la décision consciente d'aller vers ton chakra du cœur, un endroit où tu peux voir le monde avec compassion, en acceptant les autres, quoi qu'ils aient fait.
À la fin de la journée, tu peux te demander combien de temps tu as passé à être compatissant, à accepter et à ressentir un amour inconditionnel pour toi-même et pour les autres. Et le lendemain, tu te dis que tu feras encore mieux.
Dans diverses philosophies ésotériques, ce moment est également décrit comme un moment où le pendule cosmique arrive à son point final de descente avant de remonter, et ce moment peut être chaotique en fonction de l'attitude de chaque individu et donc de la conscience du groupe.
Un autre point de vue est parfaitement expliqué dans plusieurs ouvrages, dont un en particulier "Les Yugas". De ce point de vue, l'humanité passe par des âges clairement discernables, ou yugas. Chaque yuga modifie la conscience de l'humanité. Alors que nous nous trouvons dans le Dwapara Yuga ascendant, cela a commencé par la montée en puissance de l'individu et la longue poursuite du bonheur personnel sans tenir compte de son impact sur les autres. Vers la fin du Dwapara Yuga, l'humanité apprendra que le bien-être des autres est essentiel au bonheur de chaque individu, et l'exploitation, l'iniquité et l'injustice prendront progressivement fin.
Le développement de l'humanité est inextricablement lié au développement de la conscience de chaque homme.
Puissions-nous tous être un exemple pour les autres, les aider à voir les choses autrement et à agir pour matérialiser une autre réalité.
Avec amour et gratitude,
Philippe Hannetelle - 2023 ©
The Yugas - David Steinmetz and Joseph Selbie - Crystal Clarity Publishers
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Global Warming – or Global Warning?
By Martin Brofman – written in 2010 followed by Philippe Hannetelle´s 2023 article "Global Consciousness and climate change"
Scientists have caught our attention with views from space showing glaciers melting, the polar ice caps getting smaller, dire predictions of what could / might / will happen with slight increases in the temperature of the earth.
We have had a UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December of 2009, attended by world leaders, to discuss the situation and make some decisions. Some say the Conference was a success, while others disagree. Hard to say who is right.
What we do know as a fact is that immediately following this Global Warming Conference, the Northern Hemisphere has been experiencing record snowstorms and cold waves.
How can we make some sense of this?
There has been a lot of talk about a new phase in our planetary evolution, a phase some call the Age of Aquarius, and one of the characteristics of this Age is that we will be functioning more and more as a global family, thinking beyond individual borders, and recognizing that this is a necessity, since we must work together to resolve issues that affect us all.
Some describe this shift in planetary consciousness as a movement from the solar plexus chakra to the heart chakra. The solar plexus chakra is about power, control, and/or freedom, individual interests, while the heart chakra is about relating to others around you.
When an individual goes through this process, he or she makes a deep decision to evolve, and this evolution can be easy or difficult, depending on how they have been functioning at the level of the solar plexus chakra.
If they have been functioning from the point of view of Control, deciding what others should do to satisfy their own individual perceived needs, and they want to move to Acceptance and Relating, they have to go through Letting Go. The more they hold on to control, the more things go out of control, until it might require some kind of shock that obliges them to accept what is, and recognize the importance of mutual concepts of freedom. When they do that, and see things from a new perspective, they can see themselves with compassion and they can understand that all the pain and discomfort they had caused themselves was due to how much they had been holding on to control.
Living the aspect of freedom in the solar plexus chakra makes the transition much more gentle.
We have come out of 2000 years of the solar plexus chakra, with our motivating force being our own primary interests, and now we have begun to think more as a global family. Some parts of the world have advanced more in this direction than others, but anyway, we are on the way. Evolution is, after all, inevitable.
Some say that the Earth has a consciousness, and that it is sensitive to what is happening in relation to the Beings it supports and sustains.
Perhaps, as the result of this Climate Change Conference, people are now more conscious of how they use the planetary resources, and Mother Earth might be responding to this shift, considering that it no longer needs to create dire warnings of What Might Be otherwise.
We have to wait and see if all this cold weather and record snow has had the effect of again building up the glaciers, and the polar ice caps. If so, then perhaps we can consider that this has simply been a Global Warning, letting us face a perceived common threat, in order to motivate us to relate in a way that is different than we did before, more as a global family that understands the importance of communicating and working together for a common good, in a way that works for everybody.
Martin Brofman -2010 ©
Global Consciousness and climate change
What Martin wrote 13 years ago has since become not just global warming, not just a warning, but a threat to the life of all living beings.
From the point of view where everything begins in our consciousness, we have attracted to ourselves a threat that should and must now make us react. And since our perceptions create our reality, the more people perceive what's happening as a threat, the more that threat manifests itself in physical reality.
When there's a symptom in the physical body, the rest of the body mobilizes to help the disharmonious part, and it's good to support the body's efforts to heal itself by nourishing it with positive thoughts and sending love to that part of the body that needs it.
When our planet began to show symptoms related to human behavior, at first a few voices were raised to increase awareness of our attitude towards living things. On the other hand, there were many who wanted mankind to continue in the same direction without changing a thing, while others preferred to say nothing and bury their heads in the sand.
Now that the symptoms have become visible all over the planet, the majority of people are continuing in the same direction, towards the wall, even if more and more are beginning to feel that something needs to change, but especially others before them.
