I Got All Things That Are Good
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Time May Change Me
(Helen Green, 2015)
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What a tremendous loss for the world…
R.I.P. David Bowie
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Ain’t that just like me?
Lazarus - David Bowie, January 8th, 1947 - January 10th, 2016. (via staythatswhatimeanttosay)
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RIP David Bowie
08 January 1947 - 10 January 2016
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It’s just that david bowie is one of those people that seem to have always been here and who will always be here, and now he’s not, and i’m having a hard time processing that
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Bye Ziggy
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Nothing Has Changed  [X]
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“I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human.” - David Bowie. 
Happy 69th birthday, Ziggy Stardust.
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I can’t belive I actually did it.
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reasons to read oscar wilde: the glorification of people who slack off all the time, hate effort and obligations, and don’t want to talk to their family
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guys as someone who technically “works” in the “field” of “journalism” please please please i would like you to remember that by the time you see a news item on tumblr it is likely to be hours old (at least).
for example i’m still seeing a lot of posts saying “pray for the people killed in the Japan tsunami and the Mexico earthquake”. as i write this there are no immediate reports of damage or injury in japan. and the same is true of mexico. Reuters even say re japan: “the Pacific Tsunami Center said there was no threat of tsunami from the quake”.
(to be clear: this post dates from 11.35 am UK time on 14/11/2015.)
the eiffel tower turns its lights off every night and donald trump’s gross tweet about gun control dates from the charlie hebdo attack. (the bbc have a good article debunking some of the widely-shared social media things from last night: “#Paris: the power, the horror, the distortions”.) the gif of the eiffel tower going out dates from january: i.e. also in memoriam for the charlie hebdo attack. (think about the chronology on this: last night’s attack would literally still have been going on when the light man at the eiffel made the decision to turn it off, which would be absurd.) The latest is that IS has claimed responsibility but ppl are working to confirm the authenticity of the statement (because that’s how journalism works).
if you want to be sure what is going on in “news” please just EXIT TUMBLR and go to a trusted news site: either an agency like the AP or Reuters, or something which is being frequently updated in real time: the BBC, the Guardian (link goes to today’s liveblog, not last night’s).
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Nick Cave about his friendship with Blixa.
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Pete Doherty for ELLE’s London Issue 2009  by  Rankin, part 2
Behind the scenes video by ELLE TV 
Magazine’s scans
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I just hit 555 followers and you know what that means!
IT’S TIME FOR HERBERT-BEST’S WILDE AND WACKY BOOK GIVEAWAY!!! reblog this post blah blah blah you don’t have to be following me because I’m that passionate about mailing books to strangers
* The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde Win a copy of Wilde’s famous novel which is coincidentally my favorite book of all time! * The Picture of Dorian Gray UNCENSORED WITH COMMENTARY – Oscar Wilde Level up and win a copy with all the romantic bits and contextual footnotes! * A Rebours – Joris-Karl Huysmans Win a copy of the poisonous yellow book that corrupted Dorian Gray! * Les Fleurs du Mal – Charles Baudelaire Win a copy of Blaudelaire’s famous decadent poetry, translation in English and the original French. * The Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde Win these beautifully tragic fairy tales! * The Green Carnation – Robert Smythe Hichens Win this thinly veiled crap RPF about Oscar and Bosie by a contemporary of theirs who was also an embarrassment. He renamed Oscar “Esme Amarinth”. You don’t want this book but I’ll still buy it for you.
If anybody actually reblogs this post three winners will be chosen and you can CHOOSE YOUR BOOK I’ll buy them when you pick them so if you all want copies of The Green Carnation for some ungodly reason that’s chill!
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