headofpr · 2 years
When Bea had first seen the notice about the PM coming to visit her work she thought they were joking. Of course she knew a few of his PR people, at least in passing, but she really did think that it was a joke, a festive prank. She certainly didn’t expect that when her doorbell rang that she’d open it to the Prime Minister. For a moment she just stared at him, blinking, before his words caught up with her.
“My goodness is that today?” She was suddenly grateful she’d gotten dressed earlier than she usually did. At least the reporter hadn’t caught her in her scant night clothes. Although her hair was still in the rollers she used to give them a curl. 
“I’m a PR Representative actually.” She said glancing over his shoulder to see if one of his PR people was there. When she spotted the reporter instead she did her best to hide her annoyance with a smile. “I don’t start until 9, why don’t you come in? I was just making breakfast for my family.”
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➜ open starter for anyone!
It’s take your kid to work day! Except it’s take your PM to work day!
Congratulations, you’ve been selected as the lucky individual to show the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom around your work. He will shadow you for a day, after which dinner will be served at the PM’s private residence at 10 Downing Street. Oh, and by the way, you can’t say no. <3
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Some sparkly-eyed brand-spanking-new intern for the PR team seemed to be full of brilliant fucking ideas, looking to be the next big thing in relationships management. How they’d managed to pitch this as something they should do was beyond August, but since he happened to owe a favor or two to his PR manager, he’d thought it was best to get this over with to prove that the rat bastard who came up with this idea should clearly be fired. It seemed patronising to request (read: force) citizens to have the prime minister fumbling around their workplace all for a few articles in papers nobody even reads anymore. But, since someone clearly thought it was Pulitzer-prize worthy material, here he was, with a security detail and a reporter, showing up to some poor bastard’s place at 7:30am sharp, as he had been instructed.
‘Dress appropriately,’ had been the command from his team, but without more instruction the definition of appropriately was hardly clear to him. Meagan had stuffed him into a white shirt, over which he wore a woolen hunting sweater, the lapels of which scratched uncomfortably against his freshly-shaved neck. He had, for the first time in a decade, black jeans and some walking shoes on. August hadn’t dared look himself in the mirror before he left, fearing he’d have to witness the suburbanite nightmare his wife had made him into. This was probably what she dreamed of every night— the thought made him shudder.
He rang the doorbell, which sent an 8-bit rendition of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy ringing in the house. How cliche, August thought, and for a moment pondered how he might go about banning all doorbells in the country. As funny as the thought was, he had little time to think about it before the door was swung open and he was greeted by a face looking about as excited as he was feeling himself.
“Hello!” August greeted, cheerful as ever, “May we come in? You have a lovely home.” He didn’t wait much for an invitation, and instead let himself and his little entourage in. “Now, my team thought it’d be best I go into this entirely blind, so I have no idea what we’re doing today. What is it you do for a living?”
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headofpr · 2 years
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Hannah Waddingham
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headofpr · 2 years
“I see where Luis gets his perfect people skills,” August said, as flattering as possible. What a faux pas, thinking Donatella Versace would be hip to dress as, nowadays. Was she the one who killed her husband? Whatever. “And my beautiful wife!” he went on with an enthusiastic clap of his hands, “Rivals the real people’s princess, doesn’t she?” The PM pats Ms. Campbell on the upper arm warmly, his fingers linger perhaps longer than they should.
“Well, you look gorgeous, Versace or not. I could use someone like you working for me, how about we discuss matters over a drink?”
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“Mm, she certainly rivals some,” Bea said with a polite nod, deciding it would be better to keep quiet rather than say something she regretted. Although she worked for Luis and would want to remain that way she knew it was best to keep her reputation clean. So instead of commenting she simply took another drink.
Although her head tilted at the offer, taking a moment to understand the true offer. “Oh, oh, ew. No. Sorry no, don’t mean that. I em... I have had too much to drink already I think and I am very happy in my own work.”
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headofpr · 2 years
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“Bea! Oh you look spectacular too” Not as quick to down her drink as her cousin, she’d been nursing the same glass for a while at this point, Safiya instead holds it a little awkwardly off to the side as the pair embrace. “I’d be right in guessing Elsa, yes? You know the second Nadia gets word of this she will be asking you to wear this to her birthday party next month”
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After the hug Bea gave a quick twirl to show off her dress, of course that drink had not quite been her first and it was showing in her giddy actions. “Of course Elsa! With this hair who else would I be dressed as? Also, you know I would be honoured to appear as Elsa especially for Nadia.”
