설렌다 —
31 posts
I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin' heroic -------- BANG BOYEON. 23. BUK GYM LEADER *:・゚✿ flower power ✿・゚:*
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
He had no idea why he opened the door of his apartment. It was a mistake. He should have known to never give Boyeon a reason to give him fashion advice. Give her an inch on the subject, and she’s take a mile relentlessly. Now, she was in his apartment, going though his clothing, tossing out pretty much all he had. Granted, Jaekyung only had a few things. Two sweatshirts, three or four completely faded t-shirts and a few pairs of jeans, equally as worn and faded as his t-shirts. Only a long pair of dress pants, only blazer and dress shirt occupied his formal wear. There were other things he wore on rare occasions, but he was certain his fashion sense was average at best.
And Boyeon was tossing out most of them. He didn’t need much more than that. It wasn’t like he had grown within the last two years since he picked up anything new in relation to clothing. He was certain he hadn’t even gained weight. Nothing that could warrant any new clothing, at least in his mind. 
A pout formed on Jaekyung’s lips. “They all can’t be that bad,” he said, picking up an old sweater the woman had tossed in the ever growing ‘fashion sin’ pile. “This is cute. There’s a little sunkern pattern on this. Patterns are fun as long as they aren’t mixed. You even said that, Boyeon-ssi. See, I’m not that far gone when it comes to clothes.”
she had no idea why she hadn’t gone there before. the days when jaekyung walked into the gym without getting a single weird look from the girl were rare, and after criticizing his fashion choices one by one boyeon finally decided to go into the den. between the things she took with her, there was a package of tissues in case things were as horrible as she thought they’d be.
“good afternoon?” it was spoken as a question because she couldn’t be more unsure. she shouldn’t really judge him for what he wore alone at his own home but she was doing it. everything that got in her way was quickly taken out of it and thrown over her shoulder. “why do you only have, like, two outfits?” it was an exaggeration, of course - but not too much of it. boyeon was there to see the fashion aspect of it all, but the girl couldn’t help but worry about his health as well. to have that few options meant he probably used each piece more than one time in a row and all the thoughts that filled her mind were disgusting. all of them.
she looked back at jaekyung and the sweater he was holding. using her own words against her would have been a powerful move if the thing wasn’t horrendous. “yeah, but it can’t be considered fun if it is ugly.” she wanted to take it from his hands and throw it right back on the floor, but at the same time she didn’t really want to touch it again. “also, what’s this?” boyeon reached for a shirt among his, an obvious red stain right on its sleeve. “were you ever planning on cleaning this? well, even without the sauce it was practically trash, so.” and that was another one on the goodbye pile.
Fashion Police
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
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[171229] nayeon - greedy (ariana grande cover)
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
♡ · . expressive
. · ♡ @hctatsuya ♡ · .
the final part of the tournament had already started and boyeon anxiously pounded her feet against the floor. she loved watching official battles with all her heart, and the fact she became a leader didn’t sound too foreign anymore. even if at first she was a little resentful for not taking part in the tournament, a few battles later and she was already feeling much better. it was too common for her to be one being watched, and actually getting to be one in the crowd felt so relaxing.
still, her fists couldn’t be tighter, vibrating while each pokémon down below used a different movement. “what?” the girl quickly stood up, a few other people around doing the same. “really? you chose headbutt? you disrespect breloom trainers like me!” while some agreed with her, others didn’t even bother showing a reaction. boyeon sat back down on her spot, crossing her arms over her chest. tatsuya sat right by her side yet his enthusiasm was in a completely different level. “don’t you agree?” she turned to him, trying to get him to express anything. “if i did that it’d be the same thing as just giving out a free badge.”
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
♡ · . the theft
. · ♡ @hcsanghyun ♡ · . 
boyeon had a lot of big pokémon so they’d often need to be kept inside their pokéballs. the ones who accompanied her were normally her three smallest, easy to hold or to let walk by her feet. while most people were busy with the festival, the girl went to the nearby beach. she had made a hole in her wallet with multiple stops at the festival booths and made sure to get a special treat to each of her friends. she sat down her bag of presents and reached for one of her pokéballs.
the first to get out was breloom, one of her oldest pokémons. she gave her a smile and the human gave one right back. when she looked down at her bag to get the special treat someone was already doing the job for her. a pachirisu had their head inside her bag, and boyeon quickly furrowed her eyebrows. “hey!” the pokémon looked up at her, poffin already in mouth, before it started running away. the sudden theft left her in a moment of shock, but once her breloom started her chase after the thief the girl had to grab the rest of her purchases and run after both. “don’t attack it!”
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
♡ · . skatelaces
. · ♡ @hcrue ♡ · .
it was actually the truth. boyeon hadn’t ever tried ice skating for one reason or another, but that year she really wanted to try it out. she had turned twenty-three already and going through such experience should have already happened a long time ago. the girl, although not as young as before, still went looking for a partner to go on the adventure with her. if she was going to fall down on her first try or hold herself so tightly to the safety handrail that she’d start crying then having someone by her side would be much better.
rue wasn’t exactly a friend, but they had met each other previously. once she found out the other had never tried it either boyeon thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to embarrass themselves in front of each other. it was the best way to bond. “make sure to tie them properly. if we’re going to fall down it better be because of our lack of ice skating skills and not of... laces-tying skills.” her fingers did a quick job of tying her shoelaces - or skatelaces? she’d never know. her eyes were locked on watching the girl as she tied her own, hands hitting her own knees in anticipation. “i can’t believe this is happening!”
