harp-unstrung · 9 minutes
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weird people spend their whole lives dreaming about being normal and then the most basic a*s normies ever come up with the weirdest combinations of labels and diagnosis for themselves so they can brag how special they are
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harp-unstrung · 2 hours
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harp-unstrung · 2 hours
Actually, the reason misgendering is hurtful is because it sucks having people tell you you're something you're not. It's hard enough to be born into the wrong body and to deal with the ways one's mind can try to destroy you because it recognizes how you exist as wrong, it doesn't help that when you ask someone for a little respect they spit in your face. Calling me a woman isn't wrong because being a woman is a bad thing to be, it's wrong because I was never supposed to be one and the "female body" I was born into just feels like a cheap, ill fitting costume that is constantly choking me. All most of us want is to be treated with respect. Me being trans isn't anymore of an ideology than me being bisexual is.
I'm sure it does hurt having someone tell you you're something you're not. When I was a kid my grandma told me dragons aren't real so I can't have one as a pet. Made me cry.
That doesn't make dragons real.
You can't be born in the wrong body, that mindset is born out of a the view that your body is just some vessel for your mind. You are the whole thing. Your body is you. I can understand you may have a condition(s) which make your life harder and I sympathize with that.
You say you were never supposed to be born into a female body; says who? Either you're looking to religion (which I don't ascribe to and can simply tell you I don't share your faith) or you're looking to biology, which has yet to show any actual physical condition which causes a person to be trans. At best you could say you were never supposed to feel you should have been male.
You will never be able to escape your female body, because you are female. Therefore your body will always be a female body. Perhaps if you were a frog or a parrot fish, but alas, we cannot change sex. You might feel no longer trapped if you were "perceived" as male - so you're referring to the societal constructs around male and female, in which case; congrats! That is the core of radical feminism - to deconstruct that. Women are adult female humans in the same way a bull is a male cow. It's just the term used to differentiate our sexually dimorphic species. No further inferences which can be controlled by free will should be ascribed to that, however those decisions made under free will should be analyzed and discussed to identify the societal factors causing them, and to figure out whether there is a biological component.
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harp-unstrung · 3 hours
Yeah like if the situation genuinely was women jumping in with “NoT aLl MeN!! NoT muh boyfran!!” all the time, that would be fucking annoying but personally I haven’t seen that from anyone on my dash. People who say that should butt out, generally speaking.
And I do agree that all women should have a plan for if they need to leave their partner, just like you should have a plan to evacuate your home, change jobs, or whatever, and that there’s a way more significant risk if a woman. That’s obvious too.
But I’m tired too of seeing posts talking down to women with male partners. How come that’s a risk you’re allowed to bully women and be smug about, but then the same people will post about how we should “live our lives despite the risk” for other things?
I don’t even think that original post was that unreasonable either, and neither were most of the responses I saw.
i’ve noticed that radfems with boyfriends have this unspoken belief that they just know how to pick men and therefore they feel better than women who end up with shitty men or that they could never be a woman on the news that just got murdered by her boyfriend/husband… girl just because you haven’t caught ur man watching porn doesn’t mean he’s a good guy. It’s another level of pathetic to be in a space where the actions of men and how they treat women is a very popular topic and then believe ur man is somehow different because you don’t want to be alone……i’m so sorry to the separatists that sit and watch this shit….
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harp-unstrung · 3 hours
if you want to identify as a separatist or radfem and say unhinged things and berate people who take you seriously with “umm just log off idiot! I literally have no power over you! why are you even bothering with this, pretty pathetic of you!!” thats all well and good, but I always see these exact same people complaining that no one listens to them or takes them seriously.
like hmmm I wonder why that is? perhaps it’s because you yourself consistently make it clear that only an idiot would give you the time of day or try to reason with you? do you want to be taken seriously or not lol
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harp-unstrung · 4 hours
u ever see someone with extremely fucked up views (or actions) and think wowww if a couple of things in my life went the tiniest bit differently that would have been me
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harp-unstrung · 9 hours
There are so many intersex fakers on here it boggles the mind. Do you feel no shame?
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harp-unstrung · 9 hours
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I will never understand why it's considered transphobic and bigoted to share stories of detransitioners.
They're the ones who went through the so-called "gender-affirming care" and are now suffering the irreversible side effects that have made them medical patients for life.
And one of the reasons why some of them are sharing their stories is because they don't want another kid who is struggling with their gender identity to go through what they did.
They deserve better care.
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harp-unstrung · 11 hours
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harp-unstrung · 12 hours
“You don’t have to transition you can just be an effeminate man!” is the funniest take to see constantly on tumblr because that is literally word for word what my conservative catholic parents tried to tell me to stop me from transitioning. Are you sure that’s who you want to be agreeing with?
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harp-unstrung · 12 hours
For example, if you're speaking to a receptionist at a medical practice or calling idk your insurance company
I was going to specify "the first time" but then I realized I'm actually more likely to spell my name automatically if I know they're looking it up in a set of records
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harp-unstrung · 12 hours
the corniest thing is when i say pansexuality isn’t real & some pan nerd goes “haha i guess i’m not real then” as a rebuttal like unfortunately ur real but ur bi aiden
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harp-unstrung · 12 hours
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harp-unstrung · 12 hours
I’ve been trying this out and it’s been quite helpful 🤗
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harp-unstrung · 12 hours
Someone pointed it out to me and now I can't stop seeing it - Trans before and after photos often show how they've internalised gender stereotypes, the "woman" pose is sexualised and the "male" pose is neutral and face-on. Even if the "male" pose is shirtless, it's not sexualised to the same degree.
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harp-unstrung · 14 hours
“i asked chatgpt-” ohhh ok so nothing you are about to say matters at all
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harp-unstrung · 24 hours
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