hazyfaith · 11 hours
I've been debating writing a multi-chapter fanfic about Cirrus and how she became a ghoulette and all. Inspired by Ta Reine by Angèle which is an amazing song (the orchestra version is the best) (its a song about wishing one could kiss and girl and be with a girl, and how its not really accepted). I have the beginning of an outline but idk if i'll ever do write it, idk if i can commit to that yet haha
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hazyfaith · 1 day
Cold Sheets
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Pairing: Cumulus/Aurora/Cirrus CW: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Esteem Issues, Isolation.
Summary: Seeing Cumulus and Cirrus all cuddled up in bed made Aurora aching to join, only for her to walk past the open door without acknowledging the empty space in between the two ghoulettes that was the perfect size for her to snuggle in. Or, Aurora struggles to feel like she belongs in their relationship.
Read on AO3: Cold Sheets
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Walking from the living room to her room, Aurora stopped in front of Cumulus’ bedroom. Her door was slightly opened, allowing anyone who passed by to peek in. A couple pillows were on the floor, thrown away to make more space on the bed. 
Cirrus was pressed against Cumulus’ back, arms wrapped around her waist, holding her tight. Soft breaths escaping Lus’ mouth, while snores could be heard from Cirrus’. 
Aurora didn’t stop for too long and continued walking to her room. She quietly closed her door, not wanting to wake up the other ghouls and slid under the sheets, settling in for the night. On any other night she would’ve joined them, but not tonight. She wanted them to have time with each other without her, like it was before her summoning. 
Turning around to lie on her right side felt easier than usual for Cumulus. Sure, Cirrus’ grip around her waist was strong, but there was no friction from the other side. She extended her arm, hoping to feel Aurora, only for her hand to be met with the cold mattress. 
She slowly opened her eyes, groaning as the early morning light blinded her. The noise made the other ghoulette stir, pressing her face into Lus’ back. 
They stayed cuddling in bed for a few more minutes, soaking in the feeling of being alone for the first time in a while. Both have been running around so much lately from helping the new ghouls and the end of tour they have been spending all of their energy on others and never on themselves. 
Now was the perfect moment to relax. Neither of them saying anything, content with the silence that is often rare in the den.
Their cuddle session got interrupted by a soft knock, followed by the door opening. Aurora’s head peeked through, letting them know that breakfast was ready. Groans left the mouths of the two ghoulettes, annoyed by the fact that their rare downtime was interrupted. 
The multi ghoulette went right back to the kitchen, not wanting to annoy them anymore than she already had. She filled two plates with food, leaving them in the fridge for when they would be ready to join the others. 
When everyone else had finished eating and went about their business, Cumulus and Cirrus emerged from the bedroom. Aurora, still in the kitchen cleaning up, wasted no time to finish and leave, not wanting to disturb them. The air ghoulettes saw the way she bolted out of the room as they entered, but did not think anything of it, thinking that she had duties to attend. 
The younger ghoul didn’t go too far. She sat on the couch in the main living room, not far from the dining room. From where she was she could hear everything. Every pet name said, every memory shared, every flirty joke told, every time they laughed. And it was all without her. That's what it must’ve sounded like before she was summoned.
They must’ve had the time of their lives, only the two of them most of the time, without someone who constantly needed help to adapt to their new reality.
Aurora sat still on the couch, looking straight in front of her, watching them from the corner of her eyes. The whole time they sat at the table, she never moved, not wanting her presence to be noticed. 
A lump formed in her throat. Was it the food from earlier making its way back? Was it the stress of practice starting back soon? Was it the sadness from hearing them having so much fun without her? Was it the bad night that she had, kicking her in the butt for not getting proper rest?
She swiftly picked up her glass and drank, hoping the lump to go away, while Cumulus and Cirrus took their plates back to the kitchen, chatting and giggling. The young ghoulette could finally get up, no longer feeling like she was about to interrupt them, and rushed back to her room where she wouldn’t bother anyone. 
The day went on as per usual, everyone did their chores except for Aurora. She had yet to leave her bedroom since she got back from breakfast. It was late already and the other ghouls began slowly but surely to go to bed. A soft knock disturbed her silence, followed by the door creaking. 