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headofpr · 2 years
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“Ah! That easily recognisable, am I?” August asked with a forced chuckle. What he thought of looking like the King would be left unsaid, lest he be called treasonous this early in the night. Later, it might be understandable. “I thought I didn’t quite have the ears for it,” he joked, fingers flapping the lobe of his left ear slightly, “I’m sure His Majesty would only be flattered. I’ll have to ask him during our next sit down what he thought of my outfit.”
He gave the woman a once over, feigning as much disinterest as a man can, looking at a woman dressed to impress in a frilly white dress, and high heels. “And you’re dressed as…?” he asked. It wasn’t immediately obvious to him. “No, wait. Let me guess,” August lifted a hand to pause the other, “Donatella Versace?”
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“Why of course, you’re likeness has been very public these days. Although, I will admit that it helps that I saw Mrs Finley earlier.” Bea said with a slight shrug and a shake of her head. She did give a polite laugh as he played with his ears before her smile dropped, genuine confusion on her face.
“Who? No, no I’m Queen Elsa. Frozen? Y’know you really should know disney if you want to connect to the general public.”
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headofpr · 2 years
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“Ah, finally a woman with taste,” he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her against him. This display of affection was far for rare coming from the pair, but that was to be expected when you’d been working for so long together. “Can you believe Samar and Safiya told me they expected it gone come morning?” Sure enough both were trusted advisors and he considered his team like family (he’d probably spent enough Sundays in their company for them to legally count as such), but they had absolutely no fashion sense. “I think I could replace Finley in no time if I kept it. He’d never stand a chance.”
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“They didn’t! That’s ridiculous I’ll have to have a word.” Bea said with a soft chuckle before shaking her head. “You should have told me I would have coordinated. Think I could pull of a Dolly Parton? Queen of country music after all.”
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headofpr · 2 years
@mayor-espino​ || Halloween Event
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“Luis!” It was with little regard to the security close by to Luis that Bea rushed forward flinging herself into giving him a tight hug. “You know I really didn’t expect for you to go with the whole thing. You really have carried off the look. Especially the mustache. It suits you.”
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headofpr · 2 years
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“Prime Minister, you look, wow. Honestly, I’m quite speechless.” It was truly rare for Bea to be lost for wards and yet here she was staring at him with a bewildered look on her face. When she’d spotted Megan she hadn’t really thought of what the other part of the couple would be. “...Does his highness know of this?”
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headofpr · 2 years
@safiyahoward​ || Halloween Event
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“Saifya! My word you look amazing,” Spotting her cousin across the floor of the casino. Very quickly she downed her drink putting the class at the side and crossing to greet her wrapping her into a tight hug.
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headofpr · 2 years
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Bea is a child at heart and has come as Queen Elsa
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headofpr · 2 years
Samar had just gotten his coffee from the counter when he noticed the blonde hair coming nearer to his direction. It was already too late. Beatrice was often times like a runaway train, everything or everyone in her path barrelled over, taking no prisoners. He had to take a sip, hoping the espresso would sink into his veins as some invisibility cloak, by the time she spoke to him.
“Always,” he answered back as concisely as could be managed, but work never was put on hold. That was their common thread that tied them together, a chain linked by the mayor and the city of London. “Another reporter?” He gestured to where she had come from, the sight of a known one passing by the windows. “They’re going to be demanding answers soon.”
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“Samar!” Bea’s polite smile widened to a genuine grin as she spotted her colleague. Whilst they were very different as people she enjoyed spending time with him. Even if it wasn’t planned and she was moments away from looping her arm in his and leading him to a table when he spoke.
“Oh yes I know, they’re incorrigible I don’t doubt we’ll need a statement soon. Still, it’ll all work out. We know Luis didn’t have any say in this so he’ll remain relatively clean.”
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headofpr · 2 years
“I see that,” he glanced out the windows and furrowed his eyebrows at the media team standing there. If she looked important enough, he couldn’t identify who she was on the spot, and figured that they mustn’t have hung around the same circles. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she hadn’t known a thing about him either even if most brits watched a fair amount of football.
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“I will admit to not having been the most attentive to my surroundings and share the blame,” he politely smiled and stepped aside, returning his attention to the furniture before him. He typically bought furniture from catalogues or let interior designers do their things, but there was something special about strolling and buying things yourself.
