hdrobby · 1 year
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who allowed this?
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hdrobby · 1 year
𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘, 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖆— 𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 ! 📸 💥 ✨
𝐕𝐈𝐁𝐄𝐒, celebrity status, strained vision, love. 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, involves members of 𝖛𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞. 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒, solo, début prep, 615 wc.
up until now, robby hasn't had any reason to believe that his life has changed in any dramatic way, even though a lot of huge things have happened over the last few months. he's now a member of a k-pop group, and there's a lot of buzz surrounding their name. not only that, but he's been given the lofty position of center. it's a coveted role that many vie for, and he's one of the lucky idols that gets to wear it as a badge of honor. robby's grateful for that, but at the same time, it also means that many people are highly anticipating him, and what's more is that, they're all expecting him to be flawless. there's a lot riding on him, but he's been too stupefied by his lover that, in all honestly, he hasn't even had a chance to properly digest any of that information yet. he's been that love-struck.
while he's worked hard during varsity's début prep, this particular era of his life has been the best one he's ever had, and it's all because he's spent every second of every hour with bae sungho. robby's been finding it so hard to care about anything or anyone else because, in all reality, the only thing he wants to do is orbit around his boyfriend. maybe it's unhealthy of him, but robby's so fucking obsessed with sungho that he has no idea what to else do with himself. everything else fades into the background when they're in the same space.
even now as they prepare for their first public airport appearance, what keeps robby from being nervous is the fact that his beloved is right there with him. maybe it's "unprofessional" or "problematic" to be romantically involved with a group-mate—especially the leader, of all members—but he doesn't care. he'll always and forever raise his middle fingers up in the face of the rules; a trait he's possessed since birth. maybe it makes him reckless, but he doesn't think that's a bad thing. if anything, he wears that as a badge of honor, as well.
dressed in an all-black ensemble—one that shows off the impressive breadth of his shoulders, as well as the slim quality of his waist—robby takes his rightful place in the middle of the formation, and as the cameras flash and the crowds become rowdy, he braces himself. being in front of so many blinding flickers is a lot, but even though it's daunting, he plants his feet and remains strong; his striking triple scorpio gaze captured in every single frame. it's a quality of his that he'll never escape, and all he can hope is that onlookers can handle his intensity. his stare is something he uses to intimidate, so he's curious about what type of reaction it'll garner now.
throughout the rest of their journey through the terminals, robby remains poised; offering occasional impish grins, nods of the head, and flashes of his signature dimples to appease the masses. however, all the while, he keeps sungho on his radar—absolutely ready to pounce on anyone that tries to put their hands on him. the security guards are doing their jobs, but when it comes to his man, he wants to be the one to take care of any problems that may occur. luckily though, there's nothing extreme to report, and as this experience draws to a close, robby breaths a heavy sigh; slowly relaxing back into a languid posture.
there'll be a lot more of this come, he's trying to mentally prepare himself for that since now, and whenever they're in more private quarters, he returns back to his favorite place—hanging off of sungho; hopelessy in love.
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hdrobby · 1 year
it’s been like this ever since they met; robby slowly breaking off pieces of his heart to give to sungho, and sungho always knowing exactly what to do, and say, in response. this confession has been taking up so much space in his mind, and not only is it a relief to get it all out there, but it’s also terrifying because it makes him vulnerable. he never, ever puts himself in positions where he can end up rejected, dejected, or brokenhearted, but right here, right now, there’s no other option but to throw caution to the wind; to figuratively reach into the caverns of his chest, capture his heart, and hand it over to the other man—powerful, and pounding, with nothing but the fiercest, most loyal love possible. robby knew that he needed to be brave, and much to his immense delight, his lover is graciously meeting him in the middle—listening to him, providing tender touches, and offering insights to how he feels with his eyes. the contact of their sight-lines, in general, has not wavered this entire time. pupils are locked onto each other’s with a ferocity that can’t be explained, they’re dilated with attraction, and their stance is immovable; their means of silent communication adds more intensity to the moment, but in all of the best possible ways. breathtaking.
the whole world around them grows quiet, and robby swears he can literally hear both of their heartbeats harmonizing with the breeze rushing through nearby trees. they’re beautifully in tune with one another, like all the other music they make together, and all robby wants to do is dissolve into sungho. however, for now, he’s on a tightrope as he waits for a response, and though he’s doing his best to keep his balanced, his knees are beginning to wobble. is he hesitating? is he taking things in and savoring them? robby aches to know, but doesn’t want to rush him. when it comes to this, slamming his foot on the gas, and going from zero to one-hundred at a breakneck pace, will only ruin the moment. before he’s able to fully come undone with anticipation though, he his face is cradled and he’s pulled into a kiss; one that causes him to melt in sungho’s arms. this is unlike anything he’s ever experienced, and the euphoria that takes hold of his being sinks its claws into him deeply; roughly.
when their embrace ceases, and he’s nourished with sungho’s words and validation, the emotions robby experiences flood him so greatly that he has no idea what to do. it’s almost as if lightning has struck him; his limbs feeling electrified and his body regenerated. though, despite constantly using intellect as a means to rationalize his feelings, there’s no logic present in him right now. instead, it’s all emotions, what comes most naturally to him. unable to keep himself contained and composed, tears burn in the ducts of his feline stare; his bottom lip trembles; there’s a lump forming in his throat; and as he says “i love you, too...” he falls apart at the seams, clinging onto sungho with all of his might as he bellows into his shoulder.
“i love you,” he repeats between sobs, his grip growing tighter. “i love you...”
Each kiss that lands on his flushed face felt ethereal, each spot kissed leaving a different message for Sungho to decipher. The warmth of their body heat radiates between them, spreading through him slowly like a fever. His lips tangle with Robby's, sending blood rushing to fill and harden his shaft. But Sungho fixates on him, and there's a subtle glimmer of enthusiasm that can be detected in his eyes. 'He's so gorgeous,' he thinks. With a tender touch, he traced his fingers along Robby's back as if his sole intention was to soothe anything that may have been weighing on his mind. While his brows furrow, then he grins wildly, hearing Robby speak so wholly. "Yeah? I like that your hooked to me; means you won't leave my side." He didn't fall in love, not some kind of slow descent into madness; instead, it was more of an avalanche.
And Robby's words leaves him breathless yet absolutely sure of how he feels. He remains silent, locking eyes and sitting in this comfortable silence, trying to read unspoken words along the bow of Robby's lips. He could feel there was more, so he pressed pause in his mind until the right time to reply. Sungho's eyes reflect the calmness his body and mind is experiencing, heavy-lidded from the soft hold on his head — then, suddenly spring open with a startling sensitivity as he absorbs every word of Robby's confession. He hopes Robby sees everything Sungho is feeling mirrored in his eyes: shock, joy, lust, love, awe, elation, love (x2).
'Be mine,' Robby says, and Sungho wants to instantly reply, 'I'm already yours,' couldn't imagine his world continuing to turn if Robby isn't in his life. He feels chosen, and he wants to almost howl at the moon. To everything that may come, Sungho is loyal like a wolf should be. He smirks at the hem of Robby's last words and tenderly cups Robby's cheeks. Sungho presses his lips against his with a push. And kisses him with so much ador, roughly, expressing all the desire that lapped over him like fire. Sungho could no longer contain it, and won't hide it even in the public's eye come the future, to hell with everyone's perception of them. It all feels so natural — the way their bodies fit together proving so; his hardness pressed against Robby's yearning. There was much left to learn still, and as their lips part, Sungho answers, "From the moment I saw you, you became a constant in my life...
Robby, I've been chasing you in my dreams.... I'm yours." His smooth deep voice means to draw Robby closer as his hold on Robby turns stronger, "You're my first thought of the day, last thought at night. I need you and I love you." The first time those three words escaped from his lips; his dreams, now reality.
