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hastingsfirm · 6 years ago
Medical Malpractice Lawyers in West Lake Hills
West Lake Hills Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Medical Malpractice Attorneys in West Lake Hills, TX Holding Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable
We rely on doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to properly diagnose illnesses, correctly perform medical procedures and provide careful treatment when we are sick. If a mistake is made by your doctor, the hospital or other medical staff, your life may be on the line. The health complications that may result from medical errors can result in permanent disabilities and even death. When it comes time to hold the responsible party accountable for your injury, you can depend on the attorneys at Hastings Law Firm to represent your interests effectively.
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury resulting from medical care, you need a firm with experience in this field of law to help you evaluate your case. Hospitals, doctors, nurses and insurance companies have a wide range of resources at their disposal, including experienced defense lawyers on their side, and put up many obstacles to protect themselves. Having an experienced attorney on your side is crucial to proving who was at fault for your injury. Whether you have suffered an injury due to a surgical error, or a misdiagnosis has resulted in a serious illness, Hastings Law Firm can help.
Skilled Representation, Personalized Attention, Comfortable Environment
Tommy Hastings has dedicated his legal career to medical malpractice. His clients have benefited from millions of dollars in compensation acquired through successful verdicts and settlements in the state of Texas. With our help, we have provided our neighbors and fellow community members with the means by which they can begin putting their lives back in order.
All of Us Are Here To Help You
When you work with our West Lake Hills medical malpractice lawyers, you will get to know everyone in our office. Regardless of the injury, our entire firm knows that the proper approach is always rooted in human compassion and a desire for justice. While many people may think this relaxed attitude may be a detriment, we find this helps us think differently about you and your case. You are not just “another case” to us; you are a real person who has been hurt and who deserves justice.
Contact Us To Learn More About How Our Texas Medical Malpractice Law Firm Can Help You With Your Case
The Hastings Law Firm specializes in medical malpractice cases throughout Texas. We assist families who have experienced loss or injury resulting from medical errors or negligence obtain the settlement they deserve. If you think you or a loved one may have suffered malpractice as a result of carelessness, we urge you to speak to our expert team of lawyers to go over your options. We can provide a free and private case analysis to help you identify the best approach based on full knowledge of your options. Call now at 512-813-9218 or contact us online to schedule your no cost consultation. All cases are completed on contingency, so you never pay anything until we recover compensation for you.
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hastingsfirm · 6 years ago
Is Personal Injury Law The Same As Medical Malpractice?
Personal injury is divided into several categories one of which is medical malpractice. This happens to also be the most complex type of case in this category. However, there are a few general similarities since they involve an individual becoming injured due to negligence.
There are also key contrasts between the two.
Definition of Personal Injury Claim
A personal injury claim involves two major issues which are liabilities and damages since it is a tort claim. As a lawyer, you must establish that the accused is liable for all the damages caused. Moreover, you must explain clearly the nature and extent of all the damages. Before a claim can be heard, the plaintiff is given an opportunity to depict the damages and liabilities. This duty is put into place by the tort system.
It is a must for any attorney to show that a specific injury has happened due to the irresponsibility of another party in a personal injury claim. Every individual has a duty to be careful in every situation. When this care is contravened, and an injury is caused, you have the right to be compensated for the inconveniences created. You should also be conscious of the state in which you live; different states have varying systems regarding personal injury claims.
Personal injury cases revolve around negligence. This may include car and bike accidents, slip and fall accidents, defective product recalls, among many other. This goes to show that personal injury claims cover a much broader spectrum than just medical malpractices.
It is essential to keep in mind that negligence is not necessarily the main reason for a personal injury claim. When it comes to dealing with manufacturers of given products, there is a strict liability that is applied. In such cases, rather than proving negligence you must show that a product is faulty in order to file a personal injury claim.
In other cases, a personal injury claim can be established by showing evidence of a willful wrong doing. For example, an assault or battery case can result in a personal injury claim. Conversely, it is also possible to sue for false imprisonment and win. However, evidence must indicate that you were falsely accused. These examples go a long way to demonstrate the general concept of personal injury as much as they are related to crime. Such cases are to be heard in a civil or tort court.
Definition of Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice falls under personal injury law as depicted earlier. The third leading cause of death in America is medical negligence as published in the American Medical Association journal. Heart disease is still the leading cause of death followed closely by cancer. This journal continues to state that in 2012, over three billion dollars was spent in compensations for medical malpractices. This equates to resolving such a claim every forty minutes.
According to the law, medical malpractice occurs when a physician does not follow the accepted procedure for standards of care when treating a patient. These standards are put in place to guide the health provider on what to do or not to do in a particular circumstance. Therefore, if an individual can prove that a medical provider was negligent in a given situation, a medical malpractice case can be brought to court.
To win a medical malpractice case you must demonstrate that a health care provider or facility caused injury or damages to a patient. Keep in mind that a patient not recovering fully does not necessarily constitute medical malpractice – there must be a clear example of negligence involved.
Is Trial Compulsory?
In most personal injury and medical malpractice cases the involved parties will attempt to settle the case outside of the court of law. This is done to avoid various issues; for example, increased costs and exposure to the public. However, it is essential that the plaintiff understand that a large majority of such cases result in an unsuccessful verdict – this is the nature of personal injury law.
Statistics shared by Tim Louis & Company, a personal injury law firm in Vancouver BC:
Only 20% of the plaintiffs are successful.
Over two hundred thousand people die annually due to medical malpractices.
Less than 15% of surviving individuals file a medical malpractice claim.
The above statistics are quite discouraging. It is advisable to work with an experienced attorney who will focus on both personal injury and medical malpractice. Such an attorney will assist you in gathering relevant information that will be used in the case. Additionally, he or she is knowledgeable in the statute of limitations. This is necessary for establishing the right time to file for a claim which is mostly between one to six years after the malpractice has occurred.
Many states have changed their laws with regards to the start date of a malpractice case which differs from a personal injury suit. In personal injury cases, the suit starts on the day of the injury while in medical malpractices, the lawsuit begins at the time in which the negligence is discovered.
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hastingsfirm · 6 years ago
Thiamine Deficiency Misdiagnosis & Medical Malpractice
Thiamine, known as Vitamin B-1, is stored in small amounts in the body and as such, healthy levels can be depleted quickly. When the body becomes severely depleted of this essential vitamin serious health consequences can arise in the brain, heart and muscle function. The seriousness of the complications makes quickly identifying and treating potential thiamine deficiency vital.
A deficiency in vitamin B-1 is usually linked to some form of malnutrition where the body is not provided, or not able to, absorb necessary amounts for proper health. Situations like this can occur when a person is unable to eat or has prolonged bouts of vomiting which prevents the absorption of food and nutrients.
If in a hospital or medical settings, doctors and nurses should be aware of this danger and begin administering thiamine as a precaution. Thiamine can be administered orally as a supplement, into the muscle as an injection, or in the most severe cases, intravenously in an IV drip. Since low levels of thiamine are easy to diagnosis using a blood test, and the treatment options are very simple, there’s no reason for anyone to ever suffer permanent brain or neurological disorders due to a deficiency. Furthermore, you cannot overdose on Thiamine so if there’s even a suspicion of deficiency the patient should be given treatment immediately.
If left untreated, thiamine deficiency can result in development of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, the symptoms of which include muscle paralysis, issues with vision, problems walking, fatigue, foggy headedness, and a host of other neurological related issues. One group most at risk of developing a deficiency are those who have recently undergone bariatric surgery such as a gastric bypass; these patients should be closely monitored for any signs or symptoms of Wernicke’s. The neurological damage caused by Wernicke’s is due to lesions forming on the brain which can be spotted with an MRI. The first signs of Wernicke’s appear as the patient becoming confused or having an altered mental status. The classic three symptoms of Wernicke’s, known as the Wernicke’s Triangle, are unusual gait, problems with vision and mental fog.
If the disease is caught early enough, most symptoms of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy can be reversed using a supplementation of Thiamine. However, if the disease goes untreated for too long many of the symptoms, such as memory loss, may become permanent. If not treated at all, the disease will eventually result in coma and then death.
As a society we place our trust in the hands of doctors, hospitals and nurses, that they will hold our care to the highest standards. While not all medical mistakes are considered “negligence”, developing Wernicke’s while under a doctor’s care is absolutely negligent malpractice. If a patient starts exhibiting any combination of these symptoms, medical professionals should be aware to start treatment for possible thiamine deficiency immediately.
It’s tragic that by not administering such a simple and cheap treatment, a patient and their loved ones could live the rest of their lives dealing with the complications of a neurological disorder or worse – death of a loved one. If a medical professional fails to diagnose a thiamine deficiency in its early stages, and allows it to develop into Wernicke’s, they can be held liable for medical malpractice due to negligence. Patients and families of those injury by such negligence deserve fair compensation so that they may continue their life as comfortably as possible. Our attorneys are experienced with Wernicke’s cases and we’re here to help you and your family today. Call the Hastings Law Firm at 281-466-1396 for a free consultation with an attorney about filing a Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome lawsuit.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Best Dallas Area Medical Schools
Best Dallas Area Medical Schools
While the Dallas metropolis is one of the largest cities in the state of Texas, the number of medical schools in this city is disproportionate to its size, meaning that aspiring medical students must be strategic in their endeavors to be successful in the area. Although the most common medical schools are directly affiliated with larger academic institutions, several good medical schools seem to operate in a different manner altogether. If you’ve been injured by a medical device or negligence of a medical professional you need the best Dallas medical malpractice law firm in the area.
Hastings Law Firm – Medical Malpractice Lawyers 6060 N Central Expy #575 Dallas, TX 75206 972-449-9399
Apart from the usual medical schools that operate under the auspices of a full-fledged university, some medical schools seem to operate under the wing of large medical institutions or as specialist research centers. Dallas has some of these unique medical schools, which still succeed in offering high-quality medical training similar to that offered at traditional medical schools that operate under universities. Here are several examples of these unique medical schools in Dallas, Texas:
Southwestern Medical School
The Southwestern Medical School operates under the University of Texas Southwestern as a semi-autonomous medical training and research facility. This medical school focuses on research in cancer treatment, strokes, neuroscience, and heart diseases while offering graduate medical students training. Many students who train at the usual University of Texas Southwestern medical center find themselves in this medical school when they decide to upgrade their academic and research qualifications or engage in specialized medical research.
UT Southwestern School of Health Professions 6011 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 645-8250 https://utswmed.org/locations/school-health-professions/
Texas Neuro Spine Institute
The Texas Neuro Spine Institute exemplifies one of the truly unique medical schools in Dallas, Texas. It specializes in neurological and spinal care methods that combine the least amount of invasiveness and the most superior level of patient comfort. While researching these methods, the specialists involved engage graduate students willing to specialize in these fields of medical care. The Texas Neuro Spine Institute is partly owned by Dr. Giri, whose experience in the neurological treatment of spinal diseases and conditions in enviable. His medical school and treatment center is not currently affiliated with any university or research organizations.
Texas Neuro Spine Institute 1411 N Beckley Ave #474 Dallas, TX 75203 (214) 393-5007 http://www.txspineinstitute.com/
University of Texas Health Science Center
This medical school is affiliated with the University of Texas and aims to impart training and practice skills to graduate students interested in public health. The University of Texas Health Science Center receives many medical students interested in specializing in the field of public health sciences. It also combines the professional and research facilities of the universities of Texas and Texas Southwestern to provide medical students with optimum training. The range of certifications available from this medical school includes certificates, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and post-graduate qualifications.
The University of Texas School of Public Health in Dallas 6011 Harry Hines Blvd V8.112 Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 648-1080 https://sph.uth.edu/campuses/dallas/
Because of the relative shortage of traditional medical schools in Dallas, many training institutions have arisen to meet the needs of prospective medical students and ambitious medical staff. Some of these medical schools are stand-along training facilities while others offer graduate medical students and practicing physicians with research opportunities. Some of the institutions still rely on affiliation with universities but operate semi-autonomously. The Dallas area has several of these medical schools, such as the Southwestern Medical School, the Texas Neuro Spine Institute, and the University of Texas Health Science Center. Be sure to check out Part Two of our Best Medical Schools in Dallas.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Best Dallas Area Medical Schools Part 2
Best Dallas Area Medical Schools Part 2
While many metropolitan areas in the United States are home to several medical schools, the Dallas, Texas, area is surprisingly not one of them, and finding good-quality medical schools can be somewhat tedious. However, for students who choose to study in Dallas, there are a few institutions where they can receive medical training. Have you been injured by medical negligence? Call the best medical malpractice lawyers in Dallas Texas today!
