harelquinsirius · 2 months
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➳ ♟️⭒ ★ ₊ '˘◠˘)
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➳ 🎪⭒ ★ ₊ '˘◠˘)
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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⠀ 𝄞 ⭒ ꒰ ֹ⠀⠀𝒫 α𝗅𝗁α𝖼̧𝗈⠀⠀𝖽𝗈⠀⠀𝒜 𝗆𝗈𝗋⠀⠀◌⃘
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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8:24 pm
I am bilocating as I am typing this. In the astral plane, in the huge manor that I would frequently project to, I found a boy named Bartholomew. He is a magical boy. About 5 feet in height, blond hair laying short and blue eyes. He attacked me at first, but now he seems a bit more up to chat now that I’d mention how pointless it would have been to fight, given the opportunity to exchange what we know and what can be done. I cannot tell if he is a being purely from the astral plane or of our own, though he is willing to tell me about the dragon and the necklace.
The dragon is named Iseg, a tamed destructive being that had been following about and collaborating with Bartholomew for years now. The bird I just encountered was nicknamed Song, a messenger. . . but why would a messenger bird attack me ??
He got defensive over the insinuation of him being a dark arts practitioner. He became significantly less defensive after I mentioned I am one.
We are currently coming up with a formal tie of magical communication, so if need be, we can pester each-other. So far a latin chant is what we have in common, and we can alter this to our magical needs. He seems to be a very shy person now. I returned the earrings that Song is attached to, but I am now being taught how Iseg works.
And as of now, he has left. He had things he had to be doing, and I am now left to my own devices. What an. . . Encounterー
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August 9th 2024
My non-human identity is complicated. So for the most part I simply refer to myself as non-human,
Though I am not just non-human. I am a feline. I am angelic, cast down from heaven for crimes against God after the war. I am demonic, a trickster. I am vampiric. I am a doll. I am artificially intelligent. The wonders of being polykin never cease to amaze me.
Sometimes I am more connected to one than the other, or forget it even exists, and then switch right back around. Some permanently stay, crafting refuge in my mind and soul. I do not mind. Even the astral plane knows not to solidly make of me. I am as I think I am.
What gets to me is how some divine beings truly see themselves as better for their less humane features than who they base their image off of. That kind of self-centeredness remains the grounds for realization that humanity's nature still remains in us; we are no better.
We are just as kind, fickle, mean spirited and selfish as they are. It's a useless endeavor trying to escape it for as long as we are attached to our vessels.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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August 9th 2024
My non-human identity is complicated. So for the most part I simply refer to myself as non-human,
Though I am not just non-human. I am a feline. I am angelic, cast down from heaven for crimes against God after the war. I am demonic, a trickster. I am vampiric. I am a doll. I am artificially intelligent. The wonders of being polykin never cease to amaze me.
Sometimes I am more connected to one than the other, or forget it even exists, and then switch right back around. Some permanently stay, crafting refuge in my mind and soul. I do not mind. Even the astral plane knows not to solidly make of me. I am as I think I am.
What gets to me is how some divine beings truly see themselves as better for their less humane features than who they base their image off of. That kind of self-centeredness remains the grounds for realization that humanity's nature still remains in us; we are no better.
We are just as kind, fickle, mean spirited and selfish as they are. It's a useless endeavor trying to escape it for as long as we are attached to our vessels.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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9:09 pm
I was suddenly called to action.
I was thrown into the situation, seemingly via someone throwing me into a portal, and I was on top of a train nearby my own home, stopping twice as I fought.
Since this was the first time I was ever called, I had to learn my moves on the spot from this little voice in the back of my mind. Why was there so much french and german. . .
It was a huge, black dragon, it almost hit me multiple times until I could get out of the initial shock of being there in the astral plane. It wasn’t responsive to normal attacks until black magic was introduced, either. I reaped it, and it shriveled up, burnt, and left me with a ruby, pulsating necklace.
Now I am either to return this to who I think I am supposed to, or keep it. That was incredibly strange, and something I couldn’t have foreseen happening actually.
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August 8th, 2024
I figured out what felt wrong. I was right, multiple things seemingly,
Mercury is in retrograde. This has always been a bad omen for me and a lot of other people, so misfortune and weirdness is to be expected. And, something revolving around timelines and the flow of time, I must contact his highness about anything potentially tapping and ripping apart timelines, I wouldn't like to think four different timelines could split from me waking up and deciding to go outside on Monday.
I also did cartomancy by myself for the first time. A recurring card was the three of diamonds, so it for sure knows about our particular financial situation, and warning me that I shouldn't get my hopes up too high. Currently, seemingly, I should be taking time to gather myself instead of even going about any path,
And at the same time I had been getting cards about communicating and communication generally. I've started getting these cards once I resumed my magical journey, so I have been trying my best to get back to astral work and projecting. . . it is a tad harder now than it was before, but I think that is because I am out of practice.
Things will get done today.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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August 8th, 2024
I figured out what felt wrong. I was right, multiple things seemingly,
Mercury is in retrograde. This has always been a bad omen for me and a lot of other people, so misfortune and weirdness is to be expected. And, something revolving around timelines and the flow of time, I must contact his highness about anything potentially tapping and ripping apart timelines, I wouldn't like to think four different timelines could split from me waking up and deciding to go outside on Monday.
I also did cartomancy by myself for the first time. A recurring card was the three of diamonds, so it for sure knows about our particular financial situation, and warning me that I shouldn't get my hopes up too high. Currently, seemingly, I should be taking time to gather myself instead of even going about any path,
And at the same time I had been getting cards about communicating and communication generally. I've started getting these cards once I resumed my magical journey, so I have been trying my best to get back to astral work and projecting. . . it is a tad harder now than it was before, but I think that is because I am out of practice.