He loved the way those three words rolled off the tip of his tongue.
Nothing will ever feel on par with this moment, of loving Robby. After being lost in their own world for some time now, Robby's admission marks the beginning of a new and exciting chapter for them. Sungho tightly embraces him and lifts him up in excitement with his feet off the ground.
"I'm yours." A smile spreads across his face as their lips touch.
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hdrobby · 1 year
in this moment, robby feels as if the whole world revolves around he and sungho; the cosmos up above their only audience as they explore dangerous territory together. the crisp summer air tousles his crimson whorls, and his long lashes narrow on the man before him, pupils dilating with an attraction so immense that it practically spills out of his pores. he admires how the pale moonlight accentuates the sharp contours of his face and hums, forever finding his senior to be the most beautiful man that’s ever existed. unable to resist him, robby leans forward and begins peppering kisses along each edge; cheekbones, jawline, nose bridge, brow—all are showered in affection, in an aching need to be close. though, when his lover’s voice harmonizes with the song of the cicadas, he pulls his head back a little, then nods. “much, much better...” he croons, then steals a kiss straight from sungho’s mouth before going on.
“honestly, i was getting tired of everyone checking you out; wanted you all to myself.” it’s not easy for him to admit, but he goes out on a limb by confessing his truth. robby feels possessive of sungho, and it’s as frightening to him as it is exciting. though, in this moment, on this bench, he also feels stabilized, and safe, like he’s anchored into reality and no longer existing internally. the fact that his distracted state of mind was easily picked up on in the club lets him know that he’s not been present tonight, and it’s because he’s been mulling over everything he wants to say to sungho to get the depth of his emotions across. he feels bad about being distant, and that’s why he wants to get everything off of his chest now. “i’m good, though—trust me. there’s... something about you that always bring me back to center; without fail. i’m hooked.”
his heartbeat escalates to a breakneck velocity, and it’s in the following silence when robby realizes that it’s now or never, and he’s only further spurred on as his backside is embraced. swallowing whatever nervousness remains, his hands motion to cradle sungho’s head, and the moment they lock eyes again, he goes for it. “sungho, i want you to be mine...” he begins, the admission lifting immense weight from his shoulders. “n—no, i need you to be mine.” his tone is candid, assertive, and passionate, and all he can hope is that sungho feels each syllable he speaks.
“there’s nothing i’m more sure of, and i know that, from this moment on, if you agree to be mine, i’ll love you for the rest of my life. no one else will come before you...” he’s so young, and his claims are so massive, but he genuinely means them. robby’s extreme, after all. everything he does is dialed up to the highest possible level.
"please let me be the one who loves you forever, sungho. please, be mine.”
Before Robby came into his life, everything seemed dull and monotonous, with only occasional glimpses of color. Robby introduced vibrant reds into his world, and now it is bursting with a kaleidoscope of colors. To Sungho, this is the true definition of love, and to a damned life, it brings his canvas to life in a way that he never thought possible.
Sungho's affection for Robby was all-consuming. It was a force too strong to resist or regulate, so he surrendered to the liberation of discovering a piece of himself in another person. Sungho longed to delve into Robby's mind, to explore the depths of his thoughts and feelings. He yearned to be as close to him as he was when he curled up next to him in bed, with Robby nestled in the small nook created by the curve of his legs. However, Robby's cool stare shook him to his core, making him feel as though his very essence was being split in two. Despite this, Sungho found Robby's words to be perfect and ideal — "Exactly... This feels like us." He felt urged to always remember that, no matter how complicated their lives became, what truly mattered was how good they were together and how good Sungho could be to him.
Sungho was a walking contradiction—strong and over-confident on the outside; vulnerable and self-doubting on the inside. He was selective about his honesty, possessive at times, and often brushed off serious emotions with nonchalance or light-hearted quips. That was why it was so important to him to be held to this degree; Robby made him sincere, not changing him, more so iron to his sword. These summer nights would forever be engraved in his mind... Just as easily as he was given the power to lead, the balancing act naturally shifts towards Robby. His smile broadens madly as Robby's pull takes him away. His preferred position really, taking the backseat to see all of Robby's sun and fire. Sungho thinks he can do it all for him, be his all, for as long as they live.
FLASHFORWARD — a few moments later…
He scopes out the scene of a park Robby brings him to and doesn't note a soul nearby. Soon, Robby's straddled on top of Sungho with their legs on both sides of him, and he's far too preoccupied to care if there is someone out there anyway. "It's perfect." Sungho’s hands’ cupped the small of Robby's back, forcing him to arch more and more into him—a habit of his towards Robby he couldn’t be bothered to fix—he realized how much of a void he felt without his touch. Their moment of embrace, their moment of passion, it overflows in him. Sungho thought he might just fall down into a heap on the ground. He truly felt like the luckiest guy alive. His fingers travel up and down his spine, Sungho's mouth brushing over his neck before he speaks. "We're all alone, baby. Do you feel better?" He whispered along the skin, dangerously close to risking it all in public for a taste of Robby.
He momentarily breaks eye contact with Robby and looks at him earnestly, not wanting to exploit the moment. Sungho has a habit of trying to understand people better, so he focuses on Robby's bright eyes. He runs his fingers through Robby's hair, admiring how it falls around his face, still smitten with his new brunet hair. "You seemed lost in thought and requested some fresh air. I just wanted to check if you're feeling okay.”
Sungho reclines on the bench, his touch slipping downwards as his idle hands decide to rub against the soft fabric that cradled Robby's plump ass - tracing his fingers against the curvatures. The night air is cool with Robby, crisp, and the stars are out in full force, perfect, really. He savors this peace and quiet, even with the occasional car drives by, it doesn't take away from the moment. He knows he refers to the club as their getaway, but any place with Robby is his own sanctuary, he knows he'll always have him to come back to. "It really is perfect, though. I wanted to be alone, too."
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hdrobby · 1 year
it’s on the tip of his tongue, but for some reason, the words refuse to flow. his scorpio stare is locked on sungho, and he wants so badly to tell him “i’m already insane for you...” but it’s as if he’s frozen in time. internally, he’s screaming at the top of his lungs, professing his love, but in reality, he’s still like water on the surface—allowing himself to be completely taken by the other, relinquishing control. this is dangerous territory for robby. he never, ever makes himself this vulnerable to anyone—literally anyone. if anything, he tends to hide himself away from people; refusing to let his emotions mesh with theirs in fear of becoming dependent. however, he has no authority over this when it comes to sungho. it terrifies him, but it feels so good all at once, and that’s a thrill he wants to hold onto for the rest of time. the weight of this is crushing him, but he’s happy to let himself be obliterated in the name of love. so long as he’s bound to bae sungho, he’ll be at ease. he’s genuinely convinced of that.
steadying himself with a deep breath, robby fights ferociously to keep his passions at bay. he’s usually the type to unleash them in a feverish downpour, but now’s not the time, or place, for that. sure, this particular spot may become their hideaway, but they need to be alone in order for robby to make his move. it’s what feels right; what feels more intimate. there’s an eagerness in him to get moving, but instead of giving into impulses, he lets sungho’s voice be his anchor; keeping him locked in place until its time to depart. it’s another covert way of handing his lover the steering wheel, and it’s still difficult for him to adjust to. “i’d like that...” he begins, quickly taking in their surroundings; the music only amplifying the sheer romance of this moment. after all, there’s something so magical about a sensual, moody, retro 90s house beat.
