Headcanons For Whatever Im Hyperfixating On Now
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headcanonsforstuff · 4 years ago
OT3 Ask Game!
I couldn’t find any OT3 ask games, so I’m making one myself! If used, please rb and if you feel kind tag a mutual! Also, make sure to tag the ships you wang to be asked about!
1) Who fell in love first? Second? Third?
2) Who confessed first and to who? Did they all start dating at once or did one couple happen first?
3) Who picks the movie on movie night? What movie do they pick?
4) Who plans the dates? What are their favorite dates?
5) In your honest opinion, which individual relationship do you think is the weakest? The strongest?
6) What was their first impressions of the other two?
7) Do they sleep in the same bed? If so, who sleeps in the middle?
8) Who proposes? How do they propose? Is it impromptu?
9) Who are the big spoons? The little spoons?
10) What’s one headcanon that you’ve never shared about them?
11) Who wins the pillow fight?
12) Who wins the snowball fight?
13) Who cooks dinner?
14) Who does the chores?
15) Who is the prankster? Who gets angry at the pranks, and who calms everybody down?
16) Who’d die or the other two?
17) Who is the tickler? The ticklee?
18) Whats your favorite trope about them?
19) Who gets to put their music on in the car? What is each person’s music taste and what do the others think of it?
20) Who drives the car? Who sits in the front, and who in the back?
21) Who falls asleep fast? Who stays awake and watches the other two sleep?
22) Who belts out songs in the shower? Who quietly hums or whistles, and who remains silent?
23) What kind of affections do they each show?
24) What are each of their opinions on PDA?
25) Do you prefer fluff or angst for them?
26) Domestic fluff or Hurt/Comfort?
27) What aus do you have for them? Which is your favorite?
28) Who goes gift shopping first? Who gets the best gifts? Who gives gifts more often?
29) If you had to describe your OT3 in 3 words, what would they be?
30) If you had to describe your OT3 in 5 words, what would they be?
31) Who already knew how to skate, and who gets taught by who?
32) Who borrows clothes from who?
33) Who has the best fashions sense?
34) Who is more protective of the other two?
35) Who is more clingy?
36) What song reminds you of your OT3?
37) Who says “I love you” first? Second?
38) Who hugs the other two the most often?
39) How do they announce that they’re home?
40) What are your sexuality and gender headcanons for them?
41) Who gets a 3 am snack? Who do they encounter at the fridge?
42) Who is the most affectionately reserved?
43) Who has the cutest laugh? Who tries to get the other two to laugh the most often?
44) Who cuts the other two’s hair?
45) Who overdresses for the weather? Who underdresses? Who lends the others their scarfs?
46) What are each of their texting styles? What does their groupchat look like on average? Who spams memes?
47) Who wakes the other two up?
48) Who is the worst liar? The best?
49) Who always gets their way?
50) Who drinks all the coffee? 
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headcanonsforstuff · 4 years ago
Hi so uhhh....I haven’t posted in a long time and I’m not longer in the pjo fandom but i hope you’ll maybe stick around if you’re into anime and video games because I have a lot of thoughts on bnha and danganronpa characters!
My ask box is open so If there are any characters you want headcanons for then send me names or ships from the first or second danganronpa games (I haven’t been able to play UDG or V3 yet so no spoilers please) or also I would love to talk about Genshin impact characters!! Also just generally just anime characters I’ll answer any asks for characters or ships from shows I’ve watched (mha, tbhk, deathnote, wonder egg priority and other side picnic are a few of the ones I’m really into!)
Anyways, Thank you if you stick around or if you see this and follow me and just remember that my ask box is always open!
