harlequinharry · 6 years
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Madrid, Spain - March 31 (via @1DinXfactor)
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harlequinharry · 6 years
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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harlequinharry · 8 years
listen here friends, I do not give one single shit about kylo ren’s redemption if it ends in his death, okay? like, this kid’s been suffering and manipulated and tormented and used his entire fucking life and I am so not here to see him die heroically in the pursuit of some higher cause so he can ~transcend the bad things he’s done~ or some shit. fuck that.
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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harlequinharry · 8 years
her eyes are so kind and trusting :’(
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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harlequinharry · 8 years
😳 #drawing #sketch
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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There are things that speak to us in different ways.
Words. Pictures. Sounds. Songs. Moments. And People.
Harry has never been a mystery to me. I know that I don’t know him, nor is it likely that I ever will. I know that what we see of him is not nearly close to all of him. I know that he is more than what is told and less than can be said. I know that he is a myriad of things to a multitude of people. And that I am just one of those people, examining my thoughts and feelings, on fragments of his being that have danced and caught the light.
I’ve been a 1D fan since The X Factor. I’ve seen the boy from the bakery become more than just another man. He became who the world knows as Harry Styles™. But inside was always the boy from Holmes Chapel, who he was, and who he was becoming, and now he is finally able to show the depth of what that means. The journey from boy to man, and parts of the road that brought him here. While I’ve touched on my feelings regarding Louis in the past, this mercurial and wonderful soul who fascinates me endlessly and captures my mind so, I’ve never written much about Harry. Not because there is nothing I could say, but because maybe there is too much
Harry. I’ve always identified with him on so many levels, and yet at turns known that I am not at all like him. Harry is beautiful. In all the ways the word can be used. So often my soul, my body, and my mind feel far from beautiful, scars from a lifetime of living and loving in ways that have hurt me, without and within. I’ve never been attracted to Harry, and so the case remains. For me, the draw has always been the kaleidoscope of his character. All these pieces, fallen into new pictures made, over and over, reflecting the light, colour made from fractures in a fairytale. The clothes, the hair, the boots, and charisma, are all things I wish I could wear so easily. The observer of people, the interest in so many mediums, driven at turns by the need to know, with a side of the incredible need to stand up and say, ‘please pay attention’, all stories to be told, are traits I think we share.
He’s someone with whom I often wish I could have a really good conversation with, over good wine, or bad beer. And yet in turn I find the idea of matching wits with him intimidating. Like holding a mirror up to myself and finding myself wanting. All shadow and no reflection. Of all the boys, as remarkable as I find them all in a variety of ways, it is Harry I fear I would appear uninteresting to, were we to meet. With the others I’ve always felt an ease, a common ground I feel I could probably find with each of them. I’m good at talking to people. Yet the idea of doing the same with Harry is scary, because it is like examining myself, and that which captivates me about the world as he gets to see and walk through it, that fascinate me so, and yet feel so very far from me, so close and too far to things I long to say, had I the words, and a world to listen to them.
So yes, I’ve always felt like I’ve seen all the possibility of Harry; all he could say, and be, and become. In times past my favourite thing was when he would share a little piece of himself on Instagram. I didn’t have any desire to ever see his face there, because it always felt like one of the few places I got to see the other parts of him, whether it was an artist who held his interest, a picture he took himself, or a snap of a simple cup of coffee in Copenhagen. I was glad to see those little parts of his existence that told me just a little more about him. Carefully cultivated, but still Harry all the same. I always felt like the world had enough pictures of Harry Styles, I alone have hundreds, collected from gigs over the years, in the pursuit of capturing the almost perfect shot that encapsulates how I see him. I never wanted to see more of his face. I just wanted to see more of him.
And so here we are today. Pictures by the dozen, as glorious and varied as the images made by that kaleidoscope, as it tumbles from one beam of light to another. Stunning every one. Each with something to say. And there they are matched by the words of a friend, a mentor, and a sibling. Different viewpoints for the different parts of him the world gets to see, or rarely see, as the case may be. Perhaps best of all, are his own words, married with images of things that mean something to him. Snapshots of his existence. Words. Pictures. Sounds. Songs. Moments. And People.
And yet of all these things, as evocative and entrancing as they each are in their turn, awash with emotion as I have been today at the various parts that make up the whole of it, it is those three small words, from the image at the top of this post that have reached inside me the most.