“this can be where we go to forget about our jobs. where we hang our coats up, and take our hats off, and just... be nobodies.” robby knows they’ll need that from time-to-time. their lives are about to change in a profound way very soon, and moments like these won’t happen as often, so it’s important for them to enjoy their freedom while they can. that’s why when the grip of sungho’s arms strengthens around him, he returns it with a vice of his own; almost as if he’s trying to fuse the two of them together. “you have no idea how much that means to me...” robby confesses, reveling in the thought of them spending all their free time together, like a ball and chain.
though, in what feels like a flash, the two of them are making their way through the crowd hand-in-hand. it’s a busy, rowdy kind of night, but they never let go of one another. the entire time, robby’s focused on the man before him. sungho’s bathed in vivid technicolor, and he’s so fucking handsome, and robby knows he’ll never forget this view for as long as he lives. it’s like a scene from a movie; it’s almost surreal.
it keeps him focused until summer’s fragrant breeze rushes over his skin—its balminess alighting his senses, making them all the more sensitive and alive whenever sungho collides into him; mouth-to-mouth. his heart pounds against his chest like it’s a heavyweight champion aiming for his eighth k.o. in a row, all in an effort to be closer to sungho’s. who needs alcohol when something like this exists instead? he’s never felt more drunk in his life, and when their embrace breaks, it’s now robby’s turn to grab sungho’s hand; whisking him away to a nearby park.
surrounded by variegated flora and fresh summer greenery, robby finds them a comfortable spot among trees. he perches himself on a bench, and brings sungho with him. no one else is around, just the two of them and the moon up above, and he takes this opportunity to place himself on the other’s lap; straddling him. “is this okay?” he asks, wrapping his arms around his shoulders for stability and closeness. 
Sungho orbits around Robby as Robby clings to him with a tenacity that's contagious to be around. He could taste Robby's glistening cupid bow by merely glancing at his lips widen. Everything enhances as Sungho holds him with a possessive gaze, while he eagerly listens with rapt attention. "I'm only getting started, baby. I want you insane for me." He was being a bit more dominant than per usual, a first for the two outside of the bedroom, but it's a shot in the dark to see if Robby likes in this side of Sungho as well. He finds it challenging to refrain from snaking his flexed and toned arms held tightly around him. He’s finally seeing what he’s been missing out on, having someone’s smile make his entire day and night — being able to taste life and breathe like he isn’t threading water from one mistake to another.
He thinks of himself that way most days, damned as he is, but like a patchwork, he's weaved together lovingly by one and only sets of hands, none rivaling that of Robby's and god did he want to make him his. Sungho's eyes spark with anticipation as he listens on. The promises held such potential for the future, igniting a journey ahead of them Sungho really wants to put the effort in. "Yeah? I think I do, too. Already made a couple of friends." He teases. Sungho feels a warm sensation that gradually emanates from his cheeks and spreads to his ears, causing a mild blush to surface on his skin, hidden by darkness. Somehow, he still got shy around Robby. "I'll be happy if this place can be... Ours. You know, somewhere we can run away to." When he receives the many kisses that feel like a million all across his face, he simply looks at Robby with such admiration and longing. Sungho pulls Robby closer to him, tighter and rougher against him, to express how much he wants the other by him all the time. "Then, we're on the same page since I want you all day... Everyday." With a resonant and husky timbre, he repeats the question posed by Robby as his own answer. He remains so focused on captivating Robby's curiosity he's not lying.
Sungho's face lights up with a wide grin as he gazes down, seeing Robby revel there, and could imagine him here to escape trainee life. However, a subtle restlessness in Robby's eyes catches his attention as they lock together. Sungho's growing empathetic nature when it comes to the younger urges him to heed their unspoken request until they're eventually said out loud. Without any second thoughts, he nods in agreement. “Say no more. Take my hand,” he instructs, and impatient himself, he just clasps his fingers with Robby's in a bid to provide fast comfort and solidarity. He says goodbye to the people they've met and then leads Robby toward the exit with firm guidance. The crowd all around disperses through Sungho's lead while he turns and flashes a biting grin toward Robby in haste.
He frequently finds himself lost in fond memories of the lively party he met Robby in or the exhilarating first night after practice, the days after he spent in Sungho's dorms, even the days they exchanged subtle glances while performing in Hyde, which they could barely pretend was merely a display of camaraderie. It's the stirring glint in Robby's eyes or the gentle curve of his dimpled smile that truly encapsulates every one of those first moments and this new one. Where love unfolds.
Once they meet the summer air outside, the pounding of the club fades, and he pulls Robby into him suddenly. A free hand reaches out to cup the cheek of someone he's starting to consider his world. Thumb brushing against that delicate skin of Robby's... He can no longer handle it and leans forward, closing the space entirely as his lips crash into theirs. There, they'll set the world on fire. The kiss deepens the clutch on their cheek, and he turns needier for more, more kissing, more Robby. What feels endless, Sungho pulls away. His forehead leans against Robby's as he catches his breath softly. "So. Where to?"
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hdrobby · 1 year
when sungho scoops him up into an embrace, robby melts into it — his strong arms feeling like home to him, no matter where they are. what he experiences when they share the same space is honestly indescribable. he has no idea if the words exist for the intensity of the emotions he feels. it’s unlike anything he’s ever felt before — a love that’s completely overtaken him; mind, body, spirit, & heart. it’s like a religion; his love for sungho is his god. being showered in his undivided attention makes him feel holy somehow, & robby clings onto him with ferocity; possessiveness unveiling itself in his body language. ❝ you have no idea how crazy you drive me… it’s unreal, ❞ he coos, tone low & laden with heartfelt fervor. ❝ i got you, too. i don’t think there’s anything i wouldn’t do for you, & i mean that, too. ❞ his claims & promises carry a lot of weight, but he means every single word of them, & has every intention of keeping them; of proving himself worthy of sungho’s love. ❝ i love seeing you here… you fit right in. ❞ he observes audibly, licking over his lips. overall, he’s glad that this turned out to be a good idea. now, whenever the two of them need a hideaway, they can come here, or to any of the other bars that act as safe havens for their community.
breaking through to him during his daze, sungho’s comment causes an impish grin to tug at the corners of robby’s lips. ❝ well, what if i want you all day, everyday ? ❞ he’s testing the waters; planting seeds for what he has in mind later in hopes they’ll bloom into variegated flora. if he has his way, the two of them will be greeting the sunrise as a set; an item. the reminder of his intentions causes his heart to pound hard against his chest, & the confession that seeps through sungho’s lips in that moment only broadens the depth of his emotional state. leaning forward, he tiptoes up & peppers kisses all over the other’s face; expressing how much he adores him with every one.
taking a breath, he keeps himself close so their conversation feels more intimate; their words for one another’s ears only. ❝ i’m having a great time — the best time. i’ve been here once or twice before, but it’s been way more fun with you here. ❞ it’s now when he finds himself growing a bit impatient. they’ve been here for awhile, & the longer they remain, the more anxious robby becomes. hoping this doesn’t destroy the mood, he locks eyes with sungho & swallows whatever nerves that remain. it’s now or never. ❝ i think i need some air though. is it cool if we head outside for awhile? there’s a park nearby, we can head there, post up, & be alone… ❞ 
Whenever Robby is around, Sungho feels this surge of excitement that flows throughout his entire being. It's as if his presence powers and electrifies his sense. A clouding invigoration that he simply cannot resist. He presently loves the way Robby's words cling to Sungho and his wanting to stay at by his side. He tenderly pulls Robby towards him some more, enveloping him in a warm embrace as he wraps his arms around his waist. Bending down again, Sungho even teased his jawline (usual between them) by planting a kiss near his neck on his way down. His voice similarly hushed and intimate. "Then, let's stay here. I'll take you up on that and stay sober up, too... You've got my attention. A hundred and ten percent. " The warm tension he feels is clearly thick between them and he could feel his desire to be alone with Robby rising. "I got you." Sungho took his time. To see Robby underneath strobing lights painted picture in strokes of moonlight. He's mapping out all the lines, scared that time itself would take this moment away from him. These new experiences waiting at every corner, beauty in the most unexpected ways, his gaze remained still as water.
