he-who-is · 4 days
Just easy like that!
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Let me ask you to do something!
Count numbers from 1-10 or say the english Alphabets! Would you say it instantly right when I asked you or will you take time thinking "it's too tough" Or saying that "I don't know if I can do that"
I know damn well you will say that shi immediately because you have assumed or considered saying numbers from 1-10 or saying English alphabets is very easy for you, effortless shi which you can say even while closing your eyes.
Because that's your assumption about it. Keepin it simple. Why can't you do the same to your "bigger manifestations" Or even "shifting"
Start assuming! Start affirming! Shit is easy!
"Everything/Everyone in this fucking world is easy for me to have or be just like saying numbers/alphabets"
And that's why no matter what, nothing can give you any stress/resistance at any instance! Because everything and everyone around you is controlled by you. Thus, manifesting anyone/anything is too easy peasy so Everything will- MUST happen exactly like how you say because it's tooooooo easy for a hawt baddie like you!
With lots of love,
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he-who-is · 4 days
🪇Reminder ♡.・。.・゜★
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🎫 Everyone is YOU pushed out
🎫 The reality which you are existing right now is totally CONTROLLED BY YOU.
🎫 You NEVER need to feel jealous witnessing anybody doing "better" Than you. Everyone and everything is controlled by YOU. YOU CAN BE WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE/WITH.
🎫 Manifestation is INSTANT
🎫 No need of any complications. It's YOUR reality. You get to decide what happens and what doesn't.
🎫 No need to depend on any bloggers/vloggers of loa. You can acquire motivation from them but DO NOT depend on them.
With lots of love,
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he-who-is · 4 days
How to persist in your desired mindset *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
Learn to persist and not fall back into undesired states
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
If you desire to persist, you need to have an idea of your desired mindset first. Your chosen set of subconscious beliefs. Most popularly, you engrave this belief into your subconscious through affirmations. So start using whatever way of affirming you prefer. You can affirm robotically, you can give yourself a pep-talk, you can write diary entries,…
Having “negative” thoughts is normal. Instead of classing them as such, I want for you to understand that all thoughts are neutral. They are simply ideas for you to approve or disapprove of. If you do not like an idea, do not engage with it. Just tell yourself, “I’ve acknowledged this thought, but I don’t like it.” And then re-affirm your desired assumption instead.
This might take some discipline at first. Especially if you’re a person who tends to spiral when faced with negative thoughts. Do your best to observe them neutrally. Try to let them go. They cannot control you, and they will not engrave themselves into your subconscious if you don’t desire for them to. Simply let them pass. They are just ideas. Nothing more.
The more you do this, the faster you will begin to automatically re-affirm whenever faced with undesirable thoughts. You’ve trained your brain well enough, that it acknowledges these thoughts and redirects itself without you even putting any effort in anymore. Your subconscious can now easily put the pieces together and adapt to your desired mindset, as it knows which ideas you approve of, and which you don’t.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
What to do if you do end up spiraling? Or if you are experiencing “negative” emotions?
Feel them. It is entirely normal to feel stressed and having to let it out. It is entirely normal to feel stress in an emotional way. You are still consciously aware of your human body. You are still going to experience human emotions, and that is okay. Simply re-affirm that these emotions are a reaction to stress, and that you will feel recharged and at peace again, once you’ve let it all out. Remember that it is not a permanent state, and therefore it will never hinder you from manifesting or shifting. Don’t assign undesirable causes to your emotions.
You are not frustrated because you “did not receive a certain thing that you wanted”. You are feeling frustration because you are physically stressed, and because you deserve a break.
You are not sad because “something didn’t work out the way you wanted”. You are sad because you are physically overwhelmed, and because you deserve to recharge.
Persistence doesn’t mean ignoring the physical aspects that make you human. It means observing them in a neutral way and giving them a new meaning that doesn’t drag you down. One that doesn’t target YOU as the cause. One that acknowledges your physical body, but keeps it separate from the infinite power you hold.
ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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he-who-is · 4 days
i see a lot of people scorning the consumption of tips when actively manifesting something and i dont understand it... i love seeing tips, no matter what or if im manifesting. it helps me affirm my personal power tbh
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he-who-is · 4 days
this post is about my last sp update!! im going in depth on how i did it because yesterday i was so excited and typing on alot of adrenaline, so i didnt even go into enough detail on how i did it 😂😂.
When i first started affirming for him, i didnt believe my affirmations, but thats why i was affirming. I never want you guys to think you need to believe your affirmations right away. I was constantly affirming that he needed me, he loves me, we always hang out (hanging out with him was the main goal.)
When i first started manifesting him, we werent even close friends at all, but one thing about manifestation, everything will pull you to your desire. EVERYTHING that happens will bring you closer to your desire.
