Have A Shran
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Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø Star Trek is ongoing so you're never late to the game. Please play Faith of the Heart at my funeral. I follow from @chuchudance ( 26, he/him).
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haveashran Ā· 12 hours ago
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im sorry his swag is just unparalleled i know i could never pull this off and yet i need every part of this fit
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haveashran Ā· 12 hours ago
The interactions between Spock, Uhura and Kirk in Star Trek into Darkness are so fucking funny to me. Itā€™s really giving: new partner and ex partner conspiring and banding together against the guy they are dating/ dated. Uhura and Kirk probably have girlsā€™ night with fruity cocktails to complain about Spock every Tuesday night.
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haveashran Ā· 7 days ago
The entire population of tumblr to Julius Caesar every year:
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haveashran Ā· 10 days ago
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Happy Worf Wednesday
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haveashran Ā· 11 days ago
Yes yes the inherent tragic of the Garashir dynamic, spies, different sides, devided loyalties etc etc IGNORE THAT
If I were Julian Iā€™d be wearing a shit-eating grin AT LEAST 40% of the time. I have the biggest secret on base. It consumes my every move, dictates every muscle twitch. He should be able to read it in every sentence I speak. And this Cardassian SUPERSPY doesnā€™t get it?? Years of interrogation tactics (those lunch debates were mild psychological warfare) and he just. Thinks Iā€™m nifty. Oddly fascinating. Thereā€™s something alluring about me and he canā€™t put a finger on it. How mysterious.
Iā€™d be cackling. Itā€™s the biggest inside joke. Yes itā€™s also based in severe trauma but everyone is wary and afraid of this guy. Heā€™s the incarnation of secrets. And he just. Sits there. Eating lunch with me. Weekly. None the wiser.
Do you think Julian takes a moment when it all comes out to just laugh hysterically at Garak
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haveashran Ā· 12 days ago
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Chekhov was a liberal arts major???
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haveashran Ā· 14 days ago
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haveashran Ā· 21 days ago
Archer: hi I was told you needed me to media-
Vulcans: why does the Andorian Commander call you babygirl
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haveashran Ā· 26 days ago
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cardassian girl ive been drawing for like 6 months and still havent named
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haveashran Ā· 1 month ago
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says so little and yet so much
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haveashran Ā· 1 month ago
there is a subreddit on star trek reddit called like r/xenorelationship dedicated to inter-alien-races relationships and jim's secret account (u/adassperaspera) is a local celebrity there. his imput is invaluable as he has one of the most diverse ranges of experience. he is however only expert in human/vulcan relationships number 2 because, as he realizes with horror at some point, amanda is also on reddit
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haveashran Ā· 2 months ago
Reblog from my main
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@indecentwarwlf and I put our brains together to design a toxic older woman for Ezri Dax to get with after she and Julian break up, now meet our old pirate lady Daris!
Daris is a pirate-turned-ā€œprivateerā€ (heavy air quotes) who frequents DS9 and causes problems wherever she goes. She is a firm believer in bootstrap theory, cannot read and does not want to learn, has no issue resorting to violence to win a negotiation, and is heavily angling to get Ezri in bed. Also Pel (from the DS9 s2ep07 ā€œRules of Acquisitionā€) reappears as a member of Darisā€™ crew some time after her intro in that ep.
Anyway sheā€™s a terrible person and we love her šŸ§”
(if you too would like a picture of your character in this style my commissions are open! Check my pinned post for details)
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haveashran Ā· 2 months ago
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First half of the face studies of Tā€™Poraā€™s crushes from that one summer. No names for any of them but some vague ideas below:
Top left- upperclassman Tā€™Pora is afraid to talk to (actually thinks Tā€™Pora is cool too); Vulcan
Top middle- met at a student science conference; Vulcan
Top right- cool substitute teacher who rides a motorcycle; Vulcan
Bottom left- depressed art girl who works at an ice cream shop near Tā€™Poraā€™s place; Vulcan
Bottom middle- energetic teen working for a summer as an instructor at an outdoor ropes course; Tellarite
Bottom right- Physics teacher at another school in the area (later revealed to be married to Motorcycle Teacher); Vulcan
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haveashran Ā· 2 months ago
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haveashran Ā· 2 months ago
Who wants to hear about my headcanons for Vulcans being able to merge their minds and become a singular being with multiple bodies?
I call these beings keshtan-terau (born by joining), but I am not at all versed in Vulcan so if that violates grammar rules or makes no sense feel free to correct me. Other contenders for names include wehk-ak'shem, tertin-sular, or tertin-kashkau.
Basically, the idea is that a pair (or trio or quartet, etc) of bonded Vulcans can choose to merge their minds into one, utilizing the help of a priest/mind-healer. This creates a singular composite entity with 2+ bodies, and the memories and knowledge of all of the people it once was. This entity has a single katra shared across their bodies. Keshtan-terau are commonly made up of married couples, but can also be made up of friends, siblings, partners, etc. The largest keshtan-terau ever recorded was a polycule/hivemind from the pre-Surakian days made up of 14 bodies. The telepathic bond between the keshtan-terau's brains acts as a corpus callosum or spinal cord, transmitting information back and forth and keeping the whole person in sync. As such, when it is severed, the keshtan-terau is painfully "cloned", with each body retaining a copy of the being's personality and becoming separate people unless re-unified. When one or more bodies die, the whole person does not die, instead inhabiting any remaining bodies. However, the death of a body is extremely painful and distressing for the keshtan-terau, akin to losing a chunk of one's brain and multiple limbs. It is not uncommon for keshtan-terau to experience retrograde amnesia after the death of a body, since different memories are often stored in each brain. However, the trauma is worse if the death is painful or violent, so many keshtan-terau will voluntarily euthanize their terminally ill bodies.
Keshtan-terau prefer to keep their bodies somewhat near one another, but can easily have them lead semi-independent lives, as each body has its own brain. However, it is not recommended for keshtan-terau to go more than 60 days without their bodies being in the same room, as this can cause depression, dissociation, stress, anxiety, and depersonalization. Keshtan-terau also just like having their bodies together in one place, as their composite people invariably loved each other dearly, and that love continues in their merged form as self-love.
Keshtan-terau are extremely rare, less than one in a million, but not unheard of. Depending on time period, dominant belief system, and surroundings, they are alternately fetishized, worshiped, reviled, or treated with indifference. More recently (23rd-24th century), the trend has been polite indifference, though the echoes of the 22nd-century's anti-mind-meld bigotry remain. Several Joined Trill have opted to become keshtan-terau, somewhat predictably; the Commission at first looked upon this with suspicion, but eventually embraced it as being a good experience for the Symbionts. Changelings (in the 25th century) and the Bynars also feel a sort of kinship with keshtan-terau.
Keshtan-terau will name themselves upon formation, either choosing a new name entirely, or mashing together the names of their composite people (like Tuvix). A common practice is to keep the composite people's names as one's family name, like "T'Mair-Liru Sorik". It is also customary to refer to the individual bodies of a keshtan-terau with their former inhabitant's name hyphenated with the keshtan-terau's name, like "Sorik-Liru" when referring to the body that used to be Liru's.
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haveashran Ā· 2 months ago
People joke about DS9 A and B plots but this cut was bonkers
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haveashran Ā· 2 months ago
Like Dolly Parton before her, Lwaxana Troi enters a drag "Lwaxana Troi lookalike" competition and loses
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