"Thank you... And tonight, tomorrow, pick the day and I'm all yours." He can't exactly put into simple words someone who could make him burn like bare skin on ice and feel mountain high simultaneously. As Robby's touch passes from Sungho's hair to caress the nape of his neck, he instinctively loosens his muscles. Sungho breathed out, and said something between an offer and a confession, "I am, a lot of fun, I haven't my felt my face burn like this from grinning so much since... I met you. It's uh, definitely a vibe." Even though he last had the opportunity to use his English skills some time ago, he's making a concerted effort to do so with Robby for the night. All a ruse to see keep Robby's dimpled cheeks in full view, a favorite trait Sungho continues to melt over.
"How about you?" He asks, brows slightly furrowed. As he waits, his mind races with many questions. How was the date going? What was going to happen next? With Robby involved, he knew that there was sure to be more excitement ahead. The mere thought of it sent a surge of rush through his veins, causing the hair on his arms to stand on end. "You know, you never told me if you've ever been here before."
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hdrobby · 1 year
sometimes, robby wonders if he should feel ashamed for playing the field. when he first arrived in south korea, he didn’t think that he’d find himself in situations where the temperature rises at a breakneck pace, & before he knows it, his waist is being clutched & his lips are pressed flush against a handsome someone’s — their shared need to chase thrills, capture desire, & relieve tension taking precedence over everything else. he’d heard from others that his grandparents’ home country is, unfortunately, unkind to ❝ sexual minorities, ❞ which is a community he belongs to, so he was convinced that he’d end up struggling with loneliness. however, as he became more settled into seoul, & its vibe, & got to know the people at the company, he was quick to discover that he wasn’t alone after all; that there were a lot of individuals who saw life through a similar set of eyes. over time, he’s gotten to know plenty of these people beneath hydra labels’ elusive umbrella, & sometimes, he finds himself in titillating situations with them; particularly those of the masculine variety.
of them all, one of his favorites is someone called jung jaeyoung. whenever they met, robby experienced more than just the physical sensations of tangled limbs, racing hearts, & chills racing down his spine. he felt a real friendship beginning to form; one that he knew could survive the complexities of adding the danger of sex to a platonic foundation. as times have changed, they’ve eliminated the ❝ benefits ❞ that they once enjoyed with each other, but their rapport remains mostly the same. though, now, instead of channeling whatever aggression he may feel towards jaeyoung in the bedroom, it comes out in taunting remarks & playful jabs. robby han is a passionate creature. he thrives whenever there’s at least some level of blazing heat at play.
so, needless to say, when jae extends him an invitation to hangout, robby accepts with ease, & once he arrives at jae’s place, he feels his heart rate pick up. even when there’s no expectation for anything sinful to occur, there’s excitement; anticipation—& he loves that. in mere moments, he’s face-to-face with his friend; an impish grin plastered on his face as he gives jaeyoung a rather shameless once-over. though, before he’s able to speak, he’s grabbed into an embrace — one that rouses a subtle hum from him. ❝ mm, hey you… ❞ robby coos, arms wrapping around jaeyoung’s ribcage in a vice grip. he settles into the hug for a little while before departing, frowning slightly at the loss of contact. ❝ thanks for inviting me ! i’m not gonna lie, when i saw your name light up my phone, i was stoked… ❞ he’s not lying either; he was excited at the prospect of the two of them meeting under more casual terms.
❝ i’ve been good, but i’m better now that i’m here. what about you, though ? how’ve you been doin’ ? ❞ he steps inside & ditches his shoes while he speaks, turning to keep his eyes locked on jae. ❝ you’re lookin’ really good, by-the-way… like, hot. ❞
* ╱ ᴊᴜɴɢ ᴊᴀᴇʏᴏᴜɴɢ ♠︎ : 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚋𝚛𝚘… :    * ╱     ⤿ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ: @hdrobby
Hungry from the all-nigher before - debating whether he should see what's in the fridge, or grab some breakfast; Jae squints his eyes to focus on his immediate surroundings, noticing the condo in disarray. He flashed an amused grin revealing a full set of teeth and half-closed boba eyes, grunting as he stretched under the comforter. Jae took his time straightening his space and preparing for what his day had to offer. A text response to Robby was all it took to spark a sudden interest in inviting him to hang out. The two share a peculiar friendship, but a bond nonetheless. Jae wasn't willing to let it go over a misunderstanding.
He worried how Sungho would feel - as though he was staying with Jae during the break. Behind closed doors, few limits were imposed on him, and Jae could smooth over any issues quickly. Jae sent a reply text to Robby, inviting him over to chill. He was truthful in saying Sungho would be present and thought the three could hang out, like in old times. Waiting for Robby's confirmation, Jae and Sungho chatted bare-chested in the kitchen as they slowly planned their day.
A few hours rolled around when Robby sent the text confirming his being almost there. Sungho had stepped out but was scheduled to return shortly, Jae had paused his video game to get ready to open the door. Jae and Robby's relationship has landed them here, moments before they grace each other's presence again. Jae had another idea, just in case Robby was mad at him for whatever he probably did a long time ago - he made an extra effort to appear irresistible to distract him. Careful not to overuse one of his best plays, he opened the front door to greet Robby. A cheesy smile spread across Jae's face, displaying a goofy expression while opening his arms to embrace Robby with a hug. “Hey, you! What's going on fam? It's about time you made it!” A cocky smile was on full display as he made his introduction. Jae wearing a Raptors jersey and pair of black Nike shorts, and the Raptor 7's, his confidence was well suited.  Jae reached out and gripped Robby's shoulder. “How you doing though? What have you been up to?.”
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hdrobby · 1 year
while he intended to suggest an idea that allowed them more privacy for their first date, the instant robby learned that sungho had never been to a gay club, he knew that that’s where they needed to go. to him, there was no better option than to steep themselves into a scene that belongs to them; to be surrounded by people who are cut from the same cloth as they are. being that sungho’s new to the community, in a sense, robby really wants him to know that one actually exists for him; wants him to know that there are spaces, even in seoul, where he can go and be surrounded by family. it’s an experience unlike any other, at least in robby’s opinion. in high school, he paid good money for a mint condition fake id—one that gained him access into places that he was much too young for, but it was in these places that he learned a lot about himself. maybe, somehow and in some way, it’ll have a similar effect on sungho. above all, robby wants to support his beloved on his journey of self-discovery, so long as he’s welcome to be by his side; to hold his hand through it all.
so far, their night is overloaded with a passion that only they can create. everyone else in the room fades to black as they orbit around one another; their limbs intertwining sensually, their hearts pounding against their chests, and their eyes never leaving one another’s, ever. robby loves seeing sungho like this; completely in his element. butterflies take flight in his stomach whenever he witnesses just how fucking beautiful he is, especially sprinkled in hazy neon and cloaked in the moody dance-floor lighting. it only intensifies his longing, and makes him all the more eager to make this man his by the end of the night. there’s a part of him that wonders if it’s too soon to make things “official” between them, but robby’s never been known to be cautious. instead, he often throws caution to the wind—aching to live on the edge in a manner that thrills him. besides, there are no rules to abide by here, and as they say, the heart wants what it wants. he’s never been more sure of anything before.
though, when sungho breaks free from him, even for just a millisecond, robby is quick to groan; displeased at the lack of closeness that they always share. “mmm, no, i’ll go with you; i don’t want to be away from you...” he responds, hoping his neediness is alright. “besides, i think i might stay sober tonight. all i wanna focus on is you; us.” the tone of his voice is low, and soft, yet loud enough to be heard over whatever the dj’s spinning. then, when he’s given a compliment, his dimples unveil themselves as he grins; his chest flooding with warmth. he’s glad to hear that sungho appreciates the effort he put into himself tonight. “mm, it’s always nice to hear it again, baby, especially from you—thank you. you’re lookin’ hot, too... and i love knowing that i have you all to myself tonight.” reaching one of his hands up, he cards his fingers through sungho’s hair, then rests his hand on the nape of his neck; their eyes locked.