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
the potential of leo and alex as cousins
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
bad representation in the pjo-verse: a masterpost
racism/offensive stereotyping
samirah: arranged marriage + this + this + this , hijab + this , response to rick’s post + this , nickname “sam” + this + this
hazel: fr*zel , white/lightwashing , “golden” eyes , eurocentric features , hair type , general issues + this + this , (bonus: fancasts/faceclaims/art references)
piper: general issues (a masterpost) , cornucopia , response to rick’s post + this + this + this , (bonus: art references , art tips , resources masterpost)
sadie: white/lightwashing + this + this + this + this
leo: abuse + this + this , stereotyping
reyna: this + this
latino rep
eastern asian/southeastern asian rep + this + this + this
antisemitism + lavinia + this
the gods and dna + this
general racism + this + this + this + this + this 
camp jupiter and the confederacy
cultural appropriation + this 
white supremacy
racism centric post with additions on leo + paolo + antisemitism
nico’s romanticized forced outing
lesbophobia + this + this + this + this
non-canon canon (a la jkr) ace/aro rep
transphobia + this + this
big age gaps
annabeth and luke , black characters , female characters , apollo and thalia
misogyny + this + this (+ lesbophobia) + this
fatphobia + this
underage alcoholism
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
im screaming you really said jason listens to scotty doesn't know (he def does)
Well duh, Thalia screams it at the top of her lungs and Jason loves his big sister so of course he’d add it for her...and then end up liking it too! (I honestly feel like Jason has a late Emo/punk phase and Thalia and Nico would lose their fucking minds over it)
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
Can you do Jason for the hc ask game please?
So thank you so much for the ask!! I haven’t done any headcanons just for Jason so this will be super fun!
1- 2-4 songs on their playlist/iPod! So firstly, I think he mainly enjoys classical or lofi but it’d be boring if I just said that so I’ll share songs that don’t fit in those categories that I think he’d like!! A lot of these are just because I feel like those few other songs are purely thanks to Thalia.
Teenagers by MCR
I threw glass at my friend’s eyes and now I’m on probation by destroy boys
Scotty doesn’t know but Lustra (he didn’t understand the lyrics originally just thought it was catchy but didn’t actually listen to the words until he played it in front of Leo and Piper and they made fun of him for weeks)
Toxic by Britney Spears (this one is because of Leo)
2- what’s the one place they fall asleep when they’re not supposed to? I’m gonna list two here, one for camp Jupiter and one for CHB, at Camp Jupiter I feel like he fell asleep up in the garden place that Reyna and Annabeth had that one conversation and at CHB probably bunker nine bc he’s out there with Leo late at night.
3-what game would they destroy everyone at? Idk if we’re talking abt video games, board games, or sports but I know nothing abt sports and since Jason was raised by wolves I doubt he’s had much exposure to video games so, that leaves board games. I think he’d always beat everyone at Monopoly because he’s already very good managing funds and making responsible decisions from being praetor but he can also be competitive
4- what emoji does he use the most? 🤣
5-what do they act like when they don’t sleep enough? He growls and nuzzles against stuff like a dog/wolf, he especially likes nuzzling soft stuff or people he’s close to which means Piper and Leo are usually the targets (along with whoever you think his partner is if it’s not Leo or Piper)
6-Preferred hot beverage? His favorite hot beverage is earl grey tea and he drinks it almost non-stop basically.
7-How do they like to take care of themselves when they feel down? Jason likes to have movie nights with Leo and Piper, Leo will cook for them and they’ll each pick a movie and have a cuddle pile
8-what did they wanna be when they grew up? I feel like as a little kid he didn’t have a job in mind he just wanted to be like Thalia and Lupa
9-what’s their favorite type of weather? I feel like he really likes stormy weather....I don’t think I have to explain that one
10-thoughts on their singing voice? He has a pretty nice voice actually, it’s very deep and smooth but he’s totally unaware of it, like he’ll get caught singing and Piper and Leo literally could not believe he was the one singing because he’d never brought it up and Jason is just sitting there like 🤨🤷‍♂️
11-how do they like to draw/doodle? He likes to make detailed water color maps of the camps, sometimes they’re of small areas, or used for battle strategy but a lot of times it’s just random maps of the entire camp(/city in the case of new rome) and he has tons of these everywhere and when Annabeth finds out she freaks out which then leads to them working together on fancy maps and plans for stuff constantly!