Our human species, in terms of its behavior, blindly continues to demonstrate its disrespect for living beings and its staggering navel-gazing. How many more tremors will we have to face before each and every one of us, in his or her consciousness, undertakes a profound change?
Weather changes, high temperatures in many places, fires, floods and cyclones stronger than ever before, wars and poverty show us that we need to mobilize together to move in a different direction from the one we're heading for if we continue to see, hear and do nothing.
All this reflects a very strong solar plexus energy, where competition, the will to take power over others, the denial of the rights of many human beings and animals, the sense of separation (me here and others on the outside).
The element linked to the solar plexus chakra is fire, and this chakra is the chakra of the sun. When too much emphasis is placed on a chakra, it is in disharmony, and there is an appearance of symptoms linked to the aspects of consciousness connected to this chakra - in terms of power it can be feeling powerless, giving one's power/freedom to the outside, in terms of control it can be controlling oneself, wanting to control others, feeling separate.
Group consciousness, which is the sum of all individual consciousnesses, is currently out of balance and attracting experiences that reflect its state of consciousness.
The awareness of more and more people, seeing the connection between mind and body and the need for everyone to change their inner and outer behavior, may enable us to change the direction of humanity. Anything can be healed, but for the healing to work, each individual needs to stop navel-gazing and realize that we're living through an extraordinary transformation, and make this transition happen in a gentler way than at present.
It's about making a conscious decision to move into the heart.
What rules the world right now is fear. And the more we focus on resistance, the more we increase it and the more we attract events where fear manifests itself.
Of course, in the absolute, we could change everything right away, but it takes time for everyone to make a choice. Everyone is a creator and has the power to change and help others around them to change. Yet so far, many people want to go back to the old world "where it was better", justifying their way of being and their reflexes.
So yes, it takes courage to look within, to recognize what's not working, to change it, to be honest with ourselves and others, to be generous and to have the will to focus on what we can do, each in our own field, to move towards a better world.
This requires a big change, to stop judging and denigrating others, whoever they may be, and to make a conscious decision to go to your heart chakra, a place where you can see the world with compassion, accepting others, whatever they've done.
You can ask yourself at the end of the day how much time you've spent being compassionate, accepting and feeling unconditional love for yourself and others. And the next day you tell yourself you'll do even better.
In various esoteric philosophies, this moment is also described as a moment when the cosmic pendulum arrives at its final descending point before rising again, and this moment can be a chaotic one depending on the attitude of each individual and therefore of the group consciousness.
Another point of view is explained perfectly in several books, and one in particular "The Yugas". From this point of view, mankind goes through clearly discernable ages, or yugas. Each yuga changes the consciousness of mankind. An as we find ourselves in the ascending Dwapara Yuga, it has begun with the rise of the individual and the long pursuit of personal happiness without regard to its impact on others. Towards the end of the Dwapara Yuga, humanity will learn that the well-being of others is essential to every individual's happiness, and exploitation, iniquity and injustice will gradually come to an end.
The development of mankind is inextricably bound together with the development of every man´s consciousness.
May we each be an example for the others, and help them to see things in another way and take action to materialize another reality.
With love and gratitude,
Philippe Hannetelle – 2023 ©
The Yugas - David Steinmetz and Joseph Selbie - Crystal Clarity Publishers
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Rappel du point de vue à partir de chaque chakra:
Depuis le chakra de la couronne :
C'est comme marcher dans un rêve que tu es en train de faire, et être le rêveur lucide, conscient que tu es en train de le rêver, et que tout ce qui se passe dans le rêve est simplement un produit de ta conscience, que tu es le projecteur, et que tu en es conscient.
Depuis le chakra du front, nous voyons que ces autres êtres dans notre rêve sont chacun une conscience faisant ce que nous faisons, projetant leur rêve autour d'eux-mêmes comme nous projetons notre rêve autour de nous-mêmes, et là où ces bulles s'interpénètrent, où les rêves s'interpénètrent, nous créons un hologramme tridimensionnel que nous choisissons d'appeler la réalité physique extérieure - et les choses qui se produisent dans cette réalité physique extérieure sont le résultat des points de conscience impliqués dans l'événement. Il s'agit d'une réalité consensuelle, d'une réalité par accord.
Nous sommes chacun un Dieu portant des vêtements différents.
Les perceptions du chakra de la gorge sont celles d'une interaction avec un autre niveau d'intelligence, et suivent un flux où il apparaît que l'Univers est une entité bienveillante qui a l'intention de te rendre heureux - bien qu'il n'y ait pas encore de sentiment que cette entité soit toi. C'est plutôt : "Ce n'est pas moi qui fais ces choses, c'est mon Père".
Le chakra de la gorge est le premier niveau auquel nous percevons cet autre niveau d'intelligence.
Les autres chakras ne permettent pas de faire l'expérience directe d'un autre niveau d'intelligence, mais plutôt d'en déduire l'existence ou de raisonner sur le fait qu'il doit (ou ne doit pas) exister.
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A reminder of the view from each chakra
From the crown chakra:
It's like walking through a dream that you are dreaming, and being the lucid dreamer, aware that you are dreaming it, and that everything happening in the dream is simply a product of your consciousness, that you are the projector, and aware of it.