Hastings Law Firm – Medical Malpractice Lawyers 6060 N Central Expy #575 Dallas, TX 75206 972-449-9399
Although Dallas is a huge region with many institutions and organizations, it has few medical schools that can cater to even the most discerning student or healthcare professional. Some of these medical schools are affiliated with larger academic institutions such as the University of Texas while others seem to operate as stand-alone medical schools that help with medical staffing. The most common medical schools in Dallas include the following:
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
As its name may suggest, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center is affiliated with the University of Texas. This medical school accepts thousands of applications from aspiring medical students. However, only about 230 applicants get accepted into the institution to engage in medical studies. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center offers hundreds of options for students to specialize in, and life on campus is relatively easy compared to other similar institutions in the northern states.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75390 (214) 648-3111 https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/
Texas A&M College of Dentistry
The Texas A&M College of Medicine is affiliated to the Baylor Healthcare System, which is renowned in Texas for its prestigious healthcare institutions. Therefore, as you might guess, this medical school offers competitive medical training in various healthcare specializations to students chosen mostly from the Texas education pool. The Texas A&M College of Medicine usually accepts students in their third and fourth year of education based on the high level of expertise its employees and trainers possess. With the ability to train medical students from a transitional MD level of proficiency all the way to PhD levels of proficiency, the Texas A&M College of Medicine is one of the best medical schools for motivated students in both Dallas and the whole of Texas.
Texas A&M College of Dentistry 3302 Gaston Ave Dallas, TX 75246 (214) 828-8100 https://dentistry.tamhsc.edu/
Parkland Health and Hospital System
The Parkland Health and Hospital System consists of several prestigious medical facilities and graduate medical-training institutions. Students keen to complete their residency and fellowship programs in one of the best medical institutions in Dallas should consider enrolling in this medical school. In addition to its in-house group of experienced medical trainers and personnel, the medical school makes use of its strategic affiliation with the University of Texas Southwestern. Such partnerships enable medical students to get the best all-rounded medical exposure and training.
Parkland Health and Hospital System 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75390 (214) 590-5601 https://www.parklandhospital.com/phhs/home.aspx
The Dallas metropolis provides a unique challenge to any student interested in receiving their medical training in the city. While it is one of the biggest cities in the state of Texas, Dallas does not have very many medical schools. Therefore, choosing the best can be a time-consuming, but not impossible, affair. However, some of the best medical schools include the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Texas A&M College of Medicine, and the Parkland Health and Hospital System.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Medical Staffing Agencies in Dallas
Medical Staffing Agencies in Dallas
The size of Dallas, combined with its increasing population growth and need for professional services, makes it a prime location for healthcare institutions, and with these institutions comes the need for experienced medical staff. Medical staffing agencies are one way in which this crucial need is met, and luckily, Dallas is home to several quality staffing agencies. If you or a loved one has been injured at a Dallas area medical facility, call the experienced Dallas medical malpractice lawyers at Hastings Law Firm today!
Hastings Law Firm – Medical Malpractice Lawyers 6060 N Central Expy #575 Dallas, TX 75206 972-449-9399
As the people of Dallas continue to benefit from the construction of more medical schools and hospitals to meet increasing population and healthcare demands, medical staff agencies will likely play a bigger role in helping to staff the institutions upon which so many people depend. Dallas is also home to some of the best luxury nursing homes in the nation. A few of the main staffing agencies in the Dallas area are as follows:

Quality First Personnel
This personnel recruitment agency provides companies and business organizations with a wide range of staff and personnel who meet predetermined needs and skills. The agency provides medical staff to hospitals, clinics, and even nursing homes meant to cater to the needs of terminally ill patients or senior citizens. Quality First Personnel provides doctors, radiologists, nurses, physiotherapists, and medical laboratory technicians for hospital analysis units. The company has been in operation for more than four decades and continues to cater to the medical staffing needs of Houston’s medical facilities.
Quality First Personnel 9330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #815 Dallas, TX 75243 972-783-2020 http://www.qualityfirstpersonnel.com/
Mayo Medical Staffing
Mayo Medical Staffing is another major medical personnel provider in the Dallas area, having provided personnel to various medical institutions. Unlike other staffing agencies that deal with other industries, Mayo Medical Staffing focuses on the medical services industry alone. It provides physicians, nurses, radio-imaging technicians, laboratory technicians, and physiotherapists. The majority of its operations concentrate on the Northern Dallas region as well as Lake Highland region.
Mayo Medical Staffing 9330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, TX 75243 972-497-1020
Medical Staffing Network
Medical Staffing Network is an agency that provides medical institutions and healthcare providers in Dallas with various medical personnel. This staffing agency concentrates on nursing and physician personnel as those are the staff positions that require constant filling. Although Medical Staffing Network has affiliate agencies in other states, its operations in Texas, especially Dallas, are called upon frequently because of the shortages in manpower in these regions. The agency caters to permanent staffing needs, per diem shifts, and even locums where sudden increases in service demands require short-term staffing.
Medical Staffing Network 8500 N Stemmons Fwy #3050 Dallas, TX 75247 817-858-9611 https://www.msnhealth.com/
Pure Medical Staffing LLC
Pure Medical Staffing is a limited liability company that caters to the medical staffing needs of Dallas hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. This agency operates in a formal setting whereby graduates and skilled medical personnel fill their details into the agency database and have it connect them with suitable potential employers. Although Pure Medical Staffing LLC uses a slightly different approach than other medical staffing agencies do, it serves many clinics seeking specialized medical skillsets and staff.
Pure Medical Staffing LLC 6532 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, TX 75240 (888) 362-1848
As the medical services industry in Dallas continues to expand, so does the need for qualified and skilled medical personnel. Several medical staffing agencies have come to fill this gap and will continue to offer services so that there are enough medical staff to meet the medical needs of the Dallas population.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Luxury Nursing Homes in Dallas, Texas
Luxury Nursing Homes in Dallas, Texas
Dallas is widely known in Texas and much of the Southern United States as a preferred destination for people seeking luxury living spaces. And it’s no different for senior citizens and their quest for luxury nursing homes. After all, there’s no reason that assisted living facilities and nursing homes can’t be luxurious as well. There’s no better place than Dallas to achieve this type of luxury, and the welcoming, serene, and friendly nature of many of the city’s neighborhoods make a go-to area for senior loved ones.  If you or a loved one has been injured at a Dallas area nursing home, call the best Dallas medical negligence attorneys at Hastings Law Firm today!
Families seeking luxury nursing homes where their aging loved ones can receive comfortable care from skilled and experienced professionals have several options to consider in Dallas. The cool ambiance of these luxury nursing homes not only guarantees ample rest, but it enhances the quality of life for loved ones. Here are some of the most luxurious nursing home facilities in the Dallas area.

At Home Luxury Assisted Living LLC
This luxury nursing home is situated in a quiet part of the Dallas suburbs away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The company has been in the luxury nursing home business for more than three decades, so it’s very experienced in taking care of loved ones’ needs and desires. The soft family-oriented setting both in and around its premises makes At Home Luxury Assisted Living very accommodating, even for high-needs clients. A couple of amenities that help to keep residents entertained and happy include a garden and homely kitchens where guests can participate in certain chores depending on their condition. This luxury nursing home is also staffed with highly trained medical staff to ensure your loved one never lacks attention the attention he or she needs.
At Home Luxury Assisted Living LLC 6946 Forest Lane Dallas, TX 75230 866-465-5993
The Tradition – Lover’s Lane
Most luxury nursing homes cater to just one type of senior citizen need, meaning patients never get a full-on care experience as their age advances. However, The Tradition offers independent living, assisted living, and even memory-based treatment and care all bundled into one luxurious package. Its ambiance resembles a comfortable home, and the interior is finely decorated. Physical therapy and safety amenities are all provided first class by highly experienced personnel who are present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Tradition – Lover’s Lane 5855 Milton St Dallas, TX 75206 (214) 361-2219 http://www.traditionseniorliving.com/loverslane/index.html
Avalon Memory Care – Royal Circle
Avalon Memory Care offers its customers luxurious amenities complete with the homey feeling that family brings to them. It also ensures that their medical and personal needs are always met by a skilled team of care specialists who include speech therapists, physiotherapists, caring nurses, and even gerontologists. The environment is equipped with state-of-the-art safety features that protect residents in all their activities.
Avalon Memory Care – Royal Circle 7355 Royal Cir Dallas, TX 75230 (800) 696-6536 http://avalonmemorycare.com/locations/dallas/
The Dallas area has always been a hotspot for large hospitals and luxury nursing homes and catering to the assisted-living, independent, and memory-care needs of senior citizens. We want nothing more for our aging loved ones than for them to feel safe, secure, and comfortable, and these facilities are shining examples of facilities that offer all the attention they need as they gracefully age.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Largest Hospitals in Dallas, Texas
Largest Hospitals in Dallas, Texas
Because Dallas is the most populous city in the state of Texas, some of the biggest healthcare institutions can be found in this metropolis. Choosing the largest hospital in a region is oftentimes a good bet in ensuring that the patient gets the best healthcare because these institutions usually attract the best-skilled personnel. However, in a city the size of Dallas, that can be slightly difficult given the long distances one needs to travel to get to their destination in the great state of Texas. If you’ve suffered an injury at a Dallas hospital, call the best Dallas medical malpractice attorneys at Hastings Law Firm.
Hastings Law Firm – Medical Malpractice Lawyers 6060 N Central Expy #575 Dallas, TX 75206 972-449-9399
Among the many large hospitals that serve the people of Dallas, three  stand out as perhaps the biggest and most efficient. These healthcare institutions not only offer top-notch care services, but they also have many beds for both acute-care and normal-care patients. Out-patient health care customers also benefit from a wide range of services from these four major hospitals. Many of these hospitals also have a teaching center and are among some of the best medical schools in the nation.
Baylor University Medical Center
As part of Baylor Scott & White Healthcare, Baylor University Medical Center is the largest hospital in Dallas, Texas. It has about 1,020 licensed beds of which 940 are dedicated and equipped for acute care. The hospital is located on 3500 Gaston Avenue in Dallas and is served by a highly experienced and trained staff of more than 4,700 employees.
Apart from a wide range of medical services catering to the needs of in-patient and out-patient customers, Baylor University Medical Center offers advanced medical training. The hospital is affiliated with Texas A&M University. Although the name may suggest an affiliation with Baylor University, the hospital is no longer affiliated with this prestigious academic institution. Baylor University Medical Center also caters to all forms of medical emergencies ranging from trauma incidents to automobile accidents.
Baylor University Medical Center 3500 Gaston Ave Dallas, TX 75246 (214) 820-0111 https://www.bswhealth.com/locations/dallas/Pages/default.aspx
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital
 The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital is another fine example of one of the largest hospitals in Dallas, Texas. This healthcare institution has more than 1,000 licensed beds of which 875 are equipped for acute health care. Located on 8200 Walnut Hill Lane, the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital offers a wide array of in-patient and out-patient healthcare services. These services include specialist treatment for spinal cord conditions and cardiovascular problems.
The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital also offers medical training thanks to its affiliation with the University of Texas. The affiliation has not only enabled this hospital to contribute to the medical training progress of Dallas and Texas but to the entire nation.
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital 8200 Walnut Hill Ln Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 345-6789 https://www.texashealth.org/dallas/
Parkland Memorial Hospital
The Parkland Memorial Hospital is another example of one of the largest hospitals in Dallas, Texas. It has more than 1,000 licensed beds of which 870 are equipped for acute health care cases. The Parkland Memorial Hospital is located at 5200 Harry Hines Boulevard and has been in existence since 1894. This hospital is serviced by more than 4,000 employees and offers medical training as well as specialist medical treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and diseases.
Parkland Memorial Hospital 5200 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 590-8000 https://www.parklandhospital.com/phhs/home.aspx
Finding the largest hospitals in Dallas, Texas, can be slightly difficult because of the sheer size of the Dallas metropolis. However, the three largest hospitals in this city are Baylor University Medical Center, Texas Health Presbyterian and Parkland Memorial Hospital.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Who Can You Sue for Medication Errors in Texas?
When someone mentions a medical malpractice lawsuit, our minds immediately picture an error in the operating room. However, malpractice charges can result from other types of medical errors, including medication errors. In fact, medication errors are the most common cases of medical malpractice, especially when it comes to treatment of newborn children.
Such errors take place on daily bases all around the world, including Texas. Unfortunately, many mistakes of this kind have serious repercussions, such as permanent health issues and conditions, suffering and pain, and the worst of them all – wrongful death.