Bea gave a short nod and a smile as she followed his gaze to the reporters. As much as she was used to them she rather hoped that they would move along shortly and leave her in peace.
“That’s very kind of you, thank you.”
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headofpr · 2 years
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PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN (2020), dir. Emerald Fennell
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headofpr · 2 years
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“Oh come now, Mr Espino has had no connections to these organisations and whilst this so called ‘treaty’ is being investigated I see no need why anyone in the Mayor’s circle need answer such questions.” Bea gave a small shake of her head as she moved away from the reporter, her tone of voice emphasising how ridiculous so found the whole thing. Dipping into one of the stores nearby she stopped suddenly at the realisation she’d nearly walked right into someone. “My apologies, a busy day.”
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headofpr · 2 years
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Beatrice “Bea” Campbell ♦ Cis Woman (she/her) ♦ 44 ♦ Government/Media ♦ London Mayor PR Representative
The only person I can authentically be is me and I’m going to do a bloody good job at it.
The Campbell family were people in London who were not well-known but certainly well-off. Beatrice was the daughter of a general surgeon and a lawyer. They lived in Knightsbridge and as she grew up Bea certainly didn’t wish for anything. Perhaps it was that security that set Beatrice on the path she ended up in.
She was a ‘free spirit’ and in a family that was prim and proper she didn’t fit in. By the time she was 15 her elder brother was heading to law school, following in their father’s footsteps and instead she was barely passing high school classes and instead focusing on fun. She knew the time would come that she’d choose a profession and settle down but for now she wanted to enjoy things. She’d go out with friends, her boyfriend, do live art classes or late parties. She wanted to have some stories to tell before university.
That outlook changed her life. She was eighteen when the positive pregnancy test turned up. Of course Beatrice and her boyfriend were stunned, this certainly had not been the plan. But they loved each other and in their naive eyes that was all that mattered. Their bubble was quickly popped once their parents found out. Both pairs of adults were furious and absolutely adamant that if the pair wanted to have the child they’d have no support from either of them. So the pair made a huge decision. They would become parents, on their own. However, it didn’t stay as just the two of them for very long. The two of them were polyamorous and although they presumed that their partner would not want to continue a relationship after having a child involved it turned out they did. So Bea, her boyfriend and her girlfriend moved in together. The home that they could afford was very small, a one bed flat in a very different area of London to the one they were used to.
Beatrice left school to raise their child, her partners continued on at school so that he could get a better job for them. Up until her pregnancy progressed too far Bea had a job as a checkout assistant at the local shop. Throughout school her partners took on different jobs to try and provide.  The trio had a son and the little family became one of four.
Despite the difficulties with money the family got by and they were happy with the three adults very much in love. Over time Beatrice was able to return to college to get her qualifications and started looking into full time work once her son was in primary school.
It came to a surprise to most that knew her that she became interested in media and PR. She worked for an HR company in her twenties whilst working part time on a college course for a better qualification. From there she continued to make her way in the world of PR soon creating a good reputation for herself as she began getting involved with bigger, more prestigious companies. It was quite the riches to rags and back to riches story and although certain details of her private life were kept unknown she didn’t shy away from the majority of it.
Which is also how Bea ended up involved within the world of politics. PR and media relations were becoming more and more important. Press attaches were looking for PR representatives to work with different politicians. For a few years Bea freelanced but when Safiya was employed with Luis things changed once more. Bea trusted Safiya and more than that she was interested in the policies that Luis was suggesting as the mayor of the city Bea loved so much. Since then she has been working as a PR representative soon becoming head of PR for Luis Espino’s office.
At the moment Bea is very content in her life, she has two partners she adores, a son who is thriving and a job that she is continuously challenged by. What more could a girl ask for?
+/-: intellectual, quick thinking, passionate, caring, reckless, stubborn, loud, sarcastic
If Bea was to have done another job she’d have loved to be an illustrator, in particular children’s books.
She writes everything down in lists claiming that if she doesn’t she won’t do it. Those lists are also covered with doodles.
Being a mother is Beatrice’s proudest achievement.
She hates broccoli but adores cauliflower
Safiya is Bea’s cousin. Bea’s mother’s brother is Safiya’s father. He did his best to help her when she was starting in PR.
FC: Hannah Waddingham
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headofpr · 2 years
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headofpr · 2 years
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Hannah Waddingham my heart is yours🤍
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