This guy need a some help for save his life! please help!
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I always want re-draw this draw of magic gladiator from  MU Online Cheers Citizen.
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Commission done I just colouring a lineart made by my client Commissions info  soon
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Colored version Done Art by me Citizen Erased~ pd: Kill meplz
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Another Jarvan... Ages without new update I will update the colouring version soon Miss Lightshield (?) Okay Kill me Citizen Erased~
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Vaati. By :me C.E.
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this is a gift for my dear friend for her birthday I just sketching something quick TnT forgiveme  u.u
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I hope we can share more moments together I weally  wov u C.E.
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I made this draw for my beloved boyfriend 
I enjoy all the days with him and I hope to spend more days at his side Citizen E.
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Ages without post anything :T I make this draw for my loved boyfriend with tons of love.. .. with my vampire customes :T for shyvana and jarvan
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Sketching..  I made this for someone in the world.. 
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sajkdhasiodjdkjaskdoj asdlasdñ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 
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[[I ran out of jokes, so I switched gears gomenasumimasen]]
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ME at my birthday party many thought this is paint or Ps  >:C No envyyyyyyyyy  so party haaarddddddd Citizen Erased~
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More of my shity art :c sketch of a one page of my ''doujin'' ShyvanaxJarvanIV Shyv,Queen Lightshield, Jarvan IV and his son Jarvan V
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more of my jarvan series pictures 
This time with forecast janna outfit
I'm a pretty girl call me Lindura (?)
PD: I noticed that skirt and that sunglasses look amazing on him (?)
PD 2: DONT KILL ME PLEASE :v PD 3: you can say  no to his beautiful smile?
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Another of my jarvan pics series :c this time  with morgana gosthbride outfit Dont kill me please :D Citizen Erased EDIT: Shyvana Why you leave Jarvan alone in the church, he loves you  :c
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