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[credit: @risingwoman on Instagram]
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Shadow Work Prompts 3
53. how can I healthily cope with sadness?
54. which behavior that I know is wrong and has negative effects, do I repeat over and over again?
55. how long do I reflect on failures or mistakes? do I have difficulties in coming to terms with them or vice versa - do I suppress such experiences
56. do I find it hard to forgive?
57. how long do I need to forgive?
58. am I honest with myself about my feelings?
59. am I honest with other people about my feelings?
60. do I completely accept and love myself the way I am?
61. do I reward myself when I accomplish something productive?
62. how do I deal with failures?
63. what is it that I would like to heal from?
64. what are my negative personality traits and, when do they emerge?
65. what is a pattern in my life that keeps showing up.
66. where am I struggling the most?
67. how does the feeling of envy show up in my life? where does it stem from? how would I feel if I obtained the things I am envious of?
68. in what ways do I consciously or unconsciously punish myself? how can I be kinder to myself?
69. what should I forgive myself for? why haven't I yet? how can I now?
70. what unhealthy attachments do I hold onto? what fears do I have around the idea of ending these attachments? what do I have to gain from ending these attachments?
71. what negative emotions am I most comfortable feeling? how often and why do these emotions show up in my day-to-day?
72. in what ways do I hold myself to a higher standard than others? vice versa?
73. what is a grudge/incident I'm holding onto? why do I choose to hold onto this weight? how can I let it go?
74. how do I show up for others and fail to show up for myself?
75. how important am I to myself? how highly do I prioritize myself?
76. what am I addicted to?
77. what are my delusions?
78. how have I been ignorant?
79. how have I been distracting myself?
80. What are some things you've said to yourself recently that weren't so nice? Would you say that to somebody else? How would you react if somebody else said those things to you?
81. Name 5-10 negative beliefs you have about yourself. Where do they come from? Do they have any validity? Why or why not?
82. Do you over-think, what causes this?
83. What are your morals? How do those morals make you feel - do they come from you, or someone else?
84. What are some qualities you wish you had, and why?
85. what is my go-to self-destructive act? what is my love language? are they connected?
86. what would I tell my future self?
87. What are some intrusive thoughts you've had recently? What triggered those thoughts? What do you think the root cause is?
88. what are my weaknesses?
89. If you had the people who've hurt you in a position where they were forced to listen to what you had to say and take everything to heart, what would you say to them?
90. what will I never forget?
91. Think of a person you hate for "no reason". What are some things about them that bother you? Do these things remind you of yourself or someone who hurt you?
#Shadow work#shadow work prompts#journaling#journaling prompts#personal#personal journal#personal shadow work
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Shadow Work Prompts 2
21. What qualities in your family members do you most dislike or have trouble dealing with? What might these qualities in your loved ones secretly reveal about you?
22. In which areas of life do you tend to expect others to conform to your beliefs? (Also, what scares you the most about allowing others to have their own beliefs in that area?)
23. When are you the most critical of yourself? Explore what your self-talk sounds like below.
24. Describe five things you love about yourself and feel gratitude about.
25. How judged do you tend to feel daily? Explore how much of that perceived judgment is real and how much is imagined.
26. Take a look at the best and most enjoyable aspect of your life right now. What is your underlying fear in that area and why?
27. Write about the last time you tried to manipulate a situation to your advantage and examine how you feel about that in hindsight.
28. If you could say one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why?
29. What do you currently envy in someone else's life and why?
30. which of my weaknesses could have potential?
31. what makes me feel the happiest
32. how worthy do I honestly believe I am?
33. if I could communicate with the person I was 10 years ago today, I would say...
34. why do I have issues with trust?
35. the way I spend my daily life is how I will spend the rest of my life. how do I feel about this idea?
36. do I trust myself?
37. how can I have more trust?
38. which situations have shaped my personality and why?
39. while reflecting on my childhood, what makes me extremely angry or sad to this day?
40. my absolute dream life: how does my perfect day begin?
41. do I handle my feelings healthily and constructively?