With medicine gone so far ahead during these past decades, it is crucial to understand that medications are not to be played with. The correct dosage of the appropriate medication can result in the health benefits we expect, but a wrong dose or a wrong medication can cause serious problems for the consumer.
However, in the case of medication malpractice, the guilt is not found in the consumer, but the healthcare provider.
Types of Medication Errors
Injuries that are life-altering can result when a healthcare professional such as a doctor, nurse, or a pharmacist, prescribes an incorrect drug or an incorrect dosage of a drug. There is a myriad of types of Texas medication errors, but some of the most common mistakes are:
The doctor prescribes the wrong medication or drug
The pharmacist fills the prescription with a different, wrong medication or drug
The doctor prescribes a wrong dose of a medication or dug
The pharmacist fills the prescription with a wrong dose of the medication or drug
The doctor or the pharmacist provide wrong instructions about the medication or drug consumption
The doctor or the pharmacist provide the wrong person with a medication or drug that was intended for someone else
The doctor or other healthcare professional treats the patient with a wrong drug or a wrong combination of drugs and medication
If you find yourself in such situations, or have lost a family member because of medication errors, this is considered medical malpractice. You should take the appropriate steps immediately and consult a personal injury lawyer to meet the deadlines for such claims in the state of Texas.
Injured by an Error in Medication? Get Help Today!
Call Now 281-466-1396
Medication Prescription or Administration Malpractice
Medication errors happen on daily basis. There are thousands of people who were injured or died as a result of medication errors. Because of the frequency of this type of negligence and the serious consequences it may result in, the state of Texas has set very high safety precautions and standards in place to limit such happenings.
When a doctor or other medical professional, including a pharmacist, fails to meet such standards, the victim of their negligence may be entitled to a certain type of compensation. If the plaintiff can prove that there was indeed negligence on behalf of the medical personnel, doctor or pharmacist, they will be compensated for their suffering.
In the case you have suffered any type of injury or damage to your health because a doctor or nurse administered a wrong medication, prescribed the wrong drug, or the pharmacy made an error with the prescription, you need to file a claim as soon as possible. The timeframe within which Texas accepts such lawsuits is two years after the malpractice occurred.
Pharmacy Negligence
Doctors and other staff at a hospital can misdiagnose or mistreat a patient, and we are all aware that this is a solid ground for malpractice lawsuits. What most people do not know is that pharmacy negligence is equally terrifying, and is often considered medical malpractice in court.
Pharmacy negligence occurs in many stages and forms of the treatment process. Such negligence includes:
Wrong medication
Overdose or under dose
Incorrect instructions for dosage
Entering incomplete or incorrect information about the patient
Entering incorrect dosage units in the system
Providing incorrect labels for prescription
Failure or inability to recognize drug interactions that are dangerous
Failure to provide counsel to the patient
Lack of supervision or training of a technician
What Can You Do?
In the case that you are unsure if your problem falls under medication negligence in Texas, contact a pharmacy error attorney. But, if you or a family member have suffered any type of injury you believe is a ground for medical malpractice lawsuit, save the medications, bottles, labels, prescriptions, and receipts related to this case. If you do not save these, it will be very hard to prove your case.
An experienced lawyer will first send a letter of representation to the defendant. After this, he will open up your claim. At the point where you have already completed the treatment that resulted from the pharmacy’s or doctor’s error, your attorney will order the medical records and bills, obtain all the necessary evidence, and start negotiating your malpractice claim.
The amount of time given to a malpractice victim to bring a claim for personal injury for malpractice or negligence against someone is called Statute of Limitations. Starting from the day when this injury occurred, you have a specific deadline of 2 years to file your lawsuit.
For some very specific cases, a victim of negligence cannot file a personal injury claim after this period has passed. However, in most cases, the court will not rule in the favor of the one who hasn’t filed a claim in this timeframe.
For example, in March 2010, the Texas Supreme Court had to rule against a woman who found a sponge inside her body, left there during a hysterectomy she had over 10 years before.
Damages in Medication Malpractice Lawsuits
The law allows for the person who has been injured due to medication malpractice or negligence to file a personal injury lawsuit. In such case, the plaintiff is allowed to recover the appropriate compensation for the following damages:
Lost wages because of missed work
Medical expenses of treatment that resulted from this negligence
Non-economic damages for physical pain, mental anguish, physical impairment, disfigurement, or wrongful death
In some cases, the defendant may be requested to pay punitive damages, too.
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Can You Sue a Hospital for Medical Malpractice in Texas?
When you have been given the wrong treatment for a condition or illness, chances are you have a real malpractice claim on your hands. The medical malpractice law system varies from state to state, but most states allow for such claims in the case of misdiagnosis or wrong prescriptions.
If you live in Texas or plan to file such claim there, you should first be informed on the basics of the malpractice law in the state. The state laws are different from those of many other states, and being familiarized with the damages, procedures and requirements is key to a successful legal action.
The Texas Malpractice
As you probably know already, medical malpractices happen when a healthcare entity or professional harms his or her patient by providing wrong diagnosis or treatment. However, not everything fits the requirements necessary to make a medical malpractice claim. In Texas, for such harm to form basis for a claim, the action must be seen as negligence.
What is Medical Negligence?
Medical negligence happens when a healthcare provider or entity violates or breaches their standard of care. Also known as the duty of care to a patient, the standard of care can vary based on the health condition or the age of the patient. In addition, the state the treatment is used in is also a factor in the standard of care.
This, of course, means that treating an illness or condition in Texas might have a completely different duty of care from treatment in other states. However, in most cases, the duty of care is determined on the basis of certain generally-accepted approaches and methods, as well as the standard of treating patients who suffer from similar conditions.
Texas Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Claims and Lawsuits
The unique and rather specific statute of limitations for medical malpractice in Texas includes a time limit. This time limit applies to the period within which an injured patient may file a medical malpractice claim in court. In Texas, you cannot bring such case to court if the negligence happened over two years ago. The clock starts running on the exact date when the injury occurred or was discovered. Of course, this date does not necessarily have to be the same as the day when the actual negligence happened.
In cases where medial error occurs as one part of a continuous treatment or during the course of treatment, the clock starts running starting from the last day of treatment. Of course, you can still file claims before the treatment ends, if the injury is discovered earlier.
Due to the specific, strict limits for a timeframe within which you can file a medical malpractice claim in court, it is essential to start the lawsuit as soon as you discover the negligence. In the case that something like this happens to you, it is recommended to consult with a Texas attorney who specializes in medical malpractice claims, and sue the medical provider before the deadline is finished.
You or a Loved One Injured in a Hospital? Get Help Today!
Call Now 281-466-1396
Medical Malpractice Damages in the State of Texas
When you win at court and the lawsuit goes in our favor, you are automatically entitled to get damages. The damages are financial awards that serve to compensate the victim for the injuries that resulted from negligence on behalf of the medical provider.
There are various damages and amounts one can get when they win a medical malpractice suit:
Economic damages range from full reimbursement of the medical bills to a reimbursement for the wages you have lost because you missed work days.
Non-economic damages reimburse the patient for their suffering and pain, as well as the negative effects of the misdiagnosis or wrong treatment.
Punitive damages punish the healthcare professional who committed negligence and malpractice because of maliciousness.
The Texas medical malpractice law has put caps that limit the damages a patient can get if they win the case.
The cap for the amount the defendant can pay the plaintiff, for all healthcare providers and hospitals, is $250,000. In total, the non-economic damages cap can reach up to $500,000, in the case that you sue both the doctor or healthcare provider and the hospital.
So, the most you can get if you file a suit against a doctor is $250,000. If you sue a hospital for negligence, you can get the same amount.
There are many states that place such caps on damages in medical malpractice suit, but in this case, the cap applies to non-economic damages and no other type of damages. This includes compensation for:
Pain and suffering
Anxiety, depression or stress
Loss of happiness of enjoyment of life
Other subjective losses that result from the malpractice of the defendant
Economic damages are not capped in the state of Texas
Notice Requirements for Medical Malpractice Suits in Texas
Before you can file a lawsuit in the civil court system in this state, Texas requires that you provide a written notice of this claim and send it to each of the healthcare providers you are planning to name in the lawsuit. The timeframe for this is 60 days before you file the actual case to the court. The notice should be sent via certified e-mail, and the content must contain a request for a return receipt.
This is not all. When an injured patient in Texas wants to file a medical malpractice lawsuit, her or his attorney must serve a report from an expert within 120 days after the filling of the lawsuit. This report should contain information on:
The opinions of an expert regarding the negligence and standard of care
The causal relationship between the harm that is inflicted on the patient and the failure of the healthcare provider
The court is allowed to dismiss a case for which there is no expert report filed within 120 days since the commencement of the lawsuit.
If you do decide to file such claim, note that lawsuits like this can be very complex. To be able to prove malpractice, you need to rely on legal and medical expertise that proves such negligence. In some cases, the court may require an expert witness, and the process can take months or years to resolve.
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from Hastings Law Firm https://www.hastingsfirm.com/can-you-sue-a-hospital-for-medical-malpractice-in-texas/
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hastingsfirm · 7 years ago
Gericare Eye Wash Recalled by FDA Due to Contamination
On February 1, 2018, the numerous reports against the Gericare Eye Wash brought the announcement from the FDA for a recall of this product on a consumer level. The reason behind this was the discovery of potential contamination that compromises the health of the user.
Once this happened, Kareway Products, Inc. voluntarily recalled approximately 60 thousand lots of the wash and irrigation solution. This recall included notifying the hospitals and retails stores of the demand to remove the product from their inventory or supply shelves, and return it to Kareway Products. The process was anticipated to finish by January 29, 2018.
This means that at this point, the Gericare Eye Wash that was reported to be contaminated should not be sold or used by anyone. In case you notice such use or purchase the product, make sure to report this issue immediately, and do not use the product as an eye wash.
What is Gericare Eye Wash?
Gericare Eye Wash is a sterile solution for eye irrigation, used to relieve stinging, irritation, itching and discomfort. The product is used to soothe and clean the eyes and recommended for both emergency and daily use. It works by removing foreign material, chlorinated water or air pollutants from the eye.
People all around the nation bought this product to wash away debris on the eyes. As other solutions for eyewash, the Gericare Eye Wash Solution was also supposed to be sterile to be able to achieve this, but according to the FDA, this wasn’t the case with one specific lot number. There aren’t any reports or recalls on behalf of the FDA for previous lots and manufacturing of the Gericare Eye Wash Solution before this one.
Safety Concerns of Gericare Eye Wash
The recalled eye wash was distributed on a nationwide level and to date, the company that manufactures this product hasn’t received any similar reports of adverse effects that are related to this specific recall. According to the reports, the eye was can be dangerous for users due to the probability of eye damage of different kinds.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the product might be unsafe and unsterile as a result of a microbial contamination. This can easily lead to eye infections or impairment.
The FDA Publishes a Risk Statement Regarding the Product
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration published a report that included a Risk Statement regarding the unsafety of the Gericare Eye Wash (4 fluid ounce) product. In this statement, you will find the following information:
“The product potentially could be calamitous for any population due to a probability of a potential sight threatening eye infection or impairment. Kareway Products, Inc. has not received any reports of adverse events related to this recall.”
Possible Contamination Injuries from Use of Gericare Eye Wash Solution
Even though the U.S. Food and Drug has not reported side effects and injuries that resulted from use of the solution, the experience with similar issues of contamination from eye solutions demonstrated possible dangers to the health of people, such as reactions, medical conditions, and even injuries.
If you were interested in the full list of potential reactions and injuries that could arise as a result of Gericare Eye Wash Solution use, here it is:
Eye infections, such as fungal eye infection
Eye injury or injury to both eyes
Scarring of the eye cornea
Blurred vision
Partial or complete blindness
The reasons to be concerned are very real, which is why the FDA decided to take immediate action that would put the affected lot numbers on recall. At this point, all hospitals and retail stores should have returned the specific product to the manufacturer, since the final date has already finished.
The Lot Numbers for the Gericare Eye Wash Solution Recall
So far, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has detected a single lot with affected Gericare Eye Wash, Sterile Eye Irrigation Solution. The lot number is #86041601, with an expiration date of 09/2019.
One can identify the product by the lot number, or the UPC. The UPC for this specific recalled product is UPC 3-57896-18604-3. At first, the solution was distributed to nationwide medical supply businesses, after which it reached drugstore shelves, clinics, and hospitals.
The problem was approached rapidly. Kareway Products, Inc. has started contacting the customers and distributors immediately by using recall letters. The company stated that they demand disposal or return of the product, and advice all businesses and consumers who possess this product lot #86041601 with an expiration date of 09/2019 to halt the sale or use of the solution immediately.