“you having fun so far? you vibing with everything alright?”
𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 —
written for 𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧 ( @hdrobby ) ♡
It was quite familiar to Sungho. He had frequented high-energy concerts, clubs, and raves numerous times in the past during his later school years. Had some of the most eye-opening and happy moments around Seoul's nightlife. In the same breath, he haphazardly watched as others sank into their vices and never returned to their feet. It was unsettling at times. Inviting. Dangerous. Fascinating. And all could be said about a particular night out with Robby. 'I want to take you out on a date; something private, intimate...' The way he trailed off left Sungho asking for more details, and cheeks burning at the simple idea of a date... their first date. So he did everything to look and smell good for the night for many reasons all leading back to Robby. As they walked through the entrance hand in hand, he felt a shift, a new beginning for them.
Being Pride Month, the club was packed. Sungho and Robby were lost in the rhythm of the music for most of the night, moving together with their bodies pressed tight, close and their hands intertwined. The atmosphere was alive with the intoxicating aroma of the club and the sweet scent of alcohol. Sungho was feeling the heat, but he was too caught up in the moment with Robby to notice. Their connection was hellishly intense, and nothing else in the world mattered. Of course, curiosity guided him through the new experience, talking and dancing with others, drinking, understanding, and knowing a community for him. This was probably what he loved second to his time with Robby, already missing how easygoing the atmosphere was, the energy contagious and electric, like him. With a mischievous smile spread across his face, Sungho leans in towards Robby, the pulsating beat of the music enveloping them, and suavely inquires, "I'm going to get us drinks, what will you be having?"
He slyly closed the distance between them some more, placing a touch around his waist, "You look very hot, if I haven't said that enough tonight." He loved to give Robby undivided attention, showering him with compliments, chasing this firework sensation Sungho felt around him.
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hdrobby · 1 year
while he’s uncertain of the cleanliness of the air, robby inhales a deep breath of it; the scent of the metropolitan area around him fueling his excitement as if it were gasoline being pumped into his engine. he knows that nights like this won’t come often once he debuts, so he wants to make the most of them now; wants to cement these memories into his mind whenever his career path brings inevitable loneliness, anxiety, and stress. while he’s never been one to live in the past, recollecting times like this, especially when the blueness is hard to escape, will guide him like they’re a northern star of some sort. so, giving himself fully to the moment, he escapes the confines of his mind and hones in on his comrade; grinning as his cheek is poked. he pretends to “wipe off” the physical affection, then sticks his tongue out toward his senior—adoring that neither of them subscribe to the societal norms korea enforces.
“well, i’m glad you think i look nice, too,” robby begins, nudging sebby with his elbow. “believe it or not, i can pull a look together. i’ve got taste.” though, when his lip gloss is mentioned, he playfully rolls his eyes and puckers his lips toward his pal. “tastes like passionfruit, if you wanna give it a go...” robby teases, emphasizing his facetiousness with a wink. his flirtation toward his cohorts is often non-serious, and he’s typically pretty straightforward if it ever is, but with sebby, there’s a stronger sense of brotherhood as opposed to romantic inclinations. at least in robby’s point of view. “you’re definitely the makeup fiend, but what if i just wanted to look nice for you, huh? what if i didn’t want you to one-up me, so i put more effort into myself?” both are valid points, and both are true. sebby’s beautiful, he’s gotta keep up.
as they go through the motions to gain entrance into their destination, robby shrugs at sebby’s sweetness; offering him a smile. “i mean it, though. i’m glad you think it’s cute, but believe me when i say that nothing’ll happen to you if i’m around.” nodding at the reassurance, his grin widens at the other’s shyness; finding it adorable. there’s a slight temptation to lean in and give him a peck on the cheek, but robby refrains; knowing that they’re in public and displays of affection aren’t exactly treated with kindness as far as he’s aware. “it’s my pleasure, babe. thank you for agreeing to come with me. i know this isn’t really your vibe a lot of the time, but i have a feeling you’ll have a good time. if you don’t, we’ll never do this again and you can say you’ve at least tried it.” suddenly, he feels a tight grip on his hand, and as they’re allowed entry, he’s tugged into the moody interior—the music already making his limbs groove.
before he knows it, he’s smackdab in the center of the floor with sebby before him, and at the question presented, he nods; immediately into the idea. “oh, you know it,” robby lilts, hands motioning forward to possessively grab onto his friend’s hips, pulling him closer. the song that’s playing is paced in a manner that’s not too fast, or too slow, and the instant the beat registers in his musculature, he begins to move—knowing sebby will fall into syncopation shortly thereafter, their training boosting their synergy. “let’s make all these dudes wish they could go home with us tonight.”
going clubbing honestly wasn't on sebastian's to do list, not because he didn't like to dance, he enjoyed it very much, but the lights, the people and music could be overwhelming, but he had been told multiple of times from his grandparents and his therapist that he should go out more, to stop hiding in his room and actually socialize for a bit because 'you know, making friends won't actually kill you, sebby.', the voice of his grandfather repeating in his mind, with his wrinkles and fine lines, and a teasing smile, eyes wise as he looked at him, like he could see him and see past his rouses and fake confidence– so here he was with robby, dressed with glitz and glam, wanting to look his outmost best if he was going to be outside and partying. he had never been to a club before, not really. sure, he had attended parties when he was in the uk, but never went out to drink, and the thought of doing this with robby didn't psyche him out as much as he thought it would.
is this what it felt like to actually have a friend? his eyes darted to peer at the boy beside him, taking in his form, his compliments on his appearance made sebastian smile, shy, a bit self-conscious in a way that he had felt when people close to his heart said they found him pretty; it made him feel warm inside, cheeks pink, he knew it was genuine and not to fatten him up with false platitudes, wanting something from him. "you look good too, robby." his voice was soft, honest as he reached out with his free hand to lightly poke at his cheek, his eyes crinkling as his smile widened, "you cleaned up really well. you even put some lip gloss on. i thought i was the make-up fiend between the both of us."
his voice was teasing as he complimented his friend, keeping their arms hooked together as they made it closer to the neon signs, and stopped at the entrance. he wondered if they were allowed entrance, being born and raised in europe made him oblivious of the different customs and traditions when it came to living in south korea, but he was pretty sure robby was a bit too young to even enter.
"you're cute when you get all over protective of me." he remarked softly, quietly once they stop at the door, and he turns to face his younger friend, eyes bright as he stared at robby, his fingers tightening around his arm, squeezing gently; he was never the best when it came to words, but this, spending time with him, and having him near, his devotion, kind words, and instead of rolling his eyes, teasing the younger male back, he ducked his head, shyness seeping through his voice and expression, cheeks pinker than the blush he had put on his cheeks earlier before, "thank you for this, all of it."
he let the words flow, not bothering to explain what he meant, but hoping robby was finely in tune with his tells to be able to figure out exactly what he meant, feeling slightly embarrassed by the slip, quickly turning back to the entrance and tugging robby along with him, and once inside, he let the lights and music wash over him, he could feel the vibrations of the drums, excitement building inside of him, he reached out to grab hold of his hand, gently tugging him to the dance floor, "very excited. want to make a show?"
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hdrobby · 1 year
𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖘 & 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘— 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐 𝖚𝖗 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘 💀
𝐕𝐈𝐁𝐄𝐒,  eye-rolling, brotherly love, & cast-art. 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒,  a starter written for 𝖏𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖓. 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒,  trigger warning for injuries.