“Hey Rora, you ok? We haven’t seen you much today,” Cirrus questioned as she peeked her head in. The youngest ghoulette gave a simple hum for an answer, not bothering to even look at her.
“Um, we are going to bed now. You’re welcome to join us” she whispered, slowly closing the door before leaving.
It wasn’t until she heard the distinct sound of a door closing that she dared to move. Slowly, she sat up, eyes fixed on her closed door. She wanted to join them. She really wanted to, but her legs would not allow her. 
Did they really want her in their bed? After spending the whole day together, did they really want her to disturb what they had? Was Cirrus’ question simply out of habit? 
She sat there, eyes fixed on the door. She didn’t hesitate for much longer and laid back down. 
When she woke up, it was still dark outside, yet she didn’t waste any time getting up. Her chores from the previous day had to get done and she was determined to do it before the others would wake up. And she did. It only took three hours before she was done. 
Going back in her room, she walked quickly in front of Cumulus’ bedroom, trying to forget the warm and fuzzy feeling that spreads in her chest when she is the older ghoulette’s bed. 
The day went the same as the previous; Cirrus and Cumulus woke up together, without Aurora, questioning her absence. As to not make her uncomfortable they did not ask any question, but in their heart they could feel that something was wrong. They spent most of the day together, only catching glimpses of Aurora here and there when she would come out of her hiding spot for a brief moment. 
They only had been able to see her up close once. Cumulus had been able to catch her when refilling her mug in the kitchen after dinner. She had let her know that she was welcome to come to bed with them again tonight, to which Aurora responded with a small smile and a nod. 
That night, neither Cumulus or Cirrus felt their girlfriend come to bed. 
Falling asleep in her own bed, alone, had yet to become easy. Her bed felt empty, there was too much space for her to roll around. The many pillows she had placed on her bed did not replace the perfect bodies of her girlfriends. The sheets felt like snow against her skin. Nothing, or more like no one was there to keep her warm throughout the night. The quietness of the room was unsettling. Cirrus’ soft snores were usually what lulled her to sleep.
Without her girlfriends, her eyes were wide open, fixed on the ceiling. 
The sharp sound of glass clinking together stirred Cirrus awake. She groaned and pushed her head in her pillow, inhaling the floral scent from Cumulus’ shampoo. As she extended her arm, she expected to bump into something, which never happened. No one was in bed with her. She lifted her head off her pillow, groaning, before rolling out of bed. 
She dragged her feet to the kitchen where she found her girlfriend leaning against the counter, a steaming mug in her hands. She smiled warmly at her, putting her coffee down before hugging the groggy ghoulette. 
Neither of them moved for a few seconds, until Cirrus’ brain realized that Aurora was not with her in bed when she woke up and was nowhere to be seen.
“Did you wake up with Rora?” She asked, pulling away from the hug.
“No, I don’t think she came to bed yesterday….”
“Mhmm. We’ll talk to her later,” she declared, leaving no room for the other to disagree.
The frown on Cirrus’ face was prominent for the rest of the day. She was filled with worries for the younger ghoulette. Since they have known each other, the three ghoulettes had never spent that much time away from each other. They would do anything and everything together.
So why was Aurora not around them anymore? She spent the entire day racking her brain, trying to figure out what they had done wrong.
Cumulus’ was also worrying, but she did not let it show. She had felt Aurora slowly starting to pull away towards the end of the tour, but had said nothing, not wanting to pressure her. Her integration to the pack had been quite easy, and everyone wanted to be around her, leaving little to no time for herself. She had assumed that she was just enjoying herself, however, the look on her face when they crossed-path was not one of someone having fun. 
For the third night in row, Cirrus and Cumulus intercepted her as she was leaving the living room. Cumulus’ soft hand grabbed Aurora’s wrist, delicately rubbing her thumb against it as multi ghoulette’s eyes widened at the sudden touch. Cumulus pulled lightly on her arm, bringing her to sit in between them on the couch. 
