Au waka i waho I roto i ahau e Te karanga nō te tai E hao nei Tāku tae Ngā mana whakamau i ahau e Kia maranga Tāku ara Ko au a Moana!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
reblog this if on april fool’s, you’re accepting ic ‘pranks’ in your ask box. put ketchup in my muse’s drink, tie their shoelaces together, go wild. go crazy. have fun dealing with the consequences.
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Hesitation was written on the ghostly girl’s face for a few moments; could she really tell someone she had just met about everything? Especially when she was still getting used to even just the simple concept of being dead, as well as everything that was in this city? All the brightly glowing boxes still confused her...
Moana figured she couldn’t just let this all weigh down on her chest, though. It was painful, extremely so, and the fate of her people was now in the unknown’s rather grim hands, but it would hurt so much worse if she just let it sit on her.

“I... I was supposed to be a hero. To restore the heart of Te Fiti, to stop the dark curse spreading over and destroying the world... destroying my island. My people. But...” She sighed, gesturing to herself.
“...since I’m here, you can judge how that went for me. I can’t stop thinking about what I could have done differently... and if everyone will be okay without me.”
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It was not uncommon to find people shocked at Llegadas; shocked, confused and even in denial, especially if they were young. People began to expect death, quizás think about it more often, when they were older (Imelda had felt her own health beginning to deteriorate for a year before she had died), but the young…ay, they did not think of death and rightly so. Youth was a time to live, to experience, to have a life, it was not a time to think about the end of that life, to think of death.
Pero, the sad reality was that the young could die, as had, evidently, this mujer joven before her. Setting the caja de zapatos aside for now, carefully putting it down on a bench, Imelda turned her full attention to the newcomer.
“La Tierra de los Recordados,” Imelda told her, “A place for the dead, a place for us to live our….our lives” Afterlives, technically, but Imelda felt as much alive in the Land of the Dead as she did in the Land of the Living, so she did not see the need to make the distinction.
“Lo siento,” She continued, “But you can only be aquí if you are dead también” Imelda put her hand on the niña’s shoulder in reassurance. The girl seemed to be lost as well as newly dead, which would only make the shock of it all worse. “¿Cómo te llamas?” She asked, “¿Tu nombre? What is your name, mija?”

As somber as the skeletal woman before her’s tone seemed, Moana was clearly still struggling to process the events that had happened to her. She ran the words that had just been spoken to her over and over again in her head- it was like she was trying to figure out a complicated equation, even though in reality, it was nothing more than a few simple sentences. And, although she didn’t speak Spanish, it wasn’t terribly difficult to guess what was going on based on what she could understand here.
La Tierra de los Recordados.
A place for the dead.
You can only be here if you are dead too.
A cold, empty numbness began to fill Moana’s very being. The girl was in shock- she simply couldn’t accept that she had failed, both her people and her mission. The question of her name seemed like a distant whisper, one to which she shook her head quietly to; trying to ignore the tears that were once again beading up and burning in her vision, she spoke, voice sounding hoarse and cracked from emotion.
“M... Moana. My name’s Moana. I... I can’t be dead, I have to save my people, I...”

“T-The ocean chose me for a reason. I can’t... I couldn’t have failed.”
#matriarcarivera#ɪᴛ ᴄᴀʟʟs ᴍᴇ (ic)#ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ﹖(spirit verse)#*comes in 3 months late with starbucks* hi
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“Helloooooooooo NURSE! Love the look! Probably should’ve gotten a sidekick who could actually sing. Luckily, I’m available for temp work.”