In the case that any consumer experiences issues or has questions regarding this recall, they can contact the Kareway Products Recall Department. The contact methods are as follows:
Telephone: (310) 532- 0009
The work hours of the department are 08.30 am to 05.30 pm, Monday through Fridays.
In the case that you have experienced any of the mentioned issues after using this product, the FDA advises that you also contact your healthcare provider or physician as soon as possible to avoid any complications or dangers to your health. The sooner you report and approach this problem, the more you can prevent further damage to the eyes.
Ask for Assistance in Case of Injury or Infection
The GeriCare Eye Wash, Sterile Eye Irrigation Solution is not completely removed from the shelves. In the case that you experience eye infection or injury when using the product, regardless of the lot number, ask for immediate assistance from a healthcare provider, and report such problems.
For those who have used the product and experienced eye fungus infection or any other eye infection, as well as any of the issues discussed above, contact a legal service for an evaluation. Such issues are often a basis for demand for a financial recovery, especially if the product causes eye injuries.
The need to be worried is already gone. The lot number is said to be returned and disposed of properly by now, and there is no other recall of the product on behalf of the FDA.
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hastingsfirm · 8 years ago
Texas Diocto® Lawsuit
Texas Diocto® Infection Lawsuit
Did you or a loved one suffer a B. Cepacia infection from Diocto medication?
Rugby Laboratories has issued a voluntary recall – the second in less than a year – of their product known as Diocto Stool Softeners. Docusate sodium, or Diocto as it is commonly known, is given to patients who have suffered from heart attacks or trauma, have undergone major surgery and it has been given to women who have recently given birth.
Last year, Diocto Stool Softener products were recalled for the first time due to presence Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia) infections related to use of the laxative and stool softener products. Unopened bottles of the liquid laxative tested positive for the bacteria.
Burkholderia cepacia, or B. cepacia, is a bacterial infection that is most commonly associated with patients who suffer from cystic fibrosis. However, the bacterial infection can be contracted in a number of other ways, including ingestion of contaminated products. B. cepacia is an intense infection that affects the lungs. Signs and symptoms of the infection include shortness of breath, wheezing, persistent coughing, congestion and high-grade fever.
    The post Texas Diocto® Lawsuit appeared first on Hastings Law Firm.
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hastingsfirm · 8 years ago
Texas B. Cepacia Infection Lawsuit
Texas B. Cepacia Infection Lawsuit
Symptoms of B. cepacia infection are similar to those of pneumonia and include fever, cough, congestion, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Anyone who has used Diocto products and developed these symptoms should contact their doctor immediately, especially if they have compromised immune systems. B. cepacia infections are rare in non-compromised adults, but can be very dangerous because the infection is so difficult to treat.
B. cepacia is commonly found in nature, mainly in water and soil supplies. While it is unusual for healthy adults to become infected with the bacteria and such infections, exposure to the bacteria can result in infection, and it can be difficult to treat. What’s more, the infection can be fatal in about 42% of cases, especially in people who are already sick.
Last year, a similar recall was conducted because of the contamination of B. cepacia found on the liquid stool softener products produced by PharmaTech. Several incidents of infection were reported, but it has reached over 60 incidents in 8 states since. Patients who came down with infections experienced serious side effects and needed intensive medical care to treat the infection.
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from Hastings Law Firm https://www.hastingsfirm.com/b-cepacia-infection-lawsuit/
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hastingsfirm · 8 years ago
Cypress Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Cypress Texas Medical Malpractice Lawyers
A Medical Negligence Law Firm Helping You Hold Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable
Doctors and other medical professionals are respected members of our society. We trust them with some of the most important decisions that affect us and our loved ones. As in all professions, mistakes are made and sadly it is the patients who suffer an injury, illness (or worse) as a result. It is not uncommon for medical professionals to try and cover up their mistakes and this can result in the injury or illness becoming more serious.
If you or someone you love has been injured by medical malpractice, you need help to prove that negligence occurred. The medical & insurance industries almost always have skilled defense attorneys who aggressively defend their clients’ interests. Accordingly, you require the representation of an equally experienced attorney to obtain a successful result. Whether you have suffered an injury due to a surgical error, or a misdiagnosis has resulted in a serious illness, Hastings Law Firm P.C. can help.
Hire the Best Medical Malpractice Law Firm With No Upfront Cost
No Win, No Fee for Most Cases
Successful Track Record with Millions Recovered
Friendly, Compassionate Staff
The lawyers at The Hastings Law Firm are experts in representing families and victims of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you suspect that you or a loved one suffered an injury because a physician, healthcare professional, or healthcare facility failed to execute their responsibilities properly, we urge you to contact our office without delay. We will start with a free case consultation where we can explore the crucial aspects in your potential court case and help you be aware of your legal rights.
We do this because we care. We have a vested interest in what happens to you and the overall outcome of your case. We feel that this relaxed attitude enhances what we do because it makes us want to fight harder for you and your cause.
“Cases aren’t won by the lawyer with the fanciest tie, but by the lawyer who works the hardest and cares the most.” — Tommy Hastings, founding attorney
A Cypress Personal Injury Attorney Specializing in Medical Malpractice Cases
Tommy Hastings is an accomplished medical malpractice attorney serving the Cypress area who has obtained millions of dollars in compensation for victims of medical negligence through verdicts and settlements throughout the state of Texas. With our help, we have provided our neighbors and fellow community members with the means by which they can begin putting their lives back in order.
Hire an Experienced & Dedicated Injury Attorney Near You
When you work with us, you will get to know everyone in our office. We treat everyone here as family, and we want to see you succeed. This ensures that our team relates to each client on an individual basis and cares deeply about the results. You are not just “another case” to us; you are a real person who has been hurt and who deserves justice.
Don’t Wait To Get the Help You Deserve
Call Now 713-543-8063
A Complicated Situation Requiring Significant Expertise
Medical malpractice cases can be notoriously difficult. In-depth medical knowledge is required, as is an understanding of the cost of a medically induced injury over a lifetime. Our Cypress attorneys consult with medical experts and financial experts to determine the damages in your case.
The medical community puts up many obstacles to avoid being held accountable for its mistakes. We know how to overcome these obstacles, and we know the ins and outs of the legal and medical systems. We have an established relationship with the opposition and know how to resolve cases efficiently. We will help you get the care you need and the compensation you are entitled to for the harm done to you.
Call Us To Learn More About How Our Texas Law Firm Can Help You With Your Case
The attorneys at The Hastings Law Firm specialize in representing families and patients of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you think you or a loved one might have suffered malpractice due to negligence, we encourage you to contact our experienced team of lawyers to discuss your options. We are able to provide a free and confidential case examination so that you can determine the best plan of action based on full understanding of your options.
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With their main office in The Woodlands Texas, attorney Tommy Hastings is experienced in standing up for those who have been injured through no fault of their own. The Hastings Law Firm has successfully tried and settled medical malpractice, personal injury and defective medical device lawsuits nationwide, securing millions in positive verdicts and settlements for clients.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "25511 Budde Road #1402", "addressLocality": "The Woodlands", "addressRegion": "TX", "postalCode": "77380", "addressCountry": "USA" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "30.1321366", "longitude": "-95.4535882" }, "areaServed":"Texas", "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/n8ZzPtQ5FhP2", "openingHours": "Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 08:30-17:00", "telephone": "+1-281-466-1396", "telephone": "+1-877-269-4620" } { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Service", "serviceType": "Legal Services", "provider": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Hastings Law Firm" }, "hasOfferCatalog": { "@type": "OfferCatalog", "name": "Medical Malpractice Case Types", "description":"Hastings Law Firm specializes in legal cases across Texas invloving negligence of a medical professionals, doctor, nurse or that of a medical facility, hospital or care center.", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Medical malpractice occurs due to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Anesthesia Error Lawsuit", "description":"An anesthesia error can incur when the anesthesiologist makes a mistake or acts negligently while administering anesthesia.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/anesthesia-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"Hospitals that fail to provide patients with a standard of care can be sued for negligence. They can be held directly liable for their own negligence, but could also be held vicariously liable for the negligence of their employees.f", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-negligence/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Doctor Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"If you were injured by the negligence or incompetence of a doctor or then malpractice may have occured.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/doctor-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medication Error Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor prescribes the wrong medication or dosage to a patient, the patient may have grounds to file a malpractice case against the doctor.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/medication-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Misdiagnosis Lawsuit", "description":"Delayed diagnosis occurs when a doctor fails to diagnose a serious condition in an appropriate amount of time, leading to other health conditions, injuries or death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/misdiagnosis/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nurse Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing malpractice occurs when a nurse fails to competently perform his or her medical duties and that failure harms the patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/nurse-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Over-Prescribing Medications Lawsuit", "description":"If negligence in over-prescribing harmful medications can be proven, then medical malpractice may have occured ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/over-prescribing-medications/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Post Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"Post operative malpractice takes place when a physician or other health care provider causes injury or death to a patient by failing to meet the applicable standard during or after surgery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/postoperative-care-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital-Acquired Infection Lawsuit", "description":"A hospital acquired infection can cause undue stress and medical bills and time aside from the initial reason a patient entered the hospital to begin with. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-infection/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Bed sores are one of the most common and yet the most preventable conditions that afflict bed- or chair-bound patients. This condition is caused by the pressure of bedclothes and mattresses against fragile skin. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-bedsores/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Pediatric Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"There is any number of ways that pediatric malpractice can harm the health of a child, but there are some more common forms that this medical negligence can take, especially when it comes to misdiagnosing conditions. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/pediatric/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Failure To Diagnose Lawsuit", "description":"When doctors fail to provide a proper or accurate diagnosis, medical malpractice law allows patients to receive compensation for any resulting harm.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/failure-diagnose/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Prolonged Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Delays in surgery can cause your condition to become more severe and possibly more emergent. Doctors and hospitals should not increase the possibility of harm by delaying things or making the surgery longer than necessary. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/delayed-prolonged-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Gallbladder Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Gallbladder surgery has become more complicated and requires more skill due to changes in techniques used. Because this is a common outpatient procedure, many doctors who are not properly trained do this procedure routinely.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/gallbladder-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Organ Puncture Or Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Surgeons can puncture, perforate, or cut organs, nerves, or other tissue during surgery. If certain organs such as bowels, intestines, or the stomach are cut, they will leak harmful materials into the body cavity. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/organ-puncture-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"A surgical error that occurs during a surgical procedure by a doctor or surgeon is considered medical malpractice if the doctor or surgeon’s performance falls below the accepted standard of care that a reasonable surgeon under similar circumstances would exercise and the patient is injured or harmed as a result of the surgeon’s conduct.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Objects Left in Body Lawsuit", "description":"A retained foreign instrument after a surgery can lead to a serious injury and require further surgery. These foreign instruments can be surgical instruments, sponges, needles, blades and many other surgical devices.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/foreign-objects/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Bowel Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Injuries to the large and small bowel can result in extended hospital stays, disability, and even death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/bowel-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Robotic Surgery Error Lawsuit", "description":"The da Vinci Surgical Robot is a platform designed to facilitate complex adult and pediatric surgery, using a minimally invasive approach.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/robotic-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Laparoscopic Surgery Errors Lawsuit", "description":"The main cause of injury during laparoscopic surgery is the failure to notice that an incision was made in the wrong location or when the specialist is not available or called in to repair the damage.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/laparoscopic/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Prostate Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Prostate surgery or prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate gland.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/prostate/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hysterectomy Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"A hysterectomy is a removal of a woman’s uterus, but may also include the removal of other reproductive organs. If you have suffered injury as a result of a hysterectomy you may have a malpractice claim.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/hysterectomy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgery On Wrong Body Part Lawsuit", "description":"A lack of communication or missed information can lead to the surgeon cutting on the wrong arm, wrong leg, or even removing the wrong internal organ. These surgical errors constitute medical negligence.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/wrong-part-body/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing home abuse is a serious concern and seniors who have been abused have a 300 percent greater chance of death in the 3 years following the abuse than those who aren’t abused.