hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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My final projects theme of images revolves around the sky. The sky you look up at is very versatile and almost never looks the same exact way. Just like how no thumb print is a like, it is so with sunsets too. I am capturing the different moods the sky can show us. I focused on taking my images around sunset or golden hour. My images do not just represent the iconic warm colored sky that you are so used to seeing in the media. The sky can be and represent many different feelings. The sky could be grey and colorless and empty or full of light rays or clouds or sun showers. I am showing how changing and complex one time of day can be for the sky. I did not want to over edit these pictures too keep the simple beauty. I think all forms of our sky show beauty beyond comparison. Nature is the ultimate artist. It is something that we see everyday but not always notice or appreciate. You should appreciate every sunset even the boring ones you never know when it will be your last. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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ISO 800 f/4.5 1/200 sec
album Come over when your sober pt.1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8OtBzFYavE&list=PL8YH4mOwWryXzh7uvhCfjDGcFYEDz4zV8
playlist of the album two good songs are “the bright side” and “save that shit”
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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first- ISO 720 f/5.0 1/200 sec
second- ISO 12800 f/4.8  1/100 sec
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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YouTube playlist link of the album-
The album I am focusing on is Come Over When Your Sober Pt.1 by Lil Peep. This music is classified as rap music mixed with a punk vibe and is explicit. The lyrics as well as the album cover art has a alone and tiered feel. This album cover shows the artist smoking a cigarette while laying down in a bed covered with various objects just around him. This follows the music's lyrics are a long the lines of love, heart break, loneliness, and benders. He follows a color theme using the many pink objects in the image.  This cover art perfectly embodies the album. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
Carla Ciuffo, Unwrapping Jakob, Nashville TN
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I saw this image and I was instantly drawn to it. This photo of a young girl with what could look like a piece of  a mask covering a third of her face. This picture has a unexplainable creepy aura. The texture added makes the photo seem a little haunting. The dark spots around the edge of her face makes this photo look so much more dramatic. This looks like it could be a horror movie cover. The mask and they coloration along with the lined texture seen on her face make her look like a doll but also very scared. i cant image what the photographer said to prompt this expression. This is a really strong thriller/suspenseful picture. The editing is what makes this image so strong. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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top- ISO 6400, f/3.5, 1/60 sec
bottom- ISO 1800, f/3.5, 1/60 sec
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
The series of photos I looked at on Lens Culture was done by Tong Lam.
The title of the series is called “ Where There is No Room For Fiction”. The key word I stuck in was landscape. I chose this series of images due to the first cityscape photograph I saw which had a very dark background and a very lit up building. Apon further inspection when I opened the series I noticed the building seems oddly lit up because it is a projection. I pull to the photo it has the contrast of a projection of a man living in what looks like unfavorable conditions with a large skyscraper in the background. As I look through the pictures he has and you can clearly tell the theme is the contrast of the lavish new buildings to live in verse the small rundown old apartments or a lone human most looking a little lost in the world or forgotten about. 
He does a very good job at getting good contrast in the photos or creating or adding contrast with the projections. The image has the broken half in a ruined building with a larger new skyscraper in the background visible through the fog. This is the second image in his series. This shows this class and wealth problem the artist is highlighting. He as well had photos the showed the upper class areas and some that just showed lower class people just living. 
All the photos he has follows his theme of the wealthy in China vs the common citizen. This shows that even with progress people are forgotten. The artist in his artist statement mentions that China shows a utopian future with urban development but leaves the poor urban slums behind. He is exposing reality and not just what is shown or advertised. His images are very moving. This show today's societies problems very well. The advertising of a utopian life and continuous development. Then seeing the real contrast of the actual world that most don’t live that way, most live in undesirable areas. Places and realities that would never be advertised to the public. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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These are my landscape photographs.
Top- ISO 250, f/3.5, 1/1000 sec
Bottom- ISO 100, f/3.5, 1/250 sec
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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These are my nature photographs.
Top- ISO 360, f/4.2, 1/1000sec
Bottom- ISO 560, f/5.6, 1/500 sec
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
This photo was referenced from Art Wolfe. This is a landscape image, a horizon and a larger view is visible.  this s a view of Svalbard, Norway including icebergs floating in the water with a sharp ray of sun peering out from behind one of the chunks of ice. this photo looks cold and refreshing through the screen. The background of the image holds mountains lining the horizon breaking it up in to a zig zag.  The depth of field is amazing in this picture because nothing in it is extremely blurry or unfocused. the photograph as well is broken up into the rules of third with the horizon, mountains and sky splitting the image. The ray of sun that is captured helps create a a ice warming feeling in the photo, almost like a summer is coming even though it is a frozen body. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
The image that is being referenced is linked. 
The second photo is a landscape photo. Is taken in Dimond Gorge, Mornington Sanctuary, Kimberley region, Western Australia. this photo drew me in by the outrageous orange reflection next to the toned down rocks. the way the artist got the perfect angle to have what I believe are orange fall colored tree leaves reflecting off of a very still body of water. In this photo the horizon line is created by the outer bank rocks where the river meets. The focus of this picture is the rocks that are in the middle of this reflective pond although they are just grey and dull next to the bright orange reflection with out the rocks you would have a hard time fathoming how bright the background is and helps to add value to the photograph. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
The image I'm pulling and referencing are from Art Wofle’s gallery. Website image link is given.  
The first photo I want to focus on is the Artic shrimp photo. The photo is considered nature photography. This has great composition. The light orange and red of the body of the shrimp is a great contrast to the dark brown and black rocky background, which I think are lava rocks. This photo was taken on a camera that has a super HD zoom lens due to the crisp clarity of this small shrimp among the rocks.  As well I believe this photo follows the golden spiral or Fibonacci spiral rule. The placement of the shrimp in the photo is very particular and thought be be directly done by the artist to create his perfect picture. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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6x6 photos
10 images 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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Food photo
camera data- iso 800, aperture f/3.5, shutter speed 1/160 sec 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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Action photo
cameras data-  iso 100, shutter speed 1 sec, aperture f/20 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
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The first photo is an example of a good photo of food. The photo is completely focused on the food and the brownie is well lit from the front. The plate and background and out of focus but still well lit. the crisp white of the plate contracts the dark chocolate brownie. 
the second photo is an example of a bad picture of food. the lighting is bad, not strong enough. the food which is the main subject of the photo is not in focused and the cameras was moved during the picture. the overhead lighting shadows the middle of the food dish. 
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hartliadigitalphoto · 4 years
I got a comment on my three part picture of the sunsets. They were interested how in five minutes the sunset can change so much and also be so similar to the original.  As well a comment on how this is what people think of classically aesthetic picture. 
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