Aurora made herself as small as she could; shoulders rounded, elbows tucked in, and one leg over the other. Her effort of touching neither of them was useless as Cirrus’ propped her arm against the backrest and let her hand rest on her hair, and Cumulus’ hand went to her thigh. 
She had yet to look at either of them, scared of what she might find in their eyes. 
“Did you sleep well last night, Rora? You weren’t with us this morning and you’re usually the last one to wake up,” Cumulus asked with a soft smile, wanting to start with an easy question as to not scare her. 
“Um… Yeah, I did… I just had to wake up early to do some chores,” she lied. 
She never had such restless sleep since leaving the pit. Dark circles were forming under her eyes. The other ghoulettes could see it, but decided against saying anything, not wanting to upset her more than she already was. 
“Did you sleep in our bed? We didn’t hear anything when you got in,” questioned Cirrus, more directly than her girlfriend. 
“No, I didn’t. I went to my bed.”
“Why? I told you that you could come to our bed, why didn’t you?” Cirrus demanded, voice loud and shaky as hurt and sadness poured out through her words. 
From the other side of the couch, Cumulus glanced at the taller ghoulette, frowning. She shook her head, disapproving of her harshness. That was not what they needed at this moment. 
“I went to bed late and I didn’t want to wake you guys up,” she lied, again. 
“You know that we don”t care, right? The amount of time we woke you up, we deserve it,” Cumulus’ laughed, rubbing her thumb against Aurora’s thigh, hoping to reassure her.
The young ghoulette’s gaze was glued to her lap, afraid to look into their eyes. Guilt washed over her.
She was not used to lying. She had always been honest, often to her own detriment. She wanted to tell them the truth, to tell them how she felt. However, she didn’t want them to worry about her. They had enough on their plate, they shouldn’t have to comfort her.
Tears welled in her eyes. She bit her lip, exhaling deeply through her nose. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “You guys deserve some alone time, like before I got here,” she mumbled. She had not intended to tell them, not yet, but her mouth had decided otherwise. 
Sighs filled the living room. “Why do you think we want you to stay away? We love spending time with you,” Cirrus said, bringing her hand to Aurora’s back, lightly rubbing it. 
“You shouldn’t have to take care of a new ghoul all the time. You should be able to do stuff without worrying about whether or not I can do something,” she confessed. 
“Awe, Rora! You are already able to do pretty much everything. You adapted much better than Cirrus did!” Cumulus laughed, only for Cirrus to huff. “Plus, we love taking care of you! Don’t worry that pretty head of yours with stuff like that.”
Aurora finally found the courage to look at them. Both ghoulettes were fondly smiling at her. Cumulus leaned towards her, giving a small kiss at the top of her head. 
“Do you want to go to bed? In our bed this time?” Cirrus asked, tilting her head to the side, earning an eager nod from Aurora. The three got up and walked to Cumulus’ room, hand in hand. 
Cirrus got in bed first, pushing herself as close to the wall as possible. She extended a hand for Aurora to take. As soon as they held hands, she pulled her to bed, forcing the shortest close to her. Cumulus giggled and settled in bed too.
She pulled Aurora against her back, making sure to be close enough to the other ghoulette so Aurora could nuzzle her head in Cirrus’ neck. She pulled the blanket and covered the three of them, warming them up. 
Cumulus’ nuzzled the small ghoulette’s hair while tightening her hold around her waist, only for Cirrus to reach out and put her hand on her hip, squeezing it lightly.
The yougest’s breathing slowed down as she found her peace again, all cozied up in her girlfriend’s bed. 
“The sheets were so cold without you,” she mumbled, snuggling more with her girlfriends.
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hazyfaith · 25 days
I Fell for You
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Pairing: Cirrus/Cumulus CW: Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injury, Crying, RHRN Spoilers
Summary: It's almost the end of the show, everyone is giving their best for the last few songs. Looking over at her girlfriend, Cumulus lost her balance. Cirrus looked over Mountain's platform, only to find who she's looking for on the floor. Before she could react, someone helped her get off the stage, leaving Cirrus with unanswered questions. Or Cumulus get injured and Cirrus takes care of her.