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Overwhelmingly, bedsores are caused by patient immobility, which is most commonly seen in elderly patients in nursing homes, as well as those hospital patients that are unable to move, or are non-ambulatory.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/bedsores/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Elderly Dehydration Malnutrition Lawsuit", "description":"Elders are especially susceptible to dehydration and it poses an important problem to their health since it may cause other illnesses, some of which can be fatal.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/dehydration-malnutrition/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Fall Injuries Lawsuit", "description":"Falls are considered absolutely preventable, yet they make up more than a quarter of the visits to emergency rooms among nursing home patients. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/falls/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Physical & Sexual Elder Abuse", "description":"When a nursing home resident suffers physical pain, injury or impairment due to maltreatment or neglect, it is an example of physical abuse.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/physical-sexual-elder-abuse/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Insufficient Supervision in Nursing Homes Lawsuit", "description":"Many patients in nursing homes suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, and wandering around the home, and out of the home, is often a cause for injury for these patients.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/neglect/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Home Health Care Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"If a nurse acted negligently in caring for the patient at home, you may have a case against the nurse as well as the nursing agency that employed them.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/health-care-provider/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Birth Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Birth injuries are a serious matter regardless if they are small, such as a bruise or laceration on the child, or a severe injury that leaves your child permanently disabled.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Brain Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Infant brain damage can result in long-terms problems and disabilities, regardless of how minor the injury may seem.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-brain/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects the brain and causes motor deficiency. Cerebral palsy develops due to a brain malformation or injury before, during, or shortly after birth, ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/cerebral-palsy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Erb's Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Erb’s palsy, a form of obstetric brachial plexus disorder, is an injury that occurs when the nerves in a baby’s upper arm are damaged.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/erbs-palsy/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Brachial Plexus Lawsuit", "description":"One of the most common causes of infant brachial plexus include excessive stretching and force during labor and delivery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/brachial-plexus/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Shoulder Dystocia Lawsuit", "description":"Shoulder Dystocia Shoulder dystocia is a birth injury that occurs when an infant’s head and shoulders get trapped behind the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/shoulder-dystocia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Birthing Technique Lawsuit", "description":"Birth complications are common and doctors are specifically trained to handle them with difference techniques involve manipulations and tools.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-delivery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Wrongful Death Lawsuit", "description":"Wrongful death due to negligence or improper actions are usually held against the medical provider either for the death of the child, the death of the mother in birth.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-wrongful-death/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Fetal Monitoring Lawsuit", "description":"Failure to monitor, detect and treat ailments in the mother or baby during preganancy may be cause for medical malpractice.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-monitoring/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"OB-GYN Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"OBGYN malpractice cases can develop during pregnancy and after a baby has been delivered because it is the OBGYN’s duty to keep a close eye on the condition of the mother and the baby and to be prepared for any possible challenges or risks.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/ob-gyn-malpractice/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Eclampsia or Preeclampsia Lawsuit", "description":"Preeclampsia occurs when there is a rise in blood pressure during pregnancy, and is often marked by signs of damage to organs.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/eclampsia-preeclampsia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Forceps Delivery Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Most physicians acknowledge that sometimes there is a risk of forceps delivery injury, but if there are other problems during labor and delivery, they may turn to forceps for assistance.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/forceps-vacuum-extraction/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Untimely C-Sections Lawsuit", "description":" A delayed C-section can also be caused by failure to closely monitor the mother for distress, and in some cases, failure to secure an operation room in time to perform the surgery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/c-sections/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Fetal Death Or Stillbirth Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor and/or medical staff performed an action that led to a stillborn birth, or failed to perform medical intervention that could have prevented a stillborn birth, they may be liable for damages.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/death-stillbirth/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Medical Devices Lawsuit", "description":"When companies make these devices defective out of carelessness or a cynical attempt to save a few dollars, patients have the right to strike back with a defective medical device lawsuit.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Joint Replacement Lawsuit", "description":"Total joint replacement, also known as arthroplasty, utilizes modern polymers and metals combined with advanced techniques to create artificial joints. If the implant model you were fitted with has been recalled you may have a malpractice case.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/joint-implant/" } } ] } }
Our Attorneys Serve the Following Cities Near Cypress
Deer Park
La Porte
League City
Missouri City
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Texas City
The Woodlands
Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Types We Handle
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Altered Hospital Records Amputation Anesthesia Errors Aneurysm Arteriography Athetosis Bedsores Birth Injuries Blindness Blood Clot Bone Fractures Brain Damage Burn Treatment Cancer Misdiagnosis Cardiac Catheterization Cardiology Malpractice Carotid Endarterectomy Chemotherapy Malpractice Cognitive Functions Colonoscopy Congestive Heart Failure Coumadin CT Scan Radiation Overdose Decubitus Ulcer Dialysis Error Drop Foot Drug Interaction Drug Recall
Dystonia Early Discharge Complications Emergency Room Errors Failed Hip Implant Surgery Failed Knee Replacements Failure To Diagnose Illness Failure To Monitor Patient Failure To Treat Fetal Distress Fetal Hypoxia Gandolinium And NSF Gastric Bypass Gynecological Malpractice Heart Attack Hip And Leg Injuries Horners Syndrome Hospital Assistant Negligence Hospital Liability Ignoring Patient Allergies Infant Acidosis Infant Kernicterus Infant Leptomeningeal Cyst Injuries During Labor IV Fluid Contamination Lack Of Informed Consent Medical Equipment Failure Medical Facility Negligence Medical Incompetence Midwive Malpractice Military & VA Malpractice
Miscarriage Misdiagnosis Mistreating Infections Nerve Damage Neurosurgical Errors Nurse Negligence Nursing Home Abuse Obstetrics Malpractice Orthopedic Surgical Errors Paralysis Paramedic Malpractice Perinatal Asphyxia Physical Therapist Malpractice Premature Birth Prescription Drug Errors Pressure Ulcer Radiation Injury Radiation Overdose Sepsis Spinal Cord Injury Surgical Errors Terminal Illness Toxoplasmosis Tubal Pregnancy Complications Understaffed Emergency Rooms Urology Malpractice X-Ray Overdose
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hastingsfirm · 8 years ago
Huffman Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Huffman Texas Medical Malpractice Lawyers
A Medical Negligence Law Firm Helping You Hold Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable
Doctors and other medical professionals are respected members of our society. We trust them with some of the most important decisions that affect us and our loved ones. As in all professions, mistakes are made and sadly it is the patients who suffer an injury, illness (or worse) as a result. It is not uncommon for medical professionals to try and cover up their mistakes and this can result in the injury or illness becoming more serious.
If you or someone you love has been injured by medical malpractice, you need help to prove that negligence occurred. The medical & insurance industries almost always have skilled defense attorneys who aggressively defend their clients’ interests. Accordingly, you require the representation of an equally experienced attorney to obtain a successful result. Whether you have suffered an injury due to a surgical error, or a misdiagnosis has resulted in a serious illness, Hastings Law Firm P.C. can help.
Hire the Best Medical Malpractice Law Firm With No Upfront Cost
No Win, No Fee for Most Cases
Successful Track Record with Millions Recovered
Friendly, Compassionate Staff
The lawyers at The Hastings Law Firm are experts in representing families and victims of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you suspect that you or a loved one suffered an injury because a physician, healthcare professional, or healthcare facility failed to execute their responsibilities properly, we urge you to contact our office without delay. We will start with a free case consultation where we can explore the crucial aspects in your potential court case and help you be aware of your legal rights.
We do this because we care. We have a vested interest in what happens to you and the overall outcome of your case. We feel that this relaxed attitude enhances what we do because it makes us want to fight harder for you and your cause.
“Cases aren’t won by the lawyer with the fanciest tie, but by the lawyer who works the hardest and cares the most.” — Tommy Hastings, founding attorney
A Huffman Personal Injury Attorney Specializing in Medical Malpractice Cases
Tommy Hastings is an accomplished medical malpractice attorney serving the Huffman area who has obtained millions of dollars in compensation for victims of medical negligence through verdicts and settlements throughout the state of Texas. With our help, we have provided our neighbors and fellow community members with the means by which they can begin putting their lives back in order.
Hire an Experienced & Dedicated Injury Attorney Near You
When you work with us, you will get to know everyone in our office. We treat everyone here as family, and we want to see you succeed. This ensures that our team relates to each client on an individual basis and cares deeply about the results. You are not just “another case” to us; you are a real person who has been hurt and who deserves justice.
Don’t Wait To Get the Help You Deserve
Call Now 713-543-8063
A Complicated Situation Requiring Significant Expertise
Medical malpractice cases can be notoriously difficult. In-depth medical knowledge is required, as is an understanding of the cost of a medically induced injury over a lifetime. Our Huffman attorneys consult with medical experts and financial experts to determine the damages in your case.
The medical community puts up many obstacles to avoid being held accountable for its mistakes. We know how to overcome these obstacles, and we know the ins and outs of the legal and medical systems. We have an established relationship with the opposition and know how to resolve cases efficiently. We will help you get the care you need and the compensation you are entitled to for the harm done to you.
Call Us To Learn More About How Our Texas Law Firm Can Help You With Your Case
The attorneys at The Hastings Law Firm specialize in representing families and patients of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you think you or a loved one might have suffered malpractice due to negligence, we encourage you to contact our experienced team of lawyers to discuss your options. We are able to provide a free and confidential case examination so that you can determine the best plan of action based on full understanding of your options.
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With their main office in The Woodlands Texas, attorney Tommy Hastings is experienced in standing up for those who have been injured through no fault of their own. The Hastings Law Firm has successfully tried and settled medical malpractice, personal injury and defective medical device lawsuits nationwide, securing millions in positive verdicts and settlements for clients.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "25511 Budde Road #1402", "addressLocality": "The Woodlands", "addressRegion": "TX", "postalCode": "77380", "addressCountry": "USA" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "30.1321366", "longitude": "-95.4535882" }, "areaServed":"Texas", "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/n8ZzPtQ5FhP2", "openingHours": "Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 08:30-17:00", "telephone": "+1-281-466-1396", "telephone": "+1-877-269-4620" } { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Service", "serviceType": "Legal Services", "provider": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Hastings Law Firm" }, "hasOfferCatalog": { "@type": "OfferCatalog", "name": "Medical Malpractice Case Types", "description":"Hastings Law Firm specializes in legal cases across Texas invloving negligence of a medical professionals, doctor, nurse or that of a medical facility, hospital or care center.", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Medical malpractice occurs due to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Anesthesia Error Lawsuit", "description":"An anesthesia error can incur when the anesthesiologist makes a mistake or acts negligently while administering anesthesia.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/anesthesia-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"Hospitals that fail to provide patients with a standard of care can be sued for negligence. They can be held directly liable for their own negligence, but could also be held vicariously liable for the negligence of their employees.f", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-negligence/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Doctor Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"If you were injured by the negligence or incompetence of a doctor or then malpractice may have occured.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/doctor-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medication Error Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor prescribes the wrong medication or dosage to a patient, the patient may have grounds to file a malpractice case against the doctor.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/medication-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Misdiagnosis Lawsuit", "description":"Delayed diagnosis occurs when a doctor fails to diagnose a serious condition in an appropriate amount of time, leading to other health conditions, injuries or death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/misdiagnosis/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nurse Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing malpractice occurs when a nurse fails to competently perform his or her medical duties and that failure harms the patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/nurse-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Over-Prescribing Medications Lawsuit", "description":"If negligence in over-prescribing harmful medications can be proven, then medical malpractice may have occured ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/over-prescribing-medications/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Post Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"Post operative malpractice takes place when a physician or other health care provider causes injury or death to a patient by failing to meet the applicable standard during or after surgery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/postoperative-care-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital-Acquired Infection Lawsuit", "description":"A hospital acquired infection can cause undue stress and medical bills and time aside from the initial reason a patient entered the hospital to begin with. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-infection/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Bed sores are one of the most common and yet the most preventable conditions that afflict bed- or chair-bound patients. This condition is caused by the pressure of bedclothes and mattresses against fragile skin. