hazukashy · 1 year
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INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES (2023) // TO MY STAR 2: OUR UNTOLD STORIES (2022) — ha yeon woo and kang seo joon being far too similar to handle
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hazukashy · 2 years
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In which Tinn and Gun were caught completely off guard by the shipping moment.
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hazukashy · 2 years
I'm not just watching it, I'm savoring every scene like it's my last meal!!! Candy Color Paradox is one of my favourite mangas, so I was literally jumping around like happy child when drama was announced!!! So go ahead, scream, because I will gladly listen😆 I'm also currently debating whether to start drawing their fanart, so any ideas will be gladly appreciated 😆
can i convince anyone here to watch ameiro paradox so when i scream about it im understood :((
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hazukashy · 2 years
I did it! A Hia count. 😂 I'm here for the Hia!
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We were blessed with 15 Hia
I think I got them all. 😬
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hazukashy · 2 years
“Don’t call me that” for buddie ✨
Possibly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever written, I hope you enjoy
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Sore loser? Don’t be one and I won’t call you one.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and glances at Maddie, catching the tail end of her own eye roll.
“Boys,” she says sternly, like she’s talking to children rather than her very adult brother and the father of her child. “Don’t make me ban you from board games.”
Buck instantly pouts, and Eddie, sucker that he is, immediately takes his hand. He loves his husband, ok? The pout gets to him.
Buck leans into him. “Baby, tell Chimney he sucks,” he says in a whisper yell that Chimney can absolutely hear. It’s possible he’s a little drunk.
Chimney, to be fair, is also drunk, and he leans into Maddie across the coffee table and whispers, equally as loudly, “Maddie, tell your brother he’s a sore loser.”
Buck scoffs and follows that up by flailing his arm in some sort of gesture Eddie can’t identify, nearly knocking his wine glass over if not for Eddie frantically snatching it out of the way. “It was cheating for Maddie to sell you Park Place and you know it!”
Now it’s Chimney’s turn to scoff. “And you whispering something that was probably disgusting and sex-related to Eddie to get him to give you the last railroad you needed wasn’t?”
Eddie blushes, because it had in fact been disgusting and sex-related and he’s eager to collect on it the next time they have a kid-free house. Again, he loves his husband. Sue him.
“That was a railroad, it’s different,” Buck argues.
“I’m at least banning Monopoly,” Maddie tells Eddie, taking a sip of her wine.
He snorts. “How quickly you forget the Great Pictionary Debacle of 2022. They’ll fight over any game.”
“What if we make them play solitaire on opposite sides of the room?”
“They’ll still find a way.”
“Yeah, good point.”
Chimney sags dramatically against the couch cushions. “My own sweet Madeline,” he says, his voice dripping with despair. “Betraying me like that.”
“My name isn’t even Madeline,” Maddie says, but Chimney ignores her.
“Just when you think your partner will always have your back,” he whines, throwing his arm over his face like a Victorian damsel. Maddie just rolls her eyes again and counts her Monopoly money.
“My partner has my back,” Buck says confidently in spite of Eddie having just been in agreement with Maddie. He leans even closer, half sprawling across Eddie’s lap. “Eddie, take me home and ravish me,” he says, batting his eyelashes like he thinks he’s Jessica Rabbit.
Chimney and Maddie make identical ew faces and Eddie blushes further.
“Ok, will not be doing that, but I will take you home and tuck you into bed with a glass of water and a Tylenol.”
Buck heaves a put upon sigh but rolls off Eddie and climbs unsteadily to his feet. Eddie follows, joints creaking ominously because despite keeping himself in shape he is in fact too old to be sitting on the floor for a whole round of Monopoly.
“Bye, Maddie, bye cheater—I mean Chimney,” Buck says with a wave and a smirk as he wobbles his way to the door.
“Maybe next time we go with something a little less competitive, like Scrabble,” Eddie suggests, following Buck towards the door.
“Why, so you can give him high point tiles in exchange for weird se—mmpf,” Chimney is cut off by Maddie’s hand covering his mouth.
“Goodnight, guys, get home safe,” she says, ignoring Chimney’s half hearted struggle.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Eddie says, threading his fingers through Buck’s to lead his drunk husband out to the car. “Let’s get you home.”
Send me a prompt from this list and I’ll write a ficlet ♥️
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hazukashy · 2 years
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hazukashy · 2 years
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and this one is for those who saw 4x14 and went “i wanted to see buck lift up eddie but not like that”
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hazukashy · 2 years
again? Anyways,, buddie kissing.
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Sorry but I really have a few buddie nsfw drawings.
Support me? Buy me a coffee.
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hazukashy · 2 years
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A Tale of Thousand Stars
Do you remember? You missed one star that night when you counted. I found it. The last star. It is you. You are the star that falls to me. Now you have got 1,000 stars. Make a wish once again.
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hazukashy · 3 years
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hazukashy · 3 years
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𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 (cause I promised✨)
𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞
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hazukashy · 3 years
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hazukashy · 3 years
this was the moment i clearly lost it, despite acting like he wasn’t interested, seeing gao shi de breakdown in front of him, shu yi’s hand automatically wanted to touch his face... like it was in his instinct, to ask what’s wrong? out of worry , i cant—
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hazukashy · 3 years
““I speak three languages: English, Sarcasm and Sexual Innuendos.””
— -Magnus Bane (via bane-lewis)
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hazukashy · 3 years
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When your reading smut and your parents walk in so you try to act normal.
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hazukashy · 3 years
Me every time 19 days updates.
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hazukashy · 3 years
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