Read on AO3: I Fell for You A/N: Hiiii! It's my first Ghost fic, please be indulgent!! Also, english isn't my first language, if there are too many mistakes please let me know!!
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Kiss the Go-Goat boomed through the venu. From her platform, Cumulus was unable to see the crowd, but she could feel their energy. Everyone was buzzing with happiness, and so was she. She danced, played her instrument and sang, giving it all for the final few songs of the night. As she danced, she backed up towards the edge of her platform, wanting to get a better view of Cirrus. As her view was no longer blocked by Mountain and his drum, she admired her girlfriend. Cirrus was also giving it all, shimming in front of her keyboard, having the time of her life like always. The yellow and blue light illuminating her, making her beauty shine. As Cumulus waved at her, leaning back, her gravity center shifted, causing her to lose her balance.
She didn’t lie down for too long, sitting back up as fast as she could. Putting her hands on either side of her body, she brought her legs towards her chest, pushing herself off the floor. A sharp pain ran through her left leg, forcing her to sit back down. She laid her leg flat on the floor and looked up to the sky, hoping the pain would fade away. Her hope of getting back up before anyone could notice vanished into thin air as Mountain’s drum technician, who saw what happened, approached her. He quickly understood what was happening and helped Cumulus back on her feet, making sure she didn't put any pressure on her injured leg. He escorted her backstage where he flagged someone down to take care of her.
On the other side of the stage, Cirrus played the keyboard and danced to the rhythm of the music, smiling ear to ear. Looking up from her keyboard, she leaned to the left to get a better view of the other air ghoulette. She raised her hand, excitingly waving back at Cumulus. She brought her other hand up, forming a heart, and turned to the crowd. She stayed like that for a few seconds before turning back to face her keyboard. Looking once again behind Mountain's platform, she couldn’t see Cumulus standing on hers anymore. Movement from behind it caught her eyes; Cumulus was sitting on the floor, pushing herself up without any success. Before Cirrus could get off her platform, someone ran towards Cumulus and escorted her off the stage. 
Cirrus’ heartbeat became loud in her ears, drowning the music coming from her in-ear monitors. She looked at Mountain in front of her and he seemed oblivious to what was happening behind him, focused on his drums. She turned around to face Swiss who was singing and shiming, also oblivious to what happened. Shivers ran down her spine as she realized no one else had seen what happened. No one else was worrying about Cumulus. 
Despite her shaky hands and her fast heartbeat, she managed to make it through the last songs. As soon as she played the last note, she jumped off her platform and ran backstage. While the others gave away their instruments, Cirrus focused on finding Cumulus. She pushed people to the side, yelled Cumulus' name, and looked around, only for her gaze to be met with darkness as only a few flashlights illuminated the backstage. Her own name had been called multiple times, but only when Swiss grabbed her arm did she react. He pulled her by the arm, bringing her back on stage for the final bow. 
As they re-entered the stage from their side, Cirrus saw Cumulus being held by Mountain and Rain coming from the other side. She tried running up to her, only for Swiss to firmly hold her against him. She stared at the trio from afar until they were in the middle of the stage, ready to bow.
It took ages, at least that’s what it felt like for Cirrus. Even when they were done, Swiss didn’t let go of her until they were out of the fan’s view. She almost fought him to leave her alone seeing how slow they were walking, too far behind the trio for her comfort. As soon as he loosened his grip on her waist, she ran to get to Cumulus, who was heading to the green room.
When she got close to the room, her shoulders tensed as the other ghoulette let out a hiss. After entering, she stared at the scene in front of her: Mountain was putting Cumulus’ leg up on the coffee table while Rain brought out a bag of ice and settled it on her ankle. Cirrus stood in the doorway, waiting for the two ghouls to leave. As soon as they were out the door, she took a seat beside her girlfriend. She looked into Cumulus’ eyes, hoping to see any signs of happiness, only for a tear to roll down her cheek. Cirrus’ shaky hand flew to her cheek, softly brushing the tear away with the pad of her thumb.