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-bedsores/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Pediatric Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"There is any number of ways that pediatric malpractice can harm the health of a child, but there are some more common forms that this medical negligence can take, especially when it comes to misdiagnosing conditions. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/pediatric/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Failure To Diagnose Lawsuit", "description":"When doctors fail to provide a proper or accurate diagnosis, medical malpractice law allows patients to receive compensation for any resulting harm.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/failure-diagnose/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Prolonged Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Delays in surgery can cause your condition to become more severe and possibly more emergent. Doctors and hospitals should not increase the possibility of harm by delaying things or making the surgery longer than necessary. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/delayed-prolonged-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Gallbladder Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Gallbladder surgery has become more complicated and requires more skill due to changes in techniques used. Because this is a common outpatient procedure, many doctors who are not properly trained do this procedure routinely.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/gallbladder-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Organ Puncture Or Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Surgeons can puncture, perforate, or cut organs, nerves, or other tissue during surgery. If certain organs such as bowels, intestines, or the stomach are cut, they will leak harmful materials into the body cavity. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/organ-puncture-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"A surgical error that occurs during a surgical procedure by a doctor or surgeon is considered medical malpractice if the doctor or surgeon’s performance falls below the accepted standard of care that a reasonable surgeon under similar circumstances would exercise and the patient is injured or harmed as a result of the surgeon’s conduct.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Objects Left in Body Lawsuit", "description":"A retained foreign instrument after a surgery can lead to a serious injury and require further surgery. These foreign instruments can be surgical instruments, sponges, needles, blades and many other surgical devices.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/foreign-objects/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Bowel Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Injuries to the large and small bowel can result in extended hospital stays, disability, and even death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/bowel-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Robotic Surgery Error Lawsuit", "description":"The da Vinci Surgical Robot is a platform designed to facilitate complex adult and pediatric surgery, using a minimally invasive approach.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/robotic-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Laparoscopic Surgery Errors Lawsuit", "description":"The main cause of injury during laparoscopic surgery is the failure to notice that an incision was made in the wrong location or when the specialist is not available or called in to repair the damage.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/laparoscopic/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Prostate Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Prostate surgery or prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate gland.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/prostate/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hysterectomy Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"A hysterectomy is a removal of a woman’s uterus, but may also include the removal of other reproductive organs. If you have suffered injury as a result of a hysterectomy you may have a malpractice claim.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/hysterectomy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgery On Wrong Body Part Lawsuit", "description":"A lack of communication or missed information can lead to the surgeon cutting on the wrong arm, wrong leg, or even removing the wrong internal organ. These surgical errors constitute medical negligence.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/wrong-part-body/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing home abuse is a serious concern and seniors who have been abused have a 300 percent greater chance of death in the 3 years following the abuse than those who aren’t abused.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Overwhelmingly, bedsores are caused by patient immobility, which is most commonly seen in elderly patients in nursing homes, as well as those hospital patients that are unable to move, or are non-ambulatory.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/bedsores/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Elderly Dehydration Malnutrition Lawsuit", "description":"Elders are especially susceptible to dehydration and it poses an important problem to their health since it may cause other illnesses, some of which can be fatal.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/dehydration-malnutrition/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Fall Injuries Lawsuit", "description":"Falls are considered absolutely preventable, yet they make up more than a quarter of the visits to emergency rooms among nursing home patients. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/falls/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Physical & Sexual Elder Abuse", "description":"When a nursing home resident suffers physical pain, injury or impairment due to maltreatment or neglect, it is an example of physical abuse.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/physical-sexual-elder-abuse/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Insufficient Supervision in Nursing Homes Lawsuit", "description":"Many patients in nursing homes suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, and wandering around the home, and out of the home, is often a cause for injury for these patients.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/neglect/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Home Health Care Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"If a nurse acted negligently in caring for the patient at home, you may have a case against the nurse as well as the nursing agency that employed them.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/health-care-provider/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Birth Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Birth injuries are a serious matter regardless if they are small, such as a bruise or laceration on the child, or a severe injury that leaves your child permanently disabled.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Brain Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Infant brain damage can result in long-terms problems and disabilities, regardless of how minor the injury may seem.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-brain/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects the brain and causes motor deficiency. Cerebral palsy develops due to a brain malformation or injury before, during, or shortly after birth, ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/cerebral-palsy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Erb's Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Erb’s palsy, a form of obstetric brachial plexus disorder, is an injury that occurs when the nerves in a baby’s upper arm are damaged.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/erbs-palsy/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Brachial Plexus Lawsuit", "description":"One of the most common causes of infant brachial plexus include excessive stretching and force during labor and delivery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/brachial-plexus/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Shoulder Dystocia Lawsuit", "description":"Shoulder Dystocia Shoulder dystocia is a birth injury that occurs when an infant’s head and shoulders get trapped behind the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/shoulder-dystocia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Birthing Technique Lawsuit", "description":"Birth complications are common and doctors are specifically trained to handle them with difference techniques involve manipulations and tools.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-delivery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Wrongful Death Lawsuit", "description":"Wrongful death due to negligence or improper actions are usually held against the medical provider either for the death of the child, the death of the mother in birth.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-wrongful-death/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Fetal Monitoring Lawsuit", "description":"Failure to monitor, detect and treat ailments in the mother or baby during preganancy may be cause for medical malpractice.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-monitoring/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"OB-GYN Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"OBGYN malpractice cases can develop during pregnancy and after a baby has been delivered because it is the OBGYN’s duty to keep a close eye on the condition of the mother and the baby and to be prepared for any possible challenges or risks.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/ob-gyn-malpractice/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Eclampsia or Preeclampsia Lawsuit", "description":"Preeclampsia occurs when there is a rise in blood pressure during pregnancy, and is often marked by signs of damage to organs.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/eclampsia-preeclampsia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Forceps Delivery Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Most physicians acknowledge that sometimes there is a risk of forceps delivery injury, but if there are other problems during labor and delivery, they may turn to forceps for assistance.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/forceps-vacuum-extraction/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Untimely C-Sections Lawsuit", "description":" A delayed C-section can also be caused by failure to closely monitor the mother for distress, and in some cases, failure to secure an operation room in time to perform the surgery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/c-sections/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Fetal Death Or Stillbirth Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor and/or medical staff performed an action that led to a stillborn birth, or failed to perform medical intervention that could have prevented a stillborn birth, they may be liable for damages.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/death-stillbirth/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Medical Devices Lawsuit", "description":"When companies make these devices defective out of carelessness or a cynical attempt to save a few dollars, patients have the right to strike back with a defective medical device lawsuit.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Joint Replacement Lawsuit", "description":"Total joint replacement, also known as arthroplasty, utilizes modern polymers and metals combined with advanced techniques to create artificial joints. If the implant model you were fitted with has been recalled you may have a malpractice case.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/joint-implant/" } } ] } }
Our Attorneys Serve the Following Cities Near Huffman
Deer Park
La Porte
League City
Missouri City
Sugar Land
Texas City
The Woodlands
Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Types We Handle
View All
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Altered Hospital Records Amputation Anesthesia Errors Aneurysm Arteriography Athetosis Bedsores Birth Injuries Blindness Blood Clot Bone Fractures Brain Damage Burn Treatment Cancer Misdiagnosis Cardiac Catheterization Cardiology Malpractice Carotid Endarterectomy Chemotherapy Malpractice Cognitive Functions Colonoscopy Congestive Heart Failure Coumadin CT Scan Radiation Overdose Decubitus Ulcer Dialysis Error Drop Foot Drug Interaction Drug Recall
Dystonia Early Discharge Complications Emergency Room Errors Failed Hip Implant Surgery Failed Knee Replacements Failure To Diagnose Illness Failure To Monitor Patient Failure To Treat Fetal Distress Fetal Hypoxia Gandolinium And NSF Gastric Bypass Gynecological Malpractice Heart Attack Hip And Leg Injuries Horners Syndrome Hospital Assistant Negligence Hospital Liability Ignoring Patient Allergies Infant Acidosis Infant Kernicterus Infant Leptomeningeal Cyst Injuries During Labor IV Fluid Contamination Lack Of Informed Consent Medical Equipment Failure Medical Facility Negligence Medical Incompetence Midwive Malpractice Military & VA Malpractice
Miscarriage Misdiagnosis Mistreating Infections Nerve Damage Neurosurgical Errors Nurse Negligence Nursing Home Abuse Obstetrics Malpractice Orthopedic Surgical Errors Paralysis Paramedic Malpractice Perinatal Asphyxia Physical Therapist Malpractice Premature Birth Prescription Drug Errors Pressure Ulcer Radiation Injury Radiation Overdose Sepsis Spinal Cord Injury Surgical Errors Terminal Illness Toxoplasmosis Tubal Pregnancy Complications Understaffed Emergency Rooms Urology Malpractice X-Ray Overdose
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hastingsfirm · 8 years ago
Humble Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Humble Texas Medical Malpractice Lawyers
A Medical Negligence Law Firm Helping You Hold Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable
Doctors and other medical professionals are respected members of our society. We trust them with some of the most important decisions that affect us and our loved ones. As in all professions, mistakes are made and sadly it is the patients who suffer an injury, illness (or worse) as a result. It is not uncommon for medical professionals to try and cover up their mistakes and this can result in the injury or illness becoming more serious.
If you or someone you love has been injured by medical malpractice, you need help to prove that negligence occurred. The medical & insurance industries almost always have skilled defense attorneys who aggressively defend their clients’ interests. Accordingly, you require the representation of an equally experienced attorney to obtain a successful result. Whether you have suffered an injury due to a surgical error, or a misdiagnosis has resulted in a serious illness, Hastings Law Firm P.C. can help.
Hire the Best Medical Malpractice Law Firm With No Upfront Cost
No Win, No Fee for Most Cases
Successful Track Record with Millions Recovered
Friendly, Compassionate Staff
The lawyers at The Hastings Law Firm are experts in representing families and victims of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you suspect that you or a loved one suffered an injury because a physician, healthcare professional, or healthcare facility failed to execute their responsibilities properly, we urge you to contact our office without delay. We will start with a free case consultation where we can explore the crucial aspects in your potential court case and help you be aware of your legal rights.
We do this because we care. We have a vested interest in what happens to you and the overall outcome of your case. We feel that this relaxed attitude enhances what we do because it makes us want to fight harder for you and your cause.
“Cases aren’t won by the lawyer with the fanciest tie, but by the lawyer who works the hardest and cares the most.” — Tommy Hastings, founding attorney
A Humble Personal Injury Attorney Specializing in Medical Malpractice Cases
Tommy Hastings is an accomplished medical malpractice attorney serving the Humble area who has obtained millions of dollars in compensation for victims of medical negligence through verdicts and settlements throughout the state of Texas. With our help, we have provided our neighbors and fellow community members with the means by which they can begin putting their lives back in order.
Hire an Experienced & Dedicated Injury Attorney Near You
When you work with us, you will get to know everyone in our office. We treat everyone here as family, and we want to see you succeed. This ensures that our team relates to each client on an individual basis and cares deeply about the results. You are not just “another case” to us; you are a real person who has been hurt and who deserves justice.
Don’t Wait To Get the Help You Deserve
Call Now 713-543-8063
A Complicated Situation Requiring Significant Expertise
Medical malpractice cases can be notoriously difficult. In-depth medical knowledge is required, as is an understanding of the cost of a medically induced injury over a lifetime. Our Humble attorneys consult with medical experts and financial experts to determine the damages in your case.
The medical community puts up many obstacles to avoid being held accountable for its mistakes. We know how to overcome these obstacles, and we know the ins and outs of the legal and medical systems. We have an established relationship with the opposition and know how to resolve cases efficiently. We will help you get the care you need and the compensation you are entitled to for the harm done to you.
Call Us To Learn More About How Our Texas Law Firm Can Help You With Your Case
The attorneys at The Hastings Law Firm specialize in representing families and patients of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you think you or a loved one might have suffered malpractice due to negligence, we encourage you to contact our experienced team of lawyers to discuss your options. We are able to provide a free and confidential case examination so that you can determine the best plan of action based on full understanding of your options.