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
♡ · . unexpected guest
. · ♡ @hcsunhwa ♡ · .
a crowd was bound to be formed - and boyeon knew it was going to happen - but the girl still got annoyed at the sight. she wasn’t famously known for being tall, and being surrounded by people taller than her ( and sand ) didn’t sound like the greatest of plans. she still gave it a try, pushed herself in the middle of a group of strangers, but it just felt kind of terrible. so the leader made her way out of the beach once again, ready to bring her suffering to an end.
toni had been a close friend since she was ten, and his big build often turned useful. it was like having a tall friend during concerts who let you on top of his shoulders. ferrothorn would have been an option too, but he was made of metal thorns so that probably wasn’t as good of a plan. the torterra came out of his pokéball after her command, taking over a good space on the sidewalk. she felt bad having to keep him away most of the time, but she was sure her friend was able to understand.
without second thoughts boyeon climbed on his back. it wasn’t that hard but she was also already used to it. “excuse me!” the pokémon kept moving forward, and those who didn’t listen to the loud thuds of his steps moving their way the girl would be sure to warn them. they didn’t stop too close to the water. the center of the crowd sounded like the best spot, so that’s where they stayed. she had already started thinking where each of her pokémons would fit, planning on letting them all out for the show - but that was until they received an unexpected guest.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
이달의 소녀 (LOONA/Yves) - new (이브)
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
friend ball~
. · ♡ friend ball :: who is your companion pokémon, if you have one, and why? ♡ · .
💮 ———— well, it depends on how you apply the word ‘companion’. i used to have toni following me everywhere when he was only a turtwig, but now he’s all grown and some people don’t really like it when you have a huge pokémon walking with you and taking over the sidewalk. nowadays i let my three little ones - deerling, bounsweet, and barry - out instead so they can get used to me and everything around them. toni is still my first pokémon and he’ll forever have a piece of my heart.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
repeat ball!
. · ♡ repeat ball :: any pokémon you raise multiples of? or, what would you want to breed? ♡ · .
💮 ———— i don’t raise multiples of anything, but i think i’d do it with deerlings. i have a shiny one myself, and i find it very cute how they change their looks with the change of seasons. you know, i do that myself with my outfits so i kind of relate to them. flebébés and floettes would be amazingly cute as well! they have multiple colors and just imagining a bunch of them flying around you already brings a smile to my face.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
regular pokéball, cherish ball!
. · ♡ regular pokeball :: who was your first pokémon and how did you obtain them? ♡ · .
💮 ———— my first pokémon was a turtwig who i lovingly named toni. i used to be a very energetic child and i always tried challenging strangers for battles. the only problem was i didn’t have a pokémon so i used my parents’ gogoat. i guess they didn’t really like that ( and i kind of stole it more often than i should ) so they got me a turtwig when i turned 10, who is now a fully evolved torterra!
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. · ♡ cherish ball :: conversely, are there any pokémon that never fails to make you happy? ♡ · .
💮 ———— all my pokémons are very good at it! toni and gogoat have a special spot in my heart since they’ve been with me the longest so whenever i’m down they’re good to go to. my last three captures - deerling, bounsweet, and barry - are all on their first evolution so their cute looks make it easy to cheer me up as well. they’re all my friends, though, so it’s hard for them to leave me upset.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
safari ball! park ball!
. · ♡ safari ball :: who is the rarest pokémon you have and how did you obtain them? ♡ · .
💮 ———— although i recently received a shiny snivy, i had actually captured a shiny deerling before. he’s been with me for a year now and he’s really adorable. it was my first year as a gym leader so i was focusing on making my team stronger instead of looking for new ones - but then one day i stumbled upon a horde of deerlings. i didn’t see him at first, and i wasn’t planning on capturing any of them. i took some poffins i had on me and offered it to them which was when i realized one of them was different. after befriending them for a while i tried capturing and it worked! now we’re great friends and i don’t plan on using him for battles anytime soon.
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. · ♡ park ball :: what is your favorite district/location to go encounter wild pokémon? ♡ · .
answered here !!
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
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[171217] nayeon - ❄️ merry & happy ❄️ (for anon)
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
timer 💞
. · ♡ timer ball :: have you ever lost/had to let go of a pokémon before? how or why? ♡ · .
💮 ———— thankfully, i haven’t! my parents didn’t let me have pokémons of my own until i was 10 so i already had some sort of sense of responsibility. the oldest one around is gogoat who was part of the family before i was even a thought. i don’t think he’ll leave us anytime soon, though. he’s a strong one.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
love ball
. · ♡ love ball :: how do you care for/spoil your pokémon, outside of training? ♡ · .
💮 ———— as it may be known, my family owns a juice shop here in the buk district. i helped update the menu myself and i love treating them with some good, healthy smoothies. when i go out to buy myself food i end up buying them something as well. i do like baking things myself from time to time but more often than not i don’t have the time. i have more than a full team so i can’t have them all out of their pokéballs at the same time when we’re outside. i buy these things to give them once we’re either home or at the gym. they deserve everything, though.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
Park and dream ball~
. · ♡ park ball :: what is your favorite district/location to go encounter wild pokémon? ♡ · .
💮 ———— well, since i’m very focused on grass pokémons i think the answer would be quite obvious. i do live in the buk district and that is also the best place to find grass friends. other than that, i think spotting wild pokémon on the mountains is very thrilling. being surrounded by only nature does not only make things exciting but also kind of scary. i got in trouble a few times when i started practicing but those are good stories to tell now.
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. · ♡ dream ball :: if you were a pokémon, what typing do you think you would be? ♡ · .
answered here !!
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
dream ball
. · ♡dream ball :: if you were a pokémon, what typing do you think you would be? ♡ · .
💮 ———— hmmm, i think it’d make sense if i were a grass type, right? i grew up around berries - and i studied them, as well. of course, all types of pokémon enjoy a good berry, but i’m basically specialized in them. i am the grass gym leader, too, so that probably points towards the right direction.
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hcboyeon-blog · 7 years ago
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