Dedicated to Matt.
Those three words are the ones that speak loudest to me today. They speak of a love, appreciation, and a friendship, from one person to another. An acknowledgement of how one existence can brush against another and leave indelible traces behind. Every particle of who we are living on in ways we cannot know. I have touched on my feelings about Matt’s life, work, and death, and the impact they have had on me in the past, and I don’t wish to go into it too deeply here, but I’m so grateful that he and Harry met, and that they shared a love of this particular artform. This speaking without words.
As I look through the many photographs gifted to us from Another Man, I’m reminded of another one that has long been, and will always remain, my favourite picture of Harry. It is such, because from the moment I first saw it I felt like it best captured the essence of Harry as I believe him to be. A creator and a curator of art. An artist. A photograph that caught this glimpse that went beyond the icon, beyond the persona, beyond the image. That saw that potential. The other man behind the camera. Ready to show the world as he sees it.
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There are things that speak to us in different ways.
As I write this, I’m listening to Walking in the Wind, a song I find difficult to listen to too often, for many reasons. But tonight I find I can listen and find comfort in it. It speaks, and for a moment, so can I.
Thank you Matt, thank you Harry, and thank you to all that worked on Another Man. Thank you to all those that took the time to look at this life through a lens, and to share it with those of us that would see.
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harlequinharry · 8 years
im glad sub harry is Confirmed™
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harlequinharry · 8 years
after having some time to calm down enough to stop typing in caps lock exclusively, i really just want to share my love for harry from the point of view of someone who merely watches and admires him from afar, as someone who doesn’t really know him personally and probably never will.
watching him from a distance really just opened my eyes to how truly vulnerable he is. he is scrutinized from every angle by people who range from casual onlookers to dedicated fans. everyday he is judged based off his facade painted by the media, and so many mistakenly take it as who he is. they forget that that isn’t him at all. 
this magazine has provided an alley for harry to show sides of himself that is either overlooked by most or was hidden from the public altogether. we get to dig deeper into his love for art, poetry, music, and fashion. we get to see a few of his inner thoughts, the thoughts that go through his head as he’s shifted into living in the limelight. and most importantly, we get to see the little things, those trinkets and pieces of himself immortalized into physical things that may not mean much to us but mean the world to him.
all the pictures he had were shot in holmes chapel, because he knew how important it is to get to his roots, to show people that this really is him. he dropped his walls and became art himself, confident in who he is and what he has achieved.
my love for harry as an outsider to his world will burn strong forever. i know that i only see the parts of him that he allows me and the whole world to see, but to me, that’s more than enough. he gave us so much despite the risk of what the harsh world could say about him. what i see is not who he is entirely and i’m happy he gets to keep the most important things only for the ones who matter the most to him. he showed so much more than he was ever obligated to because he’s had such a character development over the years and he has learned to embrace the ups and downs of his life.
harry may never see this, but i don’t care. all i care about is his happiness, and i’m so glad he got to feel that with this.
im so proud of you harry.
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harlequinharry · 8 years
otp: terrible at fishing and causing liam distress
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harlequinharry · 8 years
otp: terrible at fishing and causing liam distress
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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thE trUTH
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harlequinharry · 8 years
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for sky_reid’s Connoisseurs of Comfort
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harlequinharry · 8 years
I’m still waiting on the actual interview to come out on Thursday to have a solid opinion on this… But I still would like to point out some things that stood out for me:
- Harry made an actual line on his Instagram account. A line. Separating his old posts from the covers, almost like he’s making it very clear that there’s a separation between his old persona from now;  
- We say Harry is a dramatic hoe, but this was literally just it. He posted the covers. And that’s it. No “hidden messages”, which is unusual of him;
- It’s quite amusing how we’ve never seen Harry’s face on his own account, almost as if, besides all of those cryptic posts, and now the line drawn in it, it wasn’t really HIM. It was barely his shadow; 
- Now THIS IS THE HARRY he himself wants the public to see and so that’s what the line is about and why he finally posted his covers, his FACE.  He finally put his FACE on it. 
I’m very very excited for what’s about to come. I think we’ll finally get a glimpse of what the real Harry Styles™ is, and not that lothario-womanizer shit we’ve been presented these last six years. 
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