From the brow chakra, we see that these other Beings in our dream are each a consciousness doing what we are doing, projecting their dream around themselves as we are projecting our dream around ourself, and where these bubbles interpenetrate, where the dreams interpenetrate, we create a three dimensional hologram we choose to call external physical reality - and then the things that happen in this external physical reality is the result of the points of consciousness involved in the event. It is a concensus reality, a reality by agreement. We are each God wearing different clothes.
The throat chakra perceptions are those of interacting with another level of intelligence, and following a flow where it appears that the Universe is a benevolent entity intent on your happiness - though not yet a sense of that entity being you. It's more like, "It's not me that does these things, it's my Father." The throat chakra is the first level at which we have any sense of this other level of intelligence.
From the other chakras, there is not the direct experience of another level of intelligence, but rather inference about it, or reasoning that it must (or must not) exist.
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Put love into action
The only thing that is intangible in this world is change and while we are going through turbulent episodes, with darkness, verbal or physical violence that affects everyone more or less strongly in their private or professional life, it is important to stay in your center, to find this part in yourself that allows you to face any situation. Each of us is responsible for the state of the world and each has the opportunity to do something, to get involved, to bring comfort in everyday life, by a smile, a help, a word, to have compassion, listening and respecting different points of view.
You can observe yourself in your daily life and make adjustments if you notice that your behavior creates separation, if you judge another person and you can do what is necessary to come back to your heart. The more time you spend in your heart, the stronger your immune system becomes, the healthier you are, and the more positive effect you have on the world around you. The healing of the world begins with your own healing, your inner change. At the end of each day, you can wonder how much time you have spent in your heart and rejoice in the progress you are making daily to stay in that space and the positive effect you are having on the world.
Stop doing actions where you feel worse afterwards than before. If watching TV news, reading the latest news makes you feel worse, then why do you keep doing this? All thought is energy, and depending on your thoughts, that energy flows in a certain direction. If you're complaining about the current situation, then you need to watch where you put your attention.
You are surprised by the current violence, so do something with your thoughts of anger, aggression, your daily gestures. You expect others to change, but change begins with you and within you. Make your life as harmonious as possible, in this way you invite all the people around you to move and even if they do not realize it, your light guides them.
Put your attention on clarity, you know that the shadow is there but you maintain your course towards an exit from this turbulence which surrounds us.
Love heals, it should not remain an intention, but be manifested in each of our daily actions. Love towards oneself, love towards life and love towards all living beings. Anything can be healed.
©Philippe Hannetelle - November 2022
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Mets l'amour en action
La seule chose qui est intangible dans ce monde, c´est le changement et alors que nous traversons des épisodes mouvementés, avec de la noirceur, des violences verbales ou physiques qui affectent chacun plus ou moins fortement dans sa vie privée ou professionnelle, il est important de rester dans son centre, de trouver cette partie en soi-même qui permet de faire face à n’importe quelle situation.
Chacun de nous est responsable de l´état du monde et chacun a la possibilité de faire quelque chose, de s´impliquer, d´apporter un réconfort dans la vie de tous les jours, par un sourire, une aide, une parole, avoir de la compassion, être à l´écoute et respecter les différents points de vue.
Tu peux t´observer dans ta vie quotidienne et faire des ajustements si tu remarques que ton comportement crée la séparation, si tu juges une autre personne et tu peux faire le nécessaire pour revenir dans ton cœur. Plus tu passes de temps dans ton cœur, plus ton système immunitaire se renforce, plus tu es en bonne santé et plus tu as un effet positif sur le monde autour de toi. La guérison du monde commence par ta propre guérison, ton changement intérieur. A la fin de chaque journée, tu peux te demander combien de temps tu as passé dans ton cœur et te réjouir des progrès que tu fais quotidiennement pour rester dans cet espace et de l´effet positif que tu as sur le monde.
Arrête de faire des actions où tu te sens plus mal après qu´avant. Si regarder les journaux télévisés, lire les dernières nouvelles te fait te sentir plus mal, alors pourquoi continues-tu de faire cela ? Toute pensée est énergie, et dépendant de tes pensées, cette énergie coule dans une certaine direction. Si tu te plains de la situation actuelle, alors tu as besoin de regarder où tu mets ton attention.
Tu t´étonnes de la violence actuelle, alors fais quelque chose avec tes pensées de colère,
d´agressivité, tes gestes quotidiens. Tu attends que les autres changent, mais le changement commence avec toi et en toi. Fais en sorte que ta vie soit la plus harmonieuse possible, tu invites de la sorte tous les gens autour de toi à bouger et même s´ils ne s´en rendent pas compte, ta lumière les guide.
Mets ton attention sur la clarté, tu sais que l´ombre est là mais tu maintiens ton cap vers une sortie de cette turbulence qui nous entoure.
L´amour guérit, cela ne doit pas rester une intention, mais être manifesté dans chacun de nos actes quotidiens. L´amour envers soi-même, l´amour envers la vie et l´amour envers tous les êtres vivants.
Tout peut être guéri.
©Philippe Hannetelle - Novembre 2022
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Combien de temps ?
Nous sommes à un moment de notre évolution où l´amour est le grand absent, il suffit de regarder la situation dans le monde pour voir que
l´égoïsme, l´individualité, la séparation, le racisme ont abouti à des guerres qui n´en finissent pas à différents endroits de notre belle planète.
