harlanmcde-blog · 7 years
carryburdens :
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          ❝  put  the  gun  down,   crowder,  no  one  needs  to  get  hurt  here,   bullets  don’t  need  to  fly  and   maybe  i  don’t  need  to  slap  cuffs  on  you  and  take  you  in  for  threatening  a  police  officer.   all  i  see  is  a  COWARD,   a  man  who  has  to  hold  a  weapon  towards  someone  to  make  himself  feel  bigger  than  them  ;  not  an  ounce  of  courage  in  you,   is  there,  boyd  ?  how  about  you  answer  me  this  –  what  do  you  think  is  gonna  happen  if  you  pull  that  trigger,  huh  ?   you  think  you’re  gonna  get  away  like  this  never  happened  ?  tell me,  asshole,   what  do  you  think  is  gonna  happen  ?  ❞
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   ⌈   *:・゚✧・: *     ❝   EVEN IF YOU stand there with badge of authority,  those kinda curses cannot be tolerated in this establishment.  see,  me  &  my men   ----  we got a sense of order.  calm before the storm,  as it were   ;   civility when it comes to conversation between two folk seeking conclusions.    now y’wanna say that makes me a COWARD,  no ma’am.   i ain’t the one invading your place of privacy,  your very home spilling accussations that cannot be understood.  —-    i think if i pull this trigger,   there will be a mighty hell rainin’ down upon the Crowders.   that storm will be ragin’.   maybe it’s WORTH it   ----    ❞    i have killed others for less.   ⌋
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harlanmcde-blog · 7 years
carryburdens :
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           ❝  you  forgettin’  what  happened  last  time  you  pointed  a  gun  at  me,  crowder  ?   you  ended  up  with  a  hole  in  your  chest,   lucky  i  missed  what  should  be  your  HEART,   you  really  wanna  go  there  again  ?   ‘cause  trust  me,  boyd,   i  can  make  sure  i  don’t  miss  this  time.  so  ask  yourself  this  …  do  you  really  wanna  have  a  stand  off  with  raylan  givens  again  ?   you  wanna  make  this  one  the  one  that  counts  ?   go  ahead,   TRY  to  pull  the  trigger,   crowder,   i  dare  you  –  let’s  see  how  this  plays  out.  ❞
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    ⌈   *:・゚✧・: *     ❝   WELL C’MON NOW.   ain’t ‘bout luck ‘cos as the lawman ever preaches   -----    you never miss a shot.   livin’ breathin’ motto that makes ol’ raylan givens feel more SUPERIOR than he really is.   please do correct me if i’m wrong.  ❞    perhaps today will not be the day bullet explodes from chamber,  destination thrust towards soul once considered FRIEND.  no matter what the circumstanes  &   perhaps such relationship has shifted into enemies,   realization still cascades.  not today,  not today,  not today   ;   through fear   ??  never shroud boyd crowder in such emote,  but through thread of sentiment that cannot be scissored.          ❝    ----   i ain’t been to Confession in many moons,   raylan   ;  lord strike me down for my sins,  but i can reveal that you ASTOUND me.   almost makes a man wanna rethink his decision,  put the gun on the table  &   offer the grand marshal a drink.   ❞  ⌋
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harlanmcde-blog · 8 years
carryburdens :
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          shield  was  raised,   defense  intact  as  he  GLARED  towards  the  man  known  as  boyd  crowder.          ❝  what  i  see  is  nothing  special,   nothing  i  haven’t  seen  before  –  i’ve  seen  kids  with  more  bite  than  you,   pal,   you  pointing  a  gun  at  me  doesn’t  phase  me,   you  should  be  the  one  rethinking  your  choices  right  now.  ❞         head  tilted,   slight  scoff  slipping  past  his  lips.          ❝  i  got  plenty  of  choices  here,  the  way  i  see  it,   is  that  YOU  only  got  one  choice.   you  drop  the  gun,  you  give  up  the  act  and  you  realize  this  is  getting  you  no  where.   you  pull  that  trigger,   i  raise  this  shield  so  fast  that  the  bullet  will  bounce  back  and  take  YOU  out  instead.   play  your  cards,  boyd,  see  how  that  turns  out  for  you.  ❞
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     ⌈   *:・゚✧・: *     ❝   THAT WHAT Y’SEE,  HUH  ??    ❞    disappointment almost prickles,   curling smile of judgement ‘pon hollowed features,   focus however PARALYZED against the other    ;   meet your maker,  mighty captain at hands of righteous outlaw.   brand cowardice into marrow  &  flesh as shield becomes extension,  defense that sets MOCKERY aflame within depths.   at least the prospect of options looms ‘pon the rise.       ❝  oh,  i do think y’hurting my feelings there,   steven rogers.   'cos see now i don’t think it’s fair y’get a scrap of protection in the guise of that very shield but i sit here with just a simple pistol with four rounds in the chamber.   not a lick on me but the shirt on my back  !!   so  ----  what do we do about that  ??   how do i,  as you said so eloquently,  play my cards   ??     ain’t much of a MAN’S GAME if you’re just gonna hide.    ❞  ⌋
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harlanmcde-blog · 8 years
carryburdens :
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          ❝  what  i  see  …  is  a  pathetic  excuse  of  a  man.   a  man  who  thinks  pointing  weaponry  towards  the  one  evidently  BETTER  than  he  is,   the  one  who  our  savior  claimed a s  the  one  and  only  ;   you  think  if  you  take  me  out,   you  BECOME  me  ?   never  have  i  ever  heard  anythin’  so  stupid  in  all  my  life.  ❞            taking  a  step  forward,  the  gap  between  them  was  now  closed,   boyd  staring  towards  his  doppelganger,   features  mere  inches  from  the  barrel  of  opposing  gun  ;   smirk  embedded  against   his  profile.              ❝  ——  let’s  see  if  you  got  what  it  takes,   huh  ?  do  it,   pull  the  damn  trigger.  ❞
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    ⌈   *:・゚✧・: *     ❝   I’M GIVIN’ YA AN INCH,   ain’t surprised y’wanna take a county mile.   ❞    if anger streams through hardened essence,   does WRATH towards his own self arise   ??   confusion perhaps for another time,  gall from reflection unwavering concrete grip ‘pon metallic extension.  against third hand of the Lord’s right hand man.    ❝  but now now,  mister crowder.   ain’t like that.    i ain’t a man aimin’ to take someone elses’ crown,   envy  &  replacin’ is a Devil’s game that i ain’t willin’ to play    ----   see here,  i got BIGGER plans that don’t concern you.   that’s my predicament right here  &  now,   that whole crossroads that signals mighty damination upon your sorry soul.   sticking y’head into the fire like you’re commandin’ me right now   ??   that don’t fly with me.  ❞         muzzle presses ‘pon opposed,  silver meeting flesh of forehead.   ❝  still waitin’ for you to give me ANOTHER choice. ❞  ⌋
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harlanmcde-blog · 8 years
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     ⌈   *:・゚✧・: *     ❝   I SIT HERE,    colt in my hand  &   regret in my heart,   seeing none other choice for you.   no crossroad,    no other direction,  nothing but end of the line down the barrel of a loaded gun.   maybe y’got a solution rolling around in that head of yours,    huh   ??   something that can sweeten the honeypot,    get a man to rethink his decision    ----     is boyd crowder,   sitting here,  seeing clear as God’s crystal sky or am i BLIND   ??   ❞     hammer cocks,   calloused thumb imprint ‘pon metallic weaponry    ;   TARGET bound within outlaw sights.         ❝  now y’answer me this   ----   what do you see  ??  ❞   ⌋
*:・゚✧・:  O P E N
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