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With their main office in The Woodlands Texas, attorney Tommy Hastings is experienced in standing up for those who have been injured through no fault of their own. The Hastings Law Firm has successfully tried and settled medical malpractice, personal injury and defective medical device lawsuits nationwide, securing millions in positive verdicts and settlements for clients.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "25511 Budde Road #1402", "addressLocality": "The Woodlands", "addressRegion": "TX", "postalCode": "77380", "addressCountry": "USA" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "30.1321366", "longitude": "-95.4535882" }, "areaServed":"Texas", "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/n8ZzPtQ5FhP2", "openingHours": "Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 08:30-17:00", "telephone": "+1-281-466-1396", "telephone": "+1-877-269-4620" } { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Service", "serviceType": "Legal Services", "provider": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Hastings Law Firm" }, "hasOfferCatalog": { "@type": "OfferCatalog", "name": "Medical Malpractice Case Types", "description":"Hastings Law Firm specializes in legal cases across Texas invloving negligence of a medical professionals, doctor, nurse or that of a medical facility, hospital or care center.", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Medical malpractice occurs due to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Anesthesia Error Lawsuit", "description":"An anesthesia error can incur when the anesthesiologist makes a mistake or acts negligently while administering anesthesia.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/anesthesia-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"Hospitals that fail to provide patients with a standard of care can be sued for negligence. They can be held directly liable for their own negligence, but could also be held vicariously liable for the negligence of their employees.f", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-negligence/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Doctor Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"If you were injured by the negligence or incompetence of a doctor or then malpractice may have occured.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/doctor-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medication Error Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor prescribes the wrong medication or dosage to a patient, the patient may have grounds to file a malpractice case against the doctor.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/medication-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Misdiagnosis Lawsuit", "description":"Delayed diagnosis occurs when a doctor fails to diagnose a serious condition in an appropriate amount of time, leading to other health conditions, injuries or death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/misdiagnosis/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nurse Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing malpractice occurs when a nurse fails to competently perform his or her medical duties and that failure harms the patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/nurse-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Over-Prescribing Medications Lawsuit", "description":"If negligence in over-prescribing harmful medications can be proven, then medical malpractice may have occured ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/over-prescribing-medications/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Post Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"Post operative malpractice takes place when a physician or other health care provider causes injury or death to a patient by failing to meet the applicable standard during or after surgery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/postoperative-care-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital-Acquired Infection Lawsuit", "description":"A hospital acquired infection can cause undue stress and medical bills and time aside from the initial reason a patient entered the hospital to begin with. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-infection/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Bed sores are one of the most common and yet the most preventable conditions that afflict bed- or chair-bound patients. This condition is caused by the pressure of bedclothes and mattresses against fragile skin. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-bedsores/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Pediatric Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"There is any number of ways that pediatric malpractice can harm the health of a child, but there are some more common forms that this medical negligence can take, especially when it comes to misdiagnosing conditions. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/pediatric/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Failure To Diagnose Lawsuit", "description":"When doctors fail to provide a proper or accurate diagnosis, medical malpractice law allows patients to receive compensation for any resulting harm.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/failure-diagnose/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Prolonged Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Delays in surgery can cause your condition to become more severe and possibly more emergent. Doctors and hospitals should not increase the possibility of harm by delaying things or making the surgery longer than necessary. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/delayed-prolonged-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Gallbladder Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Gallbladder surgery has become more complicated and requires more skill due to changes in techniques used. Because this is a common outpatient procedure, many doctors who are not properly trained do this procedure routinely.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/gallbladder-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Organ Puncture Or Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Surgeons can puncture, perforate, or cut organs, nerves, or other tissue during surgery. If certain organs such as bowels, intestines, or the stomach are cut, they will leak harmful materials into the body cavity. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/organ-puncture-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"A surgical error that occurs during a surgical procedure by a doctor or surgeon is considered medical malpractice if the doctor or surgeon’s performance falls below the accepted standard of care that a reasonable surgeon under similar circumstances would exercise and the patient is injured or harmed as a result of the surgeon’s conduct.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Objects Left in Body Lawsuit", "description":"A retained foreign instrument after a surgery can lead to a serious injury and require further surgery. These foreign instruments can be surgical instruments, sponges, needles, blades and many other surgical devices.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/foreign-objects/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Bowel Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Injuries to the large and small bowel can result in extended hospital stays, disability, and even death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/bowel-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Robotic Surgery Error Lawsuit", "description":"The da Vinci Surgical Robot is a platform designed to facilitate complex adult and pediatric surgery, using a minimally invasive approach.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/robotic-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Laparoscopic Surgery Errors Lawsuit", "description":"The main cause of injury during laparoscopic surgery is the failure to notice that an incision was made in the wrong location or when the specialist is not available or called in to repair the damage.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/laparoscopic/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Prostate Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Prostate surgery or prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate gland.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/prostate/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hysterectomy Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"A hysterectomy is a removal of a woman’s uterus, but may also include the removal of other reproductive organs. If you have suffered injury as a result of a hysterectomy you may have a malpractice claim.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/hysterectomy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgery On Wrong Body Part Lawsuit", "description":"A lack of communication or missed information can lead to the surgeon cutting on the wrong arm, wrong leg, or even removing the wrong internal organ. These surgical errors constitute medical negligence.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/wrong-part-body/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing home abuse is a serious concern and seniors who have been abused have a 300 percent greater chance of death in the 3 years following the abuse than those who aren’t abused.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Overwhelmingly, bedsores are caused by patient immobility, which is most commonly seen in elderly patients in nursing homes, as well as those hospital patients that are unable to move, or are non-ambulatory.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/bedsores/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Elderly Dehydration Malnutrition Lawsuit", "description":"Elders are especially susceptible to dehydration and it poses an important problem to their health since it may cause other illnesses, some of which can be fatal.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/dehydration-malnutrition/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Fall Injuries Lawsuit", "description":"Falls are considered absolutely preventable, yet they make up more than a quarter of the visits to emergency rooms among nursing home patients. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/falls/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Physical & Sexual Elder Abuse", "description":"When a nursing home resident suffers physical pain, injury or impairment due to maltreatment or neglect, it is an example of physical abuse.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/physical-sexual-elder-abuse/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Insufficient Supervision in Nursing Homes Lawsuit", "description":"Many patients in nursing homes suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, and wandering around the home, and out of the home, is often a cause for injury for these patients.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/neglect/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Home Health Care Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"If a nurse acted negligently in caring for the patient at home, you may have a case against the nurse as well as the nursing agency that employed them.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/health-care-provider/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Birth Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Birth injuries are a serious matter regardless if they are small, such as a bruise or laceration on the child, or a severe injury that leaves your child permanently disabled.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Brain Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Infant brain damage can result in long-terms problems and disabilities, regardless of how minor the injury may seem.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-brain/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects the brain and causes motor deficiency. Cerebral palsy develops due to a brain malformation or injury before, during, or shortly after birth, ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/cerebral-palsy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Erb's Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Erb’s palsy, a form of obstetric brachial plexus disorder, is an injury that occurs when the nerves in a baby’s upper arm are damaged.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/erbs-palsy/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Brachial Plexus Lawsuit", "description":"One of the most common causes of infant brachial plexus include excessive stretching and force during labor and delivery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/brachial-plexus/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Shoulder Dystocia Lawsuit", "description":"Shoulder Dystocia Shoulder dystocia is a birth injury that occurs when an infant’s head and shoulders get trapped behind the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/shoulder-dystocia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Birthing Technique Lawsuit", "description":"Birth complications are common and doctors are specifically trained to handle them with difference techniques involve manipulations and tools.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-delivery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Wrongful Death Lawsuit", "description":"Wrongful death due to negligence or improper actions are usually held against the medical provider either for the death of the child, the death of the mother in birth.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-wrongful-death/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Fetal Monitoring Lawsuit", "description":"Failure to monitor, detect and treat ailments in the mother or baby during preganancy may be cause for medical malpractice.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-monitoring/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"OB-GYN Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"OBGYN malpractice cases can develop during pregnancy and after a baby has been delivered because it is the OBGYN’s duty to keep a close eye on the condition of the mother and the baby and to be prepared for any possible challenges or risks.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/ob-gyn-malpractice/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Eclampsia or Preeclampsia Lawsuit", "description":"Preeclampsia occurs when there is a rise in blood pressure during pregnancy, and is often marked by signs of damage to organs.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/eclampsia-preeclampsia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Forceps Delivery Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Most physicians acknowledge that sometimes there is a risk of forceps delivery injury, but if there are other problems during labor and delivery, they may turn to forceps for assistance.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/forceps-vacuum-extraction/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Untimely C-Sections Lawsuit", "description":" A delayed C-section can also be caused by failure to closely monitor the mother for distress, and in some cases, failure to secure an operation room in time to perform the surgery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/c-sections/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Fetal Death Or Stillbirth Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor and/or medical staff performed an action that led to a stillborn birth, or failed to perform medical intervention that could have prevented a stillborn birth, they may be liable for damages.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/death-stillbirth/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Medical Devices Lawsuit", "description":"When companies make these devices defective out of carelessness or a cynical attempt to save a few dollars, patients have the right to strike back with a defective medical device lawsuit.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Joint Replacement Lawsuit", "description":"Total joint replacement, also known as arthroplasty, utilizes modern polymers and metals combined with advanced techniques to create artificial joints. If the implant model you were fitted with has been recalled you may have a malpractice case.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/joint-implant/" } } ] } }
Our Attorneys Serve the Following Cities Near Humble
Deer Park
La Porte
League City
Missouri City
Sugar Land
Texas City
The Woodlands
Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Types We Handle
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Altered Hospital Records Amputation Anesthesia Errors Aneurysm Arteriography Athetosis Bedsores Birth Injuries Blindness Blood Clot Bone Fractures Brain Damage Burn Treatment Cancer Misdiagnosis Cardiac Catheterization Cardiology Malpractice Carotid Endarterectomy Chemotherapy Malpractice Cognitive Functions Colonoscopy Congestive Heart Failure Coumadin CT Scan Radiation Overdose Decubitus Ulcer Dialysis Error Drop Foot Drug Interaction Drug Recall
Dystonia Early Discharge Complications Emergency Room Errors Failed Hip Implant Surgery Failed Knee Replacements Failure To Diagnose Illness Failure To Monitor Patient Failure To Treat Fetal Distress Fetal Hypoxia Gandolinium And NSF Gastric Bypass Gynecological Malpractice Heart Attack Hip And Leg Injuries Horners Syndrome Hospital Assistant Negligence Hospital Liability Ignoring Patient Allergies Infant Acidosis Infant Kernicterus Infant Leptomeningeal Cyst Injuries During Labor IV Fluid Contamination Lack Of Informed Consent Medical Equipment Failure Medical Facility Negligence Medical Incompetence Midwive Malpractice Military & VA Malpractice
Miscarriage Misdiagnosis Mistreating Infections Nerve Damage Neurosurgical Errors Nurse Negligence Nursing Home Abuse Obstetrics Malpractice Orthopedic Surgical Errors Paralysis Paramedic Malpractice Perinatal Asphyxia Physical Therapist Malpractice Premature Birth Prescription Drug Errors Pressure Ulcer Radiation Injury Radiation Overdose Sepsis Spinal Cord Injury Surgical Errors Terminal Illness Toxoplasmosis Tubal Pregnancy Complications Understaffed Emergency Rooms Urology Malpractice X-Ray Overdose
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hastingsfirm · 8 years ago
Spring Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Spring Texas Medical Malpractice Lawyers
A Medical Negligence Law Firm Helping You Hold Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable
Doctors and other medical professionals are respected members of our society. We trust them with some of the most important decisions that affect us and our loved ones. All too often, they fail to live up to that trust, and we fail to question or doubt our doctors and medical providers, even as innocent patients are hurt because of their negligent acts. When it comes time to hold the responsible party accountable for your injury, you can depend on the attorneys at Hastings Law Firm P.C. to represent your interests effectively.
If you or someone you love has been injured by medical malpractice, you need help to prove that negligence occurred. The medical & insurance industries almost always have skilled defense attorneys who aggressively defend their clients’ interests. You need someone with equal experience, who specializes in malpractice cases to help you win your case. Whether you have suffered an injury due to a surgical error, or a misdiagnosis has resulted in a serious illness, Hastings Law Firm P.C. can help.
Hire the Best Medical Malpractice Law Firm With No Upfront Cost
No Win, No Fee for Most Cases
Successful Track Record with Millions Recovered
Friendly, Compassionate Staff
The lawyers at The Hastings Law Firm are experts in representing families and victims of medical malpractice throughout Texas. If you suspect that you or a loved one suffered an injury because a physician, healthcare professional, or healthcare facility failed to execute their responsibilities properly, we urge you to contact our office without delay. We will start with a free case consultation where we can explore the crucial aspects in your potential court case and help you be aware of your legal rights.
We do this because we care. We have a vested interest in what happens to you and the overall outcome of your case. We feel that this relaxed attitude enhances what we do because it makes us want to fight harder for you and your cause.
“Cases aren’t won by the lawyer with the fanciest tie, but by the lawyer who works the hardest and cares the most.” — Tommy Hastings, founding attorney
A Spring Personal Injury Attorney Specializing in Medical Malpractice Cases
Tommy Hastings has dedicated his legal career to medical malpractice. His clients have benefited from millions of dollars in compensation acquired through successful verdicts and settlements in the state of Texas. His track record of success is extensive and his clients all appreciate the hard work he puts in to achieving a positive outcome.
Hire an Experienced & Dedicated Injury Attorney Near You
When you work with us, you will get to know everyone in our office. We cannot take away the pain or the injury, but we can help you move forward. While many people may think this relaxed attitude may be a detriment, we find this helps us think differently about you and your case. You are not just “another case” to us; you are a real person who has been hurt and who deserves justice.
Don’t Wait To Get the Help You Deserve
Call Now 713-543-8063
A Complicated Situation Requiring Significant Expertise
Medical malpractice cases can be notoriously difficult. In-depth medical knowledge is required, as is an understanding of the cost of a medically induced injury over a lifetime. Our Spring attorneys consult with medical experts and financial experts to determine the damages in your case.
The medical community puts up many obstacles to avoid being held accountable for its mistakes. We know how to overcome these obstacles, and we know the ins and outs of the legal and medical systems. We have an established relationship with the opposition and know how to resolve cases efficiently. We will help you get the care you need and the compensation you are entitled to for the harm done to you.