Anyways!! That’s all 11! Thank you so much for the ask (again)!! I hope you enjoyed these!
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
Hey, so this blog has sorta blown up recently, especially thanks to @ daughterofathenathatsokwspiders reblogging a bunch of stuff (their blog is great btw if you don’t follow them go do it!), so I just wanted to thank everyone I guess and say that I do have more stuff I’m working on just depression and executive dysfunction have been a bitch recently so I apologize for the lack of content. If anyone sends me any asks though I’ll respond as soon as I can, I can take any characters or ships and I’ll give my headcanons! (as long as they’re appropriate and don’t make me uncomfortable obviously) also if you want a specific headcanon just tell me what headcanon you want!
Anyways, I’m rambling a bit but yeah, thanks!
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
ok something that pisses me off i fully believe percy would never touch alcohol
and ppl r like “not everyone who has an alcoholic relative stays away from alcohol” like im fully aware ok but he shows clear disgust towards it in canon and his circumstances of gabe drinking and hitting his mom
i think percy would specifically associate alcohol with that time in his life and just not drink and as fun as he is i just dont see him gravitating towards it anytime in the future not even wine LMAo hes not from one of those families who casually drink wine
feel free to disagree but
i stand by this
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
So I saw a thing talking about how Alex likes Bubblegum Bitch and while I 100% agree, may I remind you that he/she definitely likes everything Marina has ever put out and I will defend that until I die
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
Not technically a headcanon but I have to
leo: It seems we’ve managed to phase the “b” out of our “bromance.”
jason: [still down on one knee with the ring out] I guess so, yeah.
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
Christmas Headcanons!
Thought this could be fun so here’s a few headcanons! I know not everyone celebrates Christmas so I tried to make a few more just general holiday season/winter headcanons but...yeah, I’m sorry! Happy Holidays to everyone though!!!
They all meet at Sally and Paul’s house
Sally obviously loves Christmas and goes all out! She’s not really religious obviously but she enjoys the excuse to spoil her kids now that she can afford to and loves the energy.
She bakes an insane amount of cookies and hot cocoa while The seven+ Nico, Will, Magnus, Alex and Estelle play in the snow
They decorate the tree together and Leo helps Sally cook dinner, they get along super well, maybe because in some ways Leo reminds her of Percy and Sally honestly reminds Leo of his mom and by the end of the holiday Leo and Sally are best friends and hug a lot!
Alex and Magnus also came along and spent the week camping in the woods at chb, Nico never really quite decided on how he felt about the whole being dead thing (yes, beetlejuice reference)
Annabeth got books and a new laptop
Percy got dumb t-shirts
Jason also got some dumb t-shirts but also got a #1 dad mug from Leo bc he thought it would be hilarious (and it was, mainly bc Jason didn’t understand the joke)
Leo got tools and stuff but the best thing he got was actually matching sweaters for him and Festus that Sally made after Percy told her about Leo and Festus
Piper got a keychain of Festus that shocked and burned people (just light shock and burn, nothing serious) from Leo purely to mess with her siblings
Hazel got taken out on a shopping trip with Annabeth, Leo, Frank and Piper, sure they aren’t super into fashion and shopping but they had fun
Frank got mythomagic cards and figurines
Nico got the same (and also some of Will’s sweaters but those weren’t gifts, he just stole those)
Will got some comic books, a full dvd set collection of Star Trek and some well needed time off!
Magnus and Alex really just got gifts for each other but Magnus got Alex some new green and Pink converse as well as Two pairs of doc martens, one green and one pink and Magnus expected Alex to just wear one set or the other depending on the outfit but nope, Alex just wore one of each for like the entire next week. Magnus got some books and a handmade vase with some flowers in it but the main gift was the camping trip, Alex found the most beautiful spot in camp half-blood and set up the camp site.