42. do I project certain aspects of myself onto others?
43. did my parents provide me with everything I needed?
44. what makes me really angry and why?
45. would I describe my childhood as happy?
46. what is it that makes me sad?
47. what do I consider the most challenging for me?
48. have I forgiven myself?
49. have I forgiven all the people who ever hurt me?
50. if I were to write a letter to a person who hurt me, what would it say?
51. how do I react when something does not turn out the way it should?
52. if I could write a letter to myself, apologizing for all the self-blame, what would it say?
Part 3 here
#Shadow work#shadow work prompts#journaling#journaling prompts#personal#personal journal#personal shadow work
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Shadow Work Prompts 1
1. what emotion do you try to avoid (e.g. anger, sadness, jealousy...)? what makes you afraid to feel it? what are you afraid will happen if you feel it?
2. in what ways are you privileged? what do you take for granted?
3. pick an adjective from the list below that would trigger you if someone would use it to describe you and then ask yourself: "why would this trigger me? what would be bad about it being true? is it the accuracy or inaccuracy that bothers me? what could be a positive aspect to being that way?"
list: arrogant, lier, jealous, mean, cruel, possessive, bitchy, bossy, loser, greedy, mysterious, sneaky, codependent, sick, fat, disgusting, stalker, stupid, idiot, fearful, unconscious, masochistic, narcissist, insignificant, frigid, sexist, manipulative, racist, victim, egotistic, arrogant, ugly, careless, passive, aggressive, lame, boring, tactless, irresponsible, incompetent, lazy, unfair, childish, know-it-all, insensitive, psychotic, sad, ordinary, hypocritical, reproachful, gloomy, jealous, envious dirty, tyrannical, inflexible, heartless, resentful, dominant, bad, ignorant, uneducated, tasteless, insecure, depressed, hopeless, not good enough, cry baby, paranoid, pushy, stubborn, inferior, weak, impatient, unreliable, self-destructive, over-sensitive
4. what is the biggest promise you made to yourself that you have broken? how does that make you feel?
5. how do you lie to yourself in daily life? what are you trying to avoid?
6. what do you think is your worst trait? why is it "bad"? what positive aspects does this trait bring with it?
7. if you truly loved yourself, what would your life look like? is it very different from how it actually is? and if yes, why?
8. think of a time someone broke your heart. could you have been responsible in some way as well?
9. do you hold grudges against someone? if so, why are you not letting them go yet?
10. what do you need to forgive yourself for?
11. think back on the last time a person triggered you: can you see how the aspects of that person that triggered you are also in you?
12. ask yourself: "if... were true about me/my current life situation, I’d be terrified" (try to fill out this sentence as often as possible)
13. think back on your last argument/fight: did you actively try to see the other person's viewpoint and would there have been a way to be more compassionate with the other person and yourself?
14. think about a time in your childhood when you felt unhappy (small or big moment) and write a letter from your child self to the present you about how you felt and how you perceived the situation: try to take on that child as much as you can and write from its perspective as automatically as you can then write a letter back to that child, explaining the situation, showing empathy and understanding and asking how you can help now or which needs have to be met for that child to feel good again if you get answers from that child, then try to meet those needs today
15. In what areas of life are you holding back and playing small? (Think about the times you feel weak, small, or disempowered.) Write them below and next to each explore why
16. In what ways do you feel judged by others? Write them below. Explore how many of these judgments might actually originate within you first (and are displaced onto others)
17. What negatives or positives do others point out about you that you have trouble accepting?
18. What emotions do you rarely express around others – and when did you first start hiding these emotions from others? (Emotional suppression and repression often point to areas of shame buried within you.)
19. Reflect on a period of life where you were at your worst (i.e. most self-destructive, argumentative, etc.). Write a short, but heartfelt letter of understanding, acceptance, and compassion for that version of you. You can return to this letter later whenever you feel rotten about yourself.
20. What are your “hot buttons” or triggers that cause you to get angry or defensive in the presence of others?
Part 2 here
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