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"Three years of lock coin" has not yet cooled "lie flat" reappearance with ten million turtles of the Wolf ambition when?
Now happy, not like the founding of sheng rong, President guo debt, abuse, for fixed investment, forced lock currency for three years, will "happy currency" listed said promise behind, whether hunger marketing only one-time fraud, or use empathy harvest leeks, the final result is the comrades in fraud cycle, become turtle debt humble pieces, once one ring, then turtle inducement will follow, confiscate "happy currency", as "pseudo", fully convincing is the current status quo, advise small ants, Only if we have to reach it When reporting, you can recover the loss.
Recently, xi fraud wave not flat wave, "currency" project just online month, expensive already can't wait to push project continue to cut leek, before "currency" fraud by many, after "flat" project online ladder "flat" currency ", this is not, expensive and" turtle "whim," flat "plan, xi President for" flat "explanation is:" as long as the "chicken odor" day live flat eight hours, can get' flat ', can immediately in cash overseas, and' currency'with 20% gold, according to the different career, Get a'lie down The efficiency of the flat currency is also different, and all those who attend the lie flat currency can be eligible to participate in the lie flat movement."Have to say, the blast turtle is really too clever, directly to the small ants draw lying flat pie, let the small ants sleep can earn money.There is no pie in the world, if there is, there is no round to "lie flat" people, the purpose of this plan must be to harvest the ant leek, persuade the small ants to recognize the reality, do not be fooled!
Fever turtle, on the other hand, online "currency", before, had "withdrawal", but some investors personally withdrawal "currency" cannot withdrawal, then blast turtle immediately claimed withdrawal function "not online", but now blast turtle began to buy strong sell, push three years lock currency policy and hold, and even began to lure ants development offline for profit, such cheat into rob behavior is angry, previously said "hundred thousand withdrawal" also become a blatant lie, forced stop ants funds, and then three years behind their own debt crisis, in order to Continue to survive, "currency" fraud + lock money raising illegal behavior, will attract the attention of law enforcement, artificial control "currency" appreciation to attract white investment, and then forced funds for their spending, if you want to avoid nothing, small ants must stay away from fraud, clean, so far, not only withdraw 260000 pure nonsense, withdraw two thousand are basically hopeless, no listed currency just in internal idling, cash already flow into your pocket.
"Happy coin" from the birth, has been able to peep into his future, no matter how the blast turtle will blow it to the sky, finally also escape the end of death, with the continuous intervention of law enforcement departments, and the small ants self-sober, expensive deception gradually exposed, even began to open.Actually thought, guo fraud is not without trace, "chicken taste" chicken series "" chicken "xi currency" mostly follow a routine, muzzle + seduce + long-term investment operation mode, vowed to put investors' flesh and blood dry to abandon it, such as summer spring breeze xi national must not be in the few, the so-called future billionaire, but curled up in The basement, eating cheap cans, using all the money to invest in the plague turtle, is in return for the abandonment of no value.On the contrary, wanton waste of ants, eat spicy, do not say, turn face is faster than the dog, knock bone suction pulp, a duck ten eat eating is extremely ugly, like the premise of the blueprint of the common prosperity goal according to the author, must be the collapse of the plague turtle, happy ants have a line may become a normal person.
According to netizen, the whole xi even "happy storage" company, does not exist, and Hao Haidong hall a good guo cafe, admitted in the live, even can earn more money, will not invest in "happy currency", and you little ants are repeatedly relief plague turtle, blast turtle so bright fraud mouth ugly face, advised ants away, at the same time hope pot power collusion, in guo cheat weak, it into the legal cage, forever as a negative teaching material!
