Yeah well I figured I'd be a good samaritan and voluntarily come in, lots of shady shit going down around here. Sometimes i wonder what you get paid for, Caldwell. 
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It’d be a vast improvement over seeing just your sorry mug here alone. Though you should be here for more than just questioning but that goes to show what corruption and money laundering can do for you.
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Right, some paper pusher with a sharp lookin' nine millimeter that's probably never seen any action. Perhaps I should have brought the pig a donut.
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You’re talking to the wrong cop there, guy. If you’re looking for a bad cop, you’re out of luck. Nothing but us paper pushers.
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I was told to come in for questioning, that gonna start anytime soon or are you gonna do that whole bad cop thing for a bit?
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Oh now princess, don't be like that unless that's what you want. I could make some permanent arrangements for you if this isn't working well for you.
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Figured that’d be all you wanted at this point, Ellis. Wouldn’t it be easier for you?
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If your delicate sensibilities can't handle the job I'll gladly pass it off to someone else 'cause the longer you dill dally the more likely you are to get pinched and we don't want that.
I’m coming.
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That's exactly why, now hurry the fuck up.
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I — Ellis, you know.
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I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that princess.
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Don’t call me that.
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43 pounds of C-4, so like I said, be real fucking careful princess.
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Ellis what’s in here. 
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Good, I've got someone I need you to meet but before that-
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Grab that dufflebag and be gentle, unless you feel like being scattered bits of carcass over the docks.  
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alright, puppetmaster. 
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A little bit of both.
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Same as always or something new?
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Thus far you have, but there is still much to be done. Now hurry up, we have one more spot to hit.
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Don’t I always, Ellis?
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Now don't be like that, you may just be one of the the only ones who doesn't burn. If you do exactly as you're told.
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I made a deal with the devil, should’ve known we were all gonna’ burn.
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Don't look so surprised sugar pie, you knew this was going to happen sooner or later.
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Must have been some nasty slip in the shower there, Deputy Caldwell.
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[She thought was being coy, maybe even careless which he very greatly doubted for she was anything by that nor subtle either. She had been very deliberate in her trail she had left out for him and one other to find, it appeared however as he slipped through the warehouse doors without so much as a sound that he was the only one who had ventured. At least thus far.]  What can I say, I was a bit preoccupied but I'm here now.
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[ Never one for needing an excuse for a good time, there was something about the holiday that just screamed bloody murder to Vanessa as she heard the metal door swing open and shut without a look over her shoulder. There were only two people in the world that could have followed her there, that knew exactly what they were walking into, and that would have the best chance in walking out again. Not many others could say that. ] Took you long enough to follow my trail of breadcrumbs.
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Take your sweet time on that darlin', [Feeling the blade cut deeper into his neck, as the tension in her rose a little higher with each pressing second. If he had wanted some scrap of an idiot, he would have gone down by the Crocodile or called few favors but he had no interest in small time. Not for the brewing storm that was coming, for what it was that he had been dreaming up for quite some time, and quite literally to. If he explained it he'd sound insane, which was questionable as it were but what he felt growing was unexplainable.] Course I can't tell ya how long that invites gonna last 'fore I get itchin'.
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[ In any other situation, his laugh might have sent her over the edge and his blood slipping out over her perfectly manicured nails that itched to be painted red. But she knew the game he was playing, testing and teasing to see if she would take the bait and see himself saddled up with another lackey he could use. And she could play the part exceedingly well since most took one look and thought her the arm candy in the devious duo, always underestimating the true madness that lay behind her eyes. Tightening her grip on the knife, she pressed it a hair harder against him to the point she could see a thin line of blood form as she purred into his ear. ] I’m still thinking.
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