Notre monde a un besoin énorme d´amour. Et c’est de notre responsabilité à chacun de regarder comment nous pouvons en manifester plus dans notre vie quotidienne. Cela nécessite pour chacun d´entre nous d´accroître sa vigilance par rapport à nos perceptions, nos pensées, nos mots, nos actions.
Les perceptions sont la manière subjective dont nous interprétons les informations qui nous viennent du monde extérieur. Quelles perceptions choisis-tu quelle que soit la situation ou la personne que tu observes ? Une perception qui maintient ou recrée l´harmonie et l’unité ou bien une perception qui crée la séparation ou l´accentue ? Tes perceptions créent ta réalité, alors sois vigilant par rapport à celles que tu choisis.
Les pensées. Les pensées vont et viennent et tu t´accroches à certaines et tu leur donnes de l’énergie. Donnes-tu de l’énergie aux pensées qui séparent, qui amènent la disharmonie en toi et autour de toi ? Ou bien choisis-tu les pensées qui t´élèvent, te font sentir bien et ont un effet sur les êtres et le monde ? Tes pensées créent ta réalité.
Les mots. Quels mots utilises-tu ? Ceux qui font du mal et entretiennent la séparation ou
l´accentuent ou bien ceux qui mettent du baume au cœur et font que ceux autour de toi se sentent mieux. Tes mots créent ta réalité.
Les actions. Quelle énergie envoies-tu dans le monde avec tes actions ? Quelles vagues d’énergie vont vers les autres ? Font-elles du bien ou amènent-elles la souffrance ?
Tes actions créent ta réalité.
Il y a deux choses bien distinctes. La réalité et ta perception de la réalité. Chacun perçoit une réalité différente dépendant du filtre à travers lequel il regarde le monde extérieur. Quand tu tiens à ton point de vue et que tu veux avoir raison, cela reflète des mécanismes du mental qui bloquent l’évolution de ta conscience. Cela amène une perception limitée des choses qui va déclencher des réactions mentales, émotionnelles, physiques. On peut changer notre façon
d´expérimenter la vie en changeant de filtre perceptuel.
A la fin de chaque journée, demande-toi combien de temps tu as passé dans ton chakra du cœur et puis fais que ce temps augmente chaque jour, jusqu´à ce que tu remarques que ton cœur est plus léger, plus ouvert, ayant développé l’amour pour toi-même, la compassion envers ton passé, l´acceptation de ce même passé, et la compassion envers qui tu es maintenant et l’acceptation de ta situation présente et de l’état de ton corps.
Dans l’Egypte ancienne, il y avait la pesée du cœur. Le roi peut accéder aux royaumes célestes si son cœur est plus léger qu'une plume. C´est l´exemple que chacun peut suivre, en allégeant son cœur, ce qui lui permet d´explorer les parties plus profondes de sa conscience et de sortir de l’illusion de la réalité physique, de la « maya », et en se reconnaissant comme créateur de sa propre réalité, chacun sort de ce rôle de victime qu´il s´est laissé donner par la société et qu´il entretient.
Travaillant avec l´idée que les mots que tu utilises pour décrire tes expériences créent ta réalité, comment vas-tu décrire la situation où nous nous trouvons dans ce monde maintenant ?
Si tu parles de guerre psychique entre les individus, tu obtiens la guerre. Tu dois en parler d´une manière où tu trouves et propose une solution harmonieuse et chacun a besoin de faire cela.
Par exemple, dans les arts martiaux, il y a différents styles. Certains sont fait pour blesser
l´adversaire comme le karaté, bien sûr tu le fais seulement en autodéfense. Un autre comme le Tai Chi représente une danse entre le Yin et le Yang et tu apprends comment danser avec l’énergie. Dans l’Aïkido, c’est se mélanger avec une force opposée et tu es guidé de l’intérieur vers une solution harmonieuse avec du succès dans laquelle ton opposant n’est pas ton ennemi mais ton ami et tu regardes une manière pour créer une situation où ses besoins sont satisfaits aussi bien que les tiens. Et le Taekwondo où le but profond est qu´il n´y ai pas de combat.
Tu décides ton style. Dans les interactions entre toi et les autres, tu as le dernier mot sur ce qui se passe dans ta conscience.
Donc, dans ton interaction avec un autre être, ce qui t´arrive est ce que tu permets d’arriver et tu peux choisir que cela ne t´arrive pas. Pour cela, il est nécessaire d´élever tes perceptions dans ton chakra du cœur, cela te permet de sortir des niveaux de conscience où tu es perdu dans l´aspect miroir de tes perceptions, dans lesquels tu ne vois pas le monde tel qu´il est mais tel que tu es dans ta propre conscience.
Si tu veux changer ta façon d´expérimenter la vie, si tu veux de la douceur et de l´amour a profusion, alors cela commence en toi. Tu peux continuer d´être un rebelle, en colère, accusant tel ou telle de tous les maux, cela n´accentuera que les tensions dans ta propre conscience et tu entretiendras ta souffrance et celles des autres êtres.
Tu as le choix mais si tu veux aller vers un monde de paix, alors deviens un espace de silence et fais rayonner ton amour vers tous les êtres.
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How much time?
We are at a moment of our evolution where love is the great absentee, we only have to look at the situation in the world to see that selfishness, individuality, separation, racism have led to endless wars in different places of our beautiful planet.
Our world is in huge need of love. And it is the responsibility of each of us to look at how we can manifest more of it in our daily lives. This requires each of us to be more vigilant about our perceptions, our thoughts, our words, our actions.