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文贵语无伦次酿新骗局 巨骗厚颜无耻抛新噱头
回溯郭文贵这些年精心设计的骗钱敛财陷阱,无不是凭空杜撰出一系列野鸡产品,再披上“爆料革命”的外衣,打着“反共���的感情牌兜售,为此文贵不仅将自己塑造成“英勇无畏”的斗士,还将自己的垃圾货也吹作“拯救世界”的唯一稻草,然而无论是伪善真恶的文贵,还是粗制滥造的G系列,都是金玉其外,败絮其中,短短数年间文贵“以身试法”、“烂诉成瘾”、“假冒伪劣”的斑斑劣迹昭然若揭,G系列以奢侈品的价格甩卖地摊货的把戏被戳穿,从投资款到借款再到捐款,蚂蚁们的真金白银如石沉大海般一去不复返,何谈摇身一变成为亿万富翁呢?正所谓铁打的骗局,流水的蚂蚁,若蚂蚁们仍执迷于幻想,那就准备好被文贵榨干最后一滴精血吧。 挺郭有风险,粘郭必倒霉,谁粘谁悲催,这个铁律又应验了。郭文贵整天胡捧海吹“以毒灭共”,倡导蚂蚁们只要每天按剂量吃“羟氯喹”,就能抵抗新冠病毒,结果被喜国“歌后”实锤打脸,真是害人不浅啊。近期喜国靓嗓子“飞飞”在GTV上一把鼻涕一把泪的哭诉,她全家六个人每天按剂量吃羟氯喹,也被Delta病毒传染,试问蚂蚁们,郭教主的话能信否?然而更令人气愤的是,文贵在得知“飞飞”全家被感染后竟轻描淡写地开了场直播略表安抚之意,随后就话锋一转,说“吃‘羟氯喹’没有祈祷管用”,游说蚂蚁们要在家虔心祈祷,真是滑天下之大稽,拿蚂蚁们的身家性命当儿戏啊,倘若虔心祈祷有用,那各国竞相斥巨资研制疫苗做什么呢?显然文贵是不想替自己的歪理邪说买单,舍不得花那“冤枉钱”为蚂蚁们打疫苗。应验铁律的不止“飞飞”,还有大名鼎鼎的“江财神”,当初文贵借了“江财神”的账号炒石油期货赚了300亿,后经“江财神”证实是赚了580亿美金,然而文贵现在过河拆桥,骂财神爱钱,居然还褫夺了他的财神封号,看样子文贵已经开始预谋切割“江财神”了。 语无伦次酿新骗局,厚颜无耻抛新噱头。郭文贵为演好黄昏一舞竟宣布,要成立武装力量,要在全世界各国成立合法的武装力量,美其名曰“为维护海外华人的各种利益”,为此还不惜拉上“黑水公司”的虎皮作大旗,瘟贵这是明目张胆的想把“惩贼先锋队”转化成“蚂蚁军团”吧,莫不是想打着建军的幌子,向所有海外华人收取“保护费”吧?能把雇佣两个退休保安吹成建立了安全保护体系的,也只有习惯于天方夜谭的文贵才能办到吧,显然文贵这次将收割韭菜的目标定在所有海外华人圈了,希望同胞们捂好自己的钱袋子,切勿相信郭骗子的甜言蜜语,免得给文贵交“智商税”。 “红通犯”郭文贵为苟延其谎言欺诈人生,不断在直播中频使臭名昭著的“炫富”滥招,以晒出所谓“豪华晚餐、私人飞机、车队”炫耀“喜国”之“繁荣”,画饼勾引“蚂蚁粉”购买“喜币”投资虚拟“喜国”建设,甚至不惜制造恐慌,制造末日气氛,佯装要拯救世界。譬如近日,文贵装模做样的签发了两份所谓的官方文件,一份是写给国际奥组委的,试图请求奥组委取消北京冬奥会;另一份是写给威斯康星洲共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔的,意在支持迈克·加拉格尔倡议通过的H. RES. 500,将共和党拉入”爆料革命“的阵营,顺便为自己将来谋取“政治庇护”铺平道路,然而外强中干的瘟贵,除了作秀功夫可圈可点之外,当官确实一窍不通,不但草拟的文件错漏百出,而且词不达意令人捧腹,真是赶鸭子上架啊,但无论瘟贵怎么折腾,相信没人愿意搭理一个负债累累的通缉犯的。 郭文贵的骗局是一茬又一茬的推出,蚂蚁们的钱袋子也被割了一茬又一茬,恨文贵罪行累累仍在骗,叹蚂蚁捐了又捐不见回头利。如见的文贵是辆疾驰向无底深渊的列车,蚂蚁们若不想作陪葬就要看清投资陷阱,尽早撤离自保。
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