All in all it was a great holiday season and they were honestly just happy to be alive (Well, mostly alive, obviously not including Magnus and Alex) and together!!
(Also, Jason is alive, shhhhhh)
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
What do you think Annabeth's last name will be after she and Percy get married? Annabeth Chase or Annabeth Chase-Jackson or Annabeth Jackson?
So this is like a touchy topic for the fandom and my opinion (I’m fairly sure) is in the minority. I don’t know if canon will ever go there, cause Percy and Annabeth are going to perpetually be 17 in this never-ending hellscape but this is what I headcanon and write it as:
Annabeth Chase in her work field. Annabeth Jackson, legally and socially.
Now I completely 1000000000% agree that Annabeth, with out a doubt, has the energy of a girl who would keep her last name when she gets married. (Or perhaps just hyphenate it) 
It’s also no question that Percy would leave it entirely up to her and undeniably support her ultimate decision. (Especially as child that admired his mother for keeping her maiden name in her first marriage)
However, my opinion that Annabeth takes Percy last name as her own is mainly centered around the context of her family life as a child.
Annabeth grew up in a home where she was ostracized. – It was made clear she was not wanted and ran away as a result of that. That’s not to say their relationship is still like that of course, as its implied in canon that their relationship has mended greatly, but she still bears the scars of that. Abandonment is a horrific cornerstone to Annabeth’s personality. Her dad not wanting her, Thalia dying then going to the hunters, Luke betraying her….
But then we have Percy Jackson. Her friend that was always there for her. Even at her worse – when she would lash out or get angry or mean – Percy was always there. He got through those walls and he stayed. Percy chose her. The Jacksons chose her.
That’s why I headcanon she becomes Annabeth Jackson. She takes her maiden name as her middle name.
In work, I think she stays as Annabeth Chase, because I don’t have them getting married until they’re 25 and I think her name would already have presence in the work field so changing it there would be a bitch. (Also what’s that joke? “I got a PhD, not my husband.”)
Also, on an entirely different tangent, I think the fandom has a tendency to forget that Annabeth is kind of a romantic and I would argue she definitely wrote  Annabeth Jackson at least once in one of her notebooks while she was in high school.
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
hey do you have any hcs about percy? i love all your headcanons theyre very in character
Thank you so much!! I hope the list isn’t too long, I got a bit carried away!
Percy often talks very loudly and doesn’t realize it but whenever it’s just him and his partner he instinctively quiets down and his voice gets all soft and sweet and you can tell be the way he talks alone that he loves his partner more than anything
He goes to visit his mom and Paul and Estelle every chance he gets, he can’t imagine what he’d do without them
He still gets nightmares about Tartarus even years and years later. He never quite moves on and this has an awful impact on his sleeping schedule, he often wakes up from a nightmare and has to turn on every light and won’t go back to sleep and this will go on for days and days until he just passes out from exhaustion, Jason and Annabeth often worry about him but they know there’s not much they can do for him besides be there for him and support him when he needs it.
Percy also frequently has nightmares about Bianca’s death, and there’s been multiple times where in the middle of the night he’s started to run to Nico’s cabin only to reach the front door and not be able to knock, just returning to his cabin to just get up and shower like he would if he had just gotten up at a normal time because he doesn’t know what else to do, he really wants to sit down with Nico and try to talk to him about it but every time he almost does he just decides that he can’t do it
Ambrosia to him tastes like his mom’s cookies but it’s never quite right, there’s something about it that just doesn’t make it the same
He likes going swimming but it scares him to go underwater now and often he forgets he can breathe and almost passes out from trying to hold his breath
He also figured out he was technically pan but he doesn’t care for labels so when asked if he like men or women or what his sexuality is he just says ‘yes’
Percy still gets nervous around people drinking because of Gabe and men yelling scares him so needless to say he doesn’t drink and he’s quick to leave any situation where people get drunk, he often ends up standing to the side with Nico or sneaking off to avoid drunk people
Percy can’t cook, the best thing he’s cooked was a piece of burnt toast and even that was barely edible, Sally has tried and tried to teach him but it just never works, after he started a fire they decided he wasn’t allowed in the kitchen anymore.