❝ you’re a fuckin’ idiot, jamie… ❞ robby quips through impish laughter, his hands hard at work both supporting his brother’s arm, & doodling on his cast — his teeth nibbling down on his tongue as he concentrates on how he’s decided to sign it. most people would leave it simple: get well soon, or heal quickly, or just their name with hearts, but robby ? he’s decided on trying to sketch a work of art — a rather sloppily illustrated replica of the their comic-strip selves that he’d draw all the time as a kid. jamie’s an angel, robby’s a devil, & the pair of them go journeys — robby getting them into trouble, jamie bailing them out, & all the hi-jinx in-between. he used to think that he’d love for it to turn into an actual series of some sort, but until now, it’s only been a personal project of his; one of pure enjoyment that he still returns to when he has time. the hours in his day often go quickly lately, so in truth, this is the first time he’s drawn them in awhile, & he hopes his rustiness doesn’t look disastrous on the rigid texture of the bandage. he’d hate for it to look stupid, so he’s putting in lots of effort.
needing to switch angles to yield the results he wants, he tugs on his brother’s arm, then looks over to his face. ❝ i’m not hurting you, am i ? ❞ he asks, half-concerned. he knows he’s been busting jamie’s balls ever since the accident, & last time he called his parents to give them an update regarding everything, they reminded him to be gentler with his older sibling; to cease the playful jabs & teasing in favor of tender loving care. his eyes rolled into the back of his head at their instructions, but he knows they mean well. of the two of them, jamie’s always been the one whose heart is embroidered onto his sleeve; his feelings more susceptible to being hurt than robby’s. it’s gotten in the way of their relationship before, but above all, they’re usually able to figure things out for themselves; to kiss & makeup, as mom says.
that in mind, he takes a break from his drawing for now, & looks to his brother; softening. ❝ can i get you anything ? water, tea, pumpkin juice, a shot of soju ? ❞
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hdrobby · 1 year
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hdrobby · 1 year
𝖚𝖗 𝖒𝖞 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘 — & 𝖒𝖞 𝖘𝖚𝖓 ☆ ☼
𝐕𝐈𝐁𝐄𝐒,  pounding heartbeats, mouth running dry. 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒,  𝖇𝖆𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖍𝖔, 𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖞𝖊𝖔𝖒. 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒,  a check-in with his heart. ♡ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓,  written in approx. 𝟏,𝟐𝟑𝟎 words.
he’s never felt like this before, & the longer he lives with these stormy thoughts brewing in his head, & the more he learns to cope with the heaviness in his heart that genuinely makes it feel like it’s about to sink into the acidic depths of his stomach, the more crazy he’s being driven. in truth, he never expected to create such serious, intimate bonds with people in south korea. at the start, he had his mind only on the prize ahead of him — laser-focused on only training for the absolute bare minimum time-frame before being unveiled to the public. life felt simpler back then, & in some ways, he longs for that same minimalism, but life has a way about introducing road blocks onto a person’s path — causing them to stop, reflect on what’s important, & then proceed; cautiously or recklessly. nowadays, it seems like he’s been running into a lot of those on his journey to the top, & while his goals should take priority, that hasn’t been the case. while he’s dedicated to becoming a performer professionally, he’s becoming wrapped up in a triangle of affairs with two men that have entered his life; who’ve completely taken over it. all thoughts are colored by them, he takes their feelings into consideration before acting on anything, & he feels himself becoming so attached to them that, now, being an idol isn’t what’s most crucial anymore. instead, the pair of them have taken the number one spot on his exclusive list of priorities.
if that wasn’t complicated enough, the fact that there are two individuals who’ve put him in this position instills an anxiousness in his soul that he has no idea what to do with. even putting his limbs to work by dancing for hours on end doesn’t release the tension, & that sensation is foreign to him; unheard of. typically, he becomes fixated — obsessed — with one romantic prospect at a time, but ever since he started to get to know both sungho, & taegyeom, the more he’s realizing that the love he feels for them both is immense; more grand than anything he’s ever experienced in his entire life. robby’s always been someone who feels things in extremes. every emotion is amped up to as powerful as they can be felt, & there’s no gray area to be found in his rigid world of black & white. it’s love or hate; life or death; good or evil. when it comes to them, he knows that he’s in love, & is absolutely devastated at the idea of having to choose one, or the other, to commit to because, to him, being without either of them would make him feel like he’s on the verge of his demise. it seems dramatic, but it’s where he’s at, & the feeling of being ripped in half is severe.
however, the situation only continues to grow in complexity because, with how hyde academy is turning out, it seems highly likely that all three of them will end up in the same boy group, & with that, they’ll all be residing in the same dormitory. the thought of all of them being in such close quarters both excites, & terrifies, robby, especially since he hasn’t talked to them about what’s been going on in his mind lately; what his heart’s been trying to desperately communicate to his rationale. as he’s someone that doesn’t open up easily to others, much less trust them, he’s been fighting this internal battle all on his own — not even jamie, his own brother, is aware of the turmoil that he’s been undergoing; his knack for keeping himself a mystery strong as ever. though, as time goes on, he knows that he needs to have conversations with both of them in order to figure out how to proceed; how to navigate this roadmap that, at the moment, seems like its printed in a completely different language.
because the competition is still ongoing, robby doesn’t know when would be the best time to pull them aside, one at a time, to confess his feelings, but to also explain his dilemma, & how, maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t have to make a decision. he feels as though he’s capable of loving both of them without placing one over the other. in fact, he’s very confident that he’ll be able to show them what he means, & how seriously he’s taking this, & how carefully he’s considering them in this. he knows it’s not going to be easy, & that it’s going to take a lot of work for all of them to get on the same page, but he’s dedicated to proving to them that he’s adamant on committing to them; that his fierce loyalty belongs to them, if they wish to possess it. that’s what’s most aggravating about this — not fully knowing how they’ll react to his emotions; to his desires. the unknown has honestly never scared him, per se, but it causes annoyance when he can’t figure out the answers himself. so, being that it’s coming down to the wire, he has to figure out a plan of attack, & after mulling things over, he’s decided to start by talking to sungho; the man who took him by surprise.
when the two of them first met, robby never expected that he’d fall for him — that their casual, experimental encounters would guide them to deep conversations, passionate soul searching, spiritual connections, & mirrored souls. discovering more about him formed a bond that, to him, feels unbreakable, & he’s become so addicted to sungho that he feels somewhat foolish for letting himself enjoy the free-fall so much, but as he’s heard before, love is a fool’s game — one where losing in love is detrimental, but winning is the most beautiful, life-changing thing in the world. he’s coming to terms with that now, & knows that, out of the two of them, sungho is most likely to understand & hear him out; to react calmly, sweetly, affectionately, softly.
taegyeom, on the other hand, is a loose cannon; someone so full of passionate & infernal fire. robby’s scared that his reaction will cause damage — third degree burns that take a long time to heal. his spiritedness, & his wild fervor, are things that robby adores about him, & he felt that intensity the moment they met. he recalls it as if it were just yesterday — seeing him for the very first time & immediately knowing that he needed to be linked to him somehow. it was such a strong visceral reaction, & even now, he still feels it. that being said though, he recognizes that they’re similar in ways that could be harmful, & destructive, & he knows that, as taegyeom can be overwhelmingly competitive & rough, the idea of ❝ sharing ❞ won’t please him.
robby has no expectations going into this. he has hopes, & dreams, but he knows that the final call isn’t his to make on his own. the anticipation is killing him, but he also knows that bombarding the two of them with how he feels right before hyde academy wraps up isn’t a good idea, so he waits with bated breath. he’s presently planning out the best course of action for both conversations so, when the fateful day does arrive, he’ll be prepared for whatever comes his way.
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hdrobby · 1 year
𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖎𝖛, 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝖎.