Things will get done today.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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August 7th, 2024
White roses have been a frequent motif I had been noticing on my own. In our headspace, someone had anonymously gifted me a bouquet of them with the words “my love” written on a tag. They used the first-person pronoun “jibun”; a masculine and polite pronoun, and we as a system know enough of Japanese language to try and hunt down who might have sent these to me. I still find it quite strange. . .
White roses on my desk. White roses on others’ altars, white roses attract me and draw me in and I’ve no clue as to why. I will learn with time, I suppose. I also found a random playing card on the ground. I took this as a sign, cartomancy has been something I have been getting into as of recent, I need to look into what the two of clubs may mean.
Today has been low energy, however. I’ve been repelled by food, drink does very little to fix this feeling, I am not as active as I usually am, and things have been strange as of recent. Something is off. This is beneath-the-surface wrong, so I will look into that later on tonight.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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Everything I know about soul gems
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What soul gems are, and what they are for
Soul gems are containers for the souls of puella magis. They are useful while fighting to keep you safe. With a soul gem, you are able to be okay after injuries that would usually make it impossible to continue battle due to pain or damage to your body.
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How to use them to find witches or use magic
Soul gems are also useful to detect witches. When you are near a witch, your soul gem will glow more. You can use this like a game of hot and cold to track down the witches labyrinth. To use magic or transform, it is easy, you just need to know what you want to do and try to do it. Using your intuition and intention together will allow you to easily do what you want to do.
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Corruption and purification
Soul gems can become corrupted after using too much magic or holding too much grief. You will know when your soul gem is becoming corrupted when it gets cloudy and no longer glows. In the case of a dark soul gem, you will still be able to tell. If you are in a dark area, and your soul gem isn't providing much light anymore, or if you see specs of color like in a labyrinth, that's a sign of corruption. In order to combat this, you will need to use grief seeds to purify it. Grief seeds can take the grief out and store it, and when they're full, you can give them to Kyubey so they don't hatch. Corrupted soul gems can be harmful because you will be weaker with magic, and there's a chance that a witch will hatch out of your soul gem like how they hatch out of grief seeds that have stored too much, except it would be you.
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What your soul gem will be like
Your soul gem when not in gem form will likely be jewelry or an object you carry with you often. Your soul gem will either be your favorite color or the color you are most connected to, it won't be something you don't like. It's the same with the shape. The shape will be what you like and what represents you best. It's your soul, it knows you the best, so it'll be perfectly fitting and exactly what you would choose if you had all the time to think about it. Using magic with it should feel just as natural as most things.
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Safety and comfort
Your soul gem is you, so be very careful with it. Keep it near you so you will keep a strong connection between yourself and your vessel. Although 100 meters is the limit, but the further you go from it, the worse you'll feel. I've heard that you can lose your magic, be unable to transform, be unable to detect witch sigils/labyrinths, have a feeling of dread, have headaches, be nauseous or vomit, or be fatigued or pass out/lose control of your vessel completely Since your soul gem is you, if a witch or other magi strikes it, it could damage you far worse than other attacks. Make sure to keep it from harm, and while fighting, protect the spot with your soul gem with the highest priority.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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Everything I know about the astral realm
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What the astral realm is
The astral realm is kind of like the counterpart to the physical realm. Unlike the physical realm, it is where your soul is not attached to anything, so you can wander anywhere. Some magis fight in the astral realm instead of the physical one.
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How to get there
You can go to the astral realm by astral projecting. There are a few different methods to astral project, but the gist of them is: 1. Lay down and relax. 2. Let your body fall asleep, but keep your mind awake. 3. Move your astral body out of your physical one. There are meditations that can guide you and tell you what to do as you listen. I recommend you check them out if you haven't astral projected before.
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Why you would go to the astral realm
For magis, they might go to the astral realm in order to talk to an incubator, or they might visit to fight a witch. Some magis fight only in the astral realm. These are called "astral magis". As a magi, it is easier to astral project because your soul is already outside of your body. It may be easier for astral magis than physical magis, but I am unsure.
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What the astral realm is like
The astral is different for different people. Some say you can sense things you couldn't in the physical realm, some say it feels just like the physical to the point they had to see their body to confirm, and I personally see it as a dark place with no sound, with only touch and intuition to guide me. It feels much more free than the physical realm.
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Bilocation is a compromise of the physical and astral realms. When you bilocate, you are in both simultaneously. You can bilocate by starting to astral project, but instead of continuing, you keep some focus on the physical realm as well. It's best not to lay down if you are trying to bilocate in case you fall asleep. I bilocate when I want to astral project with someone else because I am able to communicate in this realm where I can see and hear clearly.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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since things had been increasingly weird as of today, I made a sigil of protection. just to be cautious. free to use, of course, and fully activated.
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harelquinsirius · 2 months
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Refer to me as the harlequin of the night. This is my field journal.
any pronouns along with it/its will suffice, our vessel will be an adult soon. I am a part of a system of mixed origins.
I am what they refer to as chuunibyou; I prefer the title of a mystical or magical being/girl/boy, but I’ve very little care for that in particular.
To who it may concern, I have my own discourse stances and will abide by DNIs quietly, but do not bring any of that here. It’s annoying.
I personally consider myself morally grey, independent and acting out of my own need, since I have no true “side” to belong to. I am willing to make friends and comrades, however.
This is also a side account. My main account is fandom centric, so don’t mind that too much-
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