Percy frequently tries to hang out with Leo and Harley but if any of their siblings that were around before Charles Beckendorf died he will get out of there as soon as possible because he feels guilty that he didn’t save him
He also never can stick to one hobby, the only things that he’s ever really stuck with are training and skateboarding
He likes to host game nights in his cabin at least once a week so the group can hang out together and he often makes an effort to invite any new campers as long as they’re a bit older(like mid to late teens) since some jokes aren’t always exactly PG
He never quite stops being a big figure around camp, even while living in new Rome he likes to visit for the summers to train new campers and make everyone feel loved and welcome (especially since their parents aren’t too great at that)
He eventually helps CHB form a rule that children under 15 can’t fight or go on quests because he was tired of seeing tons of literal children being sent out to die and the ones that did make it back being left to suffer with the trauma, and though 15 is still young it’s much better than before
He also helped form a mental health support group because he knows after everything he went through if it hadn’t been for Annabeth, Grover, and his mom of course (and other friends but mainly them) he probably wouldn’t have lived as long as he had (and that’s not because of monsters) and he didn’t want any other children to go through that or feel that way
He would end up living back at CHB when he’s old as a symbol to young campers who are being told that they won’t make it to 20 that they can make it to 20, they can make it so much further if they’re lucky
When he passes away at 87 both camps have large funerals (they do the same for the rest of the seven and Nico and Reyna) but no one can fully bring themselves to burn the shroud alone and in the end the remaining seven (I imagine it was probably only Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Hazel at this point) all got together to do it together and then stayed at CHB for a week just to spend time together and talk about Percy and everything he did
Percy would wait in Elysium for his friends and would spend some time there before being reborn, not necessarily to try for Elysium but just because why not, maybe he could help more people this way even if he couldn’t necessarily be a hero worthy of Elysium again.
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
some misc. leo headcanons:
he’s so annoying to text …. there’s MINIMUM three emojis per message and he’ll double triple quadruple text he doesn’t care!!! buzz buzz it’s leo again!
leo hates talking on the phone, he can do facetime but if someone calls him he just stares at the caller id until they hang up and then he texts “sup what do u want”
despite what’d u’d expect u will not EVER catch him on a rollercoaster or any similar rides??? this is actually p common with hephaestus kids because a side effect of their abilities is that they can sense EVERY rusty bolt and crooked frame and rotting piece of board
his voice is kind of raspy and a little higher pitched and he has the sliiightest accent (he grew up in texas and his first language was spanish so no one can ever place it when they first meet him) 
leo’s always moving!!! he’s super fidgety and restless, he uses big arm gestures and he drums his hands and taps his feet and absolutely never sits still no matter how many times u tell him
u know that video where the guy shows a bunch of kids how chicken nuggets are made and then he’s like “now WHO would still eat this???” and all the kids put up their hands? leo
leo walking into the athena cabin just to start shit: so is water wet?
he’s SOOOO good with kids but not always like. toddlers or babies. like they gotta b able to walk and talk and go to the bathroom on their own he can’t be expected to take on that kind of responsibility 
leo’s really good with long-range weapons since he has really good hand-eye coordination, but he struggles a lot with hand-to-hand combat and with weapons like swords or daggers
he can solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed and can recite over 120 digits of pi
i hate to admit it but he’d probably use like one of those 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body washes
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
send me asks! i crave attention!
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years ago
due to personal reasons jason grace isn’t dead
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headcanonsforstuff · 6 years ago
Sexuality Headcanon: Gender Headcanon: A ship I have with said character: A BROTP I have with said character: A NOTP I have with said character: A random headcanon: General Opinion over said character:
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