Perceptions are the subjective way in which we interpret information from the outside world. Which perceptions do you choose, whatever the situation or the person you observe? A perception that maintains or recreates harmony and unity or a perception that creates or accentuates separation?
Your perceptions create your reality, so be careful about which ones you choose.
Thoughts. Thoughts come and go and you hold on to some and give them energy. Do you give energy to the thoughts that separate, that bring disharmony in you and around you? Or do you choose the thoughts that elevate you, make you feel good and have an effect on beings and the world?
Your thoughts create your reality.
Words. What words do you use? Do you use words that hurt and maintain or accentuate separation or do you use words that make those around you feel better?
Your words create your reality.
Actions. What energy are you sending out into the world with your actions? What waves of energy go out to others? Do they do good or do they bring suffering?
Your actions create your reality.
There are two distinct things. Reality and your perception of reality. Everyone perceives a different reality depending on the filter through which they look at the outside world. When you hold on to your point of view and want to be right, this reflects mental mechanisms that block the evolution of your consciousness. This leads to a limited perception of things that will trigger mental, emotional and physical reactions. We can change the way we experience life by changing our perceptual filter.
At the end of each day, ask yourself how much time you have spent in your heart chakra and then let this time increase each day, until you notice that your heart is lighter, more open, having developed love for yourself, compassion for your past, acceptance of that same past, and compassion for who you are now and acceptance of your present situation and the state of your body.
In ancient Egypt, there was the weighing of the heart. The king can enter the heavenly realms if his heart is lighter than a feather. This is the example that everyone can follow, by lightening their heart, which allows them to explore the deeper parts of their consciousness and to get out of the illusion of physical reality, of "maya", and by recognizing themselves as creators of their own reality, everyone gets out of this role of victim that they have been given by society and that they maintain.
Working with the idea that the words you use to describe your experiences create your reality, how will you describe the situation we find ourselves in now?
If you talk about psychic warfare between individuals, you get war. You have to talk about it in a way where you find and propose a harmonious solution and everyone needs to do that.
For example, in martial arts, there are different styles. Some are made to hurt the opponent like karate, of course you do it only in self-defense. Another one like Tai Chi is a dance between Yin and Yang and you learn how to dance with energy. In Aikido, it is mixing with an opposing force and you are guided from within to a harmonious solution with success in which your opponent is not your enemy but your friend and you look at a way to create a situation where his needs are met as well as yours. And Taekwondo where the deep goal is that there is no fighting.
You decide your style. In the interactions between you and others, you have the final say in what happens in your consciousness.
So, in your interaction with another being, what happens to you is what you allow to happen and you can choose not to let it happen to you. For this, it is necessary to raise your perceptions in your heart chakra, which allows you to leave the levels of consciousness where you are lost in the mirrorring aspect of your perceptions, in which you do not see the world as it is but as you are in your own consciousness.
If you want to change the way you experience life, if you want sweetness and love in abundance, then it starts within you. You can continue to be a rebel, angry, accusing this or that person of all the evils, this will only accentuate the tensions in your own consciousness and you will maintain your suffering and that of other beings.
You have the choice but if you want to go towards a world of peace, then become a pool of silence and let your love radiate towards all beings.
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Une fable de Martin Brofman ©
〃 Un jour, Dieu a pensé. "Je me demande comment ce serait de visiter la terre et de naître sous forme humaine."
Et c'est ainsi que cela arriva.
Et dans le traumatisme de la naissance, le passé fut oublié.
Et tandis que Dieu s'habituait à cette forme physique, tous les autres Êtres autour de Lui/elle parlaient d'un Dieu extérieur à eux et le vénéraient, et Dieu considéra qu'ils pouvaient avoir raison, et donc Il/Elle fit de même.
Un jour, un fou dit à Dieu : "Tu es Dieu". Dieu a considéré que le fou pouvait avoir raison, puis a réalisé que c'était en fait le cas. Il a alors vu que sa vie était en fait le produit de ce qu'il croyait être vrai, que les limites auxquelles il avait cru l'avaient en fait limité lui-même, et qu'au fur et à mesure que des idées étaient entrées dans sa conscience, ces idées s'étaient en fait matérialisées dans sa vie, selon ce qu'il s'était permis de croire possible. Et la compassion pour Lui/elle-même arriva.
Puis Dieu a assumé Son propre état d'être et a dit à ceux qui l'entouraient : "Si vous adorez un Dieu en dehors de vous, vous devez aussi adorer chaque création de ce Dieu et la traiter correctement, savoir que vous êtes une telle création, bien la traiter et lui faire plaisir.
Car vous n'avez pas besoin de vous diminuer en aucune façon pour prouver votre amour, mais plutôt d'être tout ce que vous pouvez être, l'expression la plus complète de votre potentiel, et d'être heureux.
Et quand vous réaliserez que Je suis en chacun de vous, voyez-Moi là, et en chacun et réalisez que dans la partie la plus profonde de votre Être, Je suis Toi et Tu es Moi, et Nous sommes Amour.
Nous sommes Je Suis.
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A Fable by Martin Brofman ©
〃 One day God thought. "I wonder how it would be to visit the earth. and be bom in human form."
And so it came to happen.
And in the trauma of birth, the past was forgotten.
And while God was getting accustomed to this physical form, all other Beings around Him/Her were talking about and worshipping a God outside themselves, and God considered that they might be right, and so He/She did the same.