I would affirm ATLEAST 10k times a day (using the counter app), i did guided meditations EVERY NIGHT for those 3 days, i did SATS, subliminals, affirmation tapes, self concept work. Baby i was SATURATING MY MIND (doing my 3 day challenge).
After the first day, i genuinely believed that he was mine, i believed that i was dating him, it felt so natural. Then he texted me out of the complete blue, we started texting ALL DAY and the next day we talked at school all day, he texted me when we got home, we were just talking all the time. I wasn’t done though, i was manifesting that we would hang out and i wasn’t stopping until we did 🤷🏿‍♀️ i wasn’t about to take a half-assed manifestation, i wanted to hangout with him, so i was going to (this was day 2 btw).
I never stopped affirming bro, i persisted persisted persisted. The next day randomly my sister said her friend was going to pick us up and we were going to window shop at target. I was still manifesting in my head at this point, i knew that my SP was going to hangout with me, i just didn’t know how. Then my sister suggested that we eat at mcdonalds before we go to target, so we go to McDonalds. When i got there, some of my friends (they were also mutual friends with my SP) were already eating there so i decided to talk with them. (my SP was still not there, and tbh, i didnt know if he was coming at all. but i wasnt even worried about that, I knew we were going to hangout today regardless). Next thing i know, after about 30 minutes of talking with my friends, i see SP walking up to the mcdonalds after his basketball practice!!! We start talking and we end up staying there for like another hour or so. Then, when the whole group finished eating (it was like 6 of us at this point). he got into my friends tiny ass car with me and my friends and some of his friends 😂 (for reference it was 6 of us in a 4 seater) so me and my SP were SO CLOSE. We had the most fun hangout!! (we never ended up going to target, thats the most ironic part 😂 if we had went to target right away, i would’ve never seen my SP. Thats why i say that everything is pushing you closer to your manifestation.) 3 DAYS IS ALL IT TOOK , because i ASSUMED thats all it would take. I wasnt overthinking, i wasnt worried about when it would happen, i knew that all i needed was 3 days, and i left it at that. STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE HOW!!! Everything is working to bring your manifestation to you, rest assured!!
if you assume that you can manifest them instantly, then you can. Its whatever you assume that manifests. In my success story post, i showed yall a little bit of my affirmation list, and yall SAW that he did EXACTLY WHAT I AFFIRMED. Manifestation is PERFECT, whatever you affirm WILL HAPPEN, not slightly, FULLY!!
so to wrap it up, how is manifested hanging out with him and having the fun of my life.
-long ass affirmation list that i repeated
- SATs and guided meditations
- robotic affirming (with and without the counter app
- constantly listening to affirmation tapes/subliminals
-living in the wish full filled (i believed he was mine and that we always hang out)
- detaching and not focusing on how it would happen
- did not overconsume manifesting tips, i knew how you manifest, so i put it to practice
- saturated the FUCK out of my subconscious
- hella self concept work.
REMEMBER!! methods dont manifest, YOU DO!!
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he-who-is · 4 days
Lowkey I still suprise myself with how much of a master manifester I am 😜 Like I've been manifesting that I'm the best in my fencing class, and tell me why I did 3 bouts last night and won 2 of them, one of which being against one of best fencers in the class (who also happens to be my partner teehee) 🤭 when usually I never win to them
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he-who-is · 5 days
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Things I Have Manifested Using the Law of Assumption
Desired face. I wanted to look like a mixture of Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid. This was my first "major" manifestation, and it took me about two months. At first, I affirmed and persisted, but I was doing so from a state of lack. Once I switched to embodying the state where I had my desired face, it manifested in a little over a week. Before I fell asleep at night, I would imagine myself waking up and looking in the mirror to see my desired face. I would do this a few times in order to feel the wish fulfilled, and then I would allow myself to daydream about other things until I fell asleep.
Desired body. After I manifested my desired face, I wanted my desired body to go along with it. I wanted to be 5'11 with long legs, about 10 lbs. lighter, and smaller breasts. I basically wanted a supermodel's body. I embodied the state of having my desired body for a few days, and then woke up one day about five inches taller. I kept banging my head on things! Lol
My desired apartment. I really wanted to move out of my parent's house. This one was a bit harder for me, because I was faced with reminders regularly that I didn't live on my own. It was hard for me to ignore my 3D fully at first. I was able to ignore some parts of my 3D, but other parts were harder. After meditating on it one night, I realized what I was "doing wrong" was that I wasn't fully living in my 4D, as I was allowing myself to be distracted by negative aspects of living with my family. Finally, I remembered Neville's story of when he manifested getting honorably discharged from the military. He said that night, he fell asleep imagining that he was in his bed back home. I did this for three nights: I imagined, when I was falling asleep at night, that I was in my new bed in my new apartment. I felt the cold air (my parents kept the heat high), I heard the city noises outside of my window. On the fourth morning, I woke up in my desired apartment.