“...thank... you?” The compliment was nice, but everything else about this just felt bizarre; from his expression, to referring to her as a ‘nurse’, to the sidekick comment.
“Um... who are you, again?”
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“Do you think I have enough time to go out and get an iced mocha somewhere before someone logs back on a part of the website where they need me..?”
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Go on anon and send my muse a nightmare! Could be about people they love, people they’ve lost, events in their lives, irrational fears they have, or anything you want!
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Visitors to Motunui weren’t exactly commonplace. The island, having been closed off even from the sea itself with the ban on wayfinding and navigating for so long, had been all but forgotten to outsiders.
As such, Moana almost dropped the basket of coconuts she had been carrying back to center of the village when she spotted a stranger on the sandy shores of the beach. She gawked in awkward surprise for a few moments, before placing the basket down by her feet, making her way over in their direction with slow and steady steps as to not make too much noise.
She wasn’t going to directly approach; not yet, anyways. First she wanted to make sure that whoever this visitor was, they posed no threat. So, peeking from behind the trunk of a large palm tree, she kept her gaze focused on the newcomer to her island.
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“I understand that you’re worried... if you really want, you don’t have to use your powers. But I promise, I’m tougher than I look! Try not to go too easy on me, alright?”
A reassuring smile is offered to the icy queen, despite the fact that it is indeed true that Moana doesn’t yet know what the other girl’s powers actually do. Still, Moana figured that after having survived the realm of monsters, calming a lava monster, and getting the heart of Te Fiti back from murderous coconut pirates by herself, she could take whatever Elsa’s powers were if need be.
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Like for a starter! Will be selective depending on motivation and muse.
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aksrnk2 on twitter
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do you ever just get addicted to an app game and play for way too long
also I’m 18 now, my birthday was a few days ago. hi
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Elsa: I’m gonna cross the ocean to get Anna back!
Moana: YES GIRL, that’s the spirit!!
Ariel: Ocean adventures, yay!
Elsa: And I’m gonna go ON FOOT!
Ariel: …You what
Moana: Wait… Without a boat?
Elsa: Nah I’m just going to walk to there
Moana: I’m begging you to stop right now
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“What’s... what’s with these chunks of ice out on the open sea? It’s not even that cold here...”
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I need to go make my WiR verse-
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Anna blinked in surprise at Moana’s description of a mountain. Especially of adding stones to a mountain. Didn’t they already have enough stones? “How fascinating,” she mused, her eyes inquisitive and open, thinking about what kind of fantastically different a place Moana was from. “Your culture seems so unique and beautiful – and very different from ours here in ARENDELLE – but that’s what makes it fun!”
The princess was very excited to have a guest in her home. Elsa was extremely busy this time of year as she prepared for all the events that would be taking place in the New Year, and Anna had, unfortunately, felt the sting of loneliness just a little too harshly for her liking. It was almost fate that Moana showed up when she did. Anna couldn’t have been more grateful for the company.
Their conversation was interrupted by a light knocking at the door, followed by Greta entering the room carrying a tray of hot chocolate and cookies, as well as some ham and cheese sandwiches in case either of the two girls wanted ‘real food’. Anna, typically, waved to her servant and sent her off, quickly scooping up the cups and handing one to Moana.
“This is hot chocolate – a delicacy and probably the best drink in the entire world,” Anna explained, taking a sip from the steaming mug and getting the frothy whipped cream on her nose. She smiled, wiping it off quickly, and couldn’t help but look at Moana, hoping she would like the treat. “Oh, the top is covered in whipped cream – it’s like…like foamy milk that sits on top and melts into the cup! It’s the best part, in my opinion!”
“A delicacy...” The girl mused quietly, repeating after Anna as she took her own mug into her hands. Well, actually, she almost dropped it; while Moana wasn’t known for being clumsy by any means, it had startled her just how hot the beverage felt to the touch even through the mug, although she supposed that given the climate out here... it made a lot of sense that they had things like this to keep warm. Goodness, this was all so different from back home! But she supposed that was why she loved exploring so much. There was always new wonders to see, new islands and lands to find.
She let the drink cool for just a few moments before taking an extraordinarily cautious sip herself. It was definitely very sweet, and although she enjoyed the taste, it was almost overbearing on her taste buds. Not to mention it was still quite hot, despite how she had attempted to let it cool first. Moana hummed to herself thoughtfully as she put her mug back down, not quite sure what she thought of it just yet.
“It’s... sweet!” Stating the obvious? Yes, but she was coming up blank on anything else to say right now. “Can I let it cool a little more?”
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whoops depression kicked my butt and I disappeared for a while,,
give me a while to catch up on stuff
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I need to actually write tomorrow omg
right now I’m tired tho
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