One day, a crazy person said to God, "You are God". God considered that the crazy person might be right, and then realized that it was, in fact, so. He/She then saw that His/Her life was, in fact, the product of what He/She believed to be true, and that the limits He/She had believed had in fact limited Him/Herself, and that as ideas had come into His/Her consciousness, those ideas had in fact materialized in His/Her life, according to whatever He/She had allowed Him/Herself to believe was possible. And there was compassion for Him/Herself.
And then God assumed His/Her Own State Of Being, and said to those around Him/Her, "If you worship a God outside yourself, then you must also worship each Creation of that God, and treat it well, and know that you are just such a Creation, and treat it well, and pleasure it.
For you need not diminish yourself in any way to prove your love, but rather be all that you can be, the fullest expression of your potential, and be happy.
And when you realize that I am in each of you, see Me there, and in one another, and realize that in the deepest part of your Being, I am You and You are Me, and We are Love.
We are I Am.
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L’amour est tout ce dont nous avons besoin
Les humains sont en guerre depuis longtemps, avec eux-mêmes, avec leurs proches, avec celles et ceux qui ont des points de vue différents. Nous sommes en état de séparation permanente. Nous vivons dans notre chakra du plexus solaire, où la perception est moi ici dans mon espace et les autres à l'extérieur de cet espace.
Il n'est donc pas surprenant que nous atteignions maintenant un point où cette séparation se manifeste de manière plus forte qu'auparavant. D'abord avec le vaccin Covid, pro vax et anti vax et maintenant avec la guerre en Ukraine, avec les pro Ukraine et les anti Ukraine.
Quand tu choisis un côté, tu entretiens cette séparation.
Prends une décision consciente d'élever tes perceptions dans le chakra du cœur. Que tes pensées, tes mots, tes actes quotidiens reflètent cette décision.
Quand tu es conscient dans le moment présent de la séparation et du jugement que tu émets, décide de revenir dans ton cœur et vois comme tu te sens différent.
Et chaque soir, revois ta journée et sois conscient des moments où tu as à nouveau jugé, séparé, rabaissé et sois heureux des moments déjà passés dans le cœur et attends-toi à augmenter ces moments jour après jour.
Vois comment tu peux gérer les évènements avec plus d’amour, en étant centré et équilibré et en faisant cela, tu es dans un monde plus en harmonie et tu apportes au monde l’amour dont nous avons tous besoin.
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Love is what we all need
Humans have been at war for a long time, with themselves, with those close to them, with those who have different points of view. We are in a state of permanent separation. We live in our solar plexus chakra, where the perception is me here in my space and others outside of this space.
It is therefore not surprising that we are now reaching a point where this separation manifests itself more strongly than before. First with the Covid vaccine, pro vax and anti vax and now with the war in Ukraine, with the pro Ukraine and the anti Ukraine.
When you choose a side, you maintain this separation. Make a conscious decision to elevate your perceptions in the heart chakra. May your thoughts, your words, your daily actions reflect this decision.
When you are aware in the present moment of the separation and judgment you are making, decide to come back into your heart and see how different you feel.
And each evening, review your day and be aware of the times when you have judged again, separated, belittled and be happy with the times already spent in the heart and expect to increase these times day by day.
See how you can handle events with more love, by being centered and balanced and by doing this, you are in a more harmonious world and you bring to the world the love we all need
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A Mind Control Marathon
By Philippe Hannetelle
We are walking through this movie since almost two years now. Yes, it´s a marathon for each living being on this planet. Some are more affected than others depending on the country they live in and their state of consciousness, in balance or not.
Everyone is a creator, whether the person recognizes it or not, and this particular moment of our existence, we created it together, it is a call for everyone's consciousness to wake up from their societal trance, for everyone to become aware of their creation and the suffering they inflict on themselves and others through their selfish, angry, jealous, manipulative behavior.
It is because people don´t want to change in their consciousness, insisting to look through the levels of their consciousness in which they don´t see the world as it is but as they are, we say that they are lost in the mirroring aspects of their consciousness.
There is this separation in ourselves, between our emotions and our will, our feminine and masculine side, our yin and our yang and this is reflected in our societies with the opposition man-woman, and all these movements that show themselves so that we see the disharmony of our consciousness, the fires, the floods, the temperatures that fluctuate from one extreme to another, the terrorism, the wars. But until now many are still caught in the fog that occupies a large portion of their consciousness because they are not aware or don´t want to see their motivation behind their actions.
And there is so much suffering in this physical reality, human suffering and animal suffering and mistreatment of nature. As a canadian free-lance journalist, Guy Crittenden, wrote in his article “Covid and the Law of Karma”- a karmic debt built up over decades of US imperialism (and other insults to human decency), which sprouted dreadful vines from the bloody soil of centuries of unimaginable exploitation and genocide - and as Martin Brofman in his book “Anything can be healed”, in the chapter “Karma and healing” - consider the energies you have been putting out, because now you know what it feels when it comes back-.
This is the moment at which you take mastery of your life and, going out of the victim state, you ask yourself why you have attracted the situation or event into your life and you start to work on yourself to change your inner. As you transform yourself, the outer world is going to reflect this. Seeing yourself as a creator and going beyond the veil of illusion.