My SP. My SP was a guy who was in one of my classes at university. We had never talked before, but we sat a few seats from one another in class. I embodied the state of being in a relationship with him. I stopped embodying the state of being single, the state of having a crush, and the state of being lonely. Every night, I imagined him falling asleep in bed next to me. It took me three days of embodying my new state for him to ask for my number. We went on a date and it went swimmingly. We have now been officially together for four months. We just spent a lovely Valentine's Day together!
These are my "biggest" manifestations. I got them all by applying states. My biggest tip is for to ignore your 3D, because as long as you are focused on having your desire already in your 4D, it has no choice but to manifest. Everything comes from imagination!
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he-who-is · 5 days
me ever since I realized that my imagination is the real reality and the 3D is a copycat that has no choice but to materialize my thoughts and assumptions.
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he-who-is · 5 days
that girl affirmations
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🎀 what is mine always finds me
🎀 i'm too pretty to be petty
🎀 if it doesn't serve me, it doesn't deserve me
🎀 i have everything i need
🎀 my presence is a privilege
🎀 everything that i go through is for my own good
🎀 i put myself first because it's necesarry
🎀 my aura is so attractive
🎀 i own every room i walk into
🎀 all good things come to me easily
🎀 i prioritize me peach. my goals, my health, and the people i love
🎀 i'm confident and don't need the validation of insecure people
🎀 i do not chase, i attract
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he-who-is · 5 days
Airports see more sincere kisses than wedding halls and the walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than any other sacred holy place - because love is felt most when its leaving.
Alfred Nonymous
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he-who-is · 6 days
Okay I have a few things I want to manifest lined up, and I don't know which to focus on or what affirmations to use 😭🙏 I fear I need it all at once lmao
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he-who-is · 6 days
Okay this a very tiny very random little success but tell me why I started affirming a text from a friend and I got the text before I even finished the affirmation 😭
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he-who-is · 11 days
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As god, you are the source of all creation meaning everything (including the 3D) is beneath you. All creation is neutral and have no real power of their own, god (you) gives it power by assuming it into reality and even then you are STILL in control. Absolutely nothing has "real" power over you.
Please understand the 3D is NOT your enemy! You don't have to go out of your way to "prove" the 3D wrong by actively persisting and feeling like you have to battle out every opposing thought, you'll just end up drained and exhausted.
The instant you assume your desire is yours, it is done, you have shifted realities. There is no separation between you and your desired reality since the 4D is the only true reality. This is not a trying process, your word as god is absolute and final. You have complete authority and control over all creation as god, there is no opposition. Nothing in creation has free will for you, it all goes according to your plan.
Be secure in your godly abilities. Your 4D doesn’t need validation from the 3D, it just exists. You don’t have to prove anything, be at peace and enjoy your desire in the 4D.
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he-who-is · 11 days
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On god
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he-who-is · 11 days
i just want to say, i'm happy to find an loa blog that doesn't believe in the victim blaming rhetoric that i've seen alot of the community perpetuate.
personally, i do believe in manifestation but i don't believe in EIYPO and i don't believe that we are unconciously manifesting 24/7 nor do i believe that we have manifested everything that happened to us in our lives. i think we manifest when we put our specific focus on something (ex. i want to change my height so i will listen to subliminals and affirm to myself that i have changed my height or whatever method works for you)
If there is a hill I'm willing to die on, it's that no one ever manifests their own trauma. Your mental illness, assault, terrible childhood, poverty or overall terrible circumstances? Not your manifestation.
However I do have to say that the manifestation community took EIYPO and distorted it. Spiritual communities differ in the way they understand that concept, and we don't all agree on what it means. But that's a topic for another day.
The day you start to consciously manifest, is the day you take responsibility for your own life. What happened to you was never your fault, but now you have the opportunity and the choice to change it.
I wish you all nothing but the best.
Happy manifesting ❤️
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he-who-is · 11 days
the universe is your playground.
have fun with it.
there are no limits.
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he-who-is · 12 days
Dude, sometimes it just hits me how utterly limitless shifting/manifesting is. "Well, DUH Angel, that's kind the whole point" BUT LIKE IT'S STILL CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT TO ME. You can grow wings and learn how to fly. You can go through a complete 180 glow-up without lifting a finger. You can rewrite history. You can customize every single thing about yourself down to nail color like a video game. You can date a celebrity as a non-celebrity. You can get instant fame. You can make an ideal family. You can make "fictional characters" reality. This is the cheat code to life. You can do, be, and have everything and more! You never have to worry. Isn't that just so amazing? Shifting/manifestation is the purest form of freedom
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