Call Us To Learn More About How Our Texas Law Firm Can Help You With Your Case
The Hastings Law Firm is a dedicated medical malpractice law office representing patients and their family members who have suffered injuries or death in instances involving medical errors or negligence. If you think that you or a loved one suffered an injury because a physician, medical professional, or hospital did not perform their duties correctly, we urge you to contact our office without delay. We are able to provide a free and private case evaluation to help you identify the best course of action based on full knowledge of your options.
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With their main office in The Woodlands Texas, attorney Tommy Hastings is experienced in standing up for those who have been injured through no fault of their own. The Hastings Law Firm has successfully tried and settled medical malpractice, personal injury and defective medical device lawsuits nationwide, securing millions in positive verdicts and settlements for clients.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "25511 Budde Road #1402", "addressLocality": "The Woodlands", "addressRegion": "TX", "postalCode": "77380", "addressCountry": "USA" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "30.1321366", "longitude": "-95.4535882" }, "areaServed":"Texas", "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/n8ZzPtQ5FhP2", "openingHours": "Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 08:30-17:00", "telephone": "+1-281-466-1396", "telephone": "+1-877-269-4620" } { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Service", "serviceType": "Legal Services", "provider": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Hastings Law Firm" }, "hasOfferCatalog": { "@type": "OfferCatalog", "name": "Medical Malpractice Case Types", "description":"Hastings Law Firm specializes in legal cases across Texas invloving negligence of a medical professionals, doctor, nurse or that of a medical facility, hospital or care center.", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Medical malpractice occurs due to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Anesthesia Error Lawsuit", "description":"An anesthesia error can incur when the anesthesiologist makes a mistake or acts negligently while administering anesthesia.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/anesthesia-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"Hospitals that fail to provide patients with a standard of care can be sued for negligence. They can be held directly liable for their own negligence, but could also be held vicariously liable for the negligence of their employees.f", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-negligence/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Doctor Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"If you were injured by the negligence or incompetence of a doctor or then malpractice may have occured.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/doctor-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medication Error Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor prescribes the wrong medication or dosage to a patient, the patient may have grounds to file a malpractice case against the doctor.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/medication-error/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Misdiagnosis Lawsuit", "description":"Delayed diagnosis occurs when a doctor fails to diagnose a serious condition in an appropriate amount of time, leading to other health conditions, injuries or death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/misdiagnosis/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nurse Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing malpractice occurs when a nurse fails to competently perform his or her medical duties and that failure harms the patient.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/nurse-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Over-Prescribing Medications Lawsuit", "description":"If negligence in over-prescribing harmful medications can be proven, then medical malpractice may have occured ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/over-prescribing-medications/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Post Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"Post operative malpractice takes place when a physician or other health care provider causes injury or death to a patient by failing to meet the applicable standard during or after surgery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/postoperative-care-errors/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital-Acquired Infection Lawsuit", "description":"A hospital acquired infection can cause undue stress and medical bills and time aside from the initial reason a patient entered the hospital to begin with. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-infection/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hospital Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Bed sores are one of the most common and yet the most preventable conditions that afflict bed- or chair-bound patients. This condition is caused by the pressure of bedclothes and mattresses against fragile skin. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/hospital-bedsores/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Pediatric Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"There is any number of ways that pediatric malpractice can harm the health of a child, but there are some more common forms that this medical negligence can take, especially when it comes to misdiagnosing conditions. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/pediatric/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Failure To Diagnose Lawsuit", "description":"When doctors fail to provide a proper or accurate diagnosis, medical malpractice law allows patients to receive compensation for any resulting harm.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/failure-diagnose/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Prolonged Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Delays in surgery can cause your condition to become more severe and possibly more emergent. Doctors and hospitals should not increase the possibility of harm by delaying things or making the surgery longer than necessary. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/delayed-prolonged-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Gallbladder Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Gallbladder surgery has become more complicated and requires more skill due to changes in techniques used. Because this is a common outpatient procedure, many doctors who are not properly trained do this procedure routinely.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/gallbladder-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Organ Puncture Or Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Surgeons can puncture, perforate, or cut organs, nerves, or other tissue during surgery. If certain organs such as bowels, intestines, or the stomach are cut, they will leak harmful materials into the body cavity. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-medical-malpractice-attorney/organ-puncture-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgical Error Lawsuit", "description":"A surgical error that occurs during a surgical procedure by a doctor or surgeon is considered medical malpractice if the doctor or surgeon’s performance falls below the accepted standard of care that a reasonable surgeon under similar circumstances would exercise and the patient is injured or harmed as a result of the surgeon’s conduct.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Medical Objects Left in Body Lawsuit", "description":"A retained foreign instrument after a surgery can lead to a serious injury and require further surgery. These foreign instruments can be surgical instruments, sponges, needles, blades and many other surgical devices.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/foreign-objects/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Bowel Perforation Lawsuit", "description":"Injuries to the large and small bowel can result in extended hospital stays, disability, and even death.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/bowel-perforation/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Robotic Surgery Error Lawsuit", "description":"The da Vinci Surgical Robot is a platform designed to facilitate complex adult and pediatric surgery, using a minimally invasive approach.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/robotic-surgery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Laparoscopic Surgery Errors Lawsuit", "description":"The main cause of injury during laparoscopic surgery is the failure to notice that an incision was made in the wrong location or when the specialist is not available or called in to repair the damage.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/laparoscopic/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Prostate Surgery Lawsuit", "description":"Prostate surgery or prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate gland.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/prostate/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Hysterectomy Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"A hysterectomy is a removal of a woman’s uterus, but may also include the removal of other reproductive organs. If you have suffered injury as a result of a hysterectomy you may have a malpractice claim.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/hysterectomy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Surgery On Wrong Body Part Lawsuit", "description":"A lack of communication or missed information can lead to the surgeon cutting on the wrong arm, wrong leg, or even removing the wrong internal organ. These surgical errors constitute medical negligence.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-surgical-error-attorney/wrong-part-body/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit", "description":"Nursing home abuse is a serious concern and seniors who have been abused have a 300 percent greater chance of death in the 3 years following the abuse than those who aren’t abused.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Bedsores Lawsuit", "description":"Overwhelmingly, bedsores are caused by patient immobility, which is most commonly seen in elderly patients in nursing homes, as well as those hospital patients that are unable to move, or are non-ambulatory.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/bedsores/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Elderly Dehydration Malnutrition Lawsuit", "description":"Elders are especially susceptible to dehydration and it poses an important problem to their health since it may cause other illnesses, some of which can be fatal.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/dehydration-malnutrition/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Nursing Home Fall Injuries Lawsuit", "description":"Falls are considered absolutely preventable, yet they make up more than a quarter of the visits to emergency rooms among nursing home patients. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/falls/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Physical & Sexual Elder Abuse", "description":"When a nursing home resident suffers physical pain, injury or impairment due to maltreatment or neglect, it is an example of physical abuse.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/physical-sexual-elder-abuse/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Insufficient Supervision in Nursing Homes Lawsuit", "description":"Many patients in nursing homes suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, and wandering around the home, and out of the home, is often a cause for injury for these patients.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/neglect/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Home Health Care Negligence Lawsuit", "description":"If a nurse acted negligently in caring for the patient at home, you may have a case against the nurse as well as the nursing agency that employed them.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-nursing-home-injury-attorney/health-care-provider/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Birth Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Birth injuries are a serious matter regardless if they are small, such as a bruise or laceration on the child, or a severe injury that leaves your child permanently disabled.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Brain Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Infant brain damage can result in long-terms problems and disabilities, regardless of how minor the injury may seem.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-brain/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects the brain and causes motor deficiency. Cerebral palsy develops due to a brain malformation or injury before, during, or shortly after birth, ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/cerebral-palsy/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Erb's Palsy Lawsuit", "description":"Erb’s palsy, a form of obstetric brachial plexus disorder, is an injury that occurs when the nerves in a baby’s upper arm are damaged.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/erbs-palsy/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Brachial Plexus Lawsuit", "description":"One of the most common causes of infant brachial plexus include excessive stretching and force during labor and delivery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/brachial-plexus/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Shoulder Dystocia Lawsuit", "description":"Shoulder Dystocia Shoulder dystocia is a birth injury that occurs when an infant’s head and shoulders get trapped behind the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. ", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/shoulder-dystocia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Birthing Technique Lawsuit", "description":"Birth complications are common and doctors are specifically trained to handle them with difference techniques involve manipulations and tools.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-delivery/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Infant Wrongful Death Lawsuit", "description":"Wrongful death due to negligence or improper actions are usually held against the medical provider either for the death of the child, the death of the mother in birth.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/infant-wrongful-death/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Improper Fetal Monitoring Lawsuit", "description":"Failure to monitor, detect and treat ailments in the mother or baby during preganancy may be cause for medical malpractice.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/improper-monitoring/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"OB-GYN Malpractice Lawsuit", "description":"OBGYN malpractice cases can develop during pregnancy and after a baby has been delivered because it is the OBGYN’s duty to keep a close eye on the condition of the mother and the baby and to be prepared for any possible challenges or risks.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/ob-gyn-malpractice/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Eclampsia or Preeclampsia Lawsuit", "description":"Preeclampsia occurs when there is a rise in blood pressure during pregnancy, and is often marked by signs of damage to organs.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/eclampsia-preeclampsia/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Forceps Delivery Injury Lawsuit", "description":"Most physicians acknowledge that sometimes there is a risk of forceps delivery injury, but if there are other problems during labor and delivery, they may turn to forceps for assistance.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/forceps-vacuum-extraction/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Delayed Or Untimely C-Sections Lawsuit", "description":" A delayed C-section can also be caused by failure to closely monitor the mother for distress, and in some cases, failure to secure an operation room in time to perform the surgery.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/c-sections/" } } ,{ "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Fetal Death Or Stillbirth Lawsuit", "description":"If a doctor and/or medical staff performed an action that led to a stillborn birth, or failed to perform medical intervention that could have prevented a stillborn birth, they may be liable for damages.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-birth-injury-attorney/death-stillbirth/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Medical Devices Lawsuit", "description":"When companies make these devices defective out of carelessness or a cynical attempt to save a few dollars, patients have the right to strike back with a defective medical device lawsuit.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/" } }, { "@type": "Offer", "itemOffered": { "@type": "Service", "name":"Defective Joint Replacement Lawsuit", "description":"Total joint replacement, also known as arthroplasty, utilizes modern polymers and metals combined with advanced techniques to create artificial joints. If the implant model you were fitted with has been recalled you may have a malpractice case.", "url":"http://www.hastingsfirm.com/texas-defective-medical-device-attorney/joint-implant/" } } ] } }
Our Attorneys Serve the Following Cities Near Spring
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Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Types We Handle
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Altered Hospital Records Amputation Anesthesia Errors Aneurysm Arteriography Athetosis Bedsores Birth Injuries Blindness Blood Clot Bone Fractures Brain Damage Burn Treatment Cancer Misdiagnosis Cardiac Catheterization Cardiology Malpractice Carotid Endarterectomy Chemotherapy Malpractice Cognitive Functions Colonoscopy Congestive Heart Failure Coumadin CT Scan Radiation Overdose Decubitus Ulcer Dialysis Error Drop Foot Drug Interaction Drug Recall
Dystonia Early Discharge Complications Emergency Room Errors Failed Hip Implant Surgery Failed Knee Replacements Failure To Diagnose Illness Failure To Monitor Patient Failure To Treat Fetal Distress Fetal Hypoxia Gandolinium And NSF Gastric Bypass Gynecological Malpractice Heart Attack Hip And Leg Injuries Horners Syndrome Hospital Assistant Negligence Hospital Liability Ignoring Patient Allergies Infant Acidosis Infant Kernicterus Infant Leptomeningeal Cyst Injuries During Labor IV Fluid Contamination Lack Of Informed Consent Medical Equipment Failure Medical Facility Negligence Medical Incompetence Midwive Malpractice Military & VA Malpractice
Miscarriage Misdiagnosis Mistreating Infections Nerve Damage Neurosurgical Errors Nurse Negligence Nursing Home Abuse Obstetrics Malpractice Orthopedic Surgical Errors Paralysis Paramedic Malpractice Perinatal Asphyxia Physical Therapist Malpractice Premature Birth Prescription Drug Errors Pressure Ulcer Radiation Injury Radiation Overdose Sepsis Spinal Cord Injury Surgical Errors Terminal Illness Toxoplasmosis Tubal Pregnancy Complications Understaffed Emergency Rooms Urology Malpractice X-Ray Overdose
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