“Are you alright? Is it your ankle? What happened? Did someone-” “Cirrus,” Cumulus cut her off, “it’s fine, I fell and sprained my ankle, nothing major” she tried to reassure her girlfriend by offering her a soft smile despite her tears. “You’re crying, it’s not fine! Is there something I can do to help? Do you need to go see the healer? Satan, you need a healer, I’ll go get him!” She stood up abruptly, only to be pulled back down by her arm. 
Cirrus looked at Cumulus with a confused look. Cumulus knew how Sister’s Imperator death had been affecting her, so why was she refusing help? She had been on everyone’s back to make sure they were taking care of themselves properly. She had forced them to go to the infirmary for any problems they had, ranging from a small cut to a more serious injury. She needed everyone to be healthy, especially Cumulus. She couldn’t phantom the idea of anyone laying there, leaving her helpless, unable to care for them. 
“I already saw him. He said that I shouldn’t use magic to make sure that I don’t build immunity to it, in case anything worse happens to me” Cumulus murmured the last part. “You won’t need it.” 
Cirrus meant it. She would go out of her way to protect her girlfriend. She took both of Cumulus' hands in hers, bringing them to her lips and lightly kissed her knuckles. She gently lowered them back onto her own lap, keeping them there. Taking a couple deep breaths, she calmed herself down, not wanting to inflict more pain with her sudden movements.
They stayed on the couch in silence, Cirrus watching Cumulus with knitted eyebrows as the injured ghoulette threw her head back in pain. They kept close for a few more minutes before Mountain came back, letting them know the van was leaving soon. The earth ghoul offered to help Cumulus walk, which was greatly appreciated by the two ghoulettes. The whole walk to the van was punctuated by Cirrus’ complaints and questions. She felt like Mountain was walking too fast, taking too long steps and she kept asking Cumulus if she was in any pain. This continued until they got to their hotel room. Even though Cumulus kept smiling at her, she couldn't help the worry clouding her mind.
Once they had seated Cumulus down on the bed and the earth ghoul had left, Cirrus got to work. She ran a bath before getting her girlfriend out of her uniform and her glamour and getting her settled in it. She got out of the bathroom and prepared the bed. She started by laying down pajamas on the bed for the both of them. She then took a couple of decorative pillows and piled them up at the end of the bed where the ghoulette’s injured ankle would rest. Finally, she picked out snacks from her backpack and set them on the bedside tables with a water bottle. 
Back in the bathroom she helped her girlfriend to dry off and dressed her in her comfortable clothes. Cirrus took a quick shower after settling the other ghoulette in bed, not wanting to leave her alone for too long. Dressed in a tank top and a pair of short, she crawled in bed where she cuddled with Cumulus who put her head on her shoulder, all while making sure her legs were nowhere near her injury. Instinctively her tail wrapped around the ghoulette's good leg, wanting to create more contact point in hope of bringing physical comfort. They agreed on a movie to watch, both wanting to relax. The soft breathes Cumulus was letting out and the softness of her hair on her bare shoulder should reassure Cirrus. And she was reassured. But she couldn't stop her heart from clenching when she looked down. Before pressing play, Cirrus turned to Cumulus and asked her a series of questions, making sure she was comfortable.
“I’ve already told you Cirrus, I’m fine. You don’t need to worry. Though, there might be something you need to worry about…” “What is it? Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, her worry increasing. “You need to be careful if you’re gonna look that good. I could only fall to the ground after seeing such beauty!” She said, bringing her hand to her forehead dramatically as if she was dying.
Cirrus sighed loudly, shaking her head and letting out a small chuckle. Her shoulders dropped slightly, her heart feeling lighter as her partner clearly felt better. She gave Cumulus a small kiss on the top of her head, between her horns. She lingered long enough for the floral sent from her shampoo to invade her nostrils and for hair to tickle her nose. She reached over the ghoulette to get the snacks, putting them in their laps. Cumulus immediately ripped the chocolate bar open, taking a big bite before looking up to Cirrus and offering it to her. The taller ghoulette took a small bite before starting the movie. As the opening sequence rolled in, Cumulus adjusted herself to lean even more on her girlfriend. Cirrus' hand instinctively rubbed her arm, making the other ghoulette hum as they both relaxed into each other's arms. 
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