For a lot of people, life is difficult and full of rollercoasters experiences, and they are seeing themselves as victims, saying „poor me, I am so unlucky”, but when you awake to who you really are, a consciousness, a soul, you recognize you are responsible for your own journey. Then you finally let go of all victim consciousness and stop blaming, judging, hating and projecting onto others.
The acceptance levels have increased towards the basic idea of these methods saying that we are each a creator and everything begins in our consciousness since I began teaching The Body Mirror System and The Vision Workshop 31 years ago. There have always been parts of the society open to these ideas, though now, with the popularity of healing methods, the idea has come to be accepted more within the mainstream parts of society. While at first, examples like Martin Brofman´s healing were considered extraordinary, there are more and more people who have done the same thing, either healing themselves, or being healed with various non-physical tools.
I remember talking in the 70ies with Pierre Besson, a nephew of my maternal grandmother about all these ideas. He introduced me to all these philosophiess and recommended books to read from Yogananda, Spalding among others. He was a famous dowser in France in the 60ies-70ies and he analyzed with his pendulum a blotter where the person had put saliva and he was looking for the organs that were not functioning well, pointing out symptoms and giving homeopathic drugs. He wrote a book “Homme ou Dieu” (Man or God) in the 50ies in which he explains we are creators, we are unlimited and we are able to do and change everything, but until now most human beings chose the limitations and put their focus on the physical reality and so live under its laws (biology, chemistry and physics).
According to Quantum Theory, for example, the observer of an event affects the event, depending on how they observe it – showing the power of consciousness over events in the physical world. This reinforces the understanding in consciousness exploration that our perceptions create our reality.
We are spiritual Beings existing in a physical Universe – so that the more we understand both, and how they interact, the more we understand ourselves and the true nature of who we are.
We are currently in a period of time where outer events are difficult, a lot of solar plexus energy, reflecting a lot of tensions in the group consciousness and a bounce against the membrane between the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Heart Chakra, moving from Control to Acceptance. We have to ask ourselves why we drew this experience and we can see these events designed to stimulate a change, if it does not happen in a gentler manner.
There are more and more individuals voicing and demonstrating their displeasure at feeling controlled by people that have not been representing the interests of the group and the individuals in the group consciousness.
Evolution anyway is inevitable. For the evolution process to be more gentle, it needs for people to jump out of the victim role, and by raising their perceptions to the heart chakra, looking at everybody, including themselves, with more compassion, acceptance, seeing the entire world and all the perpetrators of injustice with eyes of love. We each are on this path of our own evolution, and we can experience life through deeper places in our consciousness. That´s the reason to go beyond the mind, to make the unconscious conscious.
We always have the choice as to whether we will interpret these events through the filter of Security, Sensation, Freedom or Power, Love, Expression or Abundance, Spirit, or Unity. We have these seven different channels on our screen and most people are still caught in the first three channels, these three first levels of our consciousness, where if you experience tensions, thus you see the world through a filter of insecurity, or emotionally trapped, or imposing your power or controlling yourself.
Because, until this moment of our experience, what was hypnotizing people were the work-eat-entertainment cycles and it was fascinating to see that a lot of people were not wondering what we do on this planet and had no desire for a deeper understanding of our purpose in this universe.
Everyone should know about their role as a creator, the relationship between their thoughts and emotions, and the consequences it has in their body, and the importance of living consciously. It allows you to be happier and to create consciously. It is like a User's Manual for the equipment we came to earth with, and unfortunately, until now not enough people know how to use it or not fully and for some people, even if they read the Manual, they don´t use it or don’t understand why things go wrong with it. It should be taught in schools, as meditation is now proposed in some schools in different parts of the world. (Martin Brofman)
It allows us to see the events in the outer word as a cocreation of the different Spirits involved in the events. Until now the vast majority of people living on the earth are violent – violent with their thoughts, their words and their actions, they don´t want peace, neither do the governments, they sell weapons, they prepare for war, and in the same way religions have not given man peace, we have all created that and therefore there is no peace on earth until now.
When there are enough people in the world understanding these concepts to help themselves and those around them, the world will be a better place.
So here we are in a temporal continuity where we experience our own separation. And every day brings its share of contradictions where the mind does not know where to turn.
Human beings are running around in all directions, both in physical reality and in their consciousness, caught up in a frenzy of reactions, like a nest of ants that has been disturbed. But where are they running to? Few know, and if they did, they would surely stop running, although it is not even sure.
Since the beginning of 2020, we have been in a mold that we have made ourselves. Convinced that the physical reality is the only one that exists, people are motivated by fear, which is underlying in all their ways of reacting.
So yes, as science professes, a virus can create diseases and the one called corona is no exception to this rule. And since one trusts science, one looks for an external solution and, since preventive treatments have been ignored, one has turned to forced vaccination, while saying that it would not be compulsory. The facts prove the contrary and the turn of the screw becomes more intense to force people to bend their backs in front the steamroller of the laboratories and the policies that are implemented.
People who advocate other ways of changing things are belittled, seen as troublemakers, conspirators or other demeaning names. Even caregivers, doctors or nurses who do not follow the official orthodoxy are excluded. We have entered a dense physical reality where control and fear go hand in hand.
There are solutions, but the profitable business of the laboratories and their relentless lobbying, as well as the lack of vision of politicians, means that we are going backwards rather than forwards.
What are the solutions?