𝖘𝖞𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖘𝖎𝖘,  robby performs ❝ 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚. ❞ 𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘,  possible mention of various people. 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙,  written in roughly 𝟗𝟏𝟓 words.
it’s hard to reset after the events that just occurred, but robby tries his damnedest to get his head back in the game; taking a few steady deep breaths to slow his pounding heart. he can’t help but feel worried about his brother; slightly sick to his stomach about what this means for him. he’s crushed that jamie’s injury likely means that he’ll no longer be a candidate for début, at least in this group. this fucks up their whole plan, & as he’s prone to flare ups of anger as opposed to sadness, he feels heat rise to his face — silently scoffing at how jamie couldn’t just go through with the performance like everyone else. he just had to trip, & fall, & break a bone like the putz he is. breathing heavy, he remembers to focus on the air in his lungs & its patterns. robby tries not to be upset at his sibling. this wasn’t his fault, accidents happen, & he’s probably equally as heartbroken at the destruction of his chances. knowing that, robby’s livid that he can’t go & be by jamie’s side right now; that he can’t be there to offer his support while he’s getting patched up because he needs to stay & film. he still has himself to think about in terms of the competition, & as everyone gathers in their starting positions, he infuses the red-hot energy he feels into his limbs; knowing that he could use the adrenaline to pump up his dancing even more than usual.
as he sets the tone for the song, he waits at his mark, & when the first beat booms through the speakers, he leaps into action — his coveted footwork solo one that he practiced day-in-&-day-out to perfection. being trusted with that section of the song elated him so much, & the last thing he wants is to screw it up now that it really matters, because not only is this coming down to the wire for him personally, but now he feels like he has to kick even more ass for his brother — to make him proud.
keeping jamie in his mind as fuel, he adds seamless bounciness & groove to his small solo; ensuring that the camera is picking up each & every detailed motion of his feet. then, as the first formations are building, muscle memory kicks in & takes some of the edge off of his mind; his movements forcing him to break free from the worries spiraling about in his head so he can pay close attention to the task at hand. physical activity — dancing especially — continues to be a lifesaver for him, & there’s a sense of ease he feels as the stage progresses onward. certain moments feel awkward since they’re pushing forward with one less person, but overall, it seems like things are going as smoothly as they can. though, as his first vocal part approaches, he realizes that his cue lines were sung by jamie, & without him there, robby needs to pay extra close attention to the music; listening intently until he can hear when it’s time to start. as usual, singing is what he’s minimally nervous about, now more than ever since the lyrics are fully in japanese; a language he’s studying, but doesn’t feel comfortable with yet. thankfully though, he remembers all of the words he learned.
his voice works for this section as it’s rather high, & due to that, his intonation is great — improvements being made on other skills over the time he’s lived in south korea. it pleases him to know that working hard has taken him quite far in such a small period of time, & as he makes his way through the first chorus & the second verse, he finds himself smack-dab in the center of the formation for chorus number two; taking the stance seriously as he puts his own spin on the part that was first performed by jaeyoung. this time, he unveils his ( underdeveloped ) low range; adding his own speak-singing style to it so it’s easier for him to support the notes, the delicate rasp in his voice adding color — flavor. maybe it wasn’t as perfect as his first set of lines, but he isn’t too hard on himself. not all idols in the biz are impressive singers, after all.
robby’s self-aware enough to know that he’ll never be celebrated for anything other than dance, visuals, & showmanship, & he’s totally fine with that. there are other trainees in the lot that can cover the vocal work, the rapping, & even the composition of the songs. all he’s focused on is showing up & dancing — it’s as simple as that.
in what seems like the bat of an eyelash, he’s in his final pose; his chest rises & falls heavily due to his exerted efforts, the expression on his face is fierce & magnet, & the beads of sweat that have collected on his brow-line threaten to fall down the length of his cheeks, but he keeps poised so that they remain in place — hoping that what he did was more than enough to please those in control of the final lineup. for a brief second, he thinks about jamie, & hopes that he can rush to him after filming has commenced. robby cares about his success, but above all, he cares about his brother, & his health, more. despite everything else, jamie will always be paramount to him.
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hdrobby · 1 year
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 ! nsfw material ⚠️ do not interact if uncomfortable. ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
there’s a possessiveness in taegyeom’s grasp that makes robby feel so wanted; craved, even. to him, there’s nothing more pleasant than the grip of a guy’s hands around his waist, & as his own is clutched, he purrs into his lover’s open mouth — their inevitable collision as breathtaking as he expected it to be. for a brief moment, his mind wanders into the past; recollecting the first time he laid eyes on taegyeom. his heart rate sped up at the mere sight of him, he remembers that well, & later on, when he pursued a conversation, he became even more pleased at their natural chemistry; truly believing that the two of them needed to be linked; needed to become familiar with each other on a deep level. knowing that his gut instinct was telling the truth, & that’s largely what led him here, satisfies him in a profound way, & in that moment, he refocuses back on the scene at hand — his toned arms rising to drape themselves around the masculine breadth of taegyeom’s shoulders. their strength alone is impressive to the touch, & he coos wantonly into their embrace. he’s feeling desperate, & needy, & he trembles delicately as a rush of lascivious hormones surge through his veins. it’s becoming harder for him to control himself, but he tries his damnedest not to move too fast. he wants to savor this moment.
craving friction, he lifts a knee upwards & in-between taegyeom’s thighs; grazing dangerously close to his groin. robby wants to tease him, & increase the temperature between them, with each passing second; his tongue snaking its way into his senior’s mouth with gusto, tasting him for the first time. he moans at his flavor, & knows then & there that he’s about to become addicted to him. going any further is perilous, he’s aware of that, but he also refuses to care — happy to throw himself into the raging inferno they’re creating. he knows it’ll be worth it, even if he ends up burnt to crisp.
aiming to be bolder, his knee falls back into place, & greedily — shamelessly — he grabs onto taegyeom’s concealed center; fingers draping around its shape over his trousers. it’s then when robby decides to break their kiss. he breathes deeply, licking over his swollen lips. ❝ i want you to fuckin’ wreck me... ❞ he murmurs through gritted teeth, slowly losing grip on composure. ❝ you can do that, can’t you ? ❞ his tone makes it seem as though he’s taunting taegyeom, & his palm continues kneading. he wants to make sure that he’s truly up for the challenge, & once the green light is given to him, he’ll happily slam his foot on the gas pedal of his libido; full throttle.
Taegyeom craves praise and approval of all sorts from all sorts, but there’s something especially delicious about the way it sounded from Robby’s mouth; Robby felt very undeniably real to Taegyeom in a way that was hard to describe. He didn’t feel like other people—he had a grit to him that Taegyeom found his idle thoughts catching on. Tae wasn’t used to distractions, so it’d begun to irritate him that he’d felt this moment looming over the two of them from the second they’d met, like a thorn he needed to pick from his flesh, a wound that was so tantalizingly itchy.
There was something in the wicked certainty Robby spoke with that made Tae’s skin glow with hot needle pricks, to hear the want in Robby’s voice, and his very being thrums with a surreal sort of excitement when their lips finally meet.
Taegyeom’s lips are the slightest bit dry, and Robby’s freshly licked-over and there’s the briefest moment where the delicate skin there fuses, sticking them together with a gentle sting.
He can feel the way Robby clings to him, the way a housecat might with its claws, and he grips his waist hard in his hands as he presses against him, forgetting where they are for just a moment as he groans aloud against the rolling roundness of their lips together.