This starts with education, and changing the way education is practiced, now it´s a competitive education, where you have to be the best to please the parents and the dreams they have set for their child. There are alternative schools, but the lack of support for this kind of education and the suspicion towards them, makes that the children continue to be educated to work in order to be profitable for the society.
Teaching children to meditate, to communicate without violence with others should be the basis of any education worthy of the name.
And teach from childhood that competition is the root of all wars and that it is important to respect other opinions and create unity rather than separation.
Encourage the body's natural way of healing itself, through meditation, yoga, plants, all the so-called "alternative" medicines.
Teach people that they are not just a physical body but a Spirit in a body and teach them to feel the energy, to direct it with their consciousness in order to heal themselves and others.
Teach that everything has a consciousness and that we are all connected, and learn to relate to the consciousness of all that exists.
Understand that all symptoms in the body or all the experiences in our life are the physical manifestation of what we do in our own consciousness. We are individual consciousness and all together we form a group consciousness, and in the same way an individual consciousness can be out of balance, a group consciousness can be out of balance. There is the group consciousness of a family, of a town, of a country and if you let yourself be affected by the out of balance condition of a group consciousness, you become yourself out of balance and if you continue in the same direction, you will create a symptom in your physical body. So, when you understand the body-mind relationship, the place where the symptom is located will show you what you need to do to come back to balance, to be healed. And anything can be healed!
If you show me someone with a symptom, I will show you someone who is unhappy about something. If people got what is called “Covid” or got secondary effects after a jab, it means they have tensions in their consciousness about something happening in their life at that time. It raises questions about the conditions in the group consciousness that contributed to the situation, and the degree to which the individual accepted the beliefs and/or values that contributed to the symptom.
Looking at the different possible symptoms, we can have an understanding about the different tensions in their consciousness and what people need to do to come back to balance and e healed.
Fever implies anger. The element associated with the solar plexus chakra is fire. The person is angry about something happening in their life.
A headache generally points to tensions in the crown chakra, and therefore with father and/or authority, or a sense of separation from someone. A headache at the level of the forehead, however, points more to brow chakra tensions and something happening in the person’s thoughts/feelings about spirituality or religion, or not feeling seen as the person inside the body.
Fatigue in general or experiencing low levels of energy reflects root chakra tensions about money, home, and/or job, or other root chakra tensions (survival, trust). The person can ask him/herself what they are “tired of.”
The irritation might be in the chest or in the throat. When it is in the throat, it can be associated with unexpressed anger, and the person feeling irritated about something. When it is in the chest, it points more to tensions or anger with someone close to the person’s heart. When someone coughs, they are pushing away air, the element associated with the heart chakra. A person’s relationship with air is reflecting their relationship with love, and the person has therefore been pushing away someone’s love, feeling angry with someone close to them.
Diarrhea is the frequent passage of loose, watery, soft stools with or without abdominal bloating, pressure, and cramps. It reflects tension in the root chakra, and insecurity or fear as a perceptual filter.
Sore Throat
A sore throat reflects unexpressed anger, and tension in the throat chakra, which is associated with expressing.
The nose and the sense of smell are related to the root chakra and therefore to the parts of the person’s consciousness concerned with security, and that which represents security in the person’s life – money, home, job, mother. Tensions in the root chakra are experienced as insecurity or fear.
The lungs are associated with the heart chakra and the area of relationships in the person’s life. Symptoms affecting the lungs affect the person’s ability to breathe. The element of air is associated with the heart chakra, and a person’s relationship with air reflects their relationship with love. One can then see the parallels with difficulty allowing it in, or difficulty expressing, in terms of what was happening in the person’s life when the symptom began.
- Systemic inflammation of the blood vessels: anger reflecting tensions in the heart chakra and in the circulation of love.
- There are also reports of skin problems, the skin is connected to the solar plexus chakra and the aspects of freedom, power, control. If it is a particular area of the skin that is affected, we say that it is a solar plexus energy (anger, rage) at that place.
Loss of taste - associated with the orange chakra and food, sexuality, willingness to be in touch with the emotions.
If the conclusion of the symptom is death, it shows that the person has decided that the situation they are in is unacceptable, and that they would rather die than continue with that situation in their life. For them to decide to live, they must resolve this tension or the situation so that they have something to look forward to, something to live for.
Martin Brofman – The Inner Cause
Until now, the answer to Covid is vaccination, this is the credo distilled more and more loudly by governments, scientists and doctors, but not all of them, some see vaccination as counterproductive and deplore the absence of preventive treatment, they are forbidden or discouraged and natural treatments, plants, homeopathy, etc. are excluded and denigrated. Everything that could be beneficial for health is closed - for example saunas in Germany, fitness and sport centers, swimming pools and so on.
All this keeps us in one answer, the allopathic answer, where causes and effects are outside of ourselves.
The mind-body connection is not even considered, it is not even mentioned. We have reached a society of absolute control, where compulsory vaccination is in the pipeline in different countries, with an exclusion of people who do not want to fit into the manufactured mold.
We have created as human beings, rulers who are caught in the mirror effect of their own perceptions and decide that they are the absolute truth. We are overwhelmed with statistics, numbers, that say what we want them to say.
We know that the solution is in ourselves. Now it´s the time, change inside, you are the dreamer dreaming the dream, what do you really want?
Dream a peaceful change and remember that intention is one thing, but action is necessary.
Philippe Hannetelle
Source: Martin Brofman
Source: Guy Crittenden
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