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hdrobby · 1 year
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hdrobby · 1 year
Right then, he wants to tell Robby to dream of all he wants in the world, and one by one, small or large feats, he’ll check them off his list. He’s ready to dive headfirst into these new feelings warming his cheeks red. Sungho’s an electric guy, charismatic to a fault, playing moral lines to his convenience, but he lets the chance of being honest for once manifest boldly. In the end, his first time isn’t made for hesitation, and he’s seeing things through until bodies are pressed together. He can’t help it, the moment he set his eyes on Robby at that New Year’s Eve party, he banked on one night alone. Its newness heightens, and Sungho’s entirely convinced this chance is worth the potential of trouble. In his defense, the thought of not crossing that boundary is present; with both their spots on the line, he should be the one out of the pair with restraint. Then the devil on his cold shoulder tells him to settle down, what could go wrong, really? A harmless night… A silent scoff passes Sungho’s lips at ‘hottie’, loving the way it rolls off Robby’s tongue, but wanting to hide the color on his cheeks. “Stick with me. This sense of danger doesn’t have to stop.” Sungho’s aware of the rumors and myths attached to his name, and in a way, he lives for, part of him hoping he’ll live up to all that’s said about him. He loves being both a dream and reality, an everyman and a suspicion. Hands reach to grab by the waist as Robby draws closer, sighing softly into the touch on his lips. “Let’s go.”
Sungho follows their lead, only a step behind like earlier, until he’s drawn to a fixed spot and Sungho’s thoughts immediately line up with Robby’s words, straight to him. He’s silent, eyes looming over the other. He has to bend his form low to position himself, his neck is crooked and tilts so they can be face to face. His breath hitches as pulls the redhead flush against him because of their height difference — he places his wide hands on his upper back, to keep him there, close to Sungho. His jaw slackens slowly, bottom lip grazing across Robby’s own before humming past towards the upper cheek, softly, working his way down the neck, and down collar bone, veering back up for the lips he knows to be waiting. This slowness, this passion was new, too. His lips open in unison to keep the kiss, savoring the taste he’ll grow to learn is so uniquely Robby’s. 
His heart beat faster than ever, like beating wings. Robby’s lips, soft, pillowy against his own, he plants a firm kiss that felt rare in chance. Porcelain. Sungho’s grip on his waist tightens, the more he leaned into the motions since it’s not gentleness he’s after, not that night. Pulling him harder against Sungho, he groans softly, low in his throat, lips hot and more pressure. He pauses for a single lingering second to speak, but he’s already breathless, drugged dizzy that he could barely think straight. This new passion consumes. ‘It grins’ at Sungho, and he feels himself grinning back against Robby’s lips, kissing him again. 
His free hand cups warm cheeks as he moves against Robby’s eagerly. The hand on waist moves beneath the fabric to drum along soft skin to somehow feel closer than they already are. His faithless lips had control over his mind, perhaps it was his heart pulling the springs, overriding his rationale. The danger they spoke of snips the back of his neck but it only deepens his need for Robby. 
the fact that it takes sungho little-to-no time to do as he’s told pleases robby immensely, & he knows then & there that full control has been handed over to him. it’s addictive, & the grin that decorates his countenance conveys a sinister undertone — an impish expression that’s all too common of him. the same smile remains on his face as he’s taken between a set of beautiful, & strong, biceps ;; sungho’s delicate mouth feeding the passion that resides inside of him. moans reverberate from his palate, low & sensuous, & his hands find their way to his lover’s slim waist — fingertips digging into his flesh possessively, wantonly, as he’s showered in dulcet affection. the fact that it’s sungho’s first instinct to indulge in him like this makes robby feel weak, which is unusual to him, but highly pleasant. his knees buckle, but the instant he senses himself starting to wilt, he forces himself to relevé ;; tiptoeing up to meet his sweetheart halfway, just in time for their lips to finally collide. this first union for them burns in the best way, telling him that the blazes in their hearts are equally amplified, hot as hellfire, & powerful. it’s everything he wanted from this.
relocating his hands, he brings them up to cradle sungho’s jawline — his touch firm, but gentle enough to allow him some range of motion. with eyes shut, he gives his all to their embrace ;; delivering every ounce of passion he has inside of him. some may think he’ll expend most of it now at the start of their night, but they don’t know robby han. he has inexhaustible energy, & above all, he needs a partner who understands that — someone who’ll easily return it, as well — & he has a feeling that sungho can speak this language fluently. with renewed fervor, & a severe craving for friction, he crashes their pelvises together, & when there’s a brief pause in their motions, he grits his teeth ;; unhappy at the momentary loss of contact. though, when they’re reconnected, & his bare skin is teased, he becomes hellishly eager for more.
using his paramour’s shoulders as a base to lift himself up, robby climbs him ;; his back pressed flush against the wall behind him for balance, his legs wrapping around sungho in a greedy vice grip ;; reminding him who he belongs to for the night, dominating their kiss once he’s feeling stable in their new position. their tongues are becoming well-acquainted, & he has a sneaking suspicion that this won’t be their only time meeting, & that fuels him with even more carnal fervor. robby’s arms wrap around sungho’s neck, his fingers weave into the hair on the back of his head, & deciding to be a bit of a tease himself, he disengages, but rests his forehead upon the taller’s — his captivating feline gaze locked onto sungho’s in a piercing, electric stare.
❝ i can’t wait for you to fuck me... ❞ he purrs, then steals a quick kiss. ❝ but first, i want your dick in my mouth so bad. s—switch places with me... ❞ robby commands, knowing that once sungho is against the wall, he can continue using his mouth to bring him to sweet euphoria — aching to see the expressions on his face mid-act.
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hdrobby · 1 year
𝖙𝖜𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 ♡ — 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖙 𝖘𝖐𝖞
𝐕𝐈𝐁𝐄𝐒,  staying up all night, making memories. 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒,  starter for 𝖘𝖊𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖎. 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒,  not applicable, n / a.
although he considers himself eighteen years old, in south korea, he’s actually twenty. the age system used in his parents’ home country has been explained to him once or twice, but the only thing that truly matters to him about it is that, because of this puzzling change, he’s able to fully steep himself into the debauchery that seoul’s nightlife scene has to offer him. back in america, he’d still need to wait a few years in order to drink legally, but here, he’s able to imbibe, & revel, & prowl whenever he feels like it. it’s a refreshing feeling, to be honest, & this fact has expanded the amount of trouble that he can get up to, especially when he’s feeling a little bit dangerous.
tonight just happens to be one of those nights, & not wanting to go on this outing alone, he invited one of his favorite people ;; their arms linked, their pace mirroring one another’s as they sheath themselves in moonlight — eyes fixated on the neon sign that marks their destination point. an impish grin tugs at one corner of his mouth, & he lightly presses his elbow into sebby’s ribcage to capture his attention. ❝ you stoked for tonight ? ❞ it’s a simple question, & he feels like he knows the answer already, but it’s wise to check-in. for all he knows, his friend could’ve had a change of heart & would rather chill back at home. ❝ from what i’ve been told, this place is super dope, & what’s even cooler is that it’s both foreigner, & queer, friendly. ❞
he beams, feeling seen. it’s been hard for him to adjust to the culture as it’s vastly different from what he’s used to in san diego, but he does his best. ❝ i was honestly kinda shocked to know a place like this existed here, but i’m glad to know that korea’s not as conservative as i feared. sure, it’s no socal, but it’s also not as extreme as the american south... ❞ he recalls those trips he took to texas with his dad & grimaces.
❝ you’re looking so hot, by-the-way. that outfit with that makeup ? like, damn, sebby... you’re gonna get so much fuckin’ attention. ❞ his compliment is smooth like butter, & he follows it up with a squeeze onto his comrade’s arm. ❝ though, if for some reason it’s the wrong kind of attention, i’ll square up. i might be five-foot-nothin’, but i’ll kick some ass if i have to. you’ve never seen me brawl, but trust me — i’m vicious... ❞ with that, he playfully grits his teeth & growls ;; his ( unfortunately ) cherubic face making his statement pretty hard